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U guys want talon dude? should we talon - you know im doing talon boys - we're doing talon boys - talon mid , LETS GO
I'm gonna ask for honor dude. How 'bout that? How 'bout instead of like just
messing around. Let's try to win, let's try to carry so hard that we get max honor every game dude.
That'd be a good plan. I like that, that seems like something I wanna actually aim for.
Let's do that then. *twelve seconds later*
I'm just gonna have to keep asking them for honor like every few minutes you know after every Kill after every kill we'll ask them to
honor me. There we go I like that idea.
What the heck? That's not your combo.
What's up Mr. Free more like Mr. ... Mr. Dead. Haha got, em boys!
Uhuh. Where we going my friend, you're going straight to the Graveyard right here.
A'right we're fine.
Okay there, we go, honor me.
After Every Kill Otter Me
Maybe This One
Where She go other Sheets are Good
Now let's get it yeah, okay, let's get It in Early Shoes, oh no flash you'll never get This
Nice Chip Egg Kento and
She's done so and, oh Let me get that Let, me get that Please
What are you doing
We are Chilling like a villain Dude I got 1500 Gold
1500 Boys Let's Gank This is the perfect, Time to gank With 1500 go let's go, oh
What's not my friend?
Oh Wait what do you, mean, oh I like?
You're not going to do it you're not Gonna do it there's Nowhere you're Gonna do it there's no way
Huge Tiny Mistake
Okay, oh?
My why, he Knew it wait We know what do you need all?
Right We got some Pirate Music Compare Emotion Exactly's in Such A fire Music isn't it, oh?
Careful Please, oh Gosh mom away
It's mine I got you I got you
Yeah Nice Minnow, by the way I'm 12 by the way
Wait what do you think you could get away from telling, no one Gets away from selling
Get out of my jungle let's go I eventually Scoped Otter me
Where i please Please it's an Honor Me for you
I want some More
Rampage Nice You might Have Rampage so what's wrong with from Shouting a tongue, oh?
Oh, we dodged it and then, we're Going in Whoo He's Crazy, oh?
We're out of Here
I'm Such an Idiot, Dude, oh
I'm so dumb dude What's wrong with me why Is my why do I work like this why
Does my brain Work Like this Dude, oh
My Poop Whoa, Whoa, Holy, Schmoly she got Destroyed, oh?
Kalin's Up There Yeah I wanna Kill how lucky, over here, I'm a little Worried a little bit Though
Holy That Clean
All right
My Plea doesn't even hit him, oh
My Goodness he Thinks He's Gonna you thinks He's Gonna Wait Over the wall right yeah, well, well not Today my friend whoo?
Get out of my room and
Everybody will Say Something I'm Giving up on you
No, no, no, no where's the Ulti get Quick
Gameplay Would you do it oh I gotta me to Make all that Flip Though, oh?
Wait uh dear, oh poor kit, not even close baby
All Right I'm gonna ask her Otter at the end of the game Rather than Enduring every Tale Because it Gets a little Obnoxious
They Got, you I know I just Thought might and Tina Had Zero Chance of Winning
Ryan Is doing what he has Boys Humming Toxic I'm Actually being Cooperative
You Added Rotate the Winning, Cuz you suck, oh?
my Gosh Dude
That's the end
All Right you Ready - Just in The Back Foot Kick Foot 360 No-Scope Zombie up faze Clan, let's go
Woo-Wit am oh?
And you know I am oh
No not even Close Baby, I'm Adding here, oh?
No yo, Thanks Toby, oh God
No what's up Caitlyn, oh?
Oh ho jaaye Flash honest man
You Gonna Jump on that or something
She's like Here You go here's A bear Trap ball for Please
That was Funny Dude?
She's like Lay Putting traps out and like hey. I want you to the flute
How's The Armor Looking on na vi here no Armor Whatsoever that's what I like to see Eww
That is what I like to see, oh?
Nope, we're Gonna go this Way Nope and W that Guy get em A slow and I'm gonna go over There and We got A
Parkour Our way out of here let's go?
Got our Egg again Dude She must be so annoyed by me doing that I always get her Egg and then run away
Wait Here
Think Caitlin, was Going to be Interesting and a play Interesting enough to push
Caitlin you are so beautiful you are the best
Wait Wait wait whoa, whoa, oh thank you look at that Bleeding, oh that Looks Disgusting
It's like I'm on my way fred alright
Always Constant
Nice You got him, oh, oh?
What oh, oh, I'm alive I suppose dead, oh I'm going to be dead in A second, okay?
What what the Bag Though all was perfect? I was Stuck in Between The Wall and the other Wall man?
They're Actually like all Really Strong Here if We group, we Can fire I'm Though yeah?
And I'Ll just See if The Ball here Both
All the, ash are men oh
She got Destroyed Holy Dude You See that yeah one Shot, oh?
Oh I'm Bad I should have Bought a snow like that Dude I really, Shouldn't Buy us like that
Rip his When Wall Destroyed me, oh?
Dude I think I can Kill Both These Guys but get Back in Caitlin
Dude She got Delete it yo Give me A wall give me A wall to Work with, oh she got deleted Dude
All right
Well it's Bada-bing Bada-Boom this Guy, what A big Butt up, ah, ah dang it I didn't get the Bottom amount
Now Where's the Nivea, oh this Is and, oh?
Being Boom I am, oh
We got the Creep awesome Attitude I critter Without the Q that's Actually Really Hard to do Because only 20% Chance to do that Is
Nu Q it's a hundred Percent but if You, don't Q it's 20% so, oh and I get plus 50, oh
Well.all Right-It gave you oh under me Flip?
My Grumpy puss
go, on man Please yeah Gg, did You play I
Lost Another blade
Make Me less