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Bolivia is a relatively undeveloped country in the heart of South America.k
玻利維亞位在南美洲的中心地帶, 是一個開發程度相對較低的國家。
To explore this unpolished diamond,
fly to its administrative capital La Paz,
which sits high on the Bolivian plateau at a breathtaking altitude of about twelve thousand feet.
海拔 3829 公尺的首都 拉巴斯。
Bolivia may be poor, but it has a wealth of natural treasures.
玻利維亞的經濟並不是很好, 但卻擁有豐富的天然寶藏。
Riches that shine through in the country’s infinite salt deserts,
這個國家因擁有 無邊無際的鹽沼、
extraordinary islands,
mountains of silver,
tropical lowlands,
and high altiplanos where alpacas roam.
La Paz means “Peace”
and this high-altitude city is the welcoming tourism capital of Bolivia.
這座高海拔的首都 誠摯歡迎旅客來到玻利維亞。
Like Bolivia, La Paz may be rough around the edges,
拉巴斯就像是玻利維亞的縮影, 表面看起來並不華麗璀璨,
but sparkles inside.
Look beyond the city’s back-to-basics architecture,
從 16 世紀西班牙殖民式的樓房,
cuisine and lifestyle to find some real jewels,
from sixteenth-century Spanish colonial mansions
to modern buildings modeled on pre-Columbian temples.
美食 和當地生活裡。
Despite all the destruction caused by the Spanish,
西班牙人的確對這個波利維亞城市 造成不少的破壞,
these Conquistadors shaped and polished Bolivia’s cities.
但這些征服者們對拉巴斯的建設 還是有很大的貢獻。
Upon founding La Paz, they erected brilliant buildings,
在西班牙人發現拉巴斯之後, 他們建造了許多經典的建築,
such as the National Congress and the Presidential Palace,
例如仍然在穆里略廣場上 非常吸睛的
which are still eye catchers on Plaza Murillo today.
國會大廈 以及總統府。
As devout catholics, the Spanish also erected the city’s Metropolitan Cathedral,
身為虔誠的天主教徒, 西班牙人也建造了
dedicated to the Lady of Peace.
While twentyfirst-century comforts slowly trickle in,
即使身處資訊爆炸的 21 世紀, 玻利維亞仍然是一個
Bolivia is still a land of unbreakable traditions.
Many residents embrace their Quechua, Aymara, and Inca heritage
許多的居民依然以克丘亞、艾馬拉 和印加文民的文物為傲,
and indigenous women still proudly wear the colorful clothing of the highlands.
而原住民的婦女們也依然穿著 色彩鮮豔的高原服裝。
Join them on the Plaza San Francisco,
a convenient meeting point in the heart of the city.
聖法蘭西斯可廣場 加入他們的行列。
Its late 18th-century basilica,
這裡有一座 18 世紀教堂,
dedicated to Francis of Assisi,
is home to an art museum with a precious collection of historic paintings.
如今是一個收藏了眾多歷史繪畫的 藝術博物館。
See artworks by modern artists at the Museo Nacional de Arte,
國家藝術博物館設在一棟 妥善保存的
housed in a well-preserved Spanish colonial mansion.
西班牙殖民式建築內, 裡面有許多當代藝術家的作品。
For a cultural experience of a different kind,
visit the nearby Witches’ Market to marvel at the mummified llamas,
可以去女巫市場 採購駱駝木乃伊、雕刻護身符,
carved amulets and potent herbal remedies.
On the mirador at Laikacota,
see how the city’s outer suburbs cling to the steep mountainsides
欣賞這個城市的建築 如何從陡峭的山坡上,
and spill out in the valley below.
Here you can get your first glimpse of the ragged peaks of the surrounding valley,
在這裡, 您可以環顧蔥鬱山谷,
beckoning you to leave the city behind to explore Bolivia’s natural gems.
還有粗曠的山峰, 感受波利維亞的自然景觀向您招手。
The Valle de la Luna was chiseled by the masons of time,
月亮谷的表面 被時間之手雕刻成了
creating the moon-like landscape that gave it its name.
月球表面的樣貌, 也因此獲得了月亮谷的名稱。
Make your way up or around the naturally cleaved stones,
您可以在這裡散個步, 好好欣賞各式各樣
which come in all shapes and sizes.
Another hidden treasure in the Department of La Paz
拉巴斯的另外 另一項隱世寶藏,
is the Tiwanaku Cultural Heritage Site,
就是 2500 多年前留下來的
dating back some two-and-a-half thousand years.
But it’s in nearby Lake Titicaca that Bolivia really sparkles.
然而,玻利維亞真正絕美而閃耀的寶石, 非粼光閃閃的的的喀喀湖莫屬。
Titicaca is a half a day by bus from La Paz and is one of the world’s highest navigable lakes.
的的喀喀湖從拉巴斯要搭半天的車才能到達, 也是世界上海拔最高的可通航湖泊。
This jewel in the crown of South America straddles the Peruvian border and is well worth exploring.
這個南美洲的瑰寶位在玻利維亞和秘魯的交界, 非常值得旅客前往一探。
The icy cold lake has breathtaking islands and is home to one of the world’s oldest surviving cultures:
的的喀喀湖的湖水清澈冰涼,且擁有許多浮島, 這裡更是世界最古老文化之一 -
the Uru people.
Hundreds of Uros still live on spongy floating islands made of reed
數以百計的烏魯族人 仍然居住在由蘆薈草鋪成的人工浮島上,
and somehow survive in the extreme climate at altitude.
在這個地勢高聳、 氣候嚴峻的地方過著生活。
Treat yourself to their handicrafts,
which they sell to maintain a living on the lake,
賣給遊客換取收入, 您不妨可以買一個來送給自己,
or just watch them enjoy the simple pleasures of life.
或者也可以單純欣賞他們 簡單又快樂的生活。
The region’s rugged landscapes make for harsh living conditions
這個地區的地勢高聳, 並不是非常適合人居,
and it takes an adventurous traveler to appreciate the untapped potential
也只有具備冒險精神的旅客, 才能發自內心的享受這個新興南美洲國家
that this emerging South American nation offers.
It becomes even more obvious that Bolivia is a diamond in the rough
如果您向南飛往烏尤尼鹽沼 這個位於玻利維亞南方的鹽田,
if you fly south to Salar de Uyuni,
the endless salt plains in Bolivia’s south.
As you skim over its polished surface in a four-wheel drive,
乘坐四輪驅動車 在鹽田上奔馳,
you’ll come across boiling hot springs and glistening salt lakes.
一路上會經過滾燙的溫泉 還有波光粼粼的鹽湖。
The few high points of this remote terrain,
shimmer on the horizon like a mirage in a desert.
如同沙漠中的海市蜃樓, 在地平線上閃閃發亮。
For a unique experience,
stay in a hotel made almost entirely out of salt before you return to civilization.
不妨在以鹽為主要建材的飯店住一晚, 享受獨特難忘的住宿體驗。
The gateway to the salt plains is Potosí,
a place where you can mingle with the locals
and admire a blend of architectural styles.
A highlight attraction here is walking over the roof of the San Francisco Convent,
這裡的熱門活動之一, 就是繞行聖法蘭西斯可修道院的屋頂,
to find a sea of terra cotta at your feet.
In the distance, Cerro Rico,
which means “Rich Hill”,
was once a bountiful silver and tin deposit.
These precious metals provided the fortunes needed to establish the constitutional capital Sucre,
這些貴金屬所帶來的財富, 通通被用在建築於 3 小時車程外的
a three-hour drive away.
憲法和司法首都 - 蘇克雷。
As with diamonds,
its the core that is the most brilliant
and that certainly is the case with this central Bolivian city.
也是其最閃耀的 核心所在。
Nicknamed “Ciudad Blanca,”
the “White City,”
Sucre’s white-washed colonial buildings and fountains reflect the sunlight.
這個名稱是來自其白色外牆的殖民式建築, 以及噴泉在太陽下反射出的光芒。
Exploring Bolivia holds the promise of discovery,
the prospect of finding something precious where few have cared to look.
才能夠真正深入了解, 並欣賞玻利維亞的美。
Whether you visit its heritage cities to chase the romance of the days gone by,
不管您是造訪充滿歷史文物的城市, 體驗往日情懷,
or engage in thrilling outdoor adventures,
you’ll be rewarded with beautiful memories for life.
您都可以獲得永生難忘的 美好回憶。
End your tour of Bolivia back in La Paz.
But, before you fly out,
take one last look over the valley from the Killi Killi lookout.
別忘了登上基利觀景台, 再望一眼這個美麗的地方。
Local legend states that the snow-capped peaks of Illimani Mountain
根據當地的傳說, 山頂終年積雪的伊宜馬尼峰,
are there to protect this city in the clouds,
Bolivia’s hidden gem.
At night, the valley twinkles…
beckoning you to come and see what lies beneath.