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  • Hey there, I’m Mike Rugnetta and this is Crashcourse Mythology and today were going

    哈囉!我是麥克‧如格內塔。 歡迎收看《神話速成班》。

  • to start looking at pantheons.


  • Pantheons are families of gods, and those families are complicated.

    「眾神」指的是神的家族。 這些家族非常非常複雜。

  • Really complicated.


  • A whole tangle of grandparents and parents and uncles and aunts and nieces and nephews

    一整堆阿公阿嬷、老爸老媽、伯父叔叔、 阿姨嬸嬸、姪兒外甥...

  • and a couple of children of mortal women who were raped and a pretty staggering amount


  • of violence and incest to just round everything off.


  • They have amazing feasts, but honestly, can you imagine Thanksgiving with these people?

    他們的宴席很豐富, 但你能想像跟他們吃年夜飯的場景嗎?

  • I mean Thoth, you had a mistress and a wife and you somehow gave birth to yourself.

    好比說圖特,你是怎麼跟老婆小三劈腿 然後把自己給生出來的?

  • How is that not awkward?




  • The pantheons we are going to examine are


  • families of deities from cultures that are usually considered polytheistic, meaning that

    我們要來討論的眾神, 都是從多神教的文化裡的神族。

  • they worshipped more than one god.


  • In most mythological traditions, the gods are seen as immortal, and according to David

    大部分的神話傳說中, 神都有不死之身。

  • Leeming, “they are personified projections of the human mythmaker’s dreams of overcoming

    根據大衛‧李明的說法: 「神話作者夢想著克服現實中

  • the inevitable effects of the physical laws that require death and disintegration.”

    無法避免的死亡與物質崩解。 於是將他們的夢化生為人形,成了眾神。」

  • Yeah.


  • We went dark pretty quick.


  • In creation stories and other myths, gods represent the creative force that brings and

    在創世神話與其他神話中, 眾神代表著維持生命的創造之力。

  • sustains life.

    許多神話中,眾神是 「諸多自然力與人性的化身。」

  • In many myths, gods arepersonifications of aspects of nature and of human naturethe


  • sun, the winds, impatience, love.”

    大衛‧李明認為眾神能幫助解釋世界 形成的來由與原因,

  • Pantheons, David Leeming argues, help us to explain how and why the world we know came


  • into being, and can tell us a lot about a culture.


  • Leeming writes: “All pantheons are ontological and teleological;

    他們是人類用來解答自身存在、 以及終極原因的寓言。

  • that is they are metaphors for the human attempt to make sense of existence itself and to assign

    解讀『眾神』就是在解讀一個文化對於自身的認識, 以及其對宇宙現象的理解。」

  • ultimate cause.


  • Toread” a pantheon is to read a culture’s sense of itself and of the nature of the cosmos.”


  • But can pantheons explain the naked mole rat?


  • Let’s find out together.


  • If you thought that I was going to start with the Greeks, ha!

    圖特!來個 High Five!

  • Gotcha!


  • High five Thoth.


  • But were not starting with Egypt either.

    我們會先從有文字紀錄以來 最古老的眾神:

  • Sorry.

    美索不達米亞的 古蘇美神話眾神。

  • Were going to start with one of the oldest pantheons we have records for, the family

    蘇美眾神代表著對於古代美索不達米亞人 最重要的自然力量。

  • of Gods from ancient Sumer in Mesopotamia.

    蘇美眾神的神真的很多, 所以打起精神仔細聽。

  • Sumer’s pantheon represents the most important natural forces in the lives of Ancient Mesopotamians,

    盡量每位神的職責, 並且注意哪些自然力沒有神來代表。

  • and there are a lot of deities here, so strap in.


  • Try to pay attention to everyone’s responsibilities, and note what kinds of things don’t have

    第一對「神仙眷屬」是 「大地女神」姬與「天神」安。

  • gods.

    安與姬結為夫婦, 再加上「初始之水女神」娜姆。

  • All right.

    安和娜姆的孩子有「機巧之神」恩奇、 和恩奇的姊妹,「蘆葦女神」寧奇古嘉。

  • Here we go.

    安和姬的則生了「大氣女神」寧利爾 和「風神」恩利爾。

  • The first pair of deities are the earth goddess, Ki, and the sky god, called An.


  • An mates with Ki, AND Nammu, goddess of primal waters.


  • An and Nammu’s children are Enki, the trickster god, and his sister, Ningikuga the goddess


  • of the reeds.


  • An and Ki, the more significant duo, begat Ninlil, the air goddess, and Enlil the air


  • god.


  • Ninlil and Enlil give birth to Nanna, the Moon God.

    厄里斯奇格的「丈夫」是 「天牛」古嘉爾拉那。

  • Enki and his sister Ningikuga create Ningal, the Moon Goddess.


  • Ningal and Nanna then have three children.

    杜穆茲是「機巧之神」恩奇與 「羊神」西爾圖爾的兒子。

  • Utu, the sun god, Inanna, theGreat Goddess of Heaven and Earth”, and Ereshkigal, the

    值得注意的是: 牧神是由羊神所生的。

  • Queen of the Underworld.

    以上就是蘇美的基礎神系。 但這能告訴我們什麼呢?

  • Ereshkigal’s “husbandis Gugalanna, the Bull of Heaven.

    首先,這樣的神系告訴我們 美索不達米亞人的神話更注重於

  • And Inanna marries the Shepherd Dumuzi.

    天地這樣的自然現象, 人類的行為和情緒(如:愛情)則在其次。

  • Dumuzi, it turns out, was the son of Enki, the trickster god, and his consort, the sheep

    原始的美索不達米亞眾神中, 只有「機巧之神」恩奇

  • goddess Sirtur.

    和伊南娜(同時也是愛神)兩位 才有人性方面的職權。

  • It may be worth nothing that yes: a sheep goddess DID give birth to a shepherd.


  • So that is the basic pantheon of Sumer, but what does all this tell us about Mesopotamia?

    平時我們提到「新月沃土」時,都會想到農業。 (譯按:新月沃土為兩河流域與尼羅河流域一帶。)

  • First it suggests that, at least in terms of their myths, natural phenomena--like the

    但是蘇美眾神裡有羊神和牛神,而不是豐收之神, 可能表示蘇美人早期趨向於畜牧文化。

  • earth and sky--take precedence over human actions and emotions--like love.

    或是說這裡的牛神是象徵性的。 不僅代表男性,也有可能象徵耕作。

  • I mean, only two of the original Mesopotamian gods, Enki the trickster and Inanna, also

    這就是神話──尤其是眾神── 最有意思的地方。

  • the goddess of love, are described as ruling over aspects of human nature.


  • And the sheep?

    圖特,我不是在講聖書體。 (譯按:聖書體沒有書寫順序規則, 只要不影響意義,愛怎麼寫就怎麼寫。)

  • Well, we tend to think agriculture when we talk about the Fertile Crescent, but the fact

    不過,我們可以藉此把鏡頭轉向 下一個很複雜的神系:埃及眾神。

  • that their pantheon features Sheep and a Bull rather than a harvest deity might recall an


  • earlier life as herders.


  • Or perhaps the Bull is symbolic not only of masculinity but also of farming.


  • This is the fun part of pantheons specifically and mythology generally; you can read them


  • in many ways.


  • No, Thoth that’s not a joke about hieroglyphics.


  • But, it does get us to our next, significantly more complex family of gods, the Egyptian


  • pantheon.

    舉例來說,伊西斯與歐西里斯的神話 最完整的版本甚至不是埃及人寫的。

  • Right off the bat I’m going to say that the Egyptian pantheon is even more confusing

    這個版本是由希臘歷史學者普魯塔克 在公元一世紀至二世紀左右完成的。

  • than your average confusing pantheon.

    此時的埃及早就成了希臘的領土, 又被羅馬帝國所佔領了。

  • But surprise, surprise, it’s also just as incestuous.

    在普魯塔克版本的神話中, 他給埃及神祇都取了希臘名字。

  • First off: There is no standard version of the Egyptian pantheon.


  • the myth changes depending upon who is writing it.


  • And where.

    既使在埃及本土,你所在的城市也會 有各自不同版本的神系。

  • And when.

    我們主要會專注於赫里奧波里斯城 所崇拜的神系。

  • For example, in the story of Isis and Osiris, our most complete source isn’t even Egyptian,

    這個版本的神系 以亞圖姆或拉為主神。

  • it’s the Greek biographer Plutarch, who wrote in the first and second centuries CE,


  • well after Egypt had become Hellenized, and then Romanized.

    我們也不能忘了阿肯那頓(古埃及第十八王朝法老) 曾經想把宗教改成一神教。

  • In his version of the Isis and Osiris myths, he gives Egyptian gods Greek names.


  • For example, he refers to Thoth as Hermes, he does still give you credit for inventing


  • darts, though, so.


  • There are also different versions of the pantheon depending on where you are in Egypt.

    所以,為了避繁就簡, 我們只討論埃及宗教核心的九柱神系。

  • For the most part well be sticking with the group of gods worshipped at the city of


  • Heliopolis and headed by Atum or Ra, but well give a nod to the fact that in Thebes the


  • pantheon was led by Amun.

    恩尼亞德(Ennead),即九柱神,是公元前2700年 赫里奧波里斯城裡所崇拜的神系。

  • And we can’t forget the attempted monotheism of Akhenaton.

    九柱神神話被記載在《金字塔之書》裡。 《金字塔之書》可能是現存最古老的宗教典籍。

  • That was classic.


  • But just to make this even trickier, a lot of the Egyptian sources we have for myths

    看你在埃及的那個城市, 祂又被稱為瑞、拉、凱布利、阿蒙、阿蒙‧拉...。

  • are fragmentary and spread out over thousands of years.


  • So, for simplicity, were going to settle on the Nine-God pantheon that forms the core


  • of Egyptian religious belief, and itdoesn’t include Thoth.


  • Sorry, buddy.

    吐出了「空氣之神」舒、 與「法則之神」泰芙努特

  • Anyway, the Ennead, or Nine Gods, was in place in Heliopolis by 2700 BCE and is the one found

    這對孿生兄妹結婚之後, 生下了蓋布和努特。

  • in the Pyramid Texts, which might be the oldest surviving set of religious texts in the world.

    蓋布是「生命之神」 而努特是埃及的「母神」。

  • At the top of this pantheon is Atum, aka Re aka Ra, aka Khepri aka Amun or sometimes Amun-Ra,

    這兩位神被父親舒強行分開。蓋布成了「大地之神」, 而努特成了「蒼天與星辰女神」。

  • depending on where in Egypt you are.


  • This is why were simplifying!

    上行下效,這對兄妹也成了 神系中其他神祇的父母。

  • Atum is the great eye of the heavens and of creation.

    他們的孩子中,伊西斯與歐西里斯 可能是最著名的埃及神祇。

  • He was the spitter in our Egyptian creation story.


  • So Atum’s creative cough creates Shu, the life spirit, and Tefnut, the world order or

    歐西里斯是「冥神、農業豐饒之神」。 有點像是哈得斯和狄蜜特的合體。

  • cosmos.

    可能是最受歡迎的埃及神祇。 誰不喜歡食物和死亡呢?

  • This brother and sister pair mate, and give birth to Geb and Nut.

    他死後又復活。 復活這檔事在神話裡十分常見。

  • Geb is the spirit of life and Nut is an Egyptian Great Mother goddess.


  • The two are separated by their father, Shu, and Geb becomes Earth while Nut becomes the


  • sky and the stars, which is a neat reversal of the whole earth mother sky father thing.


  • Like their parents, brother and sister Geb and Nut become the mother and father of the

    如果你不知道什麼是「神秘教派」的話, 這就是「神秘教派」的重點。

  • rest of the gods in this pantheon.


  • Their children, Osiris and Isis are probably the best known Egyptian gods, other than hawk-headed

    賽特是「混亂與黑暗之神」, 他是伊西斯與歐西里斯的宿敵。

  • Ra.

    他與妹妹奈芙蒂斯結婚。 奈芙蒂斯是很班配的「死者與昏暗女神」。

  • Osiris, god of the underworld and grain, kind of like a Demeter/Hades combo, was probably

    如果你們要永遠在一起的話, 最好是有共同興趣。

  • the most popular of the Egyptian gods-because who doesn’t like food and death?


  • He dies and is revived, which happens more than you’d expect, in myth.


  • Actually, maybe just as much as you’d expect in myth.


  • Isis is a goddess of the earth and the moon, and is married to Osiris.


  • The mystery cult of Isis was popular well beyond Egypt, into Roman times.


  • And if youre not sure what a mystery cult, guess what, that’s the point.

    最重要的事,荷魯斯的形象是一位隼頭人身的神祇。 (不是鷹頭人身,也不是䴉首人身)

  • The second son and third child from the Geb-Nut pairing is Seth.


  • Seth is a god of evil and darkness and is the nemesis of Isis and Osiris.

    我知道你可能想問阿努比斯、芭絲特、塞赫麥特 跑到哪去了?

  • He is married to his sister, Nephthys, a goddess of death and dusk, because you know, if youre

    但記得,我們要避繁就簡, 所以只專注在九柱神神系上。

  • going to be married for all eternity, it’s nice to share interests.


  • And the final piece of this puzzle is young Horus, not to be confused with old Horus,

    這裡有許多位太陽神: 拉代表著太陽與創造,

  • or the guy from WarHammer.


  • He was conceived miraculously by Isis and Osiris after the latter’s death, and he

    所以我們可以推定: 太陽對於埃及人很重要。

  • has aspects of a sun god.


  • He’s a light that defeats Seth’s darkness.


  • Most important though, Horus, who is often depicted with the head of a falcon (not a

    許多人認為古埃及文化著重在死亡。 這一點並沒有錯。

  • hawk, not an ibis) is the spiritual force behind the pharaohs.


  • I know youre wondering when were going to talk about Anubis, Bastet, and Sekhmet,


  • but remember, for the sake of comparative simplicity, were sticking by this nine-god


  • pantheon.

    除此之外,還有本週的焦點神話: 伊西斯與歐西里斯的神話故事。

  • So what conclusions can we draw from the basic pantheon?


  • There are multiple versions of sun gods and with Ra representing both the sun and creation,

    歐西里斯很受埃及人民的愛戴, 他教導他們種植五穀、

  • and Horus representing both the sun and kingship, we can infer that the sun was important to


  • the Egyptians, probably as much for its eternal cycle of death and rebirth as for its providing

    賽特非常嫉妒哥哥的成就。 當歐西里斯四處傳播學問時,

  • life-giving energy.


  • Ancient Egyptian culture is commonly said to focus on death, and that’s not wrong,


  • although death to the Egyptians probably didn’t hold the same terror that it does for many


  • in the modern world.

    他們偷偷地量了歐西里斯的身高、體型。 做了一個完全符合他的華麗櫃子。

  • I think the most distinct example of this necro-centric ideal is the pyramids, and the


  • mummified corpses and jars full of organs found within them, but also this week’s


  • featured myth, the story of Isis and Osiris.


  • Take it away, Thoughtbubble.


  • Osiris was much beloved by the people of Egypt; he showed them how to cultivate grain, gave


  • them laws, and taught them to honor the gods.

    最後在比布魯斯附近的找到了棺材。 一棵巨木長在旁邊,將棺木包裹了起來。

  • His brother, Seth, was envious, but wouldn’t try anything while Osiris was away teaching


  • civilization to the world.


  • But when Osiris returned, Seth and seventy-two accomplices had a plan.

    伊西斯去找荷魯斯時, 打獵的賽特也找到了棺材。

  • A plan

    他把歐西里斯的屍體切成14塊, 四散各地。

  • They had secretly measured Osiris’s body and built a beautiful chest to his exact dimensions.

    伊西斯知道了賽特的所作所為之後, 又四處去尋找丈夫的屍塊。

  • At a party celebrating Osiris’s return, Seth suggested that whoever fit in the chest

    她找到了13塊,但是卻找不到伊耶那岐身上 「多出來的那一塊」(譯按:請看第五集)。