字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 *Phew.* So, uh *吐氣*所以,呃 This week has been 這周應該... an interesting one to say the least. 可以說是最不有趣的一週吧 I know that some of you guys may be wondering about the future of Smosh now that Anthony is gone 我知道妳們可能會很好奇在Anthony離開之後Smosh會變得怎麼樣 Which is why I wanted to make this video. For a long time Smosh hasn't been just Anthony and I 這就是我做這部影片的原因 Smosh變成不只我和Anthony一段時間了 And it wouldn't be possible to make all the crazy ass videos 在沒有Smosh family的幫忙下這些瘋狂的影片就拍不成了 We make without the help of the rest of the smosh family 所以我覺得介紹給你們可能已經知道或不知道的東西非常重要 所以 So I thought it'd be important to introduce you guys to some of the people that you may or may not already know so let's 過來吧 Go over here 首先是Ryan Todd我們的導演和製作人 First up is Ryan Todd our director and producer 他已經跟了我們8年了. 你們可能有認出他就是演Stevie的人(用一下Stevie的聲音) He's been with us for over eight years now, and you may recognize them as the character Stevie (do the Stevie voice Ryan) 甚麼意思?這個就是我正常的聲音阿 What do you mean, [there's] just my regular voice? 好吧 呃... 如果沒有Ryan和他的團隊 Right well without Ryan and his crew 影片就會看起來像這樣 The videos would look like this and be lit like this and sound like this 然後燈光看起來像是這樣 But this isn't all the smosh family. There's also smosh games, but I'm pretty sure you already know who these losers are Tom 聽起來會像是這樣 It's pronounced gamers 但這不是全部的Smosh family,還有 These are the writers who helped me write the videos we put out each and every week Smosh games但我想你們應該已經知道這些魯蛇是誰了 say hi writers um 講好聽一點叫Gamers It's pronounced gamers. (Other Lady): That was the line for the last scene 他們是編劇 幫我們寫出每部影片的人 And these are the editors who helped me put together every video we shoot 編劇們打聲招呼 呃... What are you guys working on today? Censoring out Shane's dick. (Other Guy): I'm doing the same thing 講好聽一點叫Gamers 那個是上一個場景的台詞 90% of what we do is censor out Shane's dick 而這些是剪輯師幫我們把所有片段接在一起的人 These are the producers who all make sure everything runs 你們今天在做甚麼? 檢查Shane的屌 我也在做一樣的事 Smoothly on this channel the second channel smosh games and anywhere else you can find smosh content 我們做的是有90%都在檢查Shane的屌 They're also really great at taking their shirts off 他們是製作人讓這個頻道、第二頻道、遊戲頻道和任何你可以看到有Smosh內容的地方運作順利的人 they're also really great at listening to their FUCKING boss when (inaudible) 他們也很會脫衣服(? These are all the heroes that keep everything behind the scenes together. They work on the website 他們也很會聽他們他媽的老闆!@#$% Make sure you guys get your Smosh shirts on time. Upload all our videos and pretty much do every little conceivable thing that I would otherwise forget to do. 這些英雄就是負責幕後一些事的人 Did you brush your teeth this morning? (Shane): Fuck! 他們讓網站運作 確定你們能準時拿到Smosh衣 上傳我們的影片 和一些我忘記做的雜事 But and of course you know these guys um, it's pronounced gamers. (Other Lady): Wow! 你今天早上有刷牙嗎? 幹 Oh my God! Well there you go shane. The joke is dead! 而你們一定知道這些人 and then there's me you might be wondering what my role in smosh will be moving forward and the answer is 呃... 講好聽一點叫Gamers Same thing I've always done. I'm going to be involved in every part of smosh even if I'm not in front of the camera WOW I'm behind it and I do it because you guys push me every day 我的天啊Shane 這個笑話已經不好笑了!! to want to be a better comedian be a better creator be a better writer. 再來就是我 你們可能在想我再Smosh的角色有沒有變 答案是 and it's something that I truly enjoy and I'm truly passionate about so I'm really excited for you guys to 我一直都是同一個角色 參與Smosh的每一件事即使我沒有在鏡頭前 See what we have coming next we're working on some new exciting things 我也會在鏡頭後 因為你們每天都促使我 They'll be rolling out in the next couple months some might be on youtube maybe our Facebook maybe our instagram 想要成為一個更好的喜劇演員、創作著和編劇 make sure you're following all those and 和我很享受和抱有熱情的一些事 所以我非常興奮的想讓妳們看到 Thank you guys again for your support 我們接下來做的東西 我們最近在做一些很興奮的事 And I promise you we will always deliver you the smartest most highbrow humor that smosh has in the past 在下個月會推出 可能是在YouTube可能在Facebook也可能在Instagram So thank you guys so much 確定你們都有去追蹤 然後 Did you get the joke because I said it was highbrow humor, and I showed him a dick 再次感謝你們的支持 See you next week 我也保證我們會比以前的Smosh更有知識更爆笑 Hey guys, thank you so much for watching this video 非常感謝你們 If you're not subscribed make sure you click that subscribe button to see all the new stuff that we're going to be making 你們覺得好笑嗎 因為我說更知識可是又露屌給你們看 If you want to see what goes on behind the scenes of smosh click the box on the left to watch this week in Smosh 下周見 And if you have no idea what we are talking about in this video click the box on the right Hey各位 感謝觀看這部影片
A2 初級 中文 美國腔 影片 編劇 好聽 框框 製作人 頻道 關於Smosh的真相。 (The TRUTH about Smosh.) 464 13 Steven 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字