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- Hey kiddos.
- [Isaac] What?
- Come up, it's time for family prayer.
- [Isaac] Oh, okay.
- Is it time for prayer?
(clapping music)
Alright I got the kids with me, it's take your kids
to work day.
- Can I sweep the floor?
- [Dad] Um, is that what you think I do at work?
- Yeah.
- [Dad] You guys excited?
- Yeah.
- I feel like I kind of am a lawyer.
- [Dad] Here's my office.
So I'll show you guys around a little bit,
here's another one of our conference rooms.
And so we keep our files down here.
Do you guys want to see where we take the bad people?
We put them in this vault over here.
- Is there really bad people?
- [Dad] No, we don't really do that to the people.
Welcome to my office.
- Hi, I am in charge.
- [Dad] What are you going to do now that you're in charge?
- [Intercom] Hello?
- [Dad] Say hi.
- Hi.
- [Intercom] Hi!
- It was us.
- It was you, what?
- Elisey called.
- [Dad] Alright.
- How do you send emails?
- [Dad] Okay Isaac, I need you to click reply
to that email, okay.
Push send, you sent an email for me, you did it!
Alright you guys, so I'm going to pretend
to be the client and you be the lawyer.
Alright, so here's my case, I used to own
a business with a partner and then the partner
fired me and won't give me any money
for the value of the company, what should I do?
- Go to the Missouri Court.
- [Dad] What's that going to do, how is that
going to help, to go to court?
- It's going to help because
then, then they might say you win.
- [Dad] Do you think I'll win?
- Yeah because they always win.
- Oh, good, these guys always win,
you should use them.
Do you guys want to go to one of the courts?
- Yeah.
- [Dad] You want to go down there and see
what it's like in court?
- Yeah!
- [Dad] Come on, let's go!
(upbeat baroque music)
So this is where the jury would sit,
they're the ones who decide the cases.
Do you want to sit down like you're a juror, yep.
- This is the best work ever.
- I'm not always that excited about it,
but I do like my job.
Do you guys like fried ice cream?
- Haven't tried it yet.
- I wish I did this every day for work.
So another thing I spend a lot of time doing
is writing; here's an example of a motion I wrote.
- You wrote that?
- [Dad] Yep, pretty thick huh.
Okay click, ah, you sent an email!
So I'm going to give the kids an example of a case.
Okay, so I represented this lady right here,
let's call her Susan, say hi Susan.
- Hi Susan.
- [Dad] So Susan came into this office and she sat down
right where you're sitting and she talked to me
and guess what she told me?
- What?
- [Dad] She said hey guess what, one day, I was out
and I was at a red light, and then when the light
turned green, I started going through and then
this guy hit me, can you believe that?
And guess what, Susan got really hurt,
Susan was in the hospital for a long time,
she had to go through all kinds of treatment,
and things were really bad.
And then guess what?
Monster truck guys' insurance company said
"I'm only going to give you not even enough
money to cover all your medical treatment,"
because they were claiming that they didn't
cause the accident, they were saying it was Susan's fault.
Let's call this guy Brad.
Brad in the monster truck, he said
it wasn't even my fault, it was your fault Susan!
And Susan was like "I didn't do anything wrong,
I was just stopped at a red light,
and then when the light turned green I went
through the light and then I got smashed!"
Oh my goodness, by Brad, so guess what?
Susan came to me and she said,
"Jeremy, can you help me out?
I have all these medical bills that I still
need to pay, and I've been out of work for a long time,
and I need your help."
And so I said "Sure, I'd love to help you out."
And so guess what we did?
- What?
- We looked at the police report and I took
Brad's deposition, do you know what a deposition is?
- What?
- I sat Brad down in this room and I got
to ask him a bunch of questions under oath, and guess what?
- Is that real?
- Yeah, this really happened, I mean, I totally changed
all the names and genders and stuff, but yeah,
pretty much all the same.
So after doing the deposition where I was able
to ask him all those questions,
it was pretty clear to everybody that the accident
was probably Brad's fault, and not Sue's fault.
- Did they get, did anybody agree with Brad?
- Not even Brad's attorney agreed with Brad
so that was pretty good for us,
because when we went to mediation,
we were able to help Susan pay off all of her
medical bills and have a lot of extra money
to make up for the time that she missed off work,
and the fact that she was going to have to have treatment
in the future, we were able to take care
of all those things for her.
- Wow.
- Isn't that neat, we were able to help her out?
But yeah, so I do all kinds of different cases though,
that's just one type of case I do
is with these car accidents, but sometimes
I'm helping people with business disputes
or contract stuff, real estate.
Hot chocolate, go ahead, stir it up.
Want to help me with filing a lawsuit?
- Mmhmm.
- I'm doing a case right now that's kind of similar
to what happened to Sue.
So I'm going to look up to make sure that that
is the right county.
- I thought that you looked at Twitter all day
and listened to music.
- That's not what I do, I'm actually preparing
petitions and looking up cases
and helping people out and going to court
and taking phone calls and emails, this guy.
Mom just asked how's it going, she just called.
- Really good.
- Alright.
- [Mom] Are you having fun?
- Yeah! We, don't tell Caleb this,
do it on your phone this time, kay.
- Okay tell her.
- We had ice cream.
- [Dad] Alright, thanks so much for
coming to work with me guys.
- You're welcome.
- [Dad] So what do you think guys, think you want
to be a lawyer?
- Mmhmm totally.
- [Dad] Why, why do you want to be a lawyer?
- Because it was fun to go inside the court,
I liked seeing you like, when the cars crash.
- Ooh, if you're a lawyer you can play
with toy cars all day.
How 'bout you Lisey, you want to be a lawyer?
- I want to be a girl lawyer.
- [Dad] There's girl lawyers.
- [Mom] Caleb, how's your hair?
- Good, I did it.
- [Mom] You did it yourself?
Well it looks really nice, can I see it?
Oh, yeah, that looks great.
The cutest thing since Jeremy's gotten home today,
Laura has been taking books and carrying them around
following Jeremy and getting in his lap
and begging him to like, read her
these little books.
- Well if you remember, just like a day or two
ago we posted me reading to Caleb
the Red Hat Blue Hat Green Hat book,
and I'd tickle him, she keeps bringing
me that book and she's loving it.
Do you get tickled, do you get tickled?
- I did it, I got on!
- [Dad] Go!
- We're going to go live any minute, I'm nervous
and excited, look!
- [Call Participant] Drum roll please, so I
heard the ding, so it's going live, going live,
we did it, okay, yay.
- We're at Chick-Fil-A, I'm alone with the four kids.
So when you come to Chick-Fil-A what's your favorite
sauce, I really like the Polynesian sauce,
it's good, but the Chick-Fil-A sauce
is pretty good as well.
(gentle acoustic music)
Yeah, you see your brother.
Are you taking care of a baby, are you a mamma?
Hi, you making friends?
Laura just waving to random strangers in the store.
- Alright, so I survived my first live Google Hangout,
guys I honestly get super duper stressed about those,
like I don't know why, I don't why that's so stressful
to me, I try to tell myself like,
relax Kendra, just relax, but it's kind of
stressful to me, so I also this time
had some technical difficulties,
like all the screens froze up at one point for me
and I had to exit the life hangout and come back
and I didn't know like, what was going on
with the questions, and then another time,
like it happened where I couldn't hear
one of the people, but if you can't hear
one person in a live chat, like, you can't hear
a lot of the responses so I'm like, do I just
smile and nod, I didn't know what to do,
but I tried, and the best part of course
was getting to know the other ladies,
like these are ladies that I truly admire,
and I'm just excited to get to meet them.
Okay, did you guys have fun at Chick-Fil-A?
- Mmhmm.
And I loved going to work with Dad.
- [Mom] Was a pretty good day today?
That's it for us for tonight; what do you guys want to say?
- J House out!
- Goodbye, goodnight, goodbye.
- So here's the deal, marriage, in real life
is hard, it's beautiful, but it also
kind of sucks sometimes, and I mean that
in like the best way possible, but what's happened
recently is we've been really distracted.