字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Hi,this is Crown 哈囉我是滴妹! Today I'll be sharing 10 things I learnt from England 今天要來跟大家分享我去英國學到的十件事! Hi guys,I'm back Hi guys,我從英國回來了! You didn't hear my laughter at the last episode 上一部阿滴的影片沒有聽到滴妹的笑聲 It's kinda weird right 是不是覺得哪裡怪怪的 It's so quiet and feels kinda strang 好像很安靜,然後非常的不習慣呢 (no no no) (沒有 沒有 沒有) Guess you just found out how important I am 嗯!相信你們都體會到滴妹的重要性了! Actually another YouTuber was also invited to England with me 那我這次去英國其實是受到邀約跟另外一位 YouTuber He's my friend @tessereq 也就是我的好麻吉超粒方一起去的 Thanks to him,I finally get to go to my dream country - England 托超粒方的福我能夠去到夢寐以求的英國真的是太感動惹~ The main purpose is to go to YouTube Space London 那我們主要是去那邊的 YouTube Space London and shoot a secret film 拍攝一個秘密的影片 It is about a a scene from a film that'll be released soon 主要是要去介紹一個最近要上映的電影的實體佈景! Take a guess ! 大家可以猜猜看是什麼喔~ It's a secret,so I can't tell you guys now 因為是秘密的關係,所以現在還沒有辦法跟大家透漏 It'll be uploaded to @tessereq's channel 不過之後在超粒方的頻道裡面會放這部影片 I'll put the link over here later 那到時候會把連結放在卡片裡面,那在那部影片可以看到 Sleepy Crown will also take a part in that film 醜醜想睡,眼睛張不太開的野生滴妹出現XD喔 Today, I'll be introducing 那今天就要跟大家介紹 10 things I learnt during my stay in England 我在英國看到、學到、體驗到的十件事情! Here we go! 那我們就開始吧! You need to stay longer in England 在英國要待久一點 England's time is 8 hours slower than Taiwan's 那英國時間其實比台灣還要慢8小時 and we spent more than 15 hours on the plane 來回兩趟飛機我們都各搭了15個小時以上 We transfer at Thailand in between 中間在泰國轉機 Because of jet lat 因為時差的關係 I'm still super jet-lagged right naowww I'm still super jet-lagged right naowww So dizzy 頭超暈的~~~ Minus the time spent on flights,we only spent 3 days here 那扣掉要搭飛機的時間,我們實質上在英國只待了三天 We went straight to work on the first day 第一天我們就馬上去拍攝工作了 We didn't went sightseeing until it's done 直到結束後我們才去觀光跟遊玩 At first,I thought we'll be able to visit many places 一開始以為可以去到很多地方,看很多景點 So I bought this London Pass 所以買了這個 London Pass It gives you free access to more than 60 popular spots 這個卡可以讓你免費快速通關到60個以上的熱門景點 You can save time from waiting in line as well as entrance fees 省去你排隊買票呀!排隊進場的時間跟錢 This three-day London Pass cost 100 pounds 這個三天的London Pass要100塊英鎊 But I only used it for Tower of London 那我最後好像只去了 Tower of London and London Bridge 跟 Tower Bridge 通關時用到 So it's kinda lame 其他都沒有用到,所以超可惜的 If you're there for a short time, I recommend not buying it 建議如果只去短程的話,可能不要買會比較好~ After getting into Tower of London Tower of London 進去之後 There are lots of theme architectures you still need to wait in line 有很多主題式的建築物還是需要排隊入場 so actually you spent lots of time waiting 所以其實花在排隊上,很多時間都不見了 As for London Eye 又像是 London Eye It's not included in London Pass 他不包含在 London Pass 裡面 It took so long buying the ticket and waiting for the ride 所以要花超長的時間排隊買票,再花超長的時間等候搭乘 Finally, you'll spent 30 mins on the Ferris Wheel 然後最後還要上去搭30分鐘的摩天輪 If you don't have enough time,you'll be literally just browsing 如果時間不夠多的話,每一個景點其實都會很像在走馬看花 The transportation also consumes lots of time 那另外花在交通上的時間也非常得多 You'll have an extremely tight schedule if you don't have a handful of time 所以行程會非常得趕,因此要充分預留時間喔! It's a shame that I didn't have the chance to visit St. Paul’s Cathedral 那這次很可惜沒有去到 St. Paul’s Cathedral I also missed Westminster Abbey's opening hours 那也一直無緣錯過 Westminster Abbey 的參觀時間 I only took a picture outside of it,I'll definitely visit these places the next time 所以只在外面拍了張照 ,下次一定要去這兩個地方! You need to pay for public toilets 公共廁所要錢 You need to pay to go to toilets in London 在倫敦,如果要去廁所的話,必須要付錢喔! Like toilets in the subway stations,train station and even the one beside London Eye 像是地鐵站、火車站,甚至是倫敦眼旁的公共廁所 You need to pay 30 pence to use them 這些都需要付 30 pence 才能夠進去 It's approximately 10 NTD 也就是相對的台幣10塊錢 But if they are toilets inside the tourist attractions 不過如果是景點裡面的廁所 like the Tower of London or Tower Bridge 像是 Tower of London 或是 Tower Bridge You don't need to pay in addition to entrance fee 就不用再付費 I'm not really that surprised 廁所要付錢其實我沒有很驚訝 Because when I visited Europe,you also need to pay for using toilets 因為之前去歐洲的時候,他們的廁所也都是要付錢的~ Taiwan is really convenient 所以反觀台灣真的是非常便利誒! Musicals and operas are very popular 音樂劇、舞台劇非常盛行 In London, wherever you are, you can buy musical or opera tickets 在倫敦,不管在哪裡你都可以看到賣舞台劇或是音樂劇的票 There are a lot of ads promoting them as well 那在路上也一堆看板跟廣告在推廣這些表演 Like in the subway,there are numerous ads 在地鐵站裡面更是超級多廣告 On both sides of the escalator 手扶梯的兩側全部都是廣告 more than half of them are musical related 而且幾乎一半以上都是跟音樂劇舞台劇相關的 It's also very easy to buy those tickets 這些票也非常容易買到 You can get them around the MRT or plaza 在捷運站附近或是廣場上其實都有售票亭可以方便你買 The subway it's kinda different 地鐵站不太一樣 In England,subway is called underground 在英國,地鐵的名稱是叫做 Underground which is literally underground 也就是地底下的意思 It's nickname's Tube 那它的小名是叫做 Tube 管子 and train is called overground 那火車的話則是叫做 Overground cuz it's literally over the ground 也就是在地面上的意思 I bought the London Pass with Oyster Card 當初跟 London Pass 搭配著買的是 Oyster Card which is their pass for subway 也就是他們的地鐵卡 Oyster is 牡蠣,it's said that it got the name Oyster 就是牡蠣,據說當初會叫這個名字是因為 because oysters produce and protect pearls 就如同牡蠣會產生並保護珍珠一般 this card will also protect something you value, which is money 這個卡會保護對你而言珍貴的東西,也就是錢錢 Because London is a large place, you have to walk for a long time 因為倫敦很大的關係,所以要步行的距離也相對拉大 Like when you're changing another underground route 所以在地鐵站裡面要轉車什麼的感覺都要走好久XD You can eat and drink in underground 在倫敦的地鐵上是可以吃東西、喝東西的喔 there are two types of carriages 然後車箱也有分比較大的車廂跟比較小的車廂 the big one is similar to Taiwan's MRT 大車廂跟台灣的比較類似,空間比較大 the small one is really "cozy" 但是小的車廂我只能說真的是非常的cozy basically there's only a person's space between you and the guy who sits opposite of you 你跟坐在對面的人,中間大概只能站一到兩個人 so it's really,really small. The sign even says 所以可以說是非常的靠近,靠近到甚至有標示說 Please keep feet off seats 請不要把你的腳放在對面的椅子上 and the thing that bothers me is that 最後一個我個人覺得比較困擾的一點是 Though they have elevators and escalators 雖然他們的地鐵站也有有手扶梯跟電梯 but they don't reach every floor 但是不是每一層都有 so when you have to carry you luggages 所以當你要扛著你的行李穿梭在地鐵站內 up and down,your hands will break 轉車,上下層跑的時候,你的手就會斷掉 Fish and Chips three days in a row Fish and Chips 吃三天 the must-eat in England 來英國最應該吃的東西 is the famous Fish and Chips,炸魚薯條! 就是著名的 Fish and Chips,炸魚薯條! I've never eaten them in taiwan,but once in Macau 我在台灣沒有吃過 Fish and Chips,倒是在澳門有吃過一次 This time,I finally had Fish and Chips in England 不過這次終於去到英國吃到正宗的了~ They tasted like... Fish and Chips XD 基本上他就是魚...跟薯條XD but the fish is really soft without fishbones 不過它的魚的肉質非常的軟,沒有魚刺 and the Chips are fat ones 然後它的薯條肥肥的 The store I had is at Tower of London 我在 Tower of London 那邊吃到的店家 There are salts,peppers and mayonnaise 有把鹽巴、胡椒粉、美乃滋等等醬料放在旁邊 You can add as much as you want 你可以自己去加 as much as you want Ray asked me why 我哥就問我為什麼 I kept eating only Fish and Chips 要一直吃 Fish and Chips 不吃其他東西呢 I was like 那我個人的話是覺得 It's good, and not oily 真的很好吃所以一直吃,我也不會覺得它太油 One time @tessereq ordered Burger and Chips 然後超粒方他有一次換點 Burger and Chips They didn't taste good 結果他說不好吃 Glad I didn't order them 我就覺得好險我沒亂點 No convenience store 消失的便利商店 There are no 7-11s in England 在英國沒有7-11 The only thing that can be seen as one 我唯一看到一家比較像是台灣的便利商店的店 Is a store in King's Cross Station 是在 King’s Cross Station 的大廳 called WHsmith 是一家叫做WHSmith的店 once you entered,you'll see five rows and a L-shaped drink section 一進去可以看到五排商品,跟一個L字型的飲料區 The first two rows are books and magazines,and then chocolates and candies 其中兩排是書跟雜誌,再來是巧克力跟糖果 and the last row is potato chips 最後一排是洋芋片 There are so many kinds of chocolate,wanna take 'em all home 巧克力真的爆炸多種,全部都想要把它帶回家 They look so tasty,envvvyyyyyy 它們看起來好好吃喔,好羨慕英國人 Here's a surprising fact,there's no instant noodle 再來一個令人驚訝的事實,居然沒有賣泡麵! WTH no instant noodle,I feel bad for English suddenly 沒有泡麵真的是有事嗎,突然又覺得英國人好可憐喔~ and their sandwich sounds really amazing 然後他們賣的三明治,看起來聽起來名字都很威 but how their taste are hmmm kinda boring 但是吃起來又是另一回事了XD ,就是味道比較平淡一點 you can check out by yourself,just scan the code 最後這家店他們可以自助結帳喔!就是把商品的條碼刷一刷 It's like returning books in a library 像是在圖書館借書的概念 and then you put money inside, its so new and fun 然後把錢放進去就結束了,真的是好新奇好好玩喔! English are friendly 英國人很友善 this may be really subjective 再來這點可能是很主觀的可能是我自己的看法 But I think they are pretty hospitable 不過我覺得在英國大家都非常地客氣 Especially at the underground,I've been cared twice 尤其是在捷運站裡面,我個人就被關切了兩次 The first time,is on the first's day's night 第一次,其中有一天晚上 I felt pretty uncomfy on my way back to the hotel 我要搭地鐵回飯店時候,身體不太舒服 Maybe it was because I was walking slowly 然後可能因為一個人走很慢的關係 or my face was pale 然後也臉色不太好 A girl suddenly came up to me and 就有一個女生突然來關切我,我跟她對到眼之後 She looked at me with concern and said "Are you alright?" 她就一臉擔憂的問我 "Are you alright?" She didn't leave until I said “Yeah, thanks” 然後我就我回答 “Yeah, thanks” 之後她才離開 The second time is when we are dragging our luggages 第二次是,我們拉著行李在地鐵站裡面 A guy suddenly appeared from my left and said 然後突然從我左邊冒出了一個男生說 "Let me help you with that." "Let me help you with that." And took the luggage downstair 然後就把行李拿下樓了 I admit I was a little afraid then 好我承認他拿我行李的時候我有點害怕 My friend told me be careful with handsome English men 因為我一個朋友一直跟我說要小心英國帥哥 So I kept thinking that was he trying to rob my luggage 所以我一直在想他是不是要搶我的行李 luckily he didn't took it away 但是最後好險他沒有把它搶走 The architectures are really nice 建築物都很漂亮 England's architectures are all super nice 英國的建築物真的都超漂亮的 Most of them are elegant and mignificent 大部分的景點都是精緻華麗又莊嚴的感覺 and those that aren't tourist attractions also have a consistent style 那比較非大型觀光景點的地方,其實風格也都非常地一致 It's perfectly balanced between delicacy and beauty. Like our hotel 給人一種協調的美感,非常的優雅,像是我們住的飯店 It's at King’s Cross St. 就是在 King’s Cross St. only minutes away from Pancras Station Pancras Station 走幾分鐘路程的 St. Pancras Renaissance Hotel St. Pancras Renaissance Hotel It's a classic Victorian style 那它就是非常美、非常華麗的維多利亞風格建築物 Buckingham Palace is packed with people 白金漢宮人爆多 When we first arrived at Green Park Station 我們剛抵達 Green Park Station 的時候 we saw a lot of people moving in the same direction 有看到有超多人往同一個方向走 we didn't know what was happening 那時候還沒有多想