字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 My personal life isn't exactly a cliché, but it definitely is this meme. 我的私生活不是什麼老梗或陳腔濫調,但絕對跟這個梗圖有異曲同工之妙 This is fine. 其實也沒關係 Yup. My personal life just kind of exploded recently, and it has been difficult, to say the least. 嗯沒錯,我的私人生活最近有點爆炸,而我真的過得很糟 I've actually had several people reach out to me. 有幾個人甚至還跑來問我 Hey, so, real talk. Are you okay? 欸,說真的,妳還好嗎? Umm, your tweets... lately have me... concerned. 呃,你的推特文最近讓我有點...擔心 And no. No. Just in case you're wondering, 而確實,不好,我過得不好。如果你在懷疑的話 definitely not okay. 完完全全不好 But when life explodes, like, what else can you do? 但當人生大爆炸時,我們又能做什麼? Seriously. All I've been doing is drinking, ugly crying, and trying to distract myself from this whole mess 說實在的,我這陣子唯一做的事就是酗酒、大爆哭跟想辦法讓自己分心不要去想這件事 because the only thing that's actually gonna help me is time. 因為真的能幫助我的東西就是時間 And lots of it. 很多時間 So if you've found that your life has also fallen apart, here's some things you can do. 如果你也陷入黑暗的輪迴中,你可以做以下的幾件事情 First off, you definitely want to lean on your friends and family. 首先,請盡量依靠的你朋友和家人 Everyone should have a support group, 每個人都該有支持你的小圈圈 and I have been using mine. I've been using mine a lot. 而我最近也一直的使用我的那群好友 It'll be like 10 pm, and I will just feel like the dark, cold feelings of loneliness and despair start to seep in, 晚上十點時,那些黑暗、冰冷的孤獨和絕望感就會漸漸滲進我的腦中 so I will just frantically text everybody I know. 我就會開始瘋狂傳訊息給所有認識的人 And I'm really lucky, 我很幸運 I have amazing friends who are down to like, hang out with me till sometimes 3 in the morning. 我有一群超棒的朋友,願意跟我混在一起,有時候甚至到半夜三點 And just listen and offer advice, and let me wallow in despair the appropriate amount of time. 聽我說話、給一些建議,讓我適量的陷於絕望之中 Thanks guys! 謝謝你們! The next thing you want to do is go to your therapist. 下一個你可以做的事是去和你的諮商師談談 Or if you're not in therapy, get into therapy. 如果你沒有在做心理諮商,就去找一個吧 Because he or she can offer a lot of valuable insight into the tragedy that is your current existence. 他能給你一些深入的見解,幫你釐清你現在的悲慘人生 Well, it sounds like all you've been doing to cope with this situation is drink. 呃,聽起來妳最近唯一做的事是喝酒 And cry. 還有哭 And that's good, but I think you should also start incorporating more healthy coping mechanisms into your grieving process. 那是好事,但我覺得妳應該開始嘗試一些比較健康的康復方式 Like making sure you're getting enough sleep, maintaining exercise and a healthy diet. 像確保妳有足夠的睡眠、適量運動和均衡飲食 I've been to 3 strip clubs alone this month. 我這個月已經自己去過三次脫衣舞孃店了 Okay, that's - 好,這樣 —— And if I don't listen to like, music or podcasts in the car, and it's just totally quiet, 還有啊,如果我在車上不聽音樂或是播客,一片寂靜時 I just, I just burst out into these guttural sobs. 我就會開始痛哭失聲 Well, that's a little - 呃,這樣是有點 —— Yeah, I can feel myself cracking, you know. 我可以感受到自己正在慢慢崩潰 It's like everything's up in flames, and the house is gonna go down at any moment. 好像所有事情都在燃燒,房子也快垮了 Okay. Why don't you just take a deep breath for me now. 好,我覺得妳現在該來深呼吸一下 And depending how terrible life is, you'll be in these phases for quite a bit, 而取決於你現在人生有多慘,決定你在這個階段會待多久 but eventually you need to start taking care of yourself and rebuilding your life. 但你終究得開始照顧自己,並重新開始好好生活 Full disclosure, not there yet. I'm still in the despair part. 跟大家報告一下,我還沒到那個階段,現在還陷在絕望之中 But I've definitely started taking steps to kind of reach that. 但我的確已經開始邁步跨向那個方向 Like, I enrolled in a new Pilates class because I need endorphins now more than ever. 像是我報名了皮拉提斯課程,畢竟我現在很需要內啡肽 I'm picking up a new hobby of bouldering and rock climbing 然後我也開始開發新興趣,像是抱石和攀岩 so I can like, hang out with my friends and do a human puzzle with my body and mind. 這樣我就能出去跟朋友混混,順便動動腦做些人體拼圖 And I've adopted a new cat! 還有我又收養了一隻貓咪! Just kidding. 騙你們的 But seriously, at this point, like who cares how many cats I have anymore. 但說實在的,現在到底還有誰在乎我養了幾隻貓? I'm gonna die alone. 反正我就是會孤單地死去 But if your life is falling apart, I encourage you to try to embrace the shitty parts of it. 如果你的人生分崩離析,勸你試著接受那些很糟的部份 Like you could be crying at a strip club, but at least you're at the strip club you know, hanging out trying to have a good time! 像是,你可能在脫衣舞店大哭,但至少你是在脫衣舞店啊,有出去走走、嘗試要過得開心 You could go to the bar with your friends and end up falling down the stairs 你可能跟朋友去酒吧但跌下樓梯 and walking into the mens room and wanting to die of embarrassment, 還走進男廁並難堪的想死 but at least you're at the bar with your friends trying to have a good time! 但至少你有跟朋友去酒吧,試著要過得開心啊! You could be trying to write a YouTube video and just feeling all of these sad, despairing feelings come up 你可能在寫 YouTube 影片的稿,越寫越覺得難過絕望 and want to just cry yourself to sleep, 只想哭著睡著 but you're still writing the video trying to have a good time! 但至少你在寫稿並嘗試著要過得開心啊! Just 'cause your life falls apart doesn't mean you have to lose your desire to live it. 只因為你的人生瓦解了,並不代表你必須失去活著的動力 I'm Anna Akana. This is not a cry for help. 我是 Anna Akana,這不是求救影片 Stay awesome, gotham. Stay awesome, gotham. (Anna 影片的固定結語) I want to say thank you to Squarespace for sponsoring today's episode. 我想感謝 Squarespace 贊助今天的影片 Squarespace offers beautiful award-winning templates for any website Squarespace 提供的網站模板不但漂亮且得獎無數 even if you're an artist, a photographer, a chef, or a fireman! 不論你是藝術家、攝影師、廚師還是消防隊都適用 They have 24/7 customer service for when everything goes down in flames, 他們提供 24 小時、全年無休的服務 and if you want a domain, no problem. 如果你需要網域名稱,沒問題 They offer a unique and simple set-up. 他們也有提供獨特且簡易的設置 You can go to squarespace.com to start your free trial today and use offer code Anna for 10% off! 現在就去 squarespace.com 開始免費體驗吧!輸入 Anna 可享九折優惠噢! Squarespace. Super lit. Squarespace 超屌!
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 人生 絕望 輪迴 黑暗 朋友 開心 當你掉進黑暗的輪迴時,到底該怎麼面對人生? (What to do when your life falls apart) 24218 1962 Colleen Jao 發佈於 2017 年 07 月 26 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字