字幕列表 影片播放 由 AI 自動生成 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Hello, I'm Michael. 你好,我是邁克爾。 Welcome to Oxford Online English. 歡迎來到牛津在線英語。 In this lesson, you'll learn how to talk about the weather in English. 在本課中,你將學習如何用英語談論天氣。 Do you know what it means if someone says It's chucking it down today? 你知道如果有人說今天要把它扔下去是什麼意思嗎? If someone says it's baking today, do you know what they are talking about? 如果有人說今天是烘焙,你知道他們在說什麼嗎? In this class, you'll learn words, phrases, and idioms that you can use to describe different kinds of weather. 在這門課上,你將學習到可以用來描述不同種類天氣的單詞、短語和成語。 British people are famous for talking about the weather. 英國人以談論天氣而聞名。 Do you know why? 你知道為什麼嗎? It's because in the UK we have a lot of weather. 這是因為在英國,我們有很多天氣。 You never know what the weather will be like. 你永遠不知道天氣會是什麼樣子。 You can have all four seasons in one day. 你可以在一天之內擁有四季。 We are going to look at a typical British day, so the weather is going to be very changeable. 我們要看的是英國典型的一天,所以天氣會有很大的變化。 This means that weather can change quickly and unpredictably. 這意味著,天氣會迅速變化,不可預測。 It can be sunny, and then 30 minutes later, it will start snowing. 它可以是晴天,然後30分鐘後,就會開始下雪。 So, first we wake up, and it is a bit cold. 所以,首先我們醒來,天氣有點冷。 How would we describe this? 我們該如何描述呢? I could say that it's a bit chilly. 可以說是有點冷了。 This means that it's a little cold. 這意味著,它有點冷。 Not very cold, just a little cold. 不是很冷,只是有點冷。 Autumn mornings are often chilly. 秋天的早晨往往是寒冷的。 In chilly weather, you might want a light jacket, but you won't need a heavy coat, or a scarf, or anything like that. 在寒冷的天氣裡,你可能需要一件輕薄的外套,但你不需要厚重的大衣,或者圍巾之類的東西。 But what if it's very cold? 但如果很冷怎麼辦? You could say that it's freezing. 你可以說,它的凍結。 You might say that you can see your breath. 你可以說,你可以看到你的呼吸。 Freezing means that it is very cold. 凍的意思是很冷。 Not just chilly, but very cold. 不僅僅是冷,而是非常冷。 Antarctica is freezing. 南極洲很冷 Northern Canada in winter is freezing. 冬天的加拿大北部是冰天雪地。 To see your breath means that you can literally see the air when you breathe on it. 看清自己的呼吸,是指當你呼吸到空氣時,你可以從字面上看到空氣。 Usually, if you can see your breath, it is freezing. 通常,如果你能看到你的呼吸,它是凍結。 If the weather is so freezing that you can see your breath, you probably will need to bundle up. 如果天氣凍得能看到你的呼吸,你可能需要捆綁起來。 Bundle up means to wear layers of clothes to keep yourself warm. 捆綁的意思是穿上層層疊疊的衣服來保暖。 When the weather is freezing, you need to bundle up. 天氣寒冷的時候,你需要捆綁起來。 On freezing mornings, it can be very, very difficult to get out of bed. 在冰天雪地的早晨,起床是非常非常困難的。 But let's imagine that we get up because we have to go to work. 但我們想象一下,我們起床是因為我們要去上班。 So we leave the house and it's "drizzling" at the moment. 於是,我們離開了家,此刻正下著 "小雨"。 Drizzling means that it is raining lightly. 淅淅瀝瀝是指下著小雨。 It's not heavy. 它不重。 Drizzle is so light that it can look like mist. 雨點很輕,可以像霧一樣。 We can also say that it is only spitting. 我們也可以說,這只是吐槽。 Spitting is even lighter than drizzling. 吐槽比滴水還輕。 It means that a few raindrops are falling, but it isn't really raining. 意思是說有幾顆雨滴落下,但並不是真的下雨。 Before it rains, it might start spitting and then get heavier. 下雨前,可能會開始吐槽,然後越來越重。 Then, suddenly, the heavens open. 然後,突然,天開了。 This means that it starts raining heavily. 這意味著,開始下大雨了。 How else could I describe it if it is raining a lot? 如果經常下雨,還能怎麼形容呢? I could say that it is chucking it down. 我可以說,它是攆下來的。 This means that it is raining a lot. 這意味著,雨下得很大。 It is really heavy. 它真的很重。 It is the type of rain that people find it difficult to drive in or walk in. 這是一種讓人覺得開車難、走路難的雨。 As I am walking to work, my clothes are getting soaked. 當我走在上班的路上時,我的衣服都快溼透了。 This means that my clothes are very wet because of the rain. 這意味著我的衣服因為下雨而非常潮溼。 Luckily, I brought my umbrella today. 幸好我今天帶了雨傘。 So we get to work, only a little damp from the rain, thanks to the umbrella. 於是我們就開始工作了,只是由於雨傘的緣故,被雨淋得有些潮溼。 Damp means that something is slightly wet. 潮是指東西微溼。 My clothes are a little wet because of the rain. 因為下雨,我的衣服有點溼。 And from my window, I can see that it's very overcast and dark overhead. 而從我的窗口,我可以看到,天氣非常陰沉,頭頂上一片漆黑。 To say that it is overcast means that the clouds are covering the sky. 說是陰天,是指雲層遮住了天空。 You cannot see the sun. 你看不到太陽。 When it is dark overhead, you are saying that the clouds are very black. 頭頂上一片漆黑的時候,你說雲彩很黑。 Most likely this is because it is raining or going to rain soon. 很可能是因為正在下雨或即將下雨。 So, it is dark overhead, and overcast. 所以,頭頂上一片漆黑,陰天。 You think there's going to be a storm. 你覺得會有一場風暴。 You could say that there is a storm brewing. This means that you think a storm will start very soon. 你可以說,有一場風暴正在醞釀。這意味著你認為一場風暴很快就會開始。 You're sure there's going to be a storm; you can see it in the sky. 你肯定會有一場風暴,你可以在天空中看到它。 And then you see lightning. 然後你會看到閃電。 Lightning is a large electric flash of light, and after the lightning, you hear thunder. 閃電是大面積的電光閃動,閃電過後,就會聽到雷聲。 Thunder is the noise that you hear caused by lightning. 雷聲就是你聽到的由雷電引起的噪音。 Usually you will hear thunder after you see lightning. 通常你看到閃電後會聽到雷聲。 We call these storms thunderstorms. 我們稱這些風暴為雷雨。 Thunderstorms are storms that have lightning, thunder, and it is also chucking it down as well. 雷雨是指有雷電、雷聲的暴風雨,它也是夾雜著雷聲下來的。 When the storm starts, the wind picks up. 風暴開始的時候,風速就會加快。 Soon, it's almost a gale. 很快,幾乎是一陣大風。 The wind picks up when the wind becomes stronger. 風力變大後,風速就會加快。 A gale is a very strong wind, which can be dangerous. 大風是一種很強的風,可能很危險。 Lucky for you, when it is time to go home, the storm has finished. 幸運的是,當你要回家的時候,風暴已經結束了。 It is now sunny and hot. 現在是陽光明媚,天氣炎熱。 You won't need your umbrella anymore. 你不再需要你的雨傘了。 You walk outside and there isn't a cloud in the sky, and it is baking hot. 你走在外面,天空中沒有一絲雲彩,而且天氣很熱。 This means that it is very hot. 這意味著,它是非常熱的。 It is baking hot in the Sahara Desert. 撒哈拉沙漠的天氣很熱。 It's completely still. That means there's no wind at all. 完全靜止的。這意味著根本沒有風。 We can also say that it is a scorcher today. 我們也可以說,今天是個酷暑。 This also means that it is extremely hot. 這也就意味著,它的溫度極高。 In Australia, most days in the summer could be described as scorchers. 在澳洲,夏天的大部分日子都可以用炙熱來形容。 Another way to say this is to say that it is boiling. 另一種說法是說它是沸騰的。 So, if the temperature is very hot, we can say that it is baking hot, a scorcher, or boiling. 所以,如果溫度很高,我們可以說它是炙熱的,是灼熱的,或者是沸騰的。 The walk home from work is a lot better than your walk to work this morning in the rain. 下班走回家,比你今早冒雨走去上班要好得多。 So, you get home and watch the weather forecast. 所以,你回家後就看天氣預報。 The weather forecast is the prediction for the next day or week of what the weather will be like. 天氣預報是預測未來一天或一週的天氣情況。 The weather forecast tells you that tomorrow, it will begin with a bit of frost on the ground, and it will be sleeting. 天氣預報告訴你,明天開始,地面會有一點霜,而且還會下雪。 In the afternoon, there will be flurry of snow, and then it will turn into a blizzard by the evening. 午後,會有雪花,到了傍晚就會變成暴雪。 The snow on the floor will turn into slush. 地上的雪會變成泥漿。 It will be below freezing for most of the day. 今天大部分時間都會在零度以下。 What does this mean? 這意味著什麼? It will begin with a bit of frost on the ground. 開始時,地面上會有一點霜。 Frost are ice crystals on a frozen surface. 霜是冰凍表面的冰晶。 When it is freezing, the ground may be covered in frost. 天寒地凍時,地面可能會結滿霜。 Usually in winter in the UK, we have very frosty mornings. 通常在英國的冬天,我們的早晨會有非常多的霜。 And it will be sleeting. 而且還會下雪。 Sleet is rain and snow mixed together. 雪花是雨和雪混合在一起的。 Sleet happens when snow melts as it falls. 當雪落下時融化,就會發生雪花。 In the afternoon, there will be a flurry of snow. 下午,將有一場雪。 A flurry of snow means that there will be light snow for a short time. 飄雪是指短時間內會有小雪。 It won't be heavy, and it usually doesn't stay on the ground. 它不會很重,通常不會停留在地面上。 But it will turn into a blizzard by the evening. 但到了晚上就會變成暴雪。 A blizzard is a storm with lots of snow and wind. 暴風雪是指有大量風雪的風暴。 Usually planes can't take off or land when there is a heavy blizzard. 通常暴風雪時,飛機無法起飛或降落。 The snow on the floor will turn into slush. 地上的雪會變成泥漿。 Slush is snow or ice that has partly melted. 泥濘是指已經部分融化的雪或冰。 Usually snow will turn into slush when the weather gets warmer. 通常天氣變暖後,雪會變成雪泥。 Walking in slush is very unpleasant because cold water will get into your shoes! 在泥濘中行走是非常難受的,因為冷水會進到你的鞋子裡! It will be below freezing for most of the day. 今天大部分時間都會在零度以下。 When we say it is below freezing, we are saying that the temperature is below 0°C. 我們說是冰點以下,是說溫度低於0℃。 This means that it's freezing. 這意味著,它的凍結。 So, I'll probably want to bundle up tomorrow! 所以,我明天可能要捆綁起來! So what have we learnt today? 那麼今天我們學到了什麼呢? We have learned that Britain's weather is very changeable, and hopefully we have learned how to describe the weather in more detail using phrases and expressions. 我們瞭解了英國的天氣變化無常,希望我們學會了如何用短語和表達方式更詳細地描述天氣。 Thanks very much for watching! 非常感謝您的觀看! I hope that you have found it useful. 希望對您有所幫助。 You can see more of our free lessons on our website: Oxford Online English dot com. 您可以在我們的網站上看到更多的免費課程。牛津在線英語網。 See you next time. 下次見。
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 天氣 風暴 雷聲 捆綁 閃電 雪花 原來除了 cold、warm、hot,還有這麼多種談論天氣的英文,還不趕快學起來! (How to Talk About the Weather in English - Spoken English Lesson) 28876 454 Darren 發佈於 2024 年 08 月 29 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字