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  • The final paragraph in your essay is called the conclusion. The conclusion reinforces

  • what you have said in your essay. Although it may give your final thoughts on the essay

  • topic, you should not introduce any new information.

  • So, how do you write a good conclusion? At the beginning of a concluding paragraph

  • it is a good idea to use a concluding linker, such as, “In conclusion,...”, “To

  • sum up, …” or, “In summary, …”, to show the reader that this is the end of the

  • essay. The conclusion will also summarise your main points and restate your opinion.

  • Before we look at the example conclusion let’s look at the question.

  • Now, in this example conclusion, it is clear to see that the candidate has used a concluding

  • linker. In this case: “In conclusion, …”, so we know that this is the end of the essay

  • and the final paragraph.

  • Then, the writer restates his or her point of view. The candidate agrees that spending

  • money on space exploration is “a luxury that we cannot afford”.

  • And finally, the writer sums up the main points, reiterating what the government should be

  • spending money on.

  • To help you write a great conclusion, remember these simple dos and donts; give your final

  • thoughts but don’t introduce any new information. So make sure your final thoughts are the same

  • as those expressed in your essay.

  • So, in summary, you use your conclusion to reinforce your ideas without adding any new ones.

  • Remember to take a few moments at this point to look over your essay to make sure you have

  • followed your plan and included all of the ideas that you outlined. Why not check for

  • errors as well?

The final paragraph in your essay is called the conclusion. The conclusion reinforces


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B1 中級

寫作。第三單元:寫結論 (Writing: Unit 3: Writing the Conclusion)

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    cafe 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日