字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Hey Youtubers, it's Charlie!! 嘿觀眾朋友們,我是查理! This is going to be my Sherlock finale video. 今天的影片是關於新世紀福爾摩斯完結篇 They did a great job of leading everything together going back to season one just careful 最後一季完美地呼應了從第一季以來的劇情,所以如果你還沒看過, for spoilers if you haven't seen it yet. 先提醒你要慎入,因為可能會有劇透 Because this is the last episode of Sherlock probably for a long time I have some notes 因為這是新世紀福爾摩斯的最後一集,我收到了一些訊息,關於本季的結局啦、 at the end of this about what's coming next and what the cast and crew have said. 劇中演員和片場工作人員說了什麼啦, So there is a new round of the Sherlock giveaway. 所以這裡我要來回饋你們,舉辦一個抽獎活動 All you have to do to enter is be a subscriber and leave a comment on this video be sure 你們只要訂閱、在影片下方留言,並且開啟通知 to click that bell to enable alerts so that you don't miss anything. 也就是那個鈴鐺,以確保你們沒有漏掉任何新影片,就可以參加 So there are just so many things to talk about this in the top 10 format this should be 15, 這部影集有太多彩蛋了,用前十名根本說不完,應該分成前十五名的 so number 10 that really funny Mycroft whore introduction is almost like he's in a dream 第十名就是最一開始麥克羅夫像驚悚片般的出場 sequence. 有趣的是,觀眾會以為是在演他的夢境 You get the reveal that Sherlock just staged it so that he become so afraid and reveal 後來你就會發現,原來是夏洛克設下的圈套和戲碼 the truth. 嚇得麥克羅夫講出實情 Sherlock has a sister the way they pull that off is perfect like Mycroft's murder house 夏洛克有一個姊姊,而劇中發現這個真相的手法很高明,麥克羅夫在自己家裡 is he's watching this old pulp detective thriller, it's funny to watch Mycroft express emotion 看著投影幕上的偵探驚悚老片,而之後麥克羅夫被驚嚇的反應是意料之外的 because supposedly he's not supposed to have any like he makes a joke later in the episode 照理說麥克羅夫不會有這些反應,尤其在這集後面片段,夏洛克差點被逼著要槍殺 where Sherlock almost forced to kill Moriaty says you know I'm I might have a little heart 華生或麥克羅夫其中一人時,麥克羅夫還開玩笑說,我的心應該蠻小顆的 why don't you aim for that. 你要不要試試看能不能射中? So the cats out of the bag Mycroft comes clean in number nine is forced to go to Baker Street 福爾摩斯家的秘密被揭穿之後,第九名也呼之欲出了,麥克羅夫只好來到貝克街, for health just like any other client. 就像其他客戶一樣, So he has to sit in the chair jump through all the hoops of this all the comedy of that. 他只能乖乖坐在客戶專用沙發上,一一回答夏洛克的問題 But then he explains Eurus's Backstory she's one year older than Sherlock, but six years 之後麥克羅夫說出歐洛絲的背景,她是大夏洛克一歲、小麥克羅夫六歲的姐妹 younger than Mycroft see you get a little more context for her character. 好,現在我們更了解她的角色設定了 The funny thing about this is that Sharrinford in the books. 值得一提的是,在書中有一個角色名叫薛林佛 The third mythical brother of the homes was supposed to be the smartest of all like towering 他原本被設定為傳說中福爾摩斯家的第三個兄弟,並且是三個孩子中最聰明的,智慧更甚 above Mycroft himself so they did that in this episode because it's Eurus, it's a sister, 麥克羅夫,所以在劇中也有這樣的一個角色,但是是一個姐妹, it's a different name, so she has this titanic genius that dwarfs the other homes brothers 名字也改叫歐洛絲,她是聰明絕頂的天才,福爾摩斯兄弟都望塵莫及 she's been kept secret this whole time because she's such a danger to herself to everyone 歐洛絲一直以來隱瞞著她真正的身份,因為對她自己或對其他人 else. 都是個威脅 So number eight the Sherrinford reveal like I said it's the name of the mythical third 第八名就是「薛林佛」這名字,我剛剛提到他是神秘的福爾摩斯家第三個兄弟 homes brother that wasn't written by Conan Doyle, it's not really part of the canon, 這角色其實不是由柯南・道爾所創造,不算是他筆下的一部分 which is the theoretical think it was at a later to sort of sew up the logic of the used 因此假設這是後來為了符合邏輯,讓「薛林佛」從人名變成歐洛絲所在的監獄名 it as the name for this Alcatraz prison that she stuck in I should actually say that the 一個專收「惡魔」的監獄,座落在阿爾卡特拉島上,應該說 title of the episode is also an Easter egg for the Conan Doyle story the adventure of 最後一集的名字「最後的謎題」也是柯南・道爾設下的彩蛋之一, the final problem which was meant to be the last Sherlock Holmes story he was going to 代表著這是福爾摩斯系列的最後一個故事, kill the character off. 打算完結所有角色 But then fans revolted he brought him back later. 但是書迷反彈,使得他讓角色復出 But originally the final problem was sort of like the Reichenbach fall where he went 但是原本在「最後的謎題」一集中大致呼應了聖誕特別篇《地獄新娘》中 out taking down Moriarty they use that, during the Christmas special were he's in is mind 夏洛克在自己的思維殿堂裡,幻想自己 Palace at the Reichenbach fall. 與莫里亞蒂在萊辛巴赫瀑布的打鬥 So originally, that was meant to be the theoretical death of the character in the books, but in 所以一開始書中就應該要有一個預設的角色死亡 the episode 但在影集裡, They use it as a sort of an Easter egg for Sherlock's 瀑布打鬥的場景被用來當一個彩蛋,象徵夏洛克小時候 obsession with Deepwater that goes back to red beard. 對「紅鬍子」和深水的陰影 So family Backstory number seven Musgrave we learn about their ancestral home if you 第七名就是在福爾摩斯的老家 Musgrave 發生的事(註:他們的老家後來失火) saw the James Bond movie sky fall it's kind of like that. 他們的老家有點類似詹姆斯・龐德演《 007:空降危機》裡面的「天幕莊園」那樣 It just like this really old home had been their family for a long time. There were all 一幢很老舊的古建築,很久以前住著整個家族的人 these fake graves out front that Sherlock was obsessed with, that his sister used as 外頭豎立著一些假的墓碑,歐洛絲小時候一直重複朗誦 the cipher for the east wind riddle that she kept repeating, so she turned it into a song, 一個東風謎題給夏洛克猜,後來還把它唱成一首歌, but the code for solving it was taken from the graves that Sherlock like to play around 後來夏洛克成功破解了,而破解關鍵就是假墓碑上的字,夏洛克小時候 as a child when he was playing Pirates with his friends. 常常和一個玩伴在這些墓碑之間玩耍、扮演海盜 Number six the prison takeover. 第六名,歐洛絲被關在監獄裡這部分 So there's this big reveal that she's in this Sherrinford prison the most impregnable 劇中有說她被關在薛林佛精神病監獄,監獄被隔離在一座防守最嚴密的孤島上 fortress for you lockup the worst of the worst they set it up pretty hard-core, so no surprise 擁有最無懈可擊的的囚禁體系,最邪惡的壞人都被關在這裡,所以當發現控制整個監獄的人 that the reveal event is that Hannibal Lector is actually running the prison, so it was 早就被歐洛絲給洗腦與控制了,大家才恍然大悟,這裡的轉折就是 a great twist words like oh we all spent time with her. 原來我們一直把重點放在歐洛絲身上 She all turned us. 結果還是被她耍了 So, were following her orders but the bigger one number five is the Moriarty reveal where 大家在無形之中受到歐洛絲的控制,但更精彩的是第五名,莫里亞蒂出現 you learn that Mycroft had been using her genius to help stop future potential crimes, 原來麥克羅夫一直以來利用歐洛絲的天才頭腦來預防犯罪,因此他必須給歐洛絲 but as a result was forced to give her things in exchange one of them was the violin. 一些「報酬」,其中一個就是一把小提琴 The other was five uninterrupted minutes with Moriarty five years ago. 第二個是五年前,她要求要跟莫里亞蒂在不受監控下面談五分鐘 So there was this great introduction sequence where they don't reveal to you that it's in 因此才會有這個意料不到的莫里亞蒂登場(註:莫里亞蒂在第二季時已飲彈自盡) the past. 讓大家以為他復活,沒想到是在演過去式 Moriarty gets off the helicopter to clean just like a total boss just like it's so great 莫里亞蒂下直昇機,像個大老闆一樣威風, to be back to a little dance for the fans. 還不忘開心的跳支小舞,就像是在回饋影迷 Everyone's going crazy then you learn that it's five years ago and he's actually been 影迷可能看到莫里亞蒂而感到興奮,結果發現這是五年前,而且他其實一直在配合 playing Eurus's great game, the great game that Moriarty teased is actually her great 歐洛絲設計的遊戲,莫里亞蒂一直以來自豪自己設計出的遊戲其實是歐洛絲的 game that she set in motion to get Sherlock to help save her. 她設計一連串病態的遊戲逼夏洛克配合,是希望夏洛克能拯救她 So on route to this there's a whole bunch of Easter eggs the case that she forces them 所以在玩遊戲的過程中也埋伏了很多彩蛋,其中一關是歐洛絲逼迫夏洛克破解 to solve the three Garrettdub brothers is actually named after the adventure of the 格瑞伯三兄弟的謎題,它是以《格瑞伯三兄弟的冒險》來命名 three Garrettdubs which I actually think they used as a Series III episode, too, but she persons 在第三集中沿用同個名字,但歐洛絲設定情緒勒索的橋段 of this emotional wringer, just sort of like lab rats just seeing how they'll react how 把夏洛克他們當實驗室白老鼠,想看他們在面臨人性道德考驗時 their morality will adapt to the situation like will you do something that you never 會如何反應,你會如何面對從沒想過會面臨的人性難題 thought that you would do nice moment from Mycroft that proves that he's not a total 歐洛絲逼夏洛克要擇一殺掉麥克羅夫或約翰・華生時,也證明了麥克羅夫 psychopath. 並不是個沒血沒淚的菁英 He actually does have emotions tries to get Sherlock to kill him, so that he won't have 他是有感情的,他故意刺激夏洛克殺掉自己,這樣他就不用殺掉華生 to kill Watson but that she knocks them out takes them back to their family home in Sherlock 但後來歐洛絲弄昏他們所有人,並把場景拉到福爾摩斯老家 learns the truth number four that there was no red beard. 也就是在那裡,夏洛克終於想起死去的「紅鬍子」 The dog. 根本不是一隻狗 It was actually his friend in that part of the reason why Sherlock doesn't remember his 而是他小時候的玩伴,夏洛克把這個事實和歐洛絲忘的一乾二淨是因為 sister is because he rewrote his memories because 在他的好友過世之後,夏洛克的心理嚴重創傷 the trauma of losing his friend was so bad. 因此他改寫了自己的記憶 That was the day that he started to push emotions out and be the Sherlock that you met in the 這也是為什麼打從第一季開始,你看到的夏洛克會有冷酷無情的形象 first season, but number three as he saves his sister helps bring her down, so to speak 第三名,夏洛克終於破解謎題找到歐洛絲,原來歐洛絲一直沈浸在自己的思維殿堂中, her mind Palace where she was trapped up in the air. 想像自己被困在一架飛機上,夏洛克把她帶離思維殿堂 He also learns that he's stronger because of his emotions and he should welcome that. 夏洛克更發現了自己的堅強是因為他擁有真性情,他也應該欣然接受自己的特質 So he's never going to be as smart as Mycroft or euros, but he will always beat them because 他的確不比麥克羅夫或歐洛絲聰明,但是他是最堅強的那一個, he's a stronger person. 所以他總是能克服其他人不能克服的事 So not smarter, but stronger because he's learned to not push his emotions away. 總結來說,即使有人比他更聰明,夏洛克不排斥自己的情感反而讓他更無懈可擊 So you know his friendship with Watson help teach him that you kinda see that play out 你可以看到夏洛克跟華生的友誼教會他很多事 over the course of the episode the Molly Hooper I love you moment also kinda plays into that 還有茉莉・琥珀的「我愛你」那幾幕也顯示出夏洛克的情感面 to, but number two you see Sherlock visiting his sister later just showing you a more hopeful 第二名就是劇中接近結尾時,夏洛克時不時去拜訪他的姊姊,讓觀眾 ending that she's no longer alone. 感到欣慰,因為歐洛絲終於不再孤單 There's as big reveal that she's beyond words. 還有一個爆點就是,歐洛絲的智慧已經超越語言 She can't communicate she's not talking to anyone but Sherlock can speak to her through 她無法和任何人用語言溝通,夏洛克卻能和她一同演奏小提琴 music. 透過音樂來交流 So even if she isn't literally talking she still communicating with them now to see the 因此就算歐洛絲不開口說話,她依然透過音樂和外界溝通,知道她的家人來看她 family come visit Mycroft telling his parents look she still alive so they eventually go 麥克羅夫也在片尾告訴他們的父母歐洛絲還活著,並全家 visit her. 一起去監獄拜訪她 So they imply that she gets well enough so they can actually have a relationship with 劇中呈現歐洛絲的狀況已經好轉,她能夠保持家人關係 her even if it still kind of weird she's locked up for the rest of her life. 雖然還是有點怪,因為她此生都要被關在薛林佛監獄 But number one is the message from Mary just making you wonder. 第一名的彩蛋就是片尾瑪麗死前留下的訊息,再度引起觀眾臆測 You know Miss you your like oh my God, is this can be some sort of Moriarty reveal is 你知道,像莫里亞蒂那樣,讓大家猜測說,天哪!這又是什麼伏筆嗎? just another final message from Mary giving them a big called action 結果只是一個她最後的影像留言,告訴夏洛克和華生 explaining why what they do as they solve crimes have these adventures 他們一起破案的旅程是必須的 is so necessary for the people that need them 因為很多人需要他們 so she's just telling them that they need to carry on. 所以影片中瑪麗只是想要說,他們兩個必須繼續攜手合作 They do this big montage were, there's a couple more Easter eggs the Viking on the floor 最後一分鐘的拼貼鏡頭中還藏了幾個彩蛋,例如有一個躺在地上的男人 there is actually the musician Paul Weller who's part of this big band called The Jam, a 他其實是音樂家保羅・韋勒,他是知名團體 The Jam 中的一員 big musician big rock star that also happens to be a friend of Martin Freeman, so that 是一個很紅的搖滾歌手,同時也剛好是馬丁・費曼的朋友,一個友情客串的概念 sort of like a celebrity cameo the Rathbone Place is an Easter egg for Basil Rathbone 最後一幕兩位男主角從羅斯本街跑出來,這也是個彩蛋,為了致敬貝錫・羅斯本, who played the character in the 1939 film series you see Rosie you see Molly Hooper, 一位演出 1939 年福爾摩斯系列男主角的英國演員。同時片尾你可以看到蘿絲 so she's not really dead. 還有茉莉・琥珀,代表她並沒有死 So, just sort of like a goodbye in a way for them to show you that there still having adventures 所以第四季最後像是一個告別作,想要傳達不管有無續集, regardless of whether or not they're going to be more Sherlock episodes, so I know a 夏洛克和華生還是會繼續他們的旅程,我知道你們很多人在問 lot of you are asking the cast and crew has said that they want to do more Sherlock episodes 因為聽說一些劇中演員也想繼續拍《新世紀福爾摩斯》 but if they do is going to be like another two years at least before their more so if 但如果真的有續集的話,新一季可能也要再等個至少兩年 they decide to do more. 如果他們決定要繼續拍的話啦 It is going to be a long time but will probably hear you know whether or not it's actually 那影迷可能要等很久,所以他們應該會先公布 going to happen relatively quickly. 是否會有下一季 The other really funny thing. 還有另一個有趣的點 This is just like a small moment from the first time he met Eurus is like a lingering 就是夏洛克第一次見到歐洛絲時,有一個疑問我一直忘不掉 question I think you know, just to kind of poke the fans little like you can wonder about 你們同為粉絲應該能理解,能讓粉絲在意很久,但是又得不到正解的問題 this poor not can answer for sure is when Eurus says to Sherlock as he's playing the violin 就是當歐洛絲跟正在拉小提琴的夏洛克說 you've had sex, I can tell, I've had sex. And for a minute. 你和某人上床了,我看得出來,因為我也上過床。聽到這,你就會想說 You just kind of stop and say, wait a minute, who did Sherlock have sex with it wasn't with Molly 等一下,夏洛克和誰上床啊?一定不是茉莉・琥珀 Hooper for sure and I think that they answered that he did not have sex with Janine. 然後感覺也不會是珍寧 So you wonder, it's like is Irene Adler I thought that she was mostly into women maybe 所以你就會想說,還是艾琳・阿德勒?我以為她是同性戀 she's bisexual. 但其實也可能是雙性戀 So just a really funny tease for the fans the you guys let me know like what was your 所以算是讓粉絲自行想像。你們可以留言讓我知道你們最喜歡 favorite moment from the episode in which episode was your favorite so far, I definitely 劇中哪個橋段,目前最喜歡哪一集,當然這個完結篇 think this is one of my favorites but I feel like Series III was a little bit stronger, 是我最喜歡的一季,但我認為第三集有點轉變太快 so I'm like to go back and rewatch this again. 所以我應該會回去重看 But it was a great run this year episode two and episode three definitely better than the 但是今年這三集一次播出真的很過癮,第二和第三集絕對比第一集還要精彩 first episode but he didn't spot any other Easter eggs that I didn't mention there's 有可能還有我沒提到的彩蛋 probably a whole bunch. 搞不好還有很多 Just let me know in the comments and I'll say congratulations to this week Sherlock 你們有發現的話,請留言和我說,另外我要恭喜贏得《新世紀福爾摩斯》大放送的人 giveaway winner on call a bond you have $20 Amazon gift card be sure to private message 獲得 20 美元亞馬遜購物商城禮品卷,記得可以透過我的頻道私訊我 me on the back of my channel so I can get your contact details what's gonna happen is 我才能問你基本資訊,然後因為《權力遊戲》要再一陣子才會播出, because game of thrones is still a ways away in there's not a lot of Doctor Who happening 而且他和《新世紀福爾摩斯》性質完全不一樣 if you're big Sherlock fan you're looking for like another series that's kind of in 所以如果你是福爾摩斯迷,你像找類似的影集來看,我可以推薦一部電視劇 the same vein, I recommend taboo which is Tom Hardy's new miniseries that's on FX networks 《禁忌》是新的迷你影集,由Tom Hardy 導演 in the United States. 在美國 FX 電視台播出 I think it's on sky in the UK, but the other new series that I'm gonna do videos 應該在英國也有播出,但是我接下來想拍的影片 for is called Legion which is like an X-Men TV show about the most powerful mutant, but 是關於《變種軍團》,就像 X 戰警系列一樣在講強大的變種人 it's kind of like X-Men Breaking Bad it's going to be carried on Fox's international 但是是反派的 X 戰警的感覺,這也會在 channels. 福斯電視台播出 So whichever channel you watched The Walking Dead on that's the channel that legion is 《變種軍團》和《陰屍路》是同一個電視台播出 going to be on it's a Thursday show I'll be doing a trailer video in the next couple of 它是每週四播出,我之後幾天會放上《變種軍團》預告 days will explain what's going on with that while you guys wait for that to post you can 我會介紹一下這部電視劇在演什麼,在那之前,你們可以點這邊 click here for all my Sherlock videos and you can click here for my latest game of thrones 我拍的《新世紀福爾摩斯》系列影片,也可以點這邊進去看 video. 最新《權力遊戲》系列影片 Thank you so much watching everybody let's high five I'll see you guys tonight! 感謝你們的收看,來擊個掌吧!我們今晚見囉!
A2 初級 中文 英國腔 夏洛克 福爾摩斯 莫里亞蒂 彩蛋 華生 播出 夏洛克第四季第3集結局TOP10和復活節彩蛋--本尼迪克特-康伯巴奇。 (Sherlock Season 4 Episode 3 Finale TOP 10 and Easter Eggs - Benedict Cumberbatch) 480 52 廖芯琳 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字