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Mmmmm it's a Orange Juice.
影片原創: Orange Juice Gaming 翻譯&字幕: 壹壹Ray
What's up everyone, this is Yarn of Orange Juice.
大家好 我是Orange Juice部落的Yarn
The graveyard is a legendary spell that can be cast anywhere on the map.
It has a slow load time, so the first skeleton spawns 1.5 seconds after it's casted.
骷髏召喚一開始加載比較慢 所以在法術施放後再過1.5秒 才會召喚出第一個骷髏兵
Then a skeleton spawns every 0.5 seconds up to 20 skeletons over a period of 10 seconds.
然後以每0.5秒一個骷髏兵的速度 在10秒內連續召喚20個骷髏兵
Each time you cast the graveyard the spawn locations will vary slightly.
即使骷髏召喚每次都在同一位置施放 但骷髏兵出來的位置不是固定的
So the damage will always be a little different because of this results in this video will
所以傷害的具體數值會有些許的差別 因此 視訊中呈現的效果雖然會不同
vary but the underlying concepts are relevant.
It has a 5 tile radius similar to rage.
骷髏召喚的範圍半徑是5格 與狂暴術一樣
This large radius limits where it can be casted on an arena tower.
If you cast the graveyard centered right on top of the arena tower there's an extremely
high chance it'll activate the king's tower, so this position almost never makes sense
那麼就有很大機會將國王塔激活[注: 90%] 所以幾乎不可能部署在這個位置
to use.
那麼就有很大機會將國王塔激活[注: 90%] 所以幾乎不可能部署在這個位置
That's the nature of this random spell.
A slightly safer play is planting the graveyard 1 tile to the left of the center but it's
still risky because there's still that small chance it can active the king.
但仍然有很低的幾率會激活國王塔 所以還是很冒險[注: 10%]
With these limitations there are 3 safe positions to cast the graveyard where the king's tower
在這些條件限制下 有3個安全位置是可以部署骷髏召喚而不會激活國王塔的
won't activate.
在這些條件限制下 有3個安全位置是可以部署骷髏召喚而不會激活國王塔的
You can cast it 2 tiles from the core of the arena tower.
防禦塔外側4格從上往下數 第2格開始就是安全的
You can plant it 1 tile above to force more skeletons to spawn behind.
你可以將骷髏召喚放在外側第2格 讓更多骷髏兵從後方召喚出來
You can cast it directly in the center for skeletons to spawn more evenly.
或者可以放在第3格 讓召喚出來的骷髏兵更為平均一些
Or you can cast in 1 tile below for more skeletons to spawn in front of the tower.
或者可以將骷髏召喚放在第4格 讓更多骷髏兵召喚在防禦塔的正前方
The down side of this is that skeletons will clump up near the wall and it will be easier
這種做法的缺點是骷髏兵會堆在墻邊 而且對方解起來會更為輕鬆
to counter.
這種做法的缺點是骷髏兵會堆在墻邊 而且對方解起來會更為輕鬆
The graveyard sent in alone is manageable but shines with cards that can support it.
單獨使用的骷髏召喚處理起來很簡單 在相應卡牌輔助的情況下 它才能真正發揮作用
It is a spell after all.
畢竟 骷髏召喚是個法術
Alternatively, if you're able to get an elixir advantage over your opponent then a solo graveyard
或者 你在聖水優勢的情況下 那麼針對敵方防禦塔單放的骷髏召喚
on their arena tower can be devastating.
那麼針對敵方防禦塔單放的骷髏召喚 結果可能就是毀滅性的
It's an excellent backdoor card it can still do tonnes of damage if your opponent doesn't
骷髏召喚是一張出色的後門卡牌 如果對方手上沒有應對卡牌的話
have proper counters to it.
The graveyard can counter the princess but it's not reliable.
骷髏召喚可以對付公主 但這完全看臉
On the left side the princess takes care of most of the skeletons.
畫面左邊 召喚出來的骷髏兵大部分都被公主幹掉了
On the right side the skeletons spawned enough to kill the princess earlier.
而畫面右邊 召喚出來的骷髏兵卻已經把公主幹掉了
Packing zap ensures that she dies allowing the graveyard to deal massive damage to the
配合電擊術 可以在保證殺掉公主的同時 讓骷髏召喚對防禦塔輸出大量傷害
配合電擊術 可以在保證殺掉公主的同時 讓骷髏召喚對防禦塔輸出大量傷害
If you can distract the arena tower from targeting the skeletons the damage ramps up very quickly.
如果能引開防禦塔不攻擊骷髏兵的話 傷害跳得超級快的
Even though the mega minion couldn't reach the tower it tanked the tower and musketeer.
儘管重甲亡靈沒辦法接近防禦塔 但是它擋住了防禦塔和火槍手的攻擊
Allowing the graveyard skeletons to stack up to deal over 2,000 damage.
讓召喚出來的骷髏兵一直累加 最終輸出超過2,000點傷害
Naturally tanks pair great with the graveyard.
The opponent now has to deal with an incoming giant and the waves of skeletons.
對手現在要忙著應付過來的巨人 和一波接一波的骷髏兵了
Even with a bomber in the back the giant tanked the tower allowing the graveyard to deal almost
即使有炸彈人在後方防守 巨人引開了防禦塔的大部分攻擊
1,000 damage to the tower.
Mini tanks are amazing too; even a 2 elixir ice golem can be devastating.
迷你坦克的效果也相當不錯 即使一隻2費的戈侖冰人 結果也可能是毀滅性的
Since the graveyard can be planted anywhere the miner compliments it incredibly well.
因為骷髏召喚可以在地圖任意位置施放 礦工與之配合簡直是天衣無縫
Despite the valkyrie being a strong counter against the graveyard this miner combo still
儘管瓦基麗武神是骷髏召喚的天敵 但這個礦工組合仍然輸出了近千傷害
dealt almost 1,000 damage.
儘管瓦基麗武神是骷髏召喚的天敵 但這個礦工組合仍然輸出了近千傷害
Pairing the graveyard with high damage units that can land a few hits on the arena tower
骷髏召喚與一些能摸到防禦塔幾下的 高輸出單位搭配同樣非常強力
is another great combo.
骷髏召喚與一些能摸到防禦塔幾下的 高輸出單位搭配同樣非常強力
Your opponent has to address both the front and the back end.
The hog didn't make it to the tower but he tanked enough for the graveyard to deal over
雖然野豬沒辦法攻到塔下 對手後方有火槍手防守的情況下
1,000 damage even with a musketeer in the back.
野豬吸引了防禦塔和加農炮 讓骷髏召喚輸出了過千傷害
graveyard synergizes with damage dealing units like a musketeer.
They can deal massive damage to the tower.
Even though the musketeer couldn't reach the tower, she tanked the tower letting the skeletons
即便火槍手沒辦法打到防禦塔 她吸引了防禦塔的火力 讓骷髏兵持續召喚
ramp up even with the bomber this simple combo did almost 1,000 damage.
她吸引了防禦塔的火力 讓骷髏兵持續召喚 在炸彈人的眼皮底下 依然輸出了近千傷害
Freeze works well with the graveyard it's very effective once you wait for your opponent
冰凍術與骷髏召喚搭配的效果也是好頂讚 這招非常有效 先等對手出牌解骷髏召喚
to react with a counter.
冰凍術與骷髏召喚搭配的效果也是好頂讚 這招非常有效 先等對手出牌解骷髏召喚
Then freeze the tower and their counter.
When an elixir collector is planted behind the arena tower a graveyard can damage the
對手把聖水收集器放在防禦塔後方的時候 骷髏召喚可以同時對兩者進行輸出
tower and collector.
對手把聖水收集器放在防禦塔後方的時候 骷髏召喚可以同時對兩者進行輸出
If the pump is beside the king's Tower the graveyard is conservatively planted in this
如果收集器挨著國王塔的話 骷髏召喚保守一點應該放在這個位置
如果收集器挨著國王塔的話 骷髏召喚保守一點應該放在這個位置
It'll demolish the elixir collector but there's still a chance it'll active their king's tower.
這會將聖水收集器爆掉 但這樣仍然有可能會將國王塔激活
If the elixir collector is planted in front of the king's tower casting a graveyard in
如果對方將聖水收集器放在國王塔前方的話 這時候將骷髏召喚放在中場是毫無意義的
the center is pointless because both the arena towers are well within range.
這時候將骷髏召喚放在中場是毫無意義的 因為兩邊的防禦塔會同時攻擊召喚出來的骷髏兵
Once the king's tower is activated a graveyard will struggle to deal much damage to the arena
而一旦國王塔被激活後 骷髏召喚要對防禦塔進行輸出就變得非常困難了
而一旦國王塔被激活後 骷髏召喚要對防禦塔進行輸出就變得非常困難了
The game has a 1 second deploy time and the graveyard has a 1.5 second load time so the
因為遊戲本身有著1秒鐘的部署延遲 而且骷髏召喚加載需要1.5秒
first skeleton won't spawn for 2.5 seconds from the moment you cast it.
所以從施放的那一刻算起 要2.5秒後才會正式召喚出第一隻骷髏兵
Since it has such a slow initial spawn time.
There's not enough time to react with a graveyard the inferno will still lock onto the tank.
這時候放骷髏召喚已經來不及了 地獄塔依然會鎖定坦克
With the spell having 2.5 seconds delay you're going to have to predict the inferno tower
正因為法術有著2.5秒的延遲 大家祗能預判地獄塔的位置
and precast the graveyard to distract the inferno tower.
This is a very, very strong spell that has the potential to deal 1,000's of damage to
骷髏召喚是一個潛力巨大的法術 大到隨時就能對防禦塔輸出數千傷害
your tower.
骷髏召喚是一個潛力巨大的法術 大到隨時就能對防禦塔輸出數千傷害
So we're going to talk about how to counter this beast of a spell.
Since the 1st skeleton takes 2.5 seconds to spawn it's not a great reactive card on defense
因為第一隻骷髏兵要在2.5秒後才被召喚出來 所以這張卡牌用於防守的話機動性太低
but it does prove useful if you just need to defend for the last 20 seconds and you
但是在不需要賺費 祗要守住最後20秒的時候
don't need to net any positive elixir trades.
It's a high cost card and a huge commitment to use on defense but when you do use it,
骷髏召喚本身是一張高費卡牌 而且用作防守屬於非常大的投入
it's hard to counter than skarmy and guards.
但大家用過就知道 它比骷髏軍團和骷髏守衛更難解
Graveyard can counter sparky but it's basically a more expensive skeleton army to counter
骷髏召喚可以用來對付電磁砲 就看成是奢侈版的骷髏軍團好了
骷髏召喚可以用來對付電磁砲 就看成是奢侈版的骷髏軍團好了
The graveyard is like any offensive card.
You can't afford to ignore it.
2 skeletons spawn per second an arena tower can take care of 1 skeleton per second.
法術每秒召喚2隻骷髏兵 而防禦塔每秒祗能清掉1隻骷髏兵
Skeletons accumulate fast if ignored ranged units which can 1 shot skeletons are very
放任不管的話 骷髏兵將會越來越多 可以秒殺骷髏兵的遠程單位 才適合用來解骷髏召喚
可以秒殺骷髏兵的遠程單位 才適合用來解骷髏召喚
A musketeer can help the arena tower counter the graveyard very well.
Archers can one shot skeletons as well they can shut down a graveyard for a larger positive
弓箭手也能秒殺骷髏兵 她們能在賺費的情況下將整個骷髏召喚解掉
elixir trade.
Minions outperform mega minion in sweeping up skeletons.
Very fast units like lumberjack and goblins are very good at countering the graveyard.
像狂暴伐木工和近戰哥布林這些屬於非常快的單位 用來對付骷髏召喚也很不錯
Goblins can shut down a graveyard but their a bit riskier if your opponent has zap available.
近戰哥布林是能解掉骷髏召喚沒錯 但如果對方手上有電擊術的話 這樣做就有點冒險了
Valkyrie counters the graveyard incredibly well when planted inside the spawn area.
將瓦基麗武神置於骷髏召喚的中心 然後看她表演吧
This is where the bulk will spawn anything spawned on the opposite side of the spawn
大部分的骷髏兵都會在中心位置召喚出來 至於召喚在防禦塔另一側的骷髏兵
area will get taken care of by the arena tower.
If you don't have any direct counters available I'd tank and distract the skeletons.
如果大家手上沒有直接應對卡牌的話 我會選擇用坦克引開骷髏兵
Guards are probably one of THE best melee counters because their slightly ranged with
對骷髏召喚來說 骷髏守衛也許是最佳的近戰防守卡牌了 因為它們也稍微算是遠程單位
the bonus that the shields are zap proof.
而且還附贈護盾 不至於被電擊術秒殺
They act as tanks inside the spawn area.
Mass units work very well against countering the graveyard.
Knowing all these basic interactions help you deal with the graveyard in real situations.
了解這些兵種間的基本關係 會對大家在實戰中處理骷髏召喚有所幫助
Spells are decent at preventing some damage done to the tower but you have to wait until
用法術防止骷髏召喚 對防禦塔造成傷害不失為一個好辦法
the skeletons have accumulated before casting.
If this is your only counter you're going to suffer some damage.
如果你祗有這個方法解骷髏召喚的話 做好賣血的準備吧
Poison works reasonably well but it takes 2 ticks to kill a skeleton so damage will
毒藥術的表現中規中矩 但因為要跳2次傷害才能殺掉一隻骷髏兵[注]
still be done to your tower.
[注]視訊中的毒藥術仍有減速效果 所以新版本下骷髏召喚的輸出會更高 但因為要跳2次傷害才能殺掉一隻骷髏兵[注] 所以防禦塔依然會受到傷害
An ice wizard can tank in the spawn area although he doesn't 1 shot skeletons he can prevent
雖然寒冰法師無法秒殺骷髏兵 但他在召喚區域可以作為坦克
quite a bit of damage.
Spear goblins can deal with the graveyard too.
In numbers they can manage the skeletons.
祗要人多勢眾 骷髏召喚不足為懼
This is how graveyard will interact with all these other units they'll protect your tower
以下是骷髏召喚與所有這些兵種對攻的畫面 雖然他們能在一定程度上保護防禦塔
but they�re not going to completely stop the damage.
There are so many other ways to use the graveyard offensively I hope this opens up new opportunities
骷髏召喚用於進攻的方法數不勝數 我希望這集能起到拋磚引玉的作用 讓大家發明出更多黑科技
for you to invent creative tech.
我希望這集能起到拋磚引玉的作用 讓大家發明出更多黑科技
Thanks for watching, stay tuned for more quality OJ.
感謝大家收看 更多高品質視訊 敬請關注 影片原創: Orange Juice Gaming 翻譯&字幕: 壹壹Ray
There was a leak showing the graveyard taking out the king's tower.
之前網上曾經有一段洩漏出來的視訊 裡面用骷髏召喚直接爆掉國王塔
In this leaked footage it used maxed graveyard and mirror on a level 10 king's tower.
裡面用的是滿級的骷髏召喚和鏡像術 而被爆掉的國王塔祗有10級
The reality of it is that it's going to cost 11 elixir and at tournament standard it won't
事實上這樣需要11點費用 而且在競賽標準下
take out the king's tower it's no more threatening than a miner and goblin barrel sent to the
這樣是沒辦法直接爆掉國王塔的 相比之下 直接衝向國王塔的礦工加哥布林飛桶更為可怕
king's tower.