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  • Catherine Duffy: After all those fun and games calculating our current tax and deferred tax,

  • now we can wrap things up by doing the journal entries that need to be done for 2016 and

  • taking a look at what the income statement would look like. The 2016 journal entries

  • for taxes are made up from the rough work we did in the current and the deferred and

  • the step one and the step two calculations. From the step one calculation, we're going

  • to record the current tax expense, which is a debit to an account. Current income tax

  • expense, $14,000 is what we calculated, and a credit to income tax payable, $14,600. That

  • would be to record current tax expense for the year. From the step two calculation, the

  • deferred tax calculation, we had a deferred tax expense that had to be recorded of $975.

  • The other side of that entry, we're going to get rid of the deferred tax asset that

  • we had of $600 and set up the deferred tax liability that we need of $375 on the balance

  • sheet.

  • What have we got? In the income statement, we're going to have these two values. They're

  • going to go onto the income statement, and we're going to show what the statement of

  • earnings or income statement is going to look like for 2016. For the balance sheet, we've

  • got this value that's gone into the current liabilities, and we've got this value sitting

  • in the long-term liabilities. This value has been made to go to zero, because it was an

  • asset of $600, and we've gotten rid of it. We've got a long-term liability of $375 and

  • we've got a current liability of $14,600 on our balance sheet. On our income statement,

  • you're got just your normal income statement, sales less expenses and so on.

  • We'll come down to to this: net income before tax is $80,000. The tax entries is going to

  • be made up of two items. You've got the current tax from this journal entry of $14,600 and

  • we've got the deferred tax of $975 expense, so the total tax expense is $15,575. Net income before taxes less the

  • total tax expense, which is made up of both pieces, the current and the deferred, $15,575,

  • will give you a net income of $64,425 after taxes. That is the completion of the tax accounting

  • for 2016 for this company.

  • Thanks for watching this video series on income tax accounting. I hope it was of some value

  • to you. Stay tuned for another video series on loss carry-backs and loss carry-forwards

  • if you're interested. Thanks for your attention and see you soon.

Catherine Duffy: After all those fun and games calculating our current tax and deferred tax,


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所得稅會計(IFRS)|分錄和財務報表列報--第四部分,共4頁 (Income Tax Accounting (IFRS) | Journal Entries and Financial Statement Presentation - Part 4 of 4)

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    陳虹如 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日