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hi very nice
James: Hi everyone, I'm here with Jaiden Animations
JaidenA: Hi
James: Today we're gonna draw Pokemon from memory!
JaidenA : Yayyyyyy!!!
james: We both have-... We're gonna do one from each generation
And! There is a time limit of four hours per drawing (picture)
JaidenA: Alright so, strap in... This is gonna be a long video everyone!
james: Alright, so your Gen 1 Pokemon, that I chose for you...
Lord Helix (Praise Him)
jaidenA: And your's is
James: Meowth??
JaidenA: Yeah
We're starting off easy
james: Yeah, this is level 1
No reference picture just... Art
jaidenA: My biggest, like fear right now is being like "Oh yeah I'm a Pokemon fan" and then like drawing everything wrong
Oh No, I feel like i should have studied for a test
I feel like I'm in school again
james: Why is this so hard?! He was like in every episode
I can't remember him! If he has a nose or not
JaidenA: Lord Helix I'm sorry (You are forgiven)
James: Oh Crap
Oh that's on the same layer
Oh No
Maybe since he's like a villain, he should be like
"Hmmmm" you know?
jaidenA: He's like a bad Villain
Like not bad as in evil
james: But like a bad villain
JaidenA: But actually bad
james: When i going to be editing this i am just going to have a picture of it, like just off to the side
JaidenA: I really get the feeling I'm missing something
But I don't know what else to add.
James: I mean... it's just like a shell and then like something popping out of the shell, right?
JaidenA: Yeah, I think so
I think I'm done
James: Should we be giving any drawing tips?
JaidenA: I always say practice
James: That's true
JaidenA: And people are like ah Jaiden no. There's.....
Say something else. I'm like I don't know what else to say.
That's... yeah. You just have to practice.
James: Can't remember if Meowth has a nose.
I'm looking at it with and without the nose.
Whatever, Okay. It's done, It's fine.
JaidenA: (Typing) Lord Helix himself.
(James Awwwwwing) (Snorts)
(Jaiden also Awwing) James: You actually did color it.
(2nd aww for luck)
(And cute giggle)
james: You're pretty spot on. Mmm.. Yeah.
Does he have a nose (NOPE)
(Contemplates Nose-Ology)
(Noise too weird to caption) He doesn't?!
I'm missing like a couple of....
Like... these. Woops ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ .
And his eyeballs are like this. Y'know
Mmmmmm yeah...okay
JaidenA: Alright. Next one.
James: Next one.
Your Gen 2 Pokemon is... Houndoom.
The grown up.
The grown up of.... of the Hounduras.
Is that the baby one? (It's not)
JaidenA: Houndour and Houndoom.
(Weird James Noise)
James: Whatever Pokemon master. (James The Edgy Queen)
JaidenA: And yours is Flaffy.
Yeah, do you know which one that is?
Uhhhh... Explain it.
Mareep... The... The sheep one. (It's adorable)
The very first Sheep.
Yeah? The... the pink one.
It's the second one.
(Realization) S.. Wait. So it's like a sheep. An Electric Sheep.
That's pink.
I got it.
A little sheep afro.
Augh! I'm doing it on the same layer again
Just... Just gonna extend the canvas.
Here we go. I"m just... I need to restart.
Like, a lot of it.
I thought you were gonna say I need to research.
(Shipping Continues)
That's the whole point of these
Is it weird that I actually sketch with a stabilizer
I think it has ears (well duh)
Yeah, It totally has ears
I know he has a skull on his chest
This looks like a seashell
Somethings off
I can't think of what though.
I.. I know! It has little like, sheep fur.
Somewhere else.
Just drawing Manectric yesterday.
And this is like the opposites. Like.... the fire doggo vs electric doggo.
Wait?, wait wait. Oh ohhhhh
Okay, I thought you were talking about the thing I was drawing
I was like wait. My thing's a doggo. I thought it was a sheep.