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  • What do you think of when you contemplate the future?

    當你深思未來時 你想到什麼?

  • For Jacque Fresco, this is what it looks like.

    對於雅克.法斯科來說 未來是這樣子的:

  • A future where technology is harnessed for all and money has no relevance.

    一個掌握科技 使其造福全人類的未來 而金錢將是無關的

  • Sound far-fetched? Well at 94, the reality is that it's a future Jacque will never see.

    聽起來無法想像? 嗯 事實上未來會是94歲的法斯科將無法看到的

  • But it won't stop him spending the next seven months traveling the globe promoting his vision.

    但這不會停止他花費接下來的七個月 去環遊世界宣傳他的願景

  • It's called "The Venus Project" and he says "50 million people around the world

    叫作"金星計畫" 而他說全世界有五千萬人

  • are now involved or aware of it,"


  • but of what? I caught up with Jacque earlier today and asked if

    但那又怎樣? 我今天稍早聯絡上法斯科並問他

  • what he was promoting was, quite simply, utopia?


  • No. There's no such thing.

    不 沒有這種東西

  • The reason there's no such thing as utopia, is because,


  • if you design the best building you know how to design,

    因為 如果你設計了你認知內最佳的建築物

  • that's the best you know up to now.

    那只是你到那一刻為止 所知最好的

  • With the advent of new material, the city will keep changing.

    隨著新材質的出現 城市將會改變

  • There's no best laptop.


  • Next year they'll be smaller, lighter, wider range.

    下一年將會有更小 更輕 種類更多的

  • Cameras no longer use film.


  • So you can't design the best camera.


  • You can only design the best that you know of up to now.

    你只能設計到目前為止 你所知道最好的

  • No utopias, no final frontiers.

    沒有烏托邦 沒有最後極限

  • But for you, your vision of the future...

    但對你來說 你對未來的願景...

  • always changing.


  • But you look at some of your designs, some of your visions for the future,

    但看看一些你的設計 和一些你對未來的願景

  • and people say, "Yeah, look it's like you might have seen in popular mechanics from the 50s."

    人們會說:「對啦 看起來就像是 你可能在1950年代看到的大眾機械那樣」

  • You know, "This is what's going to be like in 1999..."

    你懂的 「這會是1999年機械的樣子...」之類的

  • No. Nothing like that.

    不 不是像那樣

  • Hollywood shows you spaceships and people using laser weapons.


  • They take the same cowboys and indians, and put' em in spaceships.

    但他們叫上同樣的牛仔和印第安人 並把他們放到太空船裡

  • That is not the future.


  • That's man's concept of this limited society that doesn't teach you how to think and look ahead.

    這是人們的預設 這個受限的社會未教導你如何思考並向前看

  • If we don't live in accordance with the nature of the Earth,

    如果我們的生活 未與地球的自然資源達成和諧

  • if we don't live in accordance with the natural resources, we can't live.

    如果我們未與自然資源達成和諧 我們就活不了

  • You can't designate a population of 10 million without doing a study of the resources you have.

    你不能指引一千萬人 而卻不去調查研究你擁用的資源

  • After you study, we have enough resources to support so many billions of people and

    在你調查研究之後 我們就有足夠的資源 來維持好幾十億人的生活

  • if you exceed that, you're going to have starvation, malnutrition, territorial disputes.

    如果你超過資源的用量 你將會有饑餓 營養不良 領土紛爭

  • If you maintain a population in accordance with the carrying capacity of the Earth,

    如果你維持的人口 與地球的承載能力符合一致

  • no opinions of senators.


  • Politics was great... a hundred years ago.


  • Today it's all obsolete.


  • You're talking revolution.


  • No.

  • When society breaks down...


  • Technical revolution...


  • ...but when society breaks down then they'll want to do it a different way.

    ...但當社會崩潰時 人們將會想用不同的方式去做事

  • I'm sorry about that, but it seems that conditions were so abusive, in some lands,

    我對此感到遺憾 但看起來狀況在某些國家中是如此泛濫

  • that they put in socialism, communism, whatever, or fascism;

    以致於人們加入社會主義 共產主義 其它東西 或法西斯主義

  • that fits the conditions that people live under.


  • None of them are the solution.


  • All governments, all through history, have been corrupt.

    有史以來 所有的政府一直都是腐敗的

  • You must know that people look at your concepts.


  • Yes, I have...

    是的 我了解

  • ...and with utmost respect, Jacque, they will say, "You're a crazy old man."

    ...雅克 最極端的說法是人們會說:「你這個瘋老頭」

  • I understand that. This is not unusual.

    我了解這些反應 這是很正常的

  • Every move from women's rights, to child labor, were fought with battles, all the time.

    一直以來 人類的每一步 從女權運動到童工權益都充滿著鬥爭

  • No new system ever came in smoothly.


  • Man is the dumbest animal. He pollutes the ocean, the air, the rivers, the atmosphere, and people.

    人類是最蠢的動物 把海洋汙染如灰 汙染了空氣 河川 大氣和人類本身

  • They put themselves on a pedestal, [and say] they were the highest form of life.

    人類...把自己視為完人 認為自己是「萬物之靈」

  • That's an ego trip. They're not. We're not civilized yet.

    這是自我滿足 人們不是萬物之靈 我們尚未文明化

  • As long as you have prisons, police, armies, navies; we are not civilized.

    只要你有監獄 警察 軍隊 海軍 那我們就不文明

  • Until the world learns to live together, constructively,


  • that'll be the beginning of the scientific age.


  • We're not there yet.


  • Look at you now, you're touring around, you're talking to people.

    看看你 你正在四處環遊與人們對談

  • Yes.


  • And you're 94 years old.


  • Yes.


  • You haven't got anything better to do?


  • No. Not now, I'm afraid of the direction that man is taking.

    沒有 不是現在 我擔心人類正在前進的方向

  • We have bombs now that are like a thousand times greater than the one dropped on Hiroshima.

    我們現在有威力比投在廣島的原子彈 還強上數千倍的炸彈

  • How stupid can you be? What can you accomplish with that?

    人類能蠢到何種地步? 你用炸彈可以成就什麼呢?

  • The United States has 300 submarines, and according to the Navy,

    美國有300艘潛水艇 而且據海軍的說法

  • each one has more destructive power than all the wars in history;

    每一艘的武力 都比歷史上所有戰爭的總武力還更具毀滅性

  • what are you going to accomplish with that? A burnt-out radioactive planet;

    你用這個將能成就什麼呢? 一個燃燒殆盡 充滿輻射物質的星球

  • you won the war?


  • What do you win?


  • It's much easier to bring the nations of the world together, not kill those that don't agree with you.

    更簡單的是把世界上的國家團結在一起 而不是殺了那些不同意你的人

  • Bring them together...


  • Is your life in danger?


  • My life is always in danger, it's always been in danger.

    我的生命總是受到威脅 總是受到威脅

  • I developed the first flying wing aircraft, I had nothing but trouble.

    我開發了第一架飛翼式飛行器 後來我得到的只有麻煩

  • I do all I can do, rather than fear death. I don't fear death.

    我盡我所能而不是害怕死亡 我不畏懼死亡

  • I fear where man is going. The hell they can produce is unbelievable.

    我害怕人類的去向 人類能製造出的鬼屁問題是無法置信的

  • Because of human, not really human stupidity, they're not educated in our schools.

    因為人們沒有受到我們想法的熏陶 而不是人們真的愚蠢

  • If I took every soldier, I would educate them to be problem solvers, not killing machines.

    如果我帶領每一位士兵 我會教育他們成為問題解決者 而不是殺人機器

  • An amazing guy, he once joined the Ku Klux Klan

    一位不可思議的人 他曾經加入三K黨(種族主義組織 奉行白人至上)

  • just to persuade them that what they were doing was wrong.


  • Look, in case you're wondering about that flying wing aircraft Jacque mentioned there,

    萬一你對雅克提到的飛翼式飛行器感到好奇 聽著:

  • he was working at Douglas Aircraft when the first Northrop flying wing was developed.

    他曾在道格拉斯飛行器公司工作 開發了第一架諾斯洛普飛翼

  • In layman's terms, it's a bit like the predecessor to the Stealth Bomber.

    用外行人的話來說 它有點像隱形轟炸機的前身

  • The technology Jacque Fresco designed went on to be patented by the US Air Force.

    雅克.法斯科設計出的科技 受到美國空軍的專利保障

  • Now if you're interested in hearing more,


  • he's going to be giving a lecture at Auckland tomorrow night.


  • I think that's at the Hopetoun Alpha; the details will be on our website

    我想會是在霍普頓.阿爾法 細節會在我們的網站上

  • and we'll have the full interview available there as well.


What do you think of when you contemplate the future?

當你深思未來時 你想到什麼?


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