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  • So, Mikhail Afanasievich Bulgakov was born in 1891

  • He was very famous soviet author, and also

  • a doctor.

  • Actually that is why often in his books you

  • may meet medical topics.

  • He was born in Kyiv city in the family of Theological Seminary

  • Associate Professor Afanasiy Ivanovich Bulgakov, and his wife

  • teacher of women's gymnasium Varvara Mikhaylovna.

  • Mikhail Bulgakov got the profession of a doctor in Kyiv

  • university and later worked as a doctor in many

  • cities of Russian and Ukraine.

  • And also at the front and even the Red Cross.

  • And, of course, he is the author of many novels,

  • stories and plays.

  • Master and Margarita - this is one of the most famous

  • novels of Mikhail Bulgakov.

  • Work at it he started around the age of thirty

  • years old, and did not finish until his death.

  • That is, the novel was never finished by the writer.

  • All drafts were edited already by his widow

  • after the death of Mikhail Bulgakov.

  • And, of course, the novel was first time published

  • already after the author's death.

  • Total Mikhail Bulgakov created several versions of the

  • novel.

  • And the first of them was called "The hoof of engineer", then

  • "Black Magician" and some others.

  • However, this version author burned in 1930.

  • This is a very interesting fact, because in the novel

  • "Master and Margarita" Master - the protagonist of the novel - also

  • burns his novel.

  • That is, there is a clear parallel between the caracter

  • of the novel and Mikhail Bulgakov himself.

  • After that Mikhail Bulgakov added another line

  • to his novel, rewriting it from scratch.

  • There already appears a love story between a Master

  • and Margarita.

  • The final title of the novel was chosen only

  • in 1937, just three years before his death.

  • The novel "The Master and Margarita" in Russia and the CIS countries has

  • approximately the same reputation as the "Macbeth" in the UK.

  • This novel has always been surrounded by some secrets, mysticism,

  • disputes of critics.

  • Probably because in the novel takes part the Devil himself!

  • That is, the Devil is one of the main characters

  • of the novel.

  • In general, the novel contains 2 storylines.

  • The first deals with biblical subjects.

  • This is a story about the procurator of Judea, Pontius Pilate and Jeshua

  • Ganotsri, the prototype of which was the biblical story

  • about procurator of Judea, and Jesus Christ.

  • The second storyline takes place in the modern

  • for the writer times in Moscow.

  • Margarita is a woman, living in an unhappy marriage, who

  • continues to look for love.

  • And one day she meets on the street with the Master, and understand,

  • that he is "the one", the only one, her beloved person.

  • But the Master had got problems because of his novel,

  • and to save him, Margarita goes to a deal with the Devil

  • and becomes a witch.

  • You see, that the story is really very unusual and entangled

  • by bunch of mystical moments.

  • Therefore, the reading will be very exciting!

  • I am sure that this novel will be liked by fans of

  • mysticism, philosophy, as well as to all the romantic natures,

  • to incorrigible romantics.

  • In this novel, you will be able to see flights over Moscow on a broomstick,

  • speaking black cat,

  • "So what? It seems that I am asking in the Russian language: so what?"

  • You will be able to look inside to the arguing neighbors window,

  • you will see the demon Azazello that can walk

  • through the mirrors.

  • "-Azazello - I'm going!"

  • will visit the session of black magic in the Moscow theater "Var'yete".

  • and even at a ball at the Devil himself!

  • Many filmmakers believe that the novel "The Master and

  • Margarita" is cursed.

  • They tried to film it many times.

  • The first director, very known in the Soviet

  • Union received reject from the government, another director had

  • insufficient funding.

  • The third in a dream, as he said, saw the wife of

  • Mikhail Bulgakov, who said that the screening won't be done.

  • In '71 came the first film version of the novel.

  • In '89 came even four-part series.

  • Then in '94 it was filmed the 3rd version of the film,

  • however, it was released only in 2011 (can you

  • imagine it?), and all because of disagreements between the director and producer

  • of the movie.

  • The most famous and successful, in my opinion, and the opinion of

  • many critics, the film adaptation of the novel is a series

  • "Master and Margarita" 10 series, which was released in

  • 2005 by director Vladimir Bortko.

  • However, even here was not without mystery, because

  • within 10 years after the filming, died

  • 18 people who played in this series.

  • And the actors were of different ages, and the death of some

  • of them it was really sudden.

  • And iactually in the novel "The Master and Margarita" the Devil himself

  • says these words: "Yes, man is mortal.

  • But this would be not so bad.

  • The bad news is that he sometimes suddenly mortal.

  • That is the problem".

  • This novel combines many topics, such as

  • important social issues like that all the evil in the world

  • is done by the people themselves, and not, for example, by the Devil

  • or demons; philosophical issues such as "is there

  • a life after death?" or

  • question of faith in God; and religious issues, wherein

  • biblical themes (Bible stories) are shown

  • on the part of human feelings and human

  • behavior, so the pictures from the Bible as if anew

  • come to life "in the hands" of Bulgakov; of course there is very

  • strong love theme, it is the power of love of Master

  • and Margarita and what sacrifices they are ready to make for

  • each other.

  • I believe that this novel can be easily put on the one

  • shelf with such well-known works of the world

  • literature as "Hell" (Inferno) by Dante Alighieri, "Faust" by Johann

  • Wolfgang Goethe and "Macbeth" by William Shakespeare. Now

  • let's look at some famous quotes from this

  • novel.

  • I think that they will not leave you indifferent.

  • So, as you can see, the novel "The Master and Margarita" by Mikhail Bulgakov

  • is worthy of your attention. And

  • If this review called your interest, you can

  • read this book by yourself. If

  • you already have a good level of Russian language, you can

  • read the book in original. If

  • you are not completely confident in your abilities (reading in original), then look at

  • the link that I left below the video - there you will find

  • parallel translation of the novel. What

  • does it mean? In

  • one column there is the original text in Russian,

  • in the other one - literary translation into English.

  • So, when you have a problem with the translation, you

  • will be able todeal with the problem quickly, taking a look

  • to the English translation. This is

  • a very good variat of reading. If

  • you are a beginner, or do not want to read "The Master

  • and Margarita "in the original, but still interested

  • in this novel, of course, you can read it in translation.

  • I think that reading in translation - it is absolutely normal,

  • because, if I would not read the translations, I

  • would never have met wonderful books

  • from around the world: from Japan, from England, from France. Therefore

  • you absolutely easily can read the translation of the novel

  • to your langiage. And

  • of course, I can also recommend you to watch the TV series "The Master

  • and Margarita" from 2005 (link also can be found under this

  • video).

  • This will be a very good practice of listening.

  • Of course, do not expect a super cool special effects in this

  • series, because maybe it was not enough

  • of the budget or may be in 2005 there was no yet good enought

  • technology, but still the game of actors there

  • terrific, and the film adaptation is really worthy.

  • And that is all for today.

  • Write in the comments about your impressions of the novel, if

  • you've already read it, or if you just start to read it.

  • Because, really, the opinions about this book diverge,

  • and I am interested in YOUR opinion.

  • Also, please write in the comments whether you want to

  • hear other reviews about Russian literature.

  • I wish you good luck in learning the Russian language, reading

  • Russian literature, and hope to see you at our future

  • video lessons.

  • Good luck to everyone!

  • Bye-bye! :)

So, Mikhail Afanasievich Bulgakov was born in 1891


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俄羅斯文學。"米哈伊爾-布爾加科夫的《主人和瑪格麗特》。 (Russian Literature: "The Master and Margarita" by Mikhail Bulgakov)

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