字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Hey guys! So I'm sure by now a lot of you have already seen or at least heard about 哈囉,大家!所以我很確定你們現在都已經看過或聽過 these- this new trend, 這些 這個新潮流 this toy called a fidget spinner 這玩具叫做指尖陀螺 *music* 音樂* Yes! So once again, the internet has 對的,網路又再一次 blessed us with another wonderful trend 賜予我們另一個美好的趨勢 that everyone can't stop talking about 每個人都不停的在討論的趨勢 So much so that I can't even ignore this one because 實在是太熱門了 it's so heavily requested by you guys in my comments 熱門到我都不能忽視 (reading comments out loud) 因為被你們大量的在留言版裡要求 (overlapping voices) Dear Ryan 你可以做一個有關跟指尖陀螺的影片嗎? "Dear Ryan, your hair still looks GAY" Dear Ryan 你可以做一個有關跟指尖陀螺的技巧影片嗎? Wait, what? Dear Ryan 你可以做一個有關跟指尖陀螺的特技影片嗎? Fidget spinners are one of the biggest trends in the world right now Dear Ryan 你的頭髮還是看起來好娘 So of course I had to go pick one up 等一下,什麼 to see what all the fuss was about, and... 指尖陀螺是現在最熱門話題 here it is 所以我當然要去買一個試試看 *disappointed honking noise* 了解一下這個謎團 yeah, *wheeze* 然後這個就是 this thing, right here 對,這個東西 That's all it does. It spins, okay? 唯一的功能就是一直轉 And it has like three 三圈... cir- oh what it's still going 啊,還在繼續轉.. oh that's kinda *hah* fa- 啊,好像有點快.... That's kinda fast *ahem* 好吧, 大部分的人在我的年紀20幾歲 Ok yeah 大概會覺得這個熱門的東西很愚蠢 like most people my age, if you're in 會覺得這世界上怎麼會有人想花錢買這個東西 your twenties, you probably took one look at this trend 唯一的功能就只有旋轉 and said, "this is so stupid" 老實說,原本我只打算做個嘲笑指尖陀螺的影片 "Why would anybody waste their money on this? All it does is spin" 還有玩指尖陀螺的人 And to be completely honest, this video was originally 就像現在大家在留言板上寫有多討厭指尖陀螺 going to be me making fun and bashing these things and people that play with them 但是當我看到這麼多人寫一個無害和害無用的玩具 You know, kinda like what everyone else is doing right now 我突然頓悟到一件事 But after seeing all the hate for this little, harmless, somewhat useless toy 不是像這樣 I just had, like, this epiphany 我不知道我想要表達什麼 *angelic whale call* 我們現在處在一個不屑下一代的社會 It wasn't like this 我們不屑所有下一代的東西 It- I don't know why- what- I'm doing 所有熱門的事 We are a society that just HATES 因為我們覺得我們這一代是最棒的最聰明的 the generation below us 下一代只會越來越糟 We hate everything that they do and all the trends 而且這不是只有我們這一代 they start because we think think that our generation is the best 這是一個一直在發生的事 and the smartest, and upcoming 我的意思是 generations are only getting worse and worse 仔細想想 And I'm not just singling out our generation 當我們小時候 this is an ongoing pattern that has been happening forever 我們的長輩也是像這樣抱怨 I mean, think about it 你們這些小孩聽甚麼不堪入耳的饒舌音樂 when we were growing up, the generation above us 還有Game Boy, 跟寶可夢 complained about us the same way when we were kids 在我那個年代,我們都是在外面玩 StickBall * shaky high pitched* 我們都聽經典音樂像是Queen,還有Journey,還有... Damn you kids and your filthy rap music, 如果你是在我的年紀 Gameboys, and "pokemans" 我非常肯定,你的長輩一定有對你說過一樣的事情 Back in my day, we used to play stick ball outside, 對,非常煩人的事 and listen to the classics like Queen, and Journey, and- 是他們不了解 If you're around my age, I'm pretty positive 他們已經老了 that somebody older than you has said the 他們就是想酸而已 exact same thing to you before 看看鏡子,我們就跟他們一樣 And yes it was annoying because they just didn't understand 我們就是酸民 because they were old 我們這一代正在做一模一樣的事情 they were just being haters 你們這些小孩玩甚麼懸浮滑板,抽甚麼電子菸, 還有little yatties Welp, take a look in the mirror 在我那個年代, that's us now 我們騎腳踏車,玩戰鬥陀螺 We're the old haters 而且我們聽真的音樂,像是阿姆, 小甜甜布蘭妮, 新好男孩... Our generation is literally doing the same thing now 對..我不知道為什麼我們這一代聲音聽起來很老 *shaky high pitched* 但是我們才20幾歲 Damn you kids and your hoverboards, and vapes, 但是你了解我想說什麼了吧 and little "yatties" 你看,討厭會一直持續下去 Back in MY day, 都是因為我們的傲慢 we used to ride bicycles, and have beyblades (let it rip!) 我們都覺得我們有最美好的童年 AND we listened to real music 我們都以自己為驕傲 like Eminem, Britney Spears, and the Backstreet Boys 我們都覺得下一代應該要跟我們有一樣的童年 Yeah, I don't know why our generation sounds so old 如果他們要變成像我們樣成功 We're still in our twenties, but ㄧ樣有知識,一樣努力 You get the point 這就是為什麼當長輩看到小朋友 You see, it's an ongoing cycle of hate 玩熱門的東西 and it all stems from our arrogance 他們總是會說 We think that growing up, we had the best childhood 我們的未來一片黑暗,我已經對人類失去信心了 because of how proud we are of ourselves 或是其他負面的東西 We believe that the younger generation has to have 別誤會我不是專門做影片來捍衛這個東西 a childhood like ours if they want to be as successful, 的確,雖然他們真的沒什麼用,又不值得花這麼多錢 and knowledgeable, and hard working as we are 但是重點就是他們只是玩具 That's why whenever an older generation see kids 只是我們現在長大了 doing trends like this, you always see them 不玩指尖陀螺 saying things like, "Oh, our future is doomed" 這也不代表我們要不屑指尖陀螺 or, "I'm losing faith in humanity" 我的意思是, 要是你覺得這個很蠢 or, something else negative 想想我們的童年玩具 And no, I"m not making a video just to defend these things 我們有Pogs I agree that these toys are you know, kinda 我們收集這些有圖片的厚紙板片,放在一個圓柱狀裡 useless and not really worth the money 然後在一個紙板上打擊,試著翻掉其他人的圖片紙牌 But that's exactly the point , they're toys 以前覺得很有趣 Just because we're older now, and way too mature 也別忘了紙牌遊戲 to play with these things doesn't 我們這一代超喜歡玩紙牌遊戲 mean we gotta hate it 甚至還有人現在還在玩 I mean, you think this is stupid? 像是寶可夢,遊戲王卡,還有Magic the Gathering Think of the toys WE grew up with 紙牌是很重要的童年回憶 We had pogs, okay? 而且他們還非常昂貴 We collected and played with little circular 沒錯我們付了很多錢 pieces of cardboard that would have pictures on them 在一堆有圖案的紙上 that we would slam on the ground to try and flip over other 他們甚至不是厚紙板製的 little circular pieces of cardboard with pictures on them 是的,我能理解 And that was fun! 這些都是對戰遊戲 Or what about trading cards? 而指尖陀螺不能玩, 只能轉, 對吧! Our generation loved trading cards! 那麼或許你可以解釋看看chatter rings 記得那個東西嗎? Some of us still do! 沒錯孩子們! 我們曾經玩過chatter rings From Pokemon cards, to Yugioh, to Magic the Gathering, 過去有段時間,chatter rings就像這個東西一樣夯 like trading cards were huge when we were growing up 在我們成長的過程中 And they were expensive 簡單來說, 就是有一串小圈圈, 你可以讓它旋轉在一個大圈圈上 That's right, we paid a bunch of money for 接著持續轉動大圈圈, 小圈圈就會跟著一起轉, 並發出一些聲音 a bunch of pieces of paper with pictures on them 恩, 這在過去聽起來一點都不白癡對吧! It wasn't even cardboard 我記得曾有些大人說這很蠢, 而我嘲笑他們 And yes, I understand these were games 他們又笑回來, 事情就是這樣! You could play them, and 好辣,我沒有笑他們 these- these you can't play games with these 還不夠嗎? they just spin, right? 我們還玩溜溜球 Well, then maybe you can explain chatter rings 就是有個接著繩子的圓輪, 捲好線後再迅速解開來, 圓輪就會一直轉 Remember those? 還有一個比我這代更年輕一些的玩具 That's right kids, we had chatter rings 我們還有戰鬥陀螺 For a short amount of time, chatter rings were just as 就是互相PK 撞來撞去 popular as these in the world when we were growing up 就像拿兩個指尖陀螺撞來撞去 And literally, all it was was a bunch of little rings 喔..壞掉了,看看,掉下來了 that you would spin onto a bigger ring 我們還有gak and keep spinning the bigger ring so that the little rings 就像膠水一樣的東西,你可以摸.....我不知道 keep spinning and make a bunch of noise with them 還有Slinky Yeah, that didn't sound stupid back then, huh? 像彈簧一樣的東西,你放在樓梯上看他下樓梯 Like I remember some adults saying that was stupid 這好像越聽越糟了, 我有點難過 back then, and I laughed at them 我們甚至還有這個管他叫甚麼名子的 They laughed at me, that's how it went 我不覺得有任何人知道這是幹嘛的 I- they- I didn't laugh at them 但卻很多人有擁有它 Still not enough? 它軟軟的, 滑滑的, 像透明的香腸一樣 We also played with yo-yo's, 但是裡面有洞,所以你可以放手指進去 which is a wheel that's attached to a string that you 或是握住然後上下動一動... wind up and then unravel really fast so that the wheel spins 等等....XD It's a little younger than my generation, 你了解我的意思了吧!我並不是在說指尖陀螺不是愚蠢的 But we also had Beyblades 因為他們是真的愚蠢的遊戲 They were little toy tops that you would 但是我們為什麼要討厭下一代的玩具 spin to hit other tops 當我們跟他們一樣愚蠢,或者比他們更笨 So it's like taking two of these, spinning them, 我們有剛剛那個像香腸的玩具... and then hitting each other with them 這不合理, 我們是偽善者 Oh, it broke 所以我很抱歉, 如果你以為我的影片是要像很多人一樣酸指尖陀螺 Look at that, it came off 實際上我要做完全相反的 whoops 告訴你們指尖陀螺有多棒,還有有用 We had gak 我可以想到100多種指尖陀螺有用的方法 it was literally just goo that you could touch 你可以向前轉... 也可以向後...痾之類的 I-I don't know 還可以像忍者標一樣丟出去, 以防有強盜進入你家 We had slinkies, a spring-like toy 可以當成迷你直升機的螺旋槳 that you would place at the top of the stairs 或是像果汁機一樣 and then watch it go down those stairs 打一些軟掉的易打的東西 This is starting to sound even worse 還可以拿來畫完美的圓和完美的花 I'm kinda depressed 刷牙的時候可以刷的很快 We even had whatever hell this thing is 為你的輪胎裝上螺旋蓋 I don't anyone even knew what these things were even suppose to be 你知道的, 像一個baller一樣 But a lot of us had them 又像是天花板電扇, 給小小人吹的那種 It was like this soft, slippery, sausage looking thing 餐桌轉盤, 給懶人轉的那種 But it had like an inside so that you could like put your finger in it or 測視力 Just hold it, and like kinda just move it around, and sh- 1? 還是2? Wait a second... 根本沒差 You see what I mean? 用來當磁鐵 I'm not saying that these things aren't stupid, ok? 用來當閃光燈 because they are 你甚至可以用它來向你媽解釋 But why are we hating on the younger generation 你的耳洞會有多大 when we were just as stupid as they were, 看吧! 100多種不同的使用方法 maybe even stupider? 好啦..對 其實是沒什麼用沒錯 ok, we had this thing 拜託 也才10鎂 It doesn't make sense, we were hypocrites 10鎂可以拿來幹嘛? So, I'm sorry if you though that this video was (很多) going to be what most youtubers are doing, 而你寧願拿10元美鈔? which is hating fidget spinners 還是這個好東西? In fact, I am going to do the opposite and show 看到了嗎? 你無法轉這張10元美鈔 you how awesome and useful these things are, okay? 齁齁齁 回家洗洗睡吧! 孩子! I could name like hundreds of uses off the top 對的 這也是一種我們小時候玩的遊戲 of my head like, you could spin them forwards, 這有點不ok you could spin them- eh- spin them backwards kinda 總之, 我只是想表達我們對其他世代, 特別是年輕一代所表現的不屑 You can... use it like a ninja star 其實是沒有必要的 in case there's a burglar in your house 而且甚至是有點偽善 *thud* 我們太快去評論別人, 由其實年紀比我們小的人, *plop* 就因為我們認為自己懂更多 It could be the propeller of a mini helicopter 並期待他們以跟我們一樣的方式長大 Maybe even a blender, 但事實上人類正不斷進化 if you're blending like, really soft, easy to blend things? 不能因為事物不同了 Or you could use it to draw the perfect circle? 不管是音樂, 玩具, 或是流行梗 The perfect flower? 就代表他們是錯的 Brush your teeth faster, 我們沒有以我們父母長大的方式那樣長大 Get some spinners on your rims, 我們的父母也沒有以他們父母長大的方式那樣長大 you know, look like a baller? 所以現在的孩子也不會以我們長大的方式長大 Or like, a ceiling fan for really tiny people? 就讓我們做我們自己, 而他們做他們自己 A lazy susan for really lazy people? 我們當中的有些人也會...做他們 Test your eyesight 這聽起來不對阿 One? 所以呢, 再次感謝大家的收看 Four, two, pretty much the same... 而在座比我年輕的各位 You could use it as a magnet 當你到了我們這個年紀你會開始不屑 You could use it as a strobe light 那些比你更年輕一代人在做的蠢事 You could even use it to explain to your mom 只要記得這個! 在這! what your gauged ears are going to look like 曾有一度這是世界上最流行, 討論度最高的東西 See? There are hundreds and hundreds of different use- 就因為你們玩他, 並樂此不疲 Ok, yeah there's not a lot you could do with them 懂嗎? 是你們的錯! But come on, it costs like 10 dollars 也許我也是有點錯, 我想 其實蠻好玩的! What can you even do with 10 dollars? 你們這些小孩, 禁甚麼菸 (list of things you could do with $10) 飛甚麼飛天滑板, 聽甚麼beep bope bibing的音樂 And what would you rather have, a 10 dollar bill? 在我那個年代, 我們有不會懸浮的懸浮滑板 Or one of these? 電子菸,可以給大家一種新的癌症 See that? You can't spin a 10 dollar bill 最重要的事, 我們有真正的音樂 ($10 bills crinkling) 像是... Oh, ho ho ho hoo yo! 恩...我們有...痾... Get out of here, boy! 好吧! 你們的音樂卡好聽~ Yeah, we also had a game like this growing up kids It was kind of frowned upon Overall, what I'm trying to say is all this hate that we show to other generations, especially the younger generations, are- are so unnecessary and kind of hypocritical We are so quick to judge others, especially younger people because we think we know better And we expect them to grow up the way we grew up But the thing is humanity is constantly evolving and just because things are different whether its music, or toys, or trends It- it doesn't mean that they're wrong We didn't grow up the way our parents grew up Our parents didn't grow up the way their parents grew up And kids today aren't going to grow up the way we did Let's just keep doing us, and let them do them Some of us, will also keep doing them That doesn't sound right So once again, thank you guys so much for watching and for all you younger generational kids watching, When you're our age, and you guys want to start hating on the younger generation below you for starting some stupid trend, just remember, this? Right here? At one point, this was once the most popular and most talked about thing in the world because of you guys playing with them and enjoying this for fun Okay? It's your fault Kinda mine too, I guess *laughs* It's kinda fun TEE-HEEE! *shaky high pitched* Damn you kids, and your no-smoking laws, and flying skateboards, and beep bop bope bibing music Back in my day, we had hoverboards that didn't hover, vapes that gave everyone a new form of cancer, and more than anything, we had real music like... (medley of horrible songs) Well... we had... like.... uh.... Boys generally Ai- Okay, well, you guys got us on the music
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 陀螺 玩具 長大 指尖 熱門 圈圈 仇視Fidget Spinner的人! (Fidget Spinner Haters!) 773 42 keita 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字