字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 For the first time, we have the capability, 人類史上頭一遭 我們擁有必要的能力 the technology, and the knowledge 科技與知識 to achieve a global society of abundance for all. 為所有人實現一個充滿富足的全球社會 The question is: 問題只有一個: What kind of world do we want to live in? 我們想住在怎樣的世界中? If we continue as we are, 如果我們繼續現狀走下去 the consequences will surely be dire. 後果絕對淒慘無比 We are presently depleting natural resources 人類掠奪自然資源的速度 50% faster than the planet can renew. 比地球自我更新和恢復的能力還快上50% Are we incapable of anticipating and planning for our future? 人類真的無法預測並規劃未來? Are politicians competent to manage the world around us? 政客真的有能力來管理我們四周的世界? Are we innately flawed in ways we can't change? 人類真的有無法改變的先天人性缺陷? We often hear our worst qualities are inborn. 我們常聽到 人類最差的特質都是"天生的" Only human nature! -"就是人性啦 一切免談!" -人類的"文化"沒有比較厲害 The culture doesn't know any better. 大多數人不知道何種力量型塑了人類的行為 They don't know what forces are involved in shaping human behavior. 所以人們只會靠唄該該叫:"問題就是人性啦!" Therefore they say "That's human nature." 這就是大錯特錯的原因! That's where they're wrong. 決定行為的因素 The Determinants of Behavior 所以"行為科學"的應用 So the science of behavior needs to be applied 要像物理 化學與生物那樣 like the sciences of physics, chemistry, and biology have been. 但這就是我們的文化中欠缺的一塊拼圖 That's the one missing ingredient in our culture. 而這一點就是最難克服的地方 And that's the toughest one because it opposes 因為大多數人仍只會主張"問題在人性啦" 囧 the way that most people think about themselves. 但若未改變型塑我們價值觀的環境 If the surroundings that establish our values remain unaltered, 同樣的行為就會持續下去 the same behaviors will persist. 如果你製作關於現代文化的未來電影 If you made a movie of the present day culture, 絕對會是一齣恐怖片 in the future, it would be a horror film. 野蠻? 野蠻! Savage? - Savage! 拯救地球? 他們想要你的錢! - Saving the planet? They want their money! 我們生活中的所有建制機構 都被金錢腐化了 Every institution that we live in is corrupted by money. 我們目前就是使用"法幣"系統(信用本位) It's a fiat system that we operate under and 實際上 只是某人在電腦螢幕上的某處輸入數字罷了 it's actually someone punching numbers on a computer somewhere. 這是今日製造金錢的方式 That is how we manufacture money today. 實際上目前擁有的就是犯罪的企業 You have what is effectively a criminal enterprise 玩弄著人們的注意力 資源與時間 based on the manipulation of people's attention, resources, and time 只為了從人們身上榨取金錢價值 in order to extract value from them. 他們就是用那種方式盜取我們的金錢 They're stealing money from us that way. 他們盜取我們辛苦努力與勞動的果實 They're stealing the results of our efforts and our labor. 媒體轉變為只會附和並宣傳財團企業的利益 The media's morphed into just peddling the corporate interests of 而這些"金錢主宰"操控著政治系統 the money masters that control the political establishment. 企業財團的利益優先實現 Those interests are going to be served first 剩下所有東西都再說吧 and everything is going to be secondary. 這就是悲慘的現實 And that's the sad reality of it. 司法犯罪系統中 Up to 40 to 50 percent of the people 高達40%至50%的罪犯都是黑人 in our criminal justice system are black men. 而黑人佔了總人口的約5% And black men make up roughly five percent of the nation's population. 我想人們可以討論並思辨箇中原由 And I think people can discuss and debate the causes for that, 這點同樣適用於結構性的歧視 and this goes for everything from institutional racism, 警方政策的執行等等 但我認為最終所有一切 policing practices, and that; but I think at the end of the day 可歸結於"階級" 因為我想少數族群 it all boils down to class, as I think that the reason racial minorities 不成比例地被監禁 are disproportionally incarcerated 正是因為他們也不成比例地"貧窮" is because they're also disproportionally poor. 真正的成本代價為何? What are the Real Costs? 目前的能源基礎建設模式 The current energy infrastructure, 已經實行了很長一段時間 which has been going on for a long time, 已導致了溫室氣體的累積 也產生了 has resulted in the accumulation of greenhouse gasses and particles 導致全球氣候暖化的氣體微粒 that cause warming of the earth's climate. 而自從上一次的冰河期結束以來 And the earth's climate is warming at a rate faster than any time 地球氣溫上升速度是史上最快 since deglaciation from the last Ice Age. 當我們看到由人類引起的環境破壞 We're seeing this environmental damage 這個爛攤子 on the earth, created by humans, 若從宇宙太空的角度觀察 but we see it from a cosmic perspective, 就是不能忽略的小事了 means that it's just not something that we can ignore. 地球對人類的存在作出了回應 The planet is responding to the presence of humanity. 你若加總了戰爭 汙染 If you were to integrate the cost of war, the cost of pollution, 與毀滅環境的代價 那麼一加崙的石油 the cost of environmental disruption, a gallon of gasoline 就要花費你15至20美元 would cost between 15 and 20 dollars a gallon. 我們必須瞭解 地球確實有特定數量的可再生能源 We have to realize our planet does have a certain amount of 但同時資源的承載能力也有限制 regenerative power. There is a limiting carrying capacity though. 一個"文明的"世界 沒有發展的極限 There's no end to the possibilities of the civilized world. 只是我們還沒開始! It hasn't even begun yet. 在不久的未來 科學與科技的潛力 There's no limit to the possibilities of science 無可限量 and technology in the near future. 我們必須恢復環境 We have to reclaim the environment, 也必須改善人類 and human beings as well. 這就是"維納斯計畫"的宗旨 That's what The Venus Project is about. 《選擇在於我們》 The Choice is Ours 紀錄片由Roxanne Meadows與Joel Holt拍攝 Documentary film by Roxanne Meadows and Joel Holt Original Score by Kat Epple, katepple.com Original Score by Kat Epple katepple.com 2015 The Venus Project 2015 The Venus Project
B1 中級 中文 澳洲腔 人類 金錢 人性 地球 行為 環境 抉擇是我們的》(2015)第一、二部預告片 (The Choice is Ours (2015) Parts I & II trailer) 193 13 王惟惟 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字