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Hello, this is Peter Joseph of the Zeitgeist Movement
大家好 我是來自時代精神運動的彼德·約瑟夫
and I felt the need today to take a moment to publicly express
我覺得有必要花時間 公開陳述關注的焦點是
a few concerns regarding the incredible explosion that has emerged
前段時間在紐約市 由佔領華爾街所帶頭引發
across the world born out of the Occupy Wall Street initiative
由佔領華爾街所帶頭引發 席捲全球的爆炸性佔領浪潮
that began a few weeks ago in New York City.
While the mainstream media contends to more or less ignore, criticize
儘管主流媒體或多或少忽略 批評
and downplay the enormous growth potential and effect
this global action against the financial system is having.
(Journalist) I think if you put every single left-wing cause
(記者) 我想若你把每種個別的左派理想
into a blender and hit power, this is the sludge you'd get.
放入攪伴機弄一下 這就是一堆爛泥巴
- Like Woodstock meets Burning Man; meets people with absolutely no purpose...
就像"胡士托音樂節"加上"燃燒人節慶" 再加上完全沒有目標的人群...
(PJ) The independent media has been shining as the beacon
of free speech journalism more than ever.
And the interesting thing is the more the mainstream media
continues its 'status quo preservation tactics'
the more public attention will seek out and support the independent outlets
for the power and interest in the Occupy Movement is simply not stopping.
因為佔領運動的力量和關注 是不會輕易消失的
As of October 16th, over 1500 cities in the world are now actively taking part
從2011年10月16日起 超過1500個世界上的城市 都正在積極參與
in what is likely the largest global action ever seen.
And I suspect many others seemingly different economic protests
currently occurring worldwide will eventually unify with
看似不同的經濟抗議活動 最終也將
this global Occupy Movement as well.
And while peaceful protest has been a staple of this action
police brutality and violent outbreaks are unfortunately occurring in pockets
不幸的是 警察的鎮壓和群眾的暴動也隨之發生
and this is something of deep concern to me.
It is one thing for all of us to give lip service to non-violence in such a situation
對我們全體而言 在這種情況中宣傳非暴力是一回事
and it's another to be educated and strategic in your work to restrain it.
但要實際上有策略地克制自己 又是另一回事
I speak not only to participants here, but also to law enforcement
我不只對這個運動的參與者這樣說 對於執法人員
and hence the government and financial powers they represent.
和其所代表的政府以及金融勢力 也是這樣說
In the case of violence occurring within the Occupy Movement
it's critical that if you see any person beginning to act in a violent manner
重要的是 如果你看到任何人開始有暴力舉止
you work with others to stop them in a peaceful way or make sure others
你應該聯合其它人員 用和平的方式努力阻止暴徒
are separated and not triggered into it.
或將暴徒分離 確保其它人員不受暴力影響
There's an important book that I recommend called
'The Crowd - A Study of the Popular Mind'
which takes great care to discuss mass-reactions.
While many of us might think we can be completely objective
儘管許多人認為 我們能夠有
and independent in our actions, the fact is
完全客觀獨立的行動 但事實上
we are deeply influenced by the effects around us.
The 'mob mentality' can take hold almost subconsciously.
This is very important to recognize within yourself and others
與警察接觸時 能清楚認知到這一點
in order to be vigilant on both fronts.
On that note, it is also critically important
說到這裡 同樣需要注意的是
law enforcement understand these dynamics as well.
If you, the police, expect the crowd not to be violent
如果你是警察 期待群眾不要實施暴力
then a concerted effort to withhold your communication of it, is required.
那麼就必須要共同努力 克制暴力的傳達
Just as a single rogue person can trigger an entire group
就如同單單一名惡棍 就足以在整個人群中
to jump onboard with violent acts
so do violent actions coming from you, the police.
The more you show violence the more likely it will generate it
你越展現暴力 就越可能反過來產生暴力
and needless to say, there are many more protesters
更不用說 抗議者的人數遠遠超過警察
than there are police and your weapons will be absolutely meaningless
if these mobs ever were to turn against you.
It is in your self-interest and protection to stop reacting in abusive manners.
為了你的自利和保障 必須停止用暴虐的方式去回應民眾
Every time you hurt or abuse another human being
you plant the seed of permission for them to hurt and abuse you and others.
You have nothing to gain by using force and everything to lose in the end.
使用暴力將得不到任何東西 最後只會失去一切
Now, that all aside, there's a quick point I would like to make
現在先把這些放一旁 我想快速說一下
with regard to demands and transition.
I don't pretend to know what will occur as this movement continues to grow
我不會假裝是先知 但是隨著這個運動持續成長
but unless an informed, relevant set of demands are made
its effect will be minimal.
It is here I will speak with respect to the values of the Zeitgeist Movement
在這點上 我會以時代精神運動的價值觀闡述說明
along with my personal views on how we could possibly transition
連同我個人觀點 討論我們如何可能過渡轉變到
into a more humane, sustainable, balanced society.
一個人道 永續 均衡的社會
While many within the Occupy Movement promote various reforms
儘管許多佔領運動內部的人 宣傳關於現今
of the current economic and political system
others such as the Zeitgeist Movement seek a complete overhaul.
其它的路線例如時代精神運動 尋求一種完全的整頓
It is not the purpose of this video to expand upon
這部影片之目的 不是要展開說明
the complete train of thought present
in the Zeitgeist Movement's observations and proposals
but suffice it to say, we seek a system based upon resource management
但可以這樣說 我們尋求一種基於資源管理的體系
as the starting point of all industrial decisions, coupled with a recognition
作為所有產業決策的起點 並認知到
that the efficiency enabled by our modern understandings
in science and technology will be what can provide and meet the needs
所能帶來的效率 將可以提供並且滿足
of the entire human population and create true sustainability.
全人類的需求 並創造真正的永續性
The manifestation of these elements are what will comprise
這些顯現的要素 將會構成
what we often refer to as a Resource-Based Economic Model.
To understand the basis of this train of thought more clearly
I do suggest two books: one is called 'Critical Path' by Buckminster Fuller
and the other is called 'The Best that Money Can't Buy' by Jacque Fresco.
From there the reader should begin to see
從這些著作中 讀者應該能開始瞭解
that our current financially based economic model
is intrinsically flawed, and no regulation of this system
具有本質上的缺陷 對於此體系的任何調控整頓
will likely solve the real problems we face at hand.
And if this view is accepted; the view that we need to employ
如果接受這個觀點 即我們需要實行一種
a completely different socio-economic model
to meet the needs of the human population
and become truly sustainable on the planet Earth
the question of course becomes: how do we get there?
In my personal view, the Occupy Movement could be the seed
以我個人觀點而言 佔領運動可能會成為
for a transition out of the current paradigm into a new one.
脫離目前模式的過渡階段 以達到新模式的種子
By its natural evolution, the Occupy Movement has characteristics
由於自身的自然演變 佔領運動本身的特色
that are very revealing with respect to the true nature of the problems at hand.
對於目前問題的真正本質 具有重要的啟示性
The fact that this act of contempt is occurring without borders
事實上 這場無關國界
or in certain cases, without even respect to the political system itself
甚至在某些情況中 也無關政治體系
rather targeting the financial system, shows an amazing new awareness.
只是針對金融體系的鄙視運動 展現了一種驚人的新意識
My first suggestion is to unify the regional movements
我的第一個建議是 聯合區域性的運動
into a global entity through representatives
where each major region has a personal link to each other.
I believe this is starting to occur already.
Then meetings need to occur with these representatives
to plan more concerted actions
to reinforce the global unity and presence.
Secondly, a decision needs to be made as to where your main focus is:
第二 對於訴求焦點達成一個決定:是要去維持
to keep, but reform the current system
改革 或基本上完全移除目前的體系
or to work to basically remove it as a whole
改革 或基本上完全移除目前的體系
and obviously, there could be a transitional phase
incorporating both, as well.
同時包含過渡 改革 或移除
Either way, these global representatives would need to prepare
不管哪種情況 這些全球的代表們將需要準備
a 'World Occupy Conference' at a set location for the media to digest
一種"世界佔領會議" 在指定的地點讓媒體去消化整理
where reform issues are presented, hence pushing recognition
其中要提出改革議題 並因此藉由政治體制和大眾
by the political establishment and the public.
In the case of reform, this is where each regional group gains recognition
在改革的狀況中 這個會議是各個區域團體得到認可的地方
and organizes themselves to be able to engage
their country-specific, governmental bodies.
In the case of complete revolution and the interest
在完全變革的狀況中 焦點在於
to remove the model itself and install a totally new system
移除整個舊模式 並建立一個全新的體系
as advocated by the Zeitgeist Movement
a more radical undertaking is required.
A parallel government needs to be created.
例如 需要創造一種"平行政府"
Rather than work to get a seat at the proverbial table that exists
a new table needs to be created
and the representatives of each region are brought in
along with legal and technical teams associated.
Much detail could be explained on that, but let's leave it there, for now.
或許還有很多細節可以解釋 但目前先點到為止
Eventually, this will create a virtual global institution
that begins to prepare the new social system
as the old system continues its operation and inevitable failure
只要舊體系持續運作 失敗就會無法避免
if you understand what this system is
and how it can't resurrect itself at this point.
And once the model is defined, a mass-public awareness campaign is commenced
而且一旦定義了新模式 當新的管理實體宣佈啟動時
as this new, governing body and its work is announced.
The tipping point will come once the public begins to see the merit
of the new social proposal, hence recognizing the governing entity itself
並由此認可這種新的管理體系時 關鍵時刻就到了
and eventually giving it priority over the prior political establishment.
Now, what I've just thrown out here is extremely generalized
我上述所說的 都是非常簡略的大概
and I'm sure it raises numerous questions.
I only want to express this as a logical train of thought
in broad strokes of how maybe, true global revolution could occur
或許能為"真正的全球革命"如何開啟 作出錦上添花
and hence plant this seed of possibility and organization.
Countless people have been talking about change
for a long period of time and my question to you is:
一直都在談論改變 而我的問題是:
are you really prepared to do what it takes
to actually get the change done?
If you would like to learn more about the Zeitgeist Movement
please visit www.thezeitgeistmovement. com and also know
請登陸時代精神運動官網www.thezeitgeistmovement.com 並請關注
that we have over 1000 chapters across 70 countries at this time
working in tandem to create
the type of social change that I have just described.
So, if you'd like to become a part of the movement
please go to the movement site, click on the country
請登陸官網 並點選所在的國家
and go and find a chapter in your region or create one.
找到你區域中的分支 或自己創造一個(如果沒有)
Thank you for listening.