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everything mixed together, it's really interesting 或是一般的獨棟透天房 we can speculate 真的很有趣 if it's beautiful or not 至於這樣的建築和景色漂亮與否 but at least it's interesting 還有討論空間 also 但至少很有趣 Poland 另外 is not really tha well known country 波蘭 in Europe 還不是個那麼知名的國家 if you tell someone 以歐洲來講 yea I have been to Germany, France 如果你跟別人說 UK 我去過德國,法國 Spain 英國 so they will be like: yea, that's interesting 西班牙 but if you tell them that 別人會覺得:嗯那些國家我去過,很不錯 I actually have been to Poland 但如果你說 they will be like: Oh Poland 我去過波蘭 it's interesting 噢波蘭 it was my initial reason to choose Poland 這是很有趣的 cuz not so many people are here 這也是我一開始選擇波蘭的原因 traveling here 因為還沒有那麼多人選擇來波蘭 but 來波蘭旅行 it's the reason why I like it 但是 it's like a mysterious mid-East European country 這就是我喜歡波蘭的原因 also about our cities around 這是一個神祕的中東歐國家 depends on what do you like the most 再來關於波蘭的城市 so you can go to the west side of Poland or east side of Poland 首先要看你喜歡哪種類型的城市 on Eastern cities 然後再來決定你要到東波還是西波 architecture will be pretty more up to eastern side of Europe 波蘭的東部城市 and in western 建築風格是比較走東歐風的 you still gonna see more like German way of building 關於波蘭的西部城市 if you like skyscrapers 你會看到很多跟德國風格較相近的建築 very modern architechture 如果你喜歡摩天大樓 for example, New York style 很現代的建築 of course choose 紐約風的城市的話 Warsaw 你可以選 basically whole these night life 波蘭首都 華沙 expensive restaurant 所有的夜生活 every fancy things 昂貴的高級餐廳 if you like this kind of busy city feeling 所有絢麗的事物都在這 so for sure come here 如果你很享受忙碌大城市的感覺 it has got 絕對要選華沙 very big 華沙有 post Soviet Union buildings here 很大的 my favorite 後蘇聯時期建築 big Wisła river 華沙科學文化宮 that you can chill there as well 我的最愛 also Warsaw is amazing that 摩天大樓還有很大的Wisła河 at the west side of Warsaw 你可以在河畔邊放鬆 you got more like beauro, office 華沙令人驚豔的地方是 business center 華沙的西邊 like The Wall Street 有很多的辦公大樓 yea 商務中心 and the eastern side 像華爾街的感覺 southern Praga, northern Praga 對 you can see 然後東邊的華沙 a totally city there 南Praga區,北Praga區 it's for living more 你可以看到 also feels more like for living, but there are lots of ... 一個完全不一樣的城市 older buildings 比較像是住宅區 not like block of flats only 另外東邊的華沙也有很多的 but also those older buildings, they look very special, very nice for photography 古式建築 if it's about skyscrapers and modern buildings 不只是公寓 choose Katowice 還有很多中古世紀建築很適合拍照 pretty interesting 如果要說別的摩登城市的話 but Katowice 可以選 is different 這城市也很有趣 very Gothic, and looks like 但是 calm, German architecture city Katowice不太一樣 Gothic 是個非常哥德式的城市 and it's like a very cool style city 很冷調 德式風格 的城市 I like it a lot 哥德 other interesting cities are Kraków and Wrocław for sure 是個很酷的城市 they are more like old style 我很喜歡這城市 like old town 另外很好玩的城市是Kraków和Wrocław those medieval time buildings 這些是屬於中古世紀風格的城市 which is exactly my type of building 有很美的舊城 my type of city 中古世紀的建築 she really falls in love with Wrocław 完全就是我的菜的建築 yea so much 我的菜的城市 cuz the atmosphere in the city is very... 她完全愛上了Wrocław chill 超愛 chill as well (Wrocław的舊城) I would say the city is very friendly to people around 因為Wrocław的氣氛很... the city get the balance of busy and chill 放鬆 and also 是很放鬆 it makes you feel so relaxing 我會說這城市非常友善 Wrocław looks more like those Netherlands cities 這城市在忙碌與悠閒間找到了平衡點 because of lots of bridges 另外 the water (river) there 這城市讓你覺得很放鬆 looks very nice Wrocław跟荷蘭的城市有點像 also, bridges in Wrocław 因為Wrocław有很多橋 they are more for human beings 河畔 because the one in Warszawa 景色很宜人 they are very huge 還有 Wrocław的橋 but it's more for cars, for transportation 主要是設計給人的 but, the riverside 像在華沙的橋 in Warszawa is very interesting 很大一座 lots of people are spending their free time there 但是設計給車子,給大眾交通工具使用 about Wrocław, what I like 不過,關於河畔的景 it is also a tourism city 在華沙是很推薦的 but still 很多人都會在那度過閒暇時間 compares to Kraków 我喜歡Wrocław的是 since everybody goes to Kraków 它雖然也是個觀光城市 if you're traveling abroad (to Poland) 但是 so it's more squeezed 跟Kraków比較起來 you can already feel lots of foreigners there 畢竟如果大家到波蘭旅遊 but Wrocław, I feel a little bit less 都會選擇Kraków去玩 actually that's true 所以相較下Kraków就比較擁擠 so it's a little bit more homie staying in Wrocław 你可以在Kraków看到很多的外國人 in Kraków, when you're in the center 而在Wrocław這樣的感覺會比較淡一點 you can't even hear Polish language 這倒是真的 so many tourists 在Wrocław比較有家鄉感 nothing bad about that 如果你到Kraków的市中心 Kraków is still an amazing city 有時候你甚至很難聽到波蘭文 the other cities is more about... river and seaside 因為太多觀光客了 for sure... 不是說這樣不好 tricity Kraków仍舊是個很棒的城市 at the northern side of Poland 接下來是波蘭靠海的城市 and tricity 首選絕對是 the reason why it's called tricity 三聯市 because it has three cities in one 在波蘭的北部 it has a main city, which is 三聯市 (tricities) the biggest one as well 它被稱為三聯市的原因 also one of the most famous cities in Poland 因為這是三個連在一起的城市 also the other one 三聯市的主要大城是 a bit smaller 最大的城 which is 也算是波蘭最有名的城市之一 and the smallest from these is 第二個 you will see lots of ships 比較小一點的 lots of possibilities to go by ships somewhere harbors 城市是 Gdynia is more like harbor city, lots of them 最後最小的城是 and Gdynia is also... 你可以看到很多的船 not that many beach sides 很多港口,或是有很多搭船的機會 Gdynia looks more like a normal place you will live there, actually Gdynia比較是港口城 and very modern Gdynia是比較沒有... yea because 沒有那種很大的沙灘景色 Gdańsk got lot of ... like...castle Gdynia長得很像你會真正住在那裏的港口城 medieval buildings 而且很摩登 so it's really like a tourism place 對 因為 about Gdańsk Gdańsk有很多像是城堡啊 and Gdynia is like 中古世紀建築 there is a harbor 是個完全的觀光大城 but it looks like, it's really for business usage 這是Gdańsk for boats 但關於Gdynia we lived in Gdynia last time 它有個港口 in the hostel 但是是真的給做生意用的 you just feel like: so chill, it's like my city 給商業船隻出入的 yea, very very nice 上次去我們是住在Gdynia and Sopot is more like a very rich city 住在旅店裡 single houses 就覺得好放鬆哦,像是回到自己的城市一樣 also a very big hotel there 對 真的很棒 molo (harbor) 而Sopot是個很富有的城市 super, super rich 很多獨棟房子 and the beach 還有一間很大的飯店 people go there in the summer as well 還有港口 and then about the city that we used to live 超級有錢的城市 for a bit of time, half an year 當然還有沙灘 half an year, yea 大家都會在夏天去那玩 Łódź is very special 再來是關於我們之前住的城市 it is 我們在那住了半年 it's even called the hipster of the city 沒錯 半年 a very artistic place Łódź非常特別 it used to be 真的 a very rapid growing industrial city 甚至被稱為嬉皮城市 and right now is more like a post-industrial city 是座很有藝術氣息的城市 used to be well known of it's fabric production 這城市以前是 but unfortunately, it collapsed 非常迅速發展的工業大城 so that's why you see a post-industrial city 現在是後工業化的城市 in this case, it looks very artistic Łódź過去很知名的是它的紡織工業 lots of block of flats and towers 但很不幸的,這個產業殞落了 are painted yes 你看到的是個後工業化城市 lots of huge graffiti 但也因為很多的廢棄工廠建築 on the whole wall of the whole building 反而讓這城充滿了特殊的藝術人文氣息 and of course, the amazing Manufaktura 加上很多建築之後都加上了很多專業塗鴉 the biggest shopping mall in Poland 沒錯 很多大型的塗鴉 looks very special 都可在大型公寓的牆上看到 not like every shopping mall 當然還有令人驚豔的Manufaktura this one is very special 是波蘭最大的購物中心 also Poznań 外觀很特別 Poznań and Szczecin are the 不像是一般的現代百貨公司 two cities that 這座真的很特別 very very famous 另外還有Poznań but we haven't get the chance to visit there Poznań還有Szczecin unfortunately 這兩個城市是.. so we can't say that much 在波蘭也很有名 but as I know from my friends 但我們還沒有機會去拜訪的城市 about Poznań 很不幸的 it's a rich city as well 所以我們無法介紹太多 very special 但是從我的朋友那邊聽到的是 people tell me it's very beautiful 關於Poznań and Szczecin 這也是個很富有的城市 I can't really talk a lot about this 很特別 but I know it also has 大家都說那裏很美 bridges and the riversides 至於Szczecin also it's at the very west side of Poland 也是無法介紹太多 it's very close to Germany 但我知道這裡也有很多座橋 I would like to say, also about Kielce 也有很美的河畔景色 this is amazing that there are 加上這城市位處於極度西邊的波蘭 Świętokrzyskie mountains around 非常接近德國 it's interesting about where Kielce situated 我也想提一下Kielce you can see some mountains there 很特別的 very, very nice nature around (the city) 這裡的Świętokrzyskie山 about the eastern region 有趣的是Kielce這座城的地理位置 Lublin my hometown 你可以看到很多的山景 it's a very special place, in the way that 在城市裡面你可以看到很多大自然的景觀 already you can see the eastern style there 關於波蘭東部的城市 not so many red bricks buildings (Silesian buildings) Lublin,我的家鄉 like you seen in Katowice 這裡特別的是 no, this one is more Eastern, very special place as well 你可以感覺到這城市已經開始走東歐風 tidy, clean city 比較看不到紅磚西里西亞式的建築 the roads and everything are more squeezed 這些你比較可以在Katowice看到 it's a little bit like Czech, like Prague Lublin是東歐式建築,很特別 in Lublin it's more like: up and down 乾淨且整齊的一個城市 mountain roads Lublin的路比較擁擠,比較小條 you're driving a car like this and then like this 跟捷克布拉格的感覺有點像 come to Poland! Lublin的地形比較顛頗 this is why to choose Poland 小山路的感覺 number one 開車的時候會像這樣 about the cities 快來波蘭玩! and another one is gonna be about... 這些是你可以選擇波蘭玩的特點 outside 第一部分 outside! 總歸就是關於城市 also traveling around cities 之後下一集就會是關於... if you have any questions about traveling in Poland 戶外! about cities 戶外!! because I do have some friends who are interested in traveling to Poland 之後會講在不同城市間旅行的經驗 so feel free to ask us and comment below 如果你對來波蘭旅行有什麼疑問 also it will be a pleasure for us 關於不同城市 if you can like the video, if you subscribe our channel 因為我也有些朋友再來計畫要來波蘭 if you like our Fanspage also 所以有問題就儘管在底下留言吧 you have the link below 對我們來說是種榮幸 would be very nice, because it;s like supporting us 希望你們可以按讚這影片,訂閱這頻道 so we will make more and more videos for you 也希望你們可以到我們的Facebook粉絲頁按讚 because we see someone is watching us, right? 底下都有放粉絲專頁的連結呦 yes! 這些對我們來說真的是很大的支持 power! 我們會繼續拍更多影片的 so that's pretty much it 因為我們可以感受到你們的支持! see you! 沒錯 byebye!!! POWER!力量!
A2 初級 中文 城市 波蘭 建築 華沙 比較 放鬆 我們為什麼要選擇波蘭? (Why Should We Choose Poland?) 572 43 eating 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字