字幕列表 影片播放 列印英文字幕 Good morning, John! 早安啊約翰! So, the United States is pulling out of the Paris Climate... 美國接下來就要退出那個「巴黎什麼」的... Agreement... 是「協議」嗎? Treaty... 「條約」? A - Accord? 「協定」? Protocol? 還是「草案」啊? The - I don't - 哎算了管他的 Let's be honest - There's a really good chance that you have a strong opinion on the Paris agreement, 我們就直話直說吧 - 小弟知道看倌們很有可能對「巴黎協議」有很強烈的意見 ... And an EVEN BETTER chance you don't really know what it is. 但是小弟也知道,大部份的看倌們很可能連這個協議是什麼都不太確定 There are too many things to know, so quick timeline... 要了解的東西實在太多了,所以我們很快來看一下 350 million years ago 三億五千萬年前 Ancient plants covered the earth, converting the Carbon Dioxide (CO2) in the air into Oxygen(O2) 當時遠古植物覆蓋了整個地球,把空氣中的二氧化碳(CO2)轉換為氧氣(O2) and carbohydrates. 還有碳水化合物 These plants then die, and they create massive mats of organic materials that get buried. 當這些植物枯萎死去之後,就會留下很多有機物質,這些有機物質之後會被埋到地底下 Those organic materials then hang around under the earth getting heated up and smushed and form 而這些被埋在地下的有物質,會被地熱所加熱、擠壓,進而形成 energy-dense hydrocarbons, also called "fossil fuels". 能量密度極高的「碳氫化合物」,我們又俗稱之「化石燃料」 Notice how cardohydrate and hydrocarbon sound similar. 說到這裡,不曉得各位看倌們有沒有注意到「碳水化合物(carbohydrate)」還有「碳氫化合物(hydrocarbon)」這兩個單字聽起來很像 1882 這故事就要從1882年開始說起了 (There was a big gap there) (我們好像一跳就跳得有點遠吼) Thomas Edison builds the first centralized coal-fired powerplant. 當時,愛迪生蓋了世界上第一座集中式煤力發電廠 We've been using coal for a long time before that, of course 其實人類從在更早更早之前就開始使用煤礦了 but I'm starting here because we have to start somewhere. 小弟會選從1882年開始講,只是因為我們總需要一個時間點當做這個故事的頭嘛 For the next 100 years, fossil fuels brought tremendous growth and 在接下來的100年裡,我們人類的生活因為化石燃料得到了非常大的提升 increases in quality life, specifically in Europe and America, 而由於化石燃料的燃燒絕大部份都是在歐洲和美洲進行 where the vast majority of fossil fuels were burned. 因此受益最多的,也就屬這兩地了 Decades pass. The benefits of fossil fuels eventually begin to spread 就這樣,幾十年過去了。化石燃料的效益持續蔓延 and everyone is consuming more and more. 而我們也使用越來約多的化石燃料 It's great, for the most part, except that all that CO2 that was locked up in fossil fuels for 可俗話說的好:「魚與熊掌不能兼得」。經年累月被塵封在地底的二氧化碳,現在就這樣因為被人類開採、利用 billions of years is now being re-released 從地底甦醒,回到了這個世界上 and CO2 is really good at letting visible light pass through it 二氧化碳則會讓太陽光可以更容易就穿透我們地球,直達地球表面 but infrared radiation that gets bounced 而另一方面,地球本身想要反彈回外太空的紅外線輻射,則會因為二氧化碳過多的緣故 back up by the earth does not pass right through it. 變得無法穿透地球到達外太空 It gets trapped. 他們被擋住了 So the earth's atmosphere and oceans start having more energy in them 而結果就是,我們地球上的大氣層還有海洋開始吸取這些過剩的(紅外線輻射的)能量 and that starts to change the climate. 進而改變了氣候的狀況 And while fossil fuels give us remarkable abilities to do cool and beautiful things 雖然說化石燃料的確是幫助了人類創造許多前所未有的可能性 and increase the quality of life 也為我們生活帶來了極大的進步 here on earth, we also 但是在此同時,生活在這個地球上的我們 rely on a stable climate, for massive farming operations 還是必須仰賴氣候的穩定性,才能進行大規模的稻作栽種 and coastal infrastructure (by which 還有沿海基礎建設的建築(是說,世界上 I mean all of the cities that people live in.) 有哪個城市是沒有基礎建設的嗎?) Jumping forward again 時光的轉輪轉呀轉 to 2015, 270 countries get 轉到2015年。當年,全世界270個國家 together in Paris with a goal: 齊聚一堂於巴黎,不為了別的,只為一件事: We want to keep the average warming of the earth below 我們需要想辦法把世界的平均上升溫度 2 degrees Celcius because, if we don't, it's 控制在攝氏2度以內。要是不這樣做的話 gonna be really bad for everyone. 結果可能會非常糟糕 But the problem is no one country can handle this because even the biggest contributors, the U.S. and China, together make up less than .但問題是,沒有一個國家可以獨自承擔此項任務,就連排放量最大的美國與中國,兩者相加的總排放量 half of the pie. Everyone needs to 連50%都不到。所以說大家必須要 agree to make changes or no one benefits. 有志一同,要不然就等著要一起大難臨頭 Worse, the poor countries 在這種持續惡化的狀況下,首當其衝的會是 that have admitted basically zero greenhouse gases 二氧化碳排出量幾乎為0的後進國,因為 are going to be the ones that are most negatively affected by this CO2 跟大量排放二氧化碳的先進國相較之下 that's been released by the wealthy countries 後進國在各種資源上 because they have more food and water insecurity, 像是食物、水、醫藥、基礎建設等等 less access to good medicine, and less infrastructure. 都是處於劣勢的 It's very difficult to say to them, 身為先進國一份子的我們,真的很難開口對後進國們說: No! Don't grow your economy using the same dirty fuels and techniques 看到沒?我們先進國的經濟起飛,是建立在骯髒的石油和破壞環境的技術之上的 that we used to grow our economies. 所以不要再重蹈我們的覆轍了 Instead! Buy these solar panels from us! With the money you don't have! 快來跟我們先進國買太陽能光板呀!啊,記得帶錢來唷顆顆 Also, like, since any country that keeps burning its usual will have 再來就是,持續使用化石燃料的國家 a competitive advantage in industry. (So, facing climate change) everyone agrees that everyone needs to agree, 在任何產業裡面都會保有競爭力。(所以說,在面臨氣候變遷這個難題的當下)巴黎協議的參與國都已經有了「大家必須要有共識」這個共識 or this agreement is useless. 要不然這個協議本身就毫無意義了 With advice from scientists, the countries altogether determined 為了能夠把世界平均上升溫度控制在攝氏2度以內 how quickly the Earth needs to stop emitting greenhouse gases 參與國根據科學家所提出的建議 to meet the 2 degree goal. 來決定要在多短的時間之內控制溫室氣體的排放量 And then, based on how developed each country is, how many people they have, 然後,根據每個國家的發展程度,人口 and how much they're currently emitting, they divvied up that responsibility. 還有各國二氧化碳的現今排放量,每個國家在這場戰役裡面的戲份也會不盡相同 At the end, every country had a goal. 總而言之,每個國家都有個「訂定的目標」就是了 There was no enforcement for meeting that goal, but there was a goal. 雖然說這個「訂定的目標」並不是強制要達成的,反正目標就是先這樣訂出來就是了 And, some countries that had already benefitted a lot from the last hundred years 甚至有一些在過去一百年,透過燃燒化石燃料「受益良多」的 of releasing carbon dioxide even threw in some money: 二氧化碳排放國,也開始為這場戰役注入金錢 billions of dollars to aid countries that hadn't benefitted from that, 金援還未受益的國家 to help them grow with less reliance on fossil fuels. 目的就是希望這些未受益國,能夠在不仰賴化石燃料的狀況下也能有所發展 Every country agreed to their own path forward, and every country was responsible 所有參與國都對於各自往後的道路有所認同,而每個國家 for figuring out how to meet their goals, 必須自己想出自己在這場戰役之中的因應之道 whether it's through energy efficiency, 舉凡節能政策 subsidizing renewables, regulating businesses, 對於可再生能源的津貼、對於企業的法規限制 changing people's behavior through education, or 透過教育改變大眾現今的生活模式,或是 ending fossil fuel subsidies. 終止一切對化石燃料的津貼,等等 And if countries don't meet their target? 是說,達不到目標的國家會有什麼具體的懲罰嗎? Again, nothing happens. 沒有,什麼都沒有 There are no penalties. 完・全・不・會・有・任・何・懲・罰 This is an agreement between nations that there is a problem, 我們真的需要認清一件事,就是:巴黎協議是一個國與國之間的協議,旨在解決當前的問題 and we must lead together, or 所以我們真的必須有志一同 face the price. And, remarkably, 要不然真的就是一起大難臨頭 A treaty that only encourages countries to reduce 雖然巴黎協議並不帶有強迫性的 emissions with unenforceable promises is 要求各國一定要降低二氧化碳排出量 a gigantic step, and one that has 但是這協議本身已經是向前邁進一大步了,而且這一步 already seen significant success. 還是收穫可觀的一步 But this is an investment, and it does 可是這個協議本身又同時是一項「投資」,而既然是投資的話 have costs. Do we know 那當然就會有所謂的「潛在成本」;我們究竟知道 exactly what that price will be? 這個「潛在成本」到底有多高嗎? No. We don't know precisely 我們無從得知。假設我們真的成功把世界平均上升溫度 how much better off we'll be if we keep temperatures 控制在攝氏2度以內,現在的我們也無從得知 from rising more than 2 degrees Celsius, and 我們屆時的生活品質究竟會比起現狀好過多少 we don't know precisely how much we need to reduce 而且我們也不知道我們究竟要把「溫室氣體(也就是二氧化碳」降低到什麼程度 greenhouse gas emissions to hit that target. 才有辦法成功將世界平均上升溫度控制在2度以內 But we do know that we are better off 我們唯一知道的,是當今世界上有六億人口 incentivizing these changes now, globally, 正生活在隨時有可能會被不斷上升的還水所吞噬的地區裡 because more than 600 million people 所以我們現在就該現在、立刻就著手鼓勵這世界上的每一份子 live in areas threatened by sea level rise. 在這場戰役中有所付出 Every person on Earth has 世界上的每個人 to eat every single day, 每一天都需要消耗糧食 and climate refugees' lost crops 而因為氣候變遷而失去稻作和基礎建設的 and lost infrastructure could destabilize 「氣候難民」極有可能會導致使整個世界的 the entire world economy and result in 經濟平衡失去秩序,進而在人類的歷史上 a very bad era of human history, 寫下狼狽不堪的一章 a sentiment to which the U.S. Department of 而出乎意料的,美國國防部也 Defense, by the way, agrees. Remarkably, 同意這樣的一個說法呢。這邊值得一提的是 thanks to a combination of energy efficiency, 在這一場氣候變遷的戰役中,美國 changing habits, and a shift from coal to 透過像是節約能源、生活習慣的改變、停止使用煤礦 natural gas and renewables, the United States 以及採用天然氣和其他可再生能源 was, until recently, on target 到近期為止,年年都有 to meet its Paris goals for decreasing 向當初在巴黎協議裡所訂下的「於2005年至2025年 emissions 26% from 2005 將排放量削減至原本之26%」 levels by 2025. 的這個目標邁進 We've already decreased emissions by around 14%, 到目前為止,在經濟狀況持續成長的情況下 even as the economy has grown. 美國已經成功將排放量降到原本的14%了 But if there is no political will to continue 但是,如果美國的政治不跟上腳步 this, if the majority party in both houses 如果參議院和眾議院裡的主要黨派、以及我們的總統 of Congress and the president do not 還是無法苟同「氣候變遷就是人類造成的」 agree that humans are causing climate change 的這樣一個說法 and want to continue investing in the same energy 並且執迷不悟的沿用愛迪生在19世紀時使用的 systems Thomas Edison pioneered 煤礦發電法來繼續生產能源的話 in the 1800s, we will stall. 我們的在這場戰役的步伐,會就此打住 Other countries, at the moment, are pledging 而此時此刻,在美國選擇從這場戰役中缺席的同時 to move forward, leading in the absence 其他國家選擇 of the United states. And, several states 繼續的勇往直前。甚至有些美國本土內 in the U.S., the ones with the largest economies, 經濟規模較大的州,也有計畫 also have plans to abide by the 繼續遵行美國於巴黎協議裡 agreement. But without the U.S., 所訂下的目標。美國人口雖然 a country that emits 18% of the world's 只佔世界總人口的4%,但是溫室氣體的排放量 greenhouse gases with just 4% of the 卻是世界總排放量的18%。所以 population, this pioneering agreement 如果這份協議中少了美國的參與 is considerably weakened. 效果必定是會大打折扣的 After all, why would other countries hold 說真的,如果二氧化碳最大受益國的 up their side of the bargain if the country 美國,決定就這樣不負責任的 that benefitted the most from the Carbon Dioxide 一走了之的話,那其他國家 currently in the atmosphere shirks 又有什麼理由要為自己的承諾 their responsibility? I, for one, 負責呢?別人怎麼向我不知道,但是 am tired of politicians pretending that 我個人是對於那些整天置身度外 we don't all share 而且對我們這顆碩大、美麗 this big, beautiful, but also quite small 但卻又是這麼渺小的地球不屑一顧的假掰政客們 planet. I was proud that 感到心力交瘁了。對於美國 my country was a leader in establishing the Paris agreement, 本來能在巴黎協議當中擔當起率領群眾的要職,我本來是很驕傲的 and I am ashamed at the step backward 可是現在,美國就這樣兩手一攤 we have taken away from uniting humanity 放掉了在這場總動員戰役中凝聚眾心的要職 to take on this great global challenge. 對於這種行為,我真的深感羞愧 John, I'll see you on Tuesday. 約翰,我們下禮拜二再會
B1 中級 美國腔 協議 二氧化碳 化石 燃料 巴黎 戰役 巴黎協議:這是什麼? 這是什麼意思? (The Paris Accord: What is it? And What Does it All Mean?) 5293 538 g2 發佈於 2017 年 06 月 19 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字