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Good morning, this is a Juice News call out
in the wake of Cable Gate and the subsequent fall-out
balls out revelations, observations of diplomats
giving actual confirmation of hidden facts
spilling backroom deals, leaking leaders' chit chat
money laundering and tit for tat spits and spats:
The picture that emerges, provided by the servers
shines light further behind the wire curtain
Certainly this has divided views of the populace
Some say it's obvious, "nothing new in these documents"
Others say it's ominous, and applaud the revelations
Others still call for the messenger's assassination
Following Assange's arrest and calls for his head,
over 9000 counterattacks on all of the web,
the state department being forced to defend
spying at the UN and a secret war in Yemen
Despite DDOS attacks on Wikileaks' system
Day by day cables still spray through mirror reflection
Will cable-gate change the game or lead to repression?
We get face-to-face with Hillary Clinton
- Hillary Clinton, how does it feel to get leaked on?
- It's scandalous, this is a case of high treason
It's against the land of the brave and divine freedom –
We're the good guys, for democracy, we fight evil
And we've waged peace around the world, proud of the flag
These leaks could devalue this powerful brand
Bring military operations straight to a halt
Our shareholders, clients and partners would plainly revolt
- But, aren't you beholden to the American Public?
And isn't the US one of the primary culprits,
In overthrowing governments?
- Such as ? - Chile, Iran, Nicaragua?
- Please, stop with the drama!
The American People are our employees
whose taxes fund the wars that support our schemes
their kids become troops we send overseas
in return for mega malls and the American dream
And if our client states don't like the things that we do
we install a dictator with a CIA coup
in foreign relations, subversion is the method we use
Wikileaks threaten this system so it's a terrorist group
- But the people of the world seem to generally approve
of Wikileaks' actions in spreading the truth…
- They do? Well, then, they're terrorists too!
dissentors are traitors, as history proves
And they always lose.
- That's curious, weren't some of our greatest heroes
persecuted for this reason ?
- Who ? - Mandela, Gandhi, …...Jesus?
- Ahhh… you idealists!
Now for another perspective, Prison-Planet host, Alex Jones.
- Sheeple, heed the megaphone!
This Assange has apparently shown
The emperor on the palace throne grabbing at clothes
But I've heard anecdotes, I'll show it fits
This Patsy's a triple agent for the globalists
He claims openness, but he's actually a catalyst
For the one world government of commie nazi fascists
Robert, I'm getting paranoid, I need to state
This is a false flag attack to bring in a police state
A cyber 9-11, that's the secret vision
Right now they're de-briefing Julian in a British prison
- So Wikileaks is an inside job?
- They hide the thruth to distract from the climate deal in Cancun
- You try and do my job without hiding something
I ain't called the SECRETary of State for nothing.
- But surely, now you're exposed out on the stage
One would expect the world's leaders to be outraged
By the spying, lies, emerging charges
Now on the line it's Colonel Gadaffi
- Asalamalekum. - Alekumasalam, are you outraged?
- Well, now that there's a Muslim brother
President of US, we expected secrets
to be kept, but now we have to keep abreast
Of these.. huge… security leaks.
Obama must get firm grip on Wiki-tits
- Er.. ok, how about you Mr Berlusconi,
will your reputation fall more in this pandemonium?
- Ma Roberto! Gli italiani mi amano come bambini
E glielo metto in culo come Mussolini
The American flag is symbol global of liberty
And I love Hillary… though she's a bit too old for me
By the way, Robert, how much for your news show?
I pay cash, I just got some Rubles
- Sorry, Silvio, we have scruples, it's not for sale
- Va bo', Hillary, come have a cigar at my hotel
- Well, Hillary it appears that the leaders
Are not that outraged.
- Ha! Are you serious? Of course not.
We're one happy family tree, son
As you'll see soon when we hang Assange for treason
- Treason? could an Australian ever stand trial?
- Ha! Australia's in the American Empire!
We have puppet states, franchisees, subsidiaries,
Provided they obey, they're guaranteed liberty
We're not letting Assange get out of our grip
You know how hard it was to plant a condom that split?
- Hill, ya turd, your Bilderberg lies are blatant
- But, Alex, where's your evidence that Assange is an agent?
- Well, obviously this is a globalist psi-ops plot designed to keep us in the dark
They're climbin in your windows
They're snatchin your income tax
tryna enslave you so y'all need to
hide your kids, hide your wife
buy a gun , buy a knife
watch my show, buy your gold
and buy your silver cuz they enslavin errbody out here
We don't have to look for no facts
we know this is true ...
they gon chip you
they gon tag you
but we can run and yell that,
run and yell that
run and yell that! New World
New world order!
- We got his IP he done left data discs and all
he is so done, he is really going, on trial
- But what is Assange accused of?
- I was molested by Julian in the Stockholm
- So done, so done, so done, so
Ok, It's almost time to end for the day
But until we meet again, a few questions remain
Is Wikileaks really the greatest threat that we face?
Or is it the response we are seeing in defense of the state?
A response which is building and seeks
To turn back the clock on freedom of speech
And fundamental rights earned over a century
This should ring alarm bells for all who know their history
From this evidence, are we neglecting our memory
And repeating the trajectory of the twentieth century?
And if so, upon seeing the facts
But ceasing to act, don't we deserve the leaders we have?
What needs to befall before we open the door
and yell "I'm mad as hell and I'm not gonna take it anymore!"?
Or do we sit waiting for messiahs or aliens,
Or a super-hero, if they're not all one and the same meme?
History, dear viewers, is happening
Will we ever get a similar chance again?
History books will be written about events this month
The story they will tell, is up to us