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Hey, what's going on guys?
Nickatnyte here and today
just wanted to start this video off
by saying: Thank you, guys! You've been
awesome lately on the channel!
Molt and I recorded this right before we took off.
We are gonna be together in Finland for a couple of days
visiting Supercell.
And clan medals are actually going live as we're posting this so
How are 2v2 Battles treating you guys
And do you have any fun ideas that we can do in person
or even after we get back together for collaborations
This was just, sort of, us messing around here on
the developer build
to hype them up a little bit but 2v2 Battles because they're absolutely chaos.
I had some fun with the edit on this one.
I will be back with you guys very soon in another upload.
Enjoy this one and once again, just thank you for all the support and love on the channel
It has been incredible, the past couple of weeks; enjoy the video!
I don't think it will make a difference but I rather just
'safe than sorry'
Hey, what's going on, Clashaholics?
Today, nickatnyte here joined by Molt
for some of some brain games!
MOLT: Some of, yes, literally brain games, guys
We're doing 2v2s with singles so
I'm playing two accounts, Nick is playing two accounts
We are on the dev build, this is ridiculous!
NICK: See 'em, guys? See 'em?
MOLT: You, you are absurd
NICK: Uh, no, that's the word that a bird would say...
All right, so Molt is here and today...
Hey, what's going on, guys, we're gonna be
playing in some 2v2s...
NICK: Wjgjjw I'm cute(?)
Um, guys, today we're currently away from AFK
and we are gonna be doing some 2v2s
Oh no (-_-)
Oh my goodness, that push!
Oh my goodness!
We got two iPads each. I'm gonna do a clan battle. Accept battle.
MOLT: Clan battle, accept battle.
NICK: Oh righty, guys, so we are finally here trying to play
2 iPads vs 2 iPads
Molt, what kind of deck, what kind of strategy are you bringing, sweatHEEAART?
MOLT: Uh, just a mental one, I'm trying to actually, uh, be smart and play the game correctly
NICK: Play it, and, and, play that, and play the, play the game correctly, he says :/
NICK: How you gonna deal with my musket...
NICK: :'(
MOLT: Wait, the musketeers?
NICK: What? :/
MOLT: Oh wait, what?
NICK: Eat lumberjack over there, have you had some wood?
NICK: Yes, my musky survived :)
NICK: Dash, dash, dash, thank you
NICK: Slap that giant with your club, I'm sure it will do damage
MOLT: Here you go, Nick, Nick, slap that giant with your club
MOLT: (cancerously) Heeere yooouuu goooo, Niiick, Niiick, slaaaap thaaat giiaant wiith your cluuuub.
NICK: Hey, I'm sure it'll do damage
NICK: Hey guys, welcome if you're new to the channel, make sure you subscribe for some more of this
MOLT: This is so, dude, this is so weird, like trying to plan anything
NICK: Well if you're having such a hard time, then I'm just gonna win
NICK: :p
MOLT: Probably... :/
NICK: OK, they were supposed to not be (LAUGH)
NICK: (like a commentator) Leading the golem, the musketeers charge into battle!
NICK: (like a commentator) The clone spell is deployed
NICK: (like a commentator) Luckily, nickatnyte has a zap
NICK: (like a commentator) He misses the executioner
MOLT: Watch this, boom, boom, two bombs taking all that out :)
NICK: Wow, taking all that out
MOLT: Get it, sweatHEEAART
MOLT: Actually, that just did work :D
MOLT: Finally executioner, like what the heck took you so long?
NICK: Uh, he was at a meeting for, people who kill people
NICK: Oops...
NICK: I'll drop an 'Oops', double 'Oops' on that one
NICK: Ahaha :p
NICK: Eat my musketeer charge. It only takes one...
MOLT: Dude, that took so long to load...
NICK: Woah, that musketeer shot
NICK: Uh, it only takes half a mistake to, uh...
NICK: Lose the three musketeers and that is the moral of the story, folks.
NICK: Now, I can assume you got a giant skeleton coming my way. Am I right? Am I right?
MOLT: No :/
NICK: Oh wow
MOLT: Oh my gosh, you're crushing this one!
NICK: Yeah, what are you doing over there?
MOLT: Uhhhh (-_-)
NICK: Pekka power, baby!
MOLT: Uh, yeah, that's gonna defend like a freakin' monster
NICK: Shhp, you think the pekka's a monster, that's just cruel and unusual, Molt
NICK: I feel like that's fairly accurate
MOLT: Oh my goodness
NICK: Hey, you know what you could always have more of... Musketeers.
NICK: Am I right? Am I right?
MOLT: Oh my Nick!
NICK: (singing) Nick - at Nyte
BOTH: (singing) Nick Nick - at Nyte at Nyte. Nick - at Nyte...
NICK: What in the world is happening?
MOLT: Oh dude, I just tapped out my bottom... (screen)
NICK: (robotic singing) Nick - at Nyte
BOTH: (robotic singing) Nick Nick - at Nyte at Nyte. Nick - at Nyte...
NICK: (robotic) What in the world is happening?
MOLT: Oh dude, I just tapped out my bottom screen...
NICK: Ah, so many muskets!
NICK: Fireball, fireball, hahaha!
MOLT: The three musketeers did so much work!
NICK: Well, dang it, I wish I added in my other deck
MOLT: Well at least we can see who's actually playing
MOLT: Blank+Blank vs Blank+Blank
NICK: Well these are new in-dev accounts and they don't have any names
MOLT: Let's just try and jump into one...
NICK: Yeah, let's just try and jump into another one...
NICK: (laughing) It just says 'sweatHEEAART vs sweatHEEAART'
MOLT: It's so weird! Come on...
MOLT: Give it to us
NICK: Look how forward that princess just got pushed.
NICK: She's like, deep in the boonies
MOLT: You wanna see something really cool? Nick, you wanna see something really cool?
NICK: Yeah.
NICK: When the freeze is too strong
NICK: All right, guys, so today, I brought a spicy meatball deck :d
NICK: Molt has a clone spell, I know that much
MOLT: You did, and, here's the sad thing...
NICK: What?
MOLT: Is that sweatHEEAART is facing sweatHEEAART
NICK: Oh my goodness, sweatHEEAART!
MOLT: Get it, sweatHEEAART!
NICK: There we go, two mega minions. It's called a Mega Mega.
NICK: It's like when you go to In-N-Out... (-_-) MOLT: sweatHEEAART, how are you wasting so much elixir over there?
NICK: It's like if you go to In-N-Out and say: "Can I get a Mega Mega?".
NICK: They're like: "Of course you can, sir!".
NICK: All right, we're gonna play a, we're gonna play a little d
NICK: Molt's gonna get a little saucy with the poison spell.
NICK: But, uh, I'm gonna win with this coun... Oh no (-_-)
MOLT: AHAHA, look - dang it, dude! The giant looks sooo gooood!
MOLT: He had zero health left
MOLT: And he was about to take that down to town, Nick!
MOLT: The town was about to get taken to the down! :D
NICK: (cheeseburger rapping) Yo I'm taking you down to the town where you're gonna get to
a quarter pounder if you wanna get to it
NICK: What?
NICK: Somebody, somebody explain the cheeseburger rap that just took place
NICK: 'cos I don't think you could.
MOLT: No-one can explain... Oh my gosh!
NICK: (cheeseburger rapping) I wanna get taken down to the Pound Town!
NICK: (cheeseburger rapping) A Quarter Pound Town could be fine if we... (laughs)
MOLT: Wait... Where do you wanna get taken?
NICK: Quarter Pound Town.
NICK: Please kill that bomber. MOLT: Oh my gosh.
NICK: Please stop freezing!
NICK: Look at that, my lumberjack just did like a cross-country across the arena MOLT: He did!
MOLT: I feel like I would have taken that tower.
NICK: He's like: "I heard there was something on the left."
MOLT: "What's going on over here, guys?"
NICK: "Hey, guys!"
NICK: You're about to get so dumbed down.
MOLT: Oh yeah, am I about to take a visit to Pound Town?
NICK: Yes.
MOLT: Quarter Pound Town?
NICK: Oh man.
MOLT: You're so ridiculous!
NICK: It's so good!
MOLT: Watch it all die.
NICK: Dang it, he's not really doing as much as I thought he would.
NICK: (cheeseburger rapping) I wanna take it down to Quarter Pound Town.
MOLT: You're so... (dumb)
NICK: Hey, there's a princess on your other tower!
MOLT: Oh my gosh, wait, what the heck, what did I freeze?
MOLT: I thought that I was gonna crush that side.
NICK: (cheeseburger rapping) It's 'cos you went to Quarter Pound Town.
NICK: Oooh, nice fireball, that was a pleasing hit.
MOLT: How did you know I was going to Pound Town?
NICK: Oh, I heard you were going to... Look at my lumberjack
NICK: Oh, beautiful ignore!
MOLT: Yeah, that tower is done. (-_-)
NICK: Oh, beautiful guard!
MOLT: Oh, beautiful sweetheart... SWEATHEEAART!
NICK: Hey, how about this? You can put one normally but how about two?
MOLT: Look at how I'm getting wrecked!
NICK: They're getting so wrecked!
NICK: Wait a minute.
MOLT: No, you definitely just, uhh...
MOLT: Dang it, dude, I was about to come back!
NICK: I'm double BMing
MOLT: On your screen do you see one or two?
MOLT: Two.
MOLT: On both sides of the tower.
NICK: Can you imagine the rage inducement of double BMers?
MOLT: All right, let's see if this works.
MOLT: We'll be right back, guys.
NICK: Dang it.
NICK: No, I'm not, I'm not with you.
NICK: You have an X-Bow, Mirror?
NICK: Final battle, like, WOAH, they made a Christmas Tree.
NICK: Here's an example of an Inferno... Woah :(
NICK: Of an Inferno Dragon.
NICK: Now we have to re-do the push
NICK: Why in the world?
NICK: I hope you're late to young life because of that.
MOLT: Wait no, don't do that, Nick!
NICK: Brain gam...
NICK: (cheeseburger rapping again) I wanna get taken to the Pound Town. A Quarter Pound Town would be fine if we...
MOLT: Wait, where do you wanna get taken?