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Have you ever heard someone say, "I'm so clean. I'm OCD."?
你有沒有聽人說過:「我身上一塵不染,我是強迫症 ( OCD )!」?
You might think that having OCD just means being a neat freak, but actually, obsessive-compulsive disorder is a serious ailment that only affects about 2% of the population.
你可能會認為,強迫症只是意味著一個有潔癖的怪胎,但實際上,強迫症屬一種嚴重疾病,僅影響約全球 2% 的人口。
People with OCD are plagued with unwanted thoughts, behaviors, or mental images that repeat over and over.
OCD 患者常被自己不想要的想法、行為和一再一再出現的心智圖像所困擾。
They might feel like objects in a room have to be perfectly aligned, or they may worry obsessively about harming others, even if they would never actually do anything.
And yes, some people with OCD obsess over germs and cleanliness, but it's different than just wanting your house tidy.
所以沒有錯,有些 OCD 患者確實執著於細菌和乾淨度,但是與你保持房子整潔的情況有所不同。
For those with the disorder, their obsession feels out of their control.
It can be debilitating, and cleaning won't solve the problem.
These obsessions are typically intertwined with compulsions—repeated actions the person has to do just to function.
而執著感常與強迫交纏在一起 ,也就是重複一樣的行為,常常為了做而做。
If someone is obsessed with germs, they might wash their hands over and over, even after they logically know that they are clean.
Or if they're obsessed with safety, they might force themselves to check that the doors are locked and that the stove is off dozens of times before they can leave the house.
They might also feel the need to repeat a certain word, or count their steps.
Although OCD can take many forms, there are some things that everyone with the disorder has in common.
儘管 OCD 有多種形式表現,但罹患這種病的每個患者都有共通點。
In order to be diagnosed, the obsessions or compulsions must be extremely time-consuming and take up at least an hour a day.
Almost everyone with OCD knows their thoughts aren't logical, but they can't stop themselves.
And they usually don't enjoy their compulsions. It's just the only way they can reduce their anxiety and stress.
So, for those suffering, it can hurt to hear others use the term OCD without understanding what it fully means.
所以對於那些患者來說,聽到別人在不了解什麼是「OCD」的前提下卻使用這個術語可能會讓他們很受傷 。
You might say that you have OCD because you like things to be organized, but it's a passing thought that you could shrug off.
你可能會說自己有 OCD,因為你喜歡事情有條不紊,但這想法常是一閃即過,可以不當成一回事。
Having real OCD means not being able to let go of those thoughts.
但真正的 OCD 意味著,這些想法是無法拋棄的。
Lots of studies have shown that those with OCD actually have slightly different brain function than those without.
大部分的研究顯示,罹患 OCD 的人跟正常人的腦部相比,實際上有些微功能上的差異。
Although scientists are still learning how the disorder works, many think it has to do with the changes in a circuit of the brain called the corticostriatal pathway, which regulates habit and repeated action.
Recent studies have focused on trying to find medications that bind to receptors in that pathway.
If the studies are successful, they may be able to develop medication that specifically targets OCD symptoms.
如果研究成功,他們就有能力開發針對 OCD 症狀的藥物。
This would be a huge leap forward.
Currently, doctors typically prescribe general antidepressants for OCD. They also recommend behavioral therapy.
目前,醫生常為 OCD 開出一般抗憂鬱藥,他們也推薦認知行為治療。
This includes exposure therapy, where patients are carefully exposed to fearful situations without being allowed to act on their compulsions.
For the small amount of people who don't respond to either drugs or therapy, there are more invasive procedures.
Around 300 people have undergone something called DBS, or deep brain stimulation, which is when electrodes are implanted in the brain to control impulses in some of the corticostriatal regions.
大約已有 300 人經歷過稱為 DBS 治療,或稱腦深層電刺激,即在大腦中植入電極以控制某些皮質紋狀體區域的衝動想法。
When the electrodes are activated, they cause the brain of someone with OCD to have the same neural activity as someone without.
當電極被啟動時,它們會使 OCD 患者的大腦中產生與正常人相同的神經細胞活動。
The treatment has been a huge success.
Almost all DBS patients say the procedure improved their mood and self-confidence, and most regained a normal quality of life.
幾乎所有 DBS 的病人都說這個療程改善了他們的心情和自信心,多數人也恢復了正常生活品質。
Although OCD can be debilitating, these types of treatments offer hope that one day soon, everyone with the disorder will be able to find relief and take back control of their life.
儘管 OCD 可能讓人元氣大傷,但這些治療也帶來希望,希望有一天每位患者都能夠解脫,並且拿回自己生活的控制權。
I hope you gain a better understanding of OCD, And let me know in the comment section below what other science topic you would like us to talk about?
If you enjoyed this video, then you should definitely watch our video where we tackle the question - can you have more than one personality?
Check it out.
To get this disorder, you'd have to have two or more identities that can take control of your behavior, and they have to have different memories and feelings itself.
There are only a few people who have actually been documented with the psychological condition, but you've probably heard of it thanks to movies and television.
My name is Bloco, this has been Life Noggin. Don't forget to keep on thinking.
我是 Bloco,這裡是 Life Noggin。別忘記持續思考。