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  • - [Bryan] Oh my gosh, look what's happening.

  • And the water looks so good, you guys.

  • Also our contractor just asked us why no one's swimming,

  • and he said we can totally swim in it, so

  • this is awesome.

  • (light, upbeat music)

  • Wherever you are

  • That's where I wanna be

  • All it took was a laugh in that soft sunset

  • Big blue eyes looked up and said

  • This is home

  • Just runnin' around you never looked so cute

  • Huggin' you tight, cuddlin' all I could, sayin'

  • ♫ I am home

  • Home's wherever you're with me

  • - Good morning. - Good morning dude,

  • you got pancakes? - Yeah,

  • and I'm cutting them up because I'm a big boy.

  • - [Bryan] You are a big boy.

  • Good mornin', babe.

  • Missy is makin' pancakes and sausage this morning.

  • It looks so good, I am so hungry.

  • Hey buddy, you got pancakes too?

  • And sausage?

  • (light, cheerful music)

  • - [Missy] Alright, Ollie is doing some bicycle practicing,

  • he is getting so good at this, it's crazy.

  • These boys are the cutest thing ever,

  • I love them.

  • You are so cute Finn, on your scooter,

  • and your skateboard.

  • Ollie's never really been super into this kinda stuff

  • and all of a sudden he's just been so into it.

  • But now we are actually all ready for church,

  • everyone's eaten, and I thought I would show you the pool,

  • it is all filled, it's done.

  • It's all filled up.

  • We actually can't swim in it though,

  • we just get to look at it,

  • but it's completely full, I'm so excited.

  • Alright, we just got outta church, and we had a great time,

  • and I think this might be the very, very first time

  • that we had no tears, not one tear from either child

  • dropping off or picking up.

  • 'Cause last week Finn cried as we were picking him up,

  • 'cause he was like, ah, there you are,

  • but anyways, no tears.

  • - They did good. - Yes.

  • We're headed home, and we are so excited

  • because we are going to finally get to see

  • our pool turned on for the very first time,

  • so it's gonna be really exciting.

  • Also, Johnson Fam. - We're gonna get to see,

  • oh, hey, it's Johnson Fam.

  • We're gonna get to see all the waterfalls

  • for the first time, and where all the water trickles,

  • and stuff. - Yeah,

  • it's gonna be really cool, I'm so excited to see

  • is it like a big old dump, or is like a fall,

  • I don't know, I'm so excited to see.

  • - Today is six more days until we can swim you guys,

  • you're gonna be countin' with us,

  • we have to wait a week before we can get into it,

  • and today is six more days. - I'm gonna ask them,

  • realistically, come on.

  • How many people really follow that?

  • Yeah, I'm very excited.

  • Are you excited to swim in the new pool?

  • Yeah, what are you gonna do first?

  • Go down the slide?

  • Or swim in the hot tub?

  • Or jump off the rocks?

  • - I'm gonna go down this one into the pool,

  • and I'm gonna jump on the rocks.

  • - [Missy] Yay, sounds fun, I'm excited, huh?

  • - [Bryan] Oh my gosh, look what's happening.

  • - This is amazing. - That is amazing.

  • So this is the little waterfall grotto, slide is going,

  • that looks incredible.

  • And the water looks so good you guys,

  • look at this beautiful color of blue.

  • It reminds me of the color that the water is

  • in La Jolla when we go snorkeling, just beautiful.

  • Also our contractor just asked us

  • why no one's swimming in it,

  • he said we can totally swim in it, so this is awesome.

  • (bright, relaxed music)

  • Oh my gosh, water just started spilling

  • out of this as well.

  • - Oh my gosh. - This is so freaking cool,

  • babe, can you believe this?

  • - I can't.

  • - [Bryan] This is like our own little waterpark

  • going on right now, oh my gosh.

  • (bright, upbeat music)

  • Ollie, guess what? - Yeah.

  • - We have our very own, personal water park

  • in our backyard!

  • (Ollie screaming)

  • Do you wanna go see it? - Payton.

  • - [Bryan] And Liv's here.

  • Come on Ollie.

  • - [Missy] Oh my gosh, you got him in his bathing suit?

  • - [Bryan] Look at this dude, come look.

  • What do you think?

  • - I'm gonna jump in.

  • - You wanna jump in? - Yeah!

  • - [Bryan] Go ahead, do it!

  • (bright, upbeat music)

  • - Hey Pay!

  • - [Bryan] You wanna go down the slide Ollie?

  • - Yeah! - Go, go, go, go, go!

  • First time anyone's gone down the slide.

  • (bright, upbeat music)

  • Woo! (laughing)

  • This is amazing, you guys!

  • We have a pool again.

  • What do you think Ollie?

  • Was the slide fast? - Yeah.

  • - [Bryan] Was it so fun, are you cold?

  • Yeah, you gotta jump back in and get used to it, 'kay?

  • (bright, upbeat music)

  • He is obsessed with the slide, you guys.

  • Here he comes.

  • Woo!

  • - Two, three! - Woo!

  • You got your pool back Ollie!

  • We finally have our pool back.

  • This is so exciting.

  • You guys gonna swim here?

  • - It's too cold for us. - No.

  • - The Johnson Fam likes their pool at 85, minimum.

  • - This is cool, it is cold

  • because we just put it outta the hose.

  • He's trying to hook it up to the heater right now,

  • to get the heater goin'. - Oh nice.

  • (Ollie yelling)

  • - Okay, Ollie and I are gonna ride our slide together,

  • look at this baby, this is so cool.

  • - Rock a bye baby!

  • - Three, two, one, woo!

  • Summer's around the corner

  • (bright, upbeat music)

  • Oh, it is so cold.

  • (laughing)

  • - Yeah, I got my hair wet. - Yeah,

  • it really wakes you up.

  • How we can make this bloom forever

  • Make this our ever summer?

  • (bright, upbeat music)

  • - Alright, I think Ollie should do Superman down this slide,

  • do you wanna Superman? - Yeah.

  • - Alright, you gotta lay on your belly,

  • and Daddy's gonna be down there to catch you, ready?

  • Highway down by sea

  • We go on, and on, and on

  • Listen to his tear-soaked body

  • Wooo!

  • - Ollie, you just went down on your belly.

  • - Yeah. - Was that so cool?

  • It was a little scary for him.

  • Ollie look, we got starfish.

  • Look at the starfish right here, look.

  • - Woah! - Isn't that so cool?

  • - Yeah, it's not light.

  • - [Bryan] It's never light enough.

  • (bright, upbeat music)

  • Summer's around the corner

  • - That was a belly flop.

  • ♫ I don't want this night

  • To ever be over

  • - Can you take a picture?

  • Can I see your phone?

  • (screaming and laughing)

  • Grab her phone!

  • Give me your phone.

  • (laughing)

  • - [Jeffrey] Almost had it, almost had it.

  • - You got my brand new shoes wet.

  • - [Jeffrey] They're sandals.

  • (bright, upbeat music)

  • Summer's around the corner

  • (bright, upbeat music)

  • ♫ I don't want this night

  • To ever be over

  • (bright, upbeat music)

  • - [Missy] Look at you!

  • - [Bryan] Karma's so excited we have our pool back!

  • Forever

  • Make this our ever summer?

  • (bright, upbeat music)

  • - [Jeffrey] One, two, three!

  • (flowy, upbeat music)

  • - That's so cool, huh? - Woah!

  • - Three, two,

  • one. - Go!

  • (flowy, upbeat music)

  • - Three, two,

  • one. - Go!

  • (flowy, upbeat music)

  • - It is seriously such a big rock,

  • going on the top of that grotto ledge into the water.

  • - That's far. - I'm almost scared,

  • when I go into the cannonball stance,

  • I'm like, oh, this is gonna hurt,

  • and then I can't hold onto it.

  • - [Missy] Oh my gosh, that's crazy.

  • - That's so cool. - So you're not ready

  • to take on that one then?

  • - Um, no.

  • That one I would break my legs.

  • - [Missy] Yeah, for sure.

  • - So the pool guy just left.

  • He basically explained that there's gonna be

  • a lotta programming and setting up

  • over the next week, 'cause everything's still

  • not working how it should.

  • For example, all the pumps were turning off

  • after 10 minutes, and we weren't able to keep them on,

  • so I played with it a little bit back here,

  • but seriously, it's like a scientist's lair back here,

  • I don't even know where to begin.

  • I may have figured it out,

  • 'cause we wanna keep the pump on,

  • because that plaster, it's dusty,

  • so we wanna make sure to get all that off the water,

  • nice and clean.

  • But I'm so happy with the pool right now,

  • it's so, - It's so cool.

  • - So cool, it's like a dream come true.

  • - If anyone's wondering why I'm not in,

  • it's 'cause I don't like being cold.

  • - Yeah, I do have the heater on,

  • so hopefully I can keep the heater on.

  • - Just a little bit warmer and I can get in.

  • - It's like 70 right now,

  • it's trying to make it a nice 85.

  • - I know, I'm sure everyone's like, 70's not that bad, no.

  • - [Bryan] Yeah, 70's not that bad,

  • but look at the color of it though,

  • it's just so beautiful from the step in.

  • - I love all the little details we put in,

  • like the starfish, and the turtles.

  • I wish there were more turtles, more fish,

  • but I love it. - It was cool

  • being able to add our own things,

  • design it how we wanted to.

  • - My dad is obsessed with the moray eels,

  • they look like, I don't even know,

  • a fish head sticking out of the wall, it's weird,

  • but my dad loves it.

  • - [Bryan] This is so cool, this is the pool

  • you're gonna learn to swim in, Finn.

  • - Are you gonna swim in this?

  • - Uh oh. - Uh oh,

  • oh, you got Spider-Man.

  • - Yeah, he's excited about my Spider-Man shirt.

  • - [Bryan] Hey, Mr. Finn, are you gonna go in the pool?

  • Uncle's hangin' out, Ollie is still swimming,

  • he is so obsessed, you guys.

  • (flowy, upbeat music)

  • Finn, are you really gonna go down the slide?

  • He's so brave.

  • Yes, that is my one-year-old

  • about to go down our new slide right now.

  • Uncle's down at the bottom to catch him.

  • - Grab him. - Woo!

  • - Woo, good job! - Nice! (laughing)

  • Good job, Finn!

  • (flowy, upbeat music)

  • Why is my three-year-old so brave?

  • You're amazing, are you jumpin'?

  • Go!

  • That is a big jump babe,

  • even for me. - That scared you.

  • - [Bryan] Yeah.

  • Dude, that's incredible.

  • "Let's do that again!" is what he says.

  • We need to put that on a shirt,

  • that's gonna be his new catchphrase.

  • (bright, upbeat music)

  • Even when he splashes it sounds scary, it's like,

  • (mimics splashing)

  • it's like a plunge. - And Finn's like,

  • I wanna do it.

  • - [Bryan] You wanna do it boy?

  • He might like that more than the slide.

  • Ollie, do you like doin' that more than the slide?

  • Yeah?

  • Be really careful, 'kay?

  • Ready?

  • And go!

  • That's insane.

  • Our new pool, you guys.

  • We have a pool again.

  • This is such an amazing feeling,

  • this is a really cool day for us.

  • (bright, upbeat music)

  • - Thank you for the pool, Mommy and Daddy.

  • - [Bryan] You're welcome buddy, did you have fun?

  • - Yeah.

  • - [Bryan] It's a pretty cool pool, huh?

  • - Yeah.

  • - [Bryan] What are you doin' here, Ollie?

  • - Watchin' that and brushing my teeth.

  • - [Bryan] Oh, Missy found this amazing app.

  • - [Missy] Yeah, it's like this fun Disney app.

  • - He likes the Star Wars one? - It's got his name.

  • Well this is his avatar that he chose,

  • we also have Finn's avatar. - Oh Finn, oh that's funny.

  • - [Missy] And that's Ollie's,

  • and when he's ready to brush his teeth, you go like this,

  • and then you get to take a picture, scan it.

  • Okay, it's ready.

  • And then you brush you teeth,

  • which I'm a little bit behind now.

  • It counts down and it brushes away the picture,

  • so that way he doesn't get bored,

  • and he's watching, we gotta keep brushing

  • until the picture shows up.

  • You got the picture up? - Uh huh.

  • - What is it? - Michael.

  • - Michael? - Yeah.

  • - [Bryan] Oh, kinda looks like Mike McGowski.

  • - [Missy] Ah, there we go.

  • - There you have it guys,

  • kids are usin' apps nowadays just to brush their teeth.

  • It's kinda cool though,

  • it keeps them interested. - But it's so convenient,

  • say cheese.

  • It just makes it so much easier,

  • when you have a toddler it can be really hard

  • to get their attention for this long.

  • I would say most parents probably do it for a minute,

  • and they're like, oh my gosh, okay, you're done.

  • But now they want to still brush.

  • - [Bryan] Keep brushin', you're brushin' away the photo.

  • (Bryan laughing)

  • Alright guys, so it's N-I-G-H-T time,

  • which basically means it's B-E-D time,

  • so we're takin' this little kid to his room,

  • and I thought we would give you guys an update

  • on his little creatures.

  • You're growin' animals in here, dude.

  • Yeah.

  • These caterpillars have tripled in size,

  • and lookit, they're already starting to hang

  • from the top of the cup.

  • That's incredible, huh? - Yeah.

  • - [Bryan] And then he's also got two tadpoles in here

  • that haven't changed any, but they're still nice

  • and happy, and swimmin' around.

  • - They're alive. - They are alive, yup.

  • But anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed

  • today's vloggity-vlog, if you did

  • be sure to give it a thumbs up.

  • (laughing) Hey, that's like a Spidey up, huh?

  • - Yeah. - That's pretty cool.

  • I also wanted to let you guys know

  • that if you click that iCard in the corner

  • you can watch a playlist of all of our swimming videos,

  • and you can also see yesterday's video

  • of us filling up our pool, 'cause it's full now,

  • and now we have fun in it, huh?

  • But anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed today's video,

  • thanks for watching. - Oh, snap.

  • We'll see ya manana,

  • what'd you say, oh snap? - Yeah.

  • - Yeah? Do you wanna say bye boop?

  • - Bye,

  • boop.

  • (light, upbeat music)

- [Bryan] Oh my gosh, look what's happening.


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    Bill Wang 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日