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  • Evolution is one of the biggest ideas in the modern world.

  • It was most memorably formulated by Charles Darwin in the 19th centruty.

  • Part of the theory focuses on the tendency on genes to mutate.

  • When a frog, or a microbe, or a giraffe has a gene mutation,

  • it usually means that they'll be unsuited to their environment and will simply die.

  • But very occasionally, just by chance, the mutation gives them an advantage and makes them more successful.

  • The mutation is passed on to their descendants, who will have the same advantage as their parents,

  • and their result in success will spread it ever further down the generations.

  • But the key thing about gene mutation is that it takes time-- a lot of it.

  • It took us around 3,900 million years to go from the first cells to homo sapiens.

  • So the one thing we can be pretty sure about is that genetic mutation will not be a significant feature

  • of the human world now.

  • However, there's a second, equally interesting bit to Darwin's theory of evolution,

  • which focuses on what gets called "adaptation to the environment."

  • Darwin pointed out that when an environment changes,

  • a characteristic can suddenly shift from being an advantage to a disadvantage, and vice versa.

  • In 1811, a famous survey of moths around the bordering town of Manchester

  • recorded no melanic or black-winged moths.

  • 37 years later, in 1848, another survey discovered huge numbers of these creatures,

  • and far fewer white-winged moths.

  • Darwin's explanation was simple: Manchester's rise as a major industrial city

  • meant that huge quantities of soot had entered the atmosphere and darkened tree trunks.

  • Thereafter, light-winged moths became highly conspicuous to their main predators, birds,

  • while the dark-winged ones were effectively camouflaged.

  • Darwin concluded that changes to the environment

  • can dramatically alter which members of a species will thrive within it.

  • This happens in the human world, where it doesn't affect reproductive potential,

  • but does change the social hierarchy.

  • Consider, for instance, the classic example of our age.

  • The rise of the nerd: being short sighted, timid, having poor muscular development,

  • being obsessed with complex, abstract processes, and being short on charisma and social skills

  • used to be a recipe for an unsuccessful life.

  • That's because, for most of history, making your way in the world was hugely dependent on physical strength,

  • and strong practical links to a family group.

  • The weakling, the loner, and the introvert were in very disadvantageous positions.

  • Then, in the last quarter of the 20th century, the tech industry created an environment

  • in which nerd-characteristics turned out to be highly advantageous.

  • Human beings are not themselves now, evolving or too slowly to matter.

  • But our environment is changing very fast,

  • and this has hugely privileged certain traits while penalizing others.

  • A key dynamic of evolution, adaptation to the environment, is still very much around,

  • even though gene mutation may not be a notable factor.

  • Some of us are like the black moths of industrial Manchester,

  • ideally suited to the new world,

  • which rewards massive intellect, self-discipline, and rationality.

  • Others, many, many of us, are like white moths in a newly sooty world.

  • We find it hard not to eat too much, to distinguish real threats from baseless anxieties,

  • to spend all day in an office in front of a computer, to look at porn in moderation, to be monogamous,

  • and to defer gratification for years

  • while we collaborate on large projects inside the glass towers of corporations.

  • We should feel compassion for ourselves when we don't quite fit our times.

  • Our biology has saddled us with a range of cognitive habits which were sensible when they evolved--

  • habits around sugar, sex, power, anxiety, and excitement--

  • with which really hamper our effectiveness in the modern world.

  • An understanding of the theory of evolution should move us to sympathy

  • for why we do some of the deeply counterproductive things we do.

  • When he first wrote about evolution, Charles Darwin was accused of demeaning human nature;

  • cartoonists loved to draw him as an ape.

  • But Darwin was being deeply kind and helpful to us humans.

  • He was reminding us that we carry with us a lot of baggage, which we don't now need,

  • but which we can't get rid of very fast.

  • Modern life has required things of us which are really very hard for us pull off.

  • We're saddled with so many inconvenient but maddeningly deep-rooted tendencies,

  • which is yet another reason why we constantly need to be a little more forgiving of other people

  • and of ourselves.

Evolution is one of the biggest ideas in the modern world.


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人類的進化還在發生嗎? (Is Human Evolution still Occurring?)

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    Amy.Lin 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日