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--Thank you Roosevelt, here's a song coming your way right now.
"Nowhere to Run" by Martha and the Vandellas
Yes, you know what I mean.
Hi my name is Tony and this is Every Frame a Painting.
嗨 我是Tony,這是幀影幀畫
Today I’m going to honor the incomparable Robin Williams.
There have been a lot of moving tributes over the last month,
but I’d like to sidestep what others have said
and focus on something else: how he moved in a scene.
並專注在其他事情上: 他如何在鏡頭前移動。
--You do an eclectic celebration of a dance. You do Fosse, Fosse, Fosse
You do, Martha Graham, Martha Graham, Martha Graham!
跳個... 瑪莎.葛蘭姆!
Blocking is the choreography of the actors and the camera.
To put it bluntly, the actors move. How they move tells us something
about the characters, the scene and the story.
--but you keep it all inside.
Good blocking is good storytelling. If you’d like to see this for yourself,
pick a scene and watch how the actors move.
選一個場景觀賞 演員們如何移動
--We're all gonna sit down and we're gonna finish it.
Three minutes later, this is how he makes her sit.
--Anybody up for iced tea? I'm gonna make some tea.
"有誰要喝茶的 ?我去泡些茶來 "
You could watch this film with the sound off and still understand
most of the story. That's good blocking. Everything you need to know about
the characters, their relationship and how it changes
is presented to you through physical movement. Blocking is a collaboration
都透過真實的動作呈現在你面前。 佈局考驗著演員與導演之間的默契
between actor and director. Even though the director approves it, the actors are
ultimately the ones who have to perform it.
And that's why Robin Williams work is so dynamic
--You move with it!
--Lead with something!
Few actors could express themselves as well through motion
Whether that motion was big
or small
Even when he was doing the same movement in two different scenes
you could see the subtle variations he brought to the arc of the character.
Sometimes he would move and the camera would be still.
Other times... --You're just a kid.
其他時候... "你只是個孩子。"
he would be still and the camera would move. This shot lasts
2 minutes and 45 seconds and is the first time these two characters connect
which Gus Van Sant shows by having the camera literally bring them together.
--You don't know about real loss because that only occurs when you love something
--more than you love yourself.
And in other films, he moved with the camera, creating an elaborate dance
--And all the time he's mumbling. --What's he mumbling?
"... 而他一直在嘴邊默念著" "他在默念著甚麼 ?"
--Mumbling truth.
Or a less elaborate one.
或是 比較沒那麼敘事性的舞動
To watch his work is to see the subtle things an actor can do with his hands.
his mouth
his right leg
and his facepalm.
以及他摀臉的動作 所能呈現的細節
Robin Williams' work is an encyclopedia
of ways that an actor can express himself through movement and he was
表現出演員可以 透過動作來表達他所要表示的
fortunate to work with filmmakers who used his talents to their fullest.
--I want you to find your own walk right now, your own way of
"我要你找到你自己的節奏,此時此刻, 你自己
striding, pacing, any direction, anything you want, whether it's
的大步伐、漫步行走、任何方向, 所有你想的到的,無論那是
whether it's proud or silly. Anything.
能讓你驕傲或你覺得笨拙的.. 任何事。"
I can't talk about how he pulled off so many different characters
because I have no idea.
因為 我完全沒有頭緒
But I can talk about a few things that directors did to help his performances.
Here are five.
#1: They let him play it straight through. Movie acting is weird because
1. 他們讓他直白的演出。電影表演很奇怪
it’s hours of preparation to shoot one angle.
And sometimes the actors only get a few seconds to really act.
而有時候演員只有幾秒鐘的時間 去真正的做表演
--My God, the children.
Many directors here have a history of shooting scenes in 1 or 2 set-ups
which helps the actors keep their rhythm
Some preferred elaborate camera moves. Others liked it very simple
有些則喜歡敘事性的運鏡,另外有些 情衷於簡單的畫面
But no matter what, they shared a common desire to let all the actors perform
uninterrupted, as much as possible.
盡可能地 沒有外在干涉 擾亂
--It's me, Alan, mom and dad! I'm home! I'm back!
"是我艾倫,媽!爸! 我回家了!我回來了!"
#2: They gave him something physical to do.
2. 他們讓他去做件 相當具體明確的事物
Open the window. Pick up the apple. Put the cans back in the right spot.
打開窗戶、撿起蘋果 把罐子放到特定地點
--I said, well, you know what I'm dealing with here?
"我說 嘿 你知道嗎 我現在在這處理什麼事情"
These gestures sometimes repeated later in the film
giving us a nice before-and-after portrait of the character.
給我們看到對於一個角色 的前後呼應
--Eleanor? --Yes?
"艾莉諾 ? 是 "
Other times they were just one-off moments.
As an editor, I can testify that when I’m looking at 12 takes of a scene,
these little gestures make all the difference.
這些細節 改變了一切
#3: They used blocking to tell the story visually. Human beings are wired
3. 他們使用佈局來使故事影像化。
to respond to subtle changes in body language.
人類很容易對於 肢體語言的細微變化做出反應
We often derive more understanding from a person’s movements and tone
than from the actual words they say.
--You forget the girl.
One of the great things about good blocking
is that it’s universal and doesn’t need to be translated or explained.
--you playing Dear Abby --I know, because she's my sister!
Even if you can't speak English, you understand exactly what's happening here
"別鬧了" "我不喜歡你,先生"
--Come on! --I don't like you, sir.
"為何呢 ?我有很好的性格,你問問任何人"
--Why not? I got a great personality, you ask anybody.
4. 他們讓他聆聽 那是從跟彼得.威爾合作開始的
#4: They let him listen. --That started with Peter Weir
where he said, if you just listen there's a great power in that.
一段好的表演有很大比例 其實是聆聽
A good percentage what you think of as acting in a movie is actually listening.
Sometimes that’s what happened in the moment. Other times,
其他時候 我們剪輯找到這些時刻,並在剪接時 移動它們
we editors find those moments and move them around in the edit.
As they say, acting is reacting.
And lastly: They didn’t let perfection get in the way of inspiration.
有時候在拍攝時 你腦中會有一幅完美的畫面
There’s a real desire sometimes to film it exactly the way it was in your head
或是在劇本上,但與羅賓.威廉斯一起工作 你必須要打開你的心
or on the page, but working with Robin Williams was about opening yourself up
來讓靈感 炸裂
to sudden bursts of inspiration.
--She used to fart in her sleep. One night it was so loud, it woke the dog up
所以 保持開放吧~ 這個男人帶來了許多他從影以來 最指標性的時刻
So be open. This man improvised many of his most iconic moments.
Maybe he was onto something.
那些經典的時刻,人們不斷地重複 重複
--There's great moments that obviously people have rehearsed and gone over
重複 再重複聽到的,但真正直擊你心中的東西
and gone over and gone over, but literally when the stuff really hits you
it's usually something that happened and it happened then
這就是電影: 捕捉那個當下
and that is what film is about: capturing a moment.
Farewell, Robin Williams.
翻譯: Agent Chen
--He is an editor's nightmare though, editors see him and they go "AGH!"
"他是剪輯師的夢魘,他們看到他就像: 呃 !"
because he shows up, you cut on him all the time, you can't cut on half a phrase
--Like it's hard to get a two-shot right now right?
好像現在很難 把它剪成兩個鏡頭一樣
--Dammit I can't hold it! Dammit Jim, the camera's too wide! Bones, go wide!
該死 ! 我無法hold住 ! 吉姆 攝影機太寬了 ! 天啊 太寬了
--I'll be back. --We love you.
"我會回來的" "我們愛你"
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由 Amara.org 社群提供的字幕