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For as long as humans have walked on this earth, we have stared into the black expanse
of space. Wondering where our place in the universe was and why we are here. The rhythm
of the moon’s phases has guided humanity for millennia, but Galileo was the first to
point a telescope towards it and identify its mountains and craters. Not just that he
saw that those distant heavenly bodies had moons of their own, a discovery that shook
the religious world’s view of our place in the universe.
Fast forward 300 years and we have landed 12 men on our moon. An achievement that was
largely driven forward in a world living in the shadow of the threat of global nuclear
war. Since that threat has subsided our race to expand into space has waned. The Mars society
put it best with their founding statement. Civilisations, like people, thrive on challenge
and decay without it. The time is past for human societies to use war as a driving stress
for technological progress. As the world moves towards unity, we must join together, not
in mutual passivity, but in common enterprise, facing outward to embrace a greater and nobler
challenge than that which we previously posed to each other. Pioneering Mars will provide
such a challenge. One man has embraced that challenge like no
other and his name is Elon Musk. Today we are going to investigate how will Space X
get us to Mars. Elon Musks ultimate goal is to reduce the
cost of space travel. He believes if he can get the cost of a ticket to Mars down to around
half a million USD, the overlap of people who actually want to go to Mars and the people
who can actually afford it will be great enough to fund a Mars colony.
The most efficient way, that is the one that uses the least amount of fuel, to get to Mars
from Earth is with the Hohmann transfer method, named after Walter Hohmann, who first proposed
the idea in 1925. With this method you wait for earth to be at it’s closest point to
the sun and then launch. Mars needs to be about 44.4 degrees ahead of earth so that
Mars will be at it’s most distant point from the sun when the vehicle arrives. This
alignment happens once every 26 months. This is not the short or fastest path to Mars,
but it requires the least amount of energy input. When getting the cost of travel down,
this is the deciding factor. As I mentioned in my last video, the Space
Shuttle could transfer one kilo to low earth orbit for 18000 dollars, the falcon 9 can
do the same for just 2700 and Space X is continuously working to reduce that cost. Let’s take
a look at the falcon 9s launch sequence to learn some of the ways Space X has reduced
the cost of operation. The Falcon 9 first stage is powered by 9 Merlin
engines. These engines have the highest thrust to weight ratio of any booster engine ever
made at 155:1. This means the engines can lift more with less fuel and do it faster.
At launch the 9 engines produce 7900 kN of thrust lifting the 550 tonne rocket of the
ground and gradually accelerating it to 5 times the speed of sound. This section, called
the interstage, houses another Merlin engine that is designed to work optimally in the
vacuum of space. The first stage now separates about 75 km above our planet’s surface and
reveals the second stage engine. It’s interesting to note that the interstage remains connected
to the first stage, after seperation. This was not the case for the Saturn V, as the
interstage needed to wait for the engines of the second stage to fire before separating
using pyrotechnic charges. This ensured a clean separation, as there were worries that
the interstage would collide with the engines as it separated. due to clearance issues.
This is not a problem with the Falcon 9, making the interstage reusable and again saving money.
The Merlin engine of the second stage is designed to be shutdown and restarted multiple times
to deliver the payload to the appropriate orbit, or increase the velocity enough to
perform the Hohmann transfer to Mars. The payload is stored inside this composite fairing,
which is big enough to fit a school bus. When the time is right, the fairing splits in half
and drifts away from the second stage. The payload is now released into orbit around
earth. Meanwhile the first stage has begun its decent
back down to earth. Cold gas thrusters fire to flip it around, once this maneovre is complete
the engines will fire again to bring the speed down for re-entry and give it an appropriate
trajectory to reach the landing site. Upon re-entry the grid fins deploy which provide
aerodynamic control allowing it to steer. These are fantastic little devices that provide
excellent control at supersonic speeds. This mesh structure provides a huge amount of control
surface area in a small amount of space, which allows them to be easily stowed away during
launch to reduce drag. Grid fins are also much shorter than conventional planar fins,
so they generate less hinge moments meaning they need smaller motors to control them in
high speed flow. As the first stage descends closer to sea
level, the cold thrusters, grid fins and merlin engines work together to control the precise
landing on the drone ship barge. The reason Space X uses this barge is another cost saving
measure. The falcon 9 launches from land towards the sea for safety reasons, when the first
stage separates it’s over open ocean and if it needed to return to land it would need
to slow down, turn around and use more fuel to get back to where it started. Instead the
drone ship can place itself at the predicted landing zone and wait for the first stage,
this way the falcon 9 just needs a little bit of extra fuel to slow itself down to land.
Most people see Space Xs true innovation in their reusable rockets, but their innovation
in the manufacturing field is just as significant. Space X was the first space company to employ
a method called vertical integration to manufacture their rockets. This means that Space X designs
and manufactures nearly all it’s components itself. The Merlin engines, the aluminium-lithium
fuel tanks, the composite fairing for holding the payloads, the dragon spacecraft, the flight
control computers and the coding that goes into them. They are all designed manufactured
by space X. Comparing this to the Space Shuttle. Rockwell
developed the orbitor, Lockheed Martin developed the external tank and ATK developed the solid
rocket boosters. Each of these companies have their own subcontractors too.. Each subcontractor
adds a markup percentage to their selling price in order to make their own profit. Manufacturing
everything yourself eliminates all of these price markups. It cuts out the middlemen,
like buying popcorn as kernals and cooking them yourself, rather than buying them from
the cinema for 10 dollars. It has the added benefit of allowing you to have full control
of your quality control and creates an efficient product development system. All of your employees
can speak and collaborate to improve and develop new designs. Elon insists on open plans offices
to remove any communication barrier. He himself works in a cubicle. This creates the perfect
environment for continual innovation and if we want to get to Mars that is going to have
to happen. So you may be wondering what is next for Space
X. They will be launching their Falcon 9 heavy
variant at the end of this year. According to Space X the falcon 9 can currently launch
1 kilo to Mars for 15400 dollars, but the heavy variant can launch one kilo for about
6600 dollars. The average American weighs 80 kg, ignoring all other costs like how you
will live on Mars and how you will survive journey there, the raw price for a one way
trip to Mars will be half a million dollars. Musk aims to bring the price of a round trip,
including all other expenses, to Mars, down to half a million total. In 2010 Space X presented
concept designs for future heavy lift rockets, that will help towards that goal. They are
also planning to replace the 9 Merlin engines of the Falcon 9 with one incredible powerful
engine, dubbed the Merlin 2, that will increase the thrust to weight ratio even more. I, for
one, am really excited to see what Elon Musk and his incredible employees have in store
for us.
Thanks for watching! As some of you may know I quit my job earlier this year with the ridiculously
ambitious goal of growing this channel so that I can spread the incredible work that
engineers do all over the world. I never thought I would be able to do it full time for long,
as I have been eating away at my savings, but thanks to this week’s sponsor I can
keep doing it for a little while longer. So, thank you to TheGreatCoursesPlus for helping
Real Engineering exist. If you enjoy my videos you will definitely like TheGreatCoursePlus.
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