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  • Okay, so with SSARS engagements in general. It says here they apply to the work of accountants

  • in connection with financial statements of a nonissuer, nonpublic client. All right and

  • it defines here what is considered public. All SSARS engagements are required to be performed

  • in accordance with the general principles under ARC 60. Under these general principles

  • which is the ARC 60 that I just mentioned. These are the general principles. So under

  • ARC-60, these are the general principles. These principles apply to all of these and

  • again today we're gonna talk about reviews, compilations and preparation of financial

  • statement engagements. In looking at these principles, there are

  • five basic categories that we're looking at. The five categories are the financial statements

  • which we'll expand on in just a moment. Ethical requirements, so ethics, professional judgment.

  • Judgment,D-G-M-E-N-T, conduct of the engagement in accordance with SSARS. SSARS by the ARSC

  • of the AICPA and engagement level quality control. All right, so these are again the

  • general. Now remember we're gonna talk about these, spend a few minutes on it. They apply

  • to all of these three services or engagements we're doing under SSARS.

  • All right, financial statements, now since day one what have we been saying, whose statements

  • are these? Managements, management is responsible for the preparation, for the content and so

  • on. In an audit our job's to go out and give an opinion or positive assurance. What the

  • financial statements management is responsible and they're gonna do these statements in accordance

  • with some sort of framework. We talk about either a general purpose framework which would

  • be doing it in accordance with GAAP or IFRS. We also have what we call a special purpose

  • framework and a special purpose framework would be something like what we called OCBOA,

  • Other Comprehensive Basis of Accounting other than GAAP. So OCBOA could be a cash basis,

  • a tax basis, and contractual regulatory agency basis. It's some sort of OCBOA.

  • What we're basically saying is the statements are management's responsibility and they're

  • either gonna be basically in accordance with the general purpose framework or a special

  • purpose framework and that's how those statements are gonna be setup. It says their managements

  • require until you see a couple of bullets. Identify the applicable financial reporting

  • framework whether it's the general purpose framework or special purpose, they have to

  • identify the framework. Prepare and fairly present the statements in accordance with

  • that framework and adequately describe the framework in the financial statements. That's

  • what again the general standards, the general principles are for financial statements.

  • Ethical requirements, now with ethics we did talk about that earlier in profession responsibilities

  • in an earlier section. It says the account is required to comply with all relevant ethical

  • requirements including those, of the AICPA code of professional conduct. That was another

  • area that's like 15 to 20% of the exam. That's its own section code of conduct. This entails

  • compliance with fundamental principles of professional ethics established by the code.

  • Now what do these principles include? Principles include responsibilities that says basically

  • responsible to use professional and moral judgment in order to maintain the public confidence

  • and the profession. The public interest, you want to make sure that you're serving the

  • public interest by keeping that in mind also acting with the next thing, integrity. Honest,

  • protect the client's confidentiality, not doing things for personal gain.

  • That's why when you're watching TV and they interview all these stock people and it says,

  • "Does he have a financial interest or does he not?" Because we want to know, is this

  • person recommending the stock just because their portfolio owns it or they really recommending

  • it because they think it's a good company? That's where we want to know do they or do

  • they not have any kind of conflict of interest. Due care acting with due professional scared,

  • scare with care because that scares me. Due professional care which is with due diligence,

  • technical and ethical standards acting competent and so forth. Scope and nature of services

  • of adding that performances and compliance with the code of quality control policies,

  • so scope and nature. Those are all what we call the ethical requirements,

  • ethical requirements. Those definitions that I covered, you will see in the code of professional

  • conduct section of the course. That's where I expanded about what are responsibilities,

  • public interest, integrity, objectivity, you don't have to memorize them all but you'll

  • see them in detail in the code of conduct. Professional judgment, professional judgment

  • the accountant should use knowledge and experience in performing all of these SSARS engagements.

  • Again, these rules apply to all of those which means whether it's preparation of financial

  • statement engagement, a compilation engagement, a review engagement, you need to again management's

  • responsibility for the statements. You've got to make sure that it is some kind of acceptable

  • finance reporting framework. Ethical requirements act with ethically while

  • you're doing the work. Professional judgment, use your knowledge and experience. Conduct

  • of the engagement in accordance with SSARS, basically says that you need to understand

  • the rules of SSARS, Statements on Standards for Accounting and Review Services whether

  • it's ARC 60 or 70 or 80 or 90 depending on what you're doing. Also be familiar with when

  • you need to add explanatory paragraphs or an emphasis of a matter or other matter paragraph

  • because that's dictated in SSARS.

Okay, so with SSARS engagements in general. It says here they apply to the work of accountants


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B1 中級 美國腔

與財務報表和《證券報告準則》的聯繫--第三課 (Association with Financial Statements and SSARS Engagements - Lesson 3)

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