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Age of Mythology Review If you are a fan of real time strategy games
and you haven't heard of Age Of Mythology, I'm sorry but something is wrong. Released
back in 2002 Age of Mythology brought to life the ancient cultures of the Greek, Norse and
Egyptian gods. The goal in Age of Mythology is to build up your civilization to conquer
all the other civilizations on the map. Each of the three cultures is given their
own unique gods each with their own unique bonuses added to gameplay.
That's nine major gods and nine unique bonuses and stuff that you can play with. For so much
choice I am amazed at how balanced this game is. Yes, each have their different strengths
and weaknesses, but they all seem to work out to make a pretty even gameplay experience.
You can worship each of these gods and they will grant you favor that you can use to purchase
powerful myth units that you can send to wreak havoc on your enemies. This was my personal
favourite part of the game. Gaining favor and getting a powerful army of myth units
like the Greek colossus to go and bash down buildings, or the Norse giants, who can pick
people up and just toss them like they are nothing.
In each game, as your culture progresses you will go throughout the ages and each age progression
you will select a minor god that you want to follow. These will give you access to new
technology, new units, new buildings, all sorts of cool stuff as you progress through,
as you advance to win the game. There is so much depth and strategy to Age
of Mythology. Selecting what types of units to build and what types of armies to send
at your enemies is like a mini game of rock paper scissors, archers cavalry and infantry.
Each beating one another. This makes for incredibly deep gameplay. Selecting the type of armies
quickly to try to counteract what your opponent is sending your way is really fun and incredibly
strategic. The campaign in Age of Mythology follows our
hero Arkantos on his journey through the three major cultures and their historical context.
You can hop in the Trojan horse to sneak through the walls of Troy to take them out from the
inside, battle against the rampaging armies of the god Set, or help Thor get back his
hammer. "A horse, yes, a great wooden horse!
I don't understand, will it fight?" This campaign mode is done with a surprising
amount of accuracy to the lore of these gods. Taken straight from the historical context
and put into this game for you to play and enjoy. It's a lot of fun.
There is a ton of content here for you, so many missions for you to go through. Each
of them with varied map type or enemy type, or different objectives that you need to accomplish
to keep things fresh. And if you are having trouble, you can just
use one of the cheats! My personal favourite is if you type in O CANADA you'll get crazy,
sweet lazer bear with a Canadian flag on it's back to go and rampage take out everybody.
Fun fact, we actually have bears like this back in Canada Eh?
As much fun as the campaign is, the multiplayer is really where this game shines. In multiplayer
online combat balance is so key to making sure that everybody is playing on a level
playing field and that is why Age of Mythology works so well! Each of the nine gods are incredibly
balanced so depending on your favourite choices, it doesn't matter you can just pick your favourite
and play against your friends or play online. Different races lend themselves better to
different play styles. The Norse are a lot better at quick fast attacks, and the Greek
are a lot more defensive with their fortresses and high walls. But also it really doesn't
matter if you want to use a different play style with a different culture. The balance
works so well that you can use any type of play style with any of the gods or cultures
and you can still work it out pretty well. I have had hours of fun just playing against
friends or teaming up with a friend and playing against of AI controlled opponents. This is
where Age of Mythology really comes to life. Seeing all the different scenarios that you
can come up with, you can have some epic, epic battles. I know I've had a few.
Age of Mythology also has a major expansion called the Titans expansion. This added the
culture the Atlanteans and their campaign, as well as the ability to summon massive titans
to do battle against your enemies. These titans are huge creatures with a ton
of health and can do a ton of damage, almost take down buildings in one shot. They are
huge behemoths that are a lot to deal with. The Atlantean campaign follows along the same
lines as the original campaign. The same style with the varied map types and enemies as you
progress through the story. Very similar. As well the Atlantean culture is equally balanced
to the other cultures, even though I did notice a few times in AI games the Atlanteans would
always end up being the best, not sure why that is though.
addition of the titans adds a huge strategical element into Age of Mythology. Deciding when
to summon your titan and where to deploy them and also defending against titans, is a huge
deal. It is so fun. It can swing games that you thought were going to go one way, all
of a sudden they get a titan, and they swing the complete opposite direction. Loads of
fun and can make even more hilarious situations. Yes, this game was released in 2002, but it
got a recent re-release or revamp on steam with the extended edition. This cleans some
of the graphics up, includes the titans expansion, makes online play a lot easier. You can even
buy a new expansion that they have added to this game 14 years after the original release
and this game has an expansion come out. Just incredible.
With the sweet campaign and incredibly smooth gameplay, Age of Mythology makes for hours
of fun in Age of Mythology. It is easy for me to say that my final verdict for Age of
Mythology Review is a nine out of ten. An excellent game. If you are a fan of real time
strategy games you better go out and get this game right now that is if you don't have it
already, and if you do have it, go back and play is a bit more, this game deserves your
time. Well that's it for Age of Mythology Review,
I want to thank you guys for watching, don't forget to hit that subscribe button, and we
hope to see you guys next time, on Yes Guy Gaming.