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I always knew they couldn't make the
books scene-by-scene as written we'd have had
12 hour long films.
I do think we deliver on the spectacle. I think we
always tried to make sure there's a heart
beating underneath that because what
matters most to Joe and to me is that
it's emotionally true.
Steve really got the books he also got
me so this was collaborative and one of
the best experiences of my life
so we met for the first time in 99
yeah I think ya can you remember that
yeah I remember it you know pretty
explicitly because it was I had some
nerves in meeting you because I thought
yeah that I was the yank that you
thought was going to destroy your baby
and i will fill in and I was very keen
on, in some ways trying to communicate
to you. I thought the best way was to
somehow have someone tell you
yeah to take a look at my previous work
...and I clearly wasn't going to pander to an
audience but I remember I remember being
very impressed by you seriously, that you,
I was terrified I cannot believe I could
have impressed anyone in that case I was
terrified when you're weirdly prescient
about the movie business which which
which shocked me i was really wary
that's the truth of it but meeting you
is a massive relief that's good to hear
it wasn't really what you know this
you're making me laugh I'm still where I
still haven't melted completely though
yeah well yeah i know the man you said
to me you know who my favorite
yeah that's just for spontaneous and I
realized I don't think I've ever
acknowledged it even to myself
remember very specifically leaning over
to you and saying i think i need to tell
you the Harry is not my favorite
character witness fine and I didn't know
what you thought I later learned that
you thought that I was going to show
what you said you know who my favorite
character is muscle gonna sing wrong
yeah and I love Ron but
Ron's so easy to love , you know everyone
loves who couldn't love Ron and I saw ok
you love room then okay and then you
said the remaining and it was true
because of my knee was now care to the
Edit state throughout because I think
should such this huge intelligence it
was really kind of exasperation
frustrating character way that was like
the girl that bothered you in school
because stop thinking about it so not
always the easiest to like now when I
select my like that about
that's what I liked about her no but
that you can see how that lead a lot of
fears because she wasn't
most obvious character perhaps for a
person to like or save as a favorite
character and also from and like her
best was arguably unusual you've got on
your knees by the way did you know just
the thing i like about all the
characters was that they were misfits
and almost no more than she um and she
had no pedigree at all to be there
yeah and I thought we've all I certainly
at you know Hollywood is that way is
that there's no just gonna show right
like you sitting in that bunch who would
have full cast entrance exam so you're
just there and you like you say I'm here
and I'm here to work and no you were
very direct with that you work with your
hair respectful but you were very
directly that this is a good thing I
thought it was gonna be good for us
because I think there are a lot of
writers of books were just happy to have
a deal with Hollywood and by the way I
understand it was Jane smiley or someone
who just said you have my book now i'm
leaving because I can't watch this with
someone like that and i think that
that's a one way to deal with it is one
way to do that you clearly were not
gonna be that way but you also were you
were respectful of everyone but I think
you weren't just going to sit there and
let someone say something foolish people
forgotten is there still people talking
about could we cast an american-style
anything that point do I was my only
against that a you were as well there
Ron for some reason the one they thought
everyone could be paranaque I don't know
what I look and I think that there was a
feeling that Harry needed to meet to be
a little more wrong like I remember that
coming up a few times let's make Harry
more of a wisecracker and you said early
on you said Harry is our eyes onto the
world that's his function
I'm reflation is as the observer which
was perfect which is exactly as it is in
the books initially you see the magical
world through the eyes of a kid who has
zero knowledge welcome Harry to Diagon
Alley so that's how you into the one
that uses the scripts were in
if you give me a call from harris point
of view for for a very very long time
exactly i well I thought you were done
brilliantly was balanced and one things
I tried to say to people was you know
ron and hermione is so obviously
colorful and interesting characters and
inherits a bit of a blank slate and yes
i'm just Harry, just Harry
well just Harry you ever make anything
I guess we're different cultures were
able to project onto him what they want
him to be and I think that's why I've
always respected an enormously because
the hardest character for me to write
like a Gris Nez the first character for
you will see the script for you to write
in terms of know that but it's the
archetype of the hero is me the hero so
often is inside the Galahad figures yeah
but the the guy without the quirks the
guy who simply he's the vessel he's the
vessel down is the vessel
yeah and and the hardest to play by a
mile and downs just done a magnificent
job with it and I you know I'm glad to
see laterally has got more credit for
why are things in a great job you know
in the last picture in particular um
David I think Dan's been brilliant all
throughout but he's so good in the last
movie is done anything in it all in
sleeves in the silent moments where he's
just you see on his face the the price
that he's paid exactly for all these
years and he's really brilliant but to
convey that was more difficult in his
well I don't that was always something I
felt you had a harder job delighted
because inevitably filming the visual
medium it is so much of what i could do
with Harry was have an internal
soliloquy you know I could show carries
in musings I could take the reader into
Harry's internal space and show them
around this character whose life is
maybe eighty percent internal you're
forced to show us that externally so I
always felt that you had a much rougher
job than I did when it came to Harry the
character you're talking about trying to
to dramatize that internal life my first
r-rated script when he was in the the
cover I I invented a spider named
Alastair who we talk to and he used to
used to some Nick broken soldiers out of
the rubbish bins a line them up on the
shelf and its broken army that you that
Dudley had thrown out such a great image
the broken and you talked to him in what
was the point was that he seemed
slightly mad when I wrote the first
draft and then which one Haggard
appeared you thought he was out of his
imagination for a minute that he had he
had someone this fabulous point and that
that speaks so perfectly to the truth of
the books because I've had it suggested
to me more than once that Harry actually
did go mad in the coverage and then
everything that happened subsequently is
some sort of fantasy life he developed
to save himself
no and that's where came from it came
from the book i mean because when you
read the book but you you make it pretty
clear that he's an abused boy totally
and yeah and so there's darkness there
and I and I'm go with that to push
that's hard road but then what happened
was you know when I was writing it I
always dreamed about potter hydrant and
it just the other night was yet either
saying one of these I mrs. i haven't
dreamed about in awhile and the one
thing i really really really miss is
writing those three characters because i
need me to just like show my Harry Ron
and Hermione in all my handwritten
manuscripts is hrh also cool stands for
Her Royal Highness matter and and I miss
just rushing off a charge charge
it's just I'm so many times those three
characters why you're interested I was
naturally at us with the trio you have
the treo you did that's right already
told the truth I didn't want your I feel
always giving Harry the lead because i
didn't think that was more complicated
than that
you can follow this Harry Ron and
Hermione Harry run mine so I would often
just say the trio or if I felt remaining
with psychological eating a scene in the
script i would say hermione trailed by
ron and harry and same with the wrong
group much stronger in the script the
last three movies because he realized
him being mature in motion well because
he was under the under oppression of his
brothers success and so many has to make
best friends with the most famous boy
and wisdom but his family and him being
from was your family gives him an edge
over both Harry definitely and Hermione
at a certain point in his instincts are
sharper than there
so he became really wonderful character
right in Reverse Oh brilliant playing
um I think be so underestimate Rupert
out into place that carotenes that full
no joke
I'm in love with you find your number
that you're actually matter you
introduce me I don't think Rupert ever
felt the slightest bit of angst he just
walked onto the set it seems to me I
mean make that's true genius isn't it
knocked out prudently went back to his
dressing room and play darts from it
dramatizes in a way that's just so human
he's so real quickly and then he's not a
while never and that's what I like about
never clown but then it turns out he
complained drama brilliantly as well as
the early darkness that's helped it out
of him was phenomenal
no I love me but I think it's amazing
yeah I'm still here for you to carry on
let me spoil the fun we should talk
about the emailing and that's how we
well there were some it was time
difference you are so were with 12 hours
apart and we're writers it was a bit
like having letters back and forth but
we just faster
um yeah I mean I think for me it was
just simply I didn't know how it would
you're looking back in the last few
months I realized that in a way that
writing this was a bit like being Bob
Woodward and all the President's Men and
in and instead of meeting in a garage i
would meet deepthroat in cyberspace yes
united 917 follow the money
all he would say shut up all the
character and then he was like that you
seek follow character it illegal for me
characters everyone read everything I
remember we had very that was the
emailing thing was you know like it was
very easy to email you and invest once
asked i think about ron's uncle I said
you tell me a little bit i've got a
reference him in dialogue and i can pick
like five pages of electrons uncle and
you don't tell me not just about as fast
as my god
this is like what what do you not know
about this world because I I always says
about dragons but I actually because I
thought all writers have all writers
have done this is say you know there's
ten uses for cooking oil they have no
idea what the 10 years I just think it's
a cool thing to write so ima go to the
user dragons were literally 20 seconds
later oven cleaner and I was like oh my
god I'm really no really no so it was
what was great about that for me was it
you know it was that it was weird
because in a weird way that confirm
whether I was going right or wrong and
it was um you often would say no you're
right you're fine and then there was
that there that single the president's
main thing you just nudge me tommy was
one of the big ones but yes
don't be now you like Toby don't you
know I mean we're having a job he
noticed quite the opposite
that was the night that was an example
where I already got the email but that
was in several work the film's affected
me because I don't hold this against him
but when I saw dhabi realized on-screen
the first time I was not happy person
and I thought is not good enough
it's it looks fake my sister when he
came back for godlike first draft I sort
of I guess I put in the shadows i use
that he was literally underneath the the
Great Hall I mean you never saw it
coming you should have everything you
know it's all fine bets a bet that you
usually wise don't be under cushion yeah
well it's just he might be significantly
saying your typical understand it's
possible he will be speaking play
significant bar so I brought him back
and then now charged with what
when the guys are given the tools as
they were the final time around what
they can do with him and because he was
now can you imagine living w don't be
has no monster doggy is our free out and
Dobby has come to save Harry Potter and
his friends but that wasn't where the
movies affected me but I don't know what
I would've done if I not know you were
there because they think not knowing
where this thing was going to go i
cannot think of education when you got
it wrong except the Dumbledore beautiful
together I think about that i will tell
you that i don't have ever told you this
it did not surprise me when you told me
he was gay edge were remarkably under
but because I thought I never this is me
though and this is this is the real
defective me I never felt that line
needed to be internal resistance Romance
Writers this is a real defect to me but
now what nobody might let line i wrote i
thought could be a platonic line even
though was about the color hair and
stuff and I understood what you were
quite right in the sense that most
people would interpret as romantic and
so we had to go but it was what I wrote
it I remember thinking is this right for
him but that you know the great thing
about Dumbledore's how freaky was just
that he would look at anybody in this
room you're male or female you would say
you know it's like your belt buckle
gonna need yeah and that's what I loved
about him and he was so much fun to
write is you might take this i do love
knitting patterns which grade are
writing him was the burden you realize
that was he was carrying from the
beginning to be able to write that and
kind of let it out in moments because
he's just he's so much the sort of soul
of it anyways and he is
should I tell you to hire to hide should
I tell you to run you run
should I tell you to abandon me and save
yourself you must do something he's a
character I miss most
I found him which is always fun to kill
well I always knew he was going then you
know she repaired it was horrible
killing him not I mean you know as a
writer it's not the way i think a lot of
non writers think he would feel you're
very clinical when you do it aren't you
you you you have to be directed chip
advice in the heart thing you've got to
get it right
you're very dispassionate you're the
director yeah but then afterwards I'll
never write again and although i knew i
would write him again in flashback and
so forth he wasn't saying it was real
power that kings crossing and I feel
because Americans and i love it if i
start i wanted more
did you yeah did you feel how much know
she's like you boys
it was dizzying because you have one
great moment which was I think if you so
desired you'll be able to board a train
and let it take me on
some brilliant you know it's just like
you steve roberts offer you know if you
know that but it's just what i like
about that scene and you really got in
the script Dumbledore's lighter then is
me if you get the sense they're apart
isn't exactly exactly this is your party
he's free he meant well he's free he's
played his part he knows he's done it
he knows he's brought Harry where he
needs to go he's free which was very
very rarely get with Dumbledore
throughout all seven books he very
rarely makes although as you say he is
free about other people nobody to show
you made me reserved about himself very
and it's always done with humor and
flute and flippancy talks about it well
it's pretty much at the Albert for thing
which is the easiest you really know my
yeah well he ever mention me never
mentioned SI and family heritage sort of
you know mention it because i actually
wrote a moment in the scene with that
before before the interrogates castle
where ever for keeps pushing his buttons
and any faces what you believe my
brother why do you believe my brother
and he's just gonna have to well yeah
screams I'm just have to because if I
don't I don't know who i am and we
realized in weight Dumbledore hit molded
yeah and so you know but I think
everyone was sort of uncomfortable with
that except me but its measured i think
the dr zakir think you and I akula cruel
cruel yes
Oh yet especially I think emotionally
very similar in that but we tried to we
were more comfortable with ya with
coldness I suppose a certain coldness
but some people do find that very
attractive unattractive my own sister
you know there were times in the road
when reading the novel i remember when
hydrate goes underground after its
discovered heater and this is in the
parts of the book not mine is that a
half-breed germany and she said why did
dumbledore go down sooner why didn't you
why didn't you go and see and all you
know that's my cough that people learn
their lesson sometimes so detached is
like you but I think it's why it's are
things where children respond so and I
think so when they read these books
it seemed had the more than a little
with reality
I think they know the world's a hard
place children
yeah childhood is the reverse of warm
fuzzy my childhood wasn't warm fuzzy the
playground is a brutal place now one off
your opinion
you filthy little mudblood it is Lord
the size of the place where you guys
going slow so many parts of readers have
had this conversation with so many of
them saying it gets better
it's really traveled throughout the
world is everything sure they also were
people realize that a lot of people you
know i think you said you know your your
your life your life story became more to
Kenzie and with each passing year the
books became more success with you you
suddenly you're a streetwalker you or a
heroin addict me but the truth is you do
not have it easy and it is a remarkable
story and you were writing them in
coffee shops and you were you imagining
them on trains and there's there are
young people like that who are feeling
you know that things are not going their
and what they can do is they can sort of
come out of it and-and-and-and you
proven that i mean and i think the
characters and potter would always
sustained to me the books was that
they're really rich and there they feel
real and the dimension of them as
extraordinary but not knowing where this
thing was going to go was unnerving at
the other i but but it was it's funny I
actually sort of enjoyed chasing the end
and i think it was easier to do because
what you said earlier which was it I
always thought your primary concerns
character complete and things like it's
not what talents you possess
it's what you do with them and those who
the notes are trying to show really
really early on because i remember you
saying to me maybe around about the time
of azkaban yeah the Magic's gone to
strip that out the way the reason people
like the book says characters
yeah and that's I think that's
completely the best is sure the books
and the films are in looked rather going
after the first day we met
this is this was the moment it's done i
remember you are you saying you know
there are other movies can be the books
i said really and you go get it
I know what's coming and she's not going
to do it because you were you were
really sort of doing goblet of fire at
that point
then you said it's not going to be
possible without the movies being eight
hours long after was so against
oppression and you said because I said
and you said something very specific
should look all I ask is that you be
true character yeah yeah and just
remember saying that you and yeah i
think what would happen for me was it
was not anything that you did with the
world did which was that what happened
was what brilliant text became sacred
texts and and and i think which is not
an easy position to be nobody's Alistair
was gone and for the most part the
broken soldiers were gone and it also is
because when Chris came in and I
understand Chris we want to have great
fidelity to the text in and it became
out of enthusiasm but it was harder than
to improvise and it i'm not saying that
was the wrong decision i'm just saying
that I think by the time that the funds
are came along we had to yeah we had to
change the look at this time what people
have more confidence i think that as a
series went on though I think that you
will give them a more latitude to
improvise as you say and I think that
was great for the film's you would
always encourage though you always this
is the army everyone always assumes is
it out check out word but actually good
through person I used to see Jake change
well i was saying before we started this
that to someone that either people think
you were standing like a taskmaster or
they weren't involved at all and the
truth is you you were always my greatest
goes well I I could have used you even
more but you were always just my
greatest ally I mean even I mean I know
perfectly well there were things that
were very usable in goblet and Phoenix
if you weren't going to make the eight
hour movie I mean as it turns out i said
two years previously which i can
remember tool but I knew that that's
what you were thinking that you were
writing Garber the 22nd you knew how big
I in the scale of how he whined out and
there was just no way and how complex
the story was so I think that's when we
had just make those decisions that was
something that's difficult in a novel
that season in a film because that one
of my hugest challenges in writing the
part series was you've got this this boy
who's 13 years old who I know in four
years time has to take on the greatest
art Wizard of all time
he needs a phenomenal amount of
information before he can do that and
he's trapped in a boarding school so the
books became broader if you like I know
they also became longer because i had
somehow to move Harry outside that
school and give him access to places and
people he would not normally have come
into contact she was training him up so
i had to take him to the Quidditch World
Cup I had to take him into the ministry
of magic
this is what bolt up those books four
and 5i he had to go and make some
contacts and see some stuff that he
simply couldn't possibly do at school
otherwise you get the power rangers
where the forces of evil attack only
within about a square mile
yes ya know about me becoming overcome
very visionary yes Ben and I didn't
awful that was a logistical problem in
the film's it was a bit of a gift
because you got to do these fabulous
locations and you could convey so much
just visually just you in 30 seconds of
well-written script you could say what
it took me four me pinches to tell the
reader and saying so it swings and
roundabouts and I know that we both have
particularly torturous memories of
completion fire
yeah amy was never easy in a way but
because i think what's so special about
the books is the the detail and so I
always sort of endeavor to put the
detail and i will actually teach I mean
even I always put the small magic was
often more evocative in the large but I
think when remember when we got together
to fire when Chris had ambitions to do
all of the movies he and I had talked at
some length about cover firing two
the thing is with goblet the things that
we lost were not necessary to the center
of central plot i know there are things
in both goblet and Phoenix i'm going to
defend all of the other books to the
hilt but in both goblet and Phoenix
there was stuff to lose I know it
the thing that I I slightly regretted in
goblet with some spew hermione's mad
campaign to liberate ourselves who
actually didn't want to be liberated
because i wanted to explore the fact
that there was endemic injustice in that
and it gave Hermione has a dimension
that she hadn't quite had hitherto she
was this quite shrill I think very
plausible and I speakers one who was
per- you know a bit of a goad you know a
SWAT but this was about something else
this was quite altruistic she was the
first one to show political awareness
and then and ron who was always taking
this completely forgot to tell us how is
they work for you you know this says
something about Ron who's actually very
sympathetic character but has always
assume that was great tension is your
attention to that your character but
where did it lead well I suppose you
could argue it led kind of in a
convoluted way to Bobby's death copy
happy to you in his friend every part it
gives that some flavors i wanna see you
you said things are very really a payoff
3 I want the reader make the younger
either to understand when dobby chooses
to die that way wow you know this is
from an oppressed minority many of who
wouldn't even chosen not to do their
domestic services and wow what a great
guy w what I feel good you know that was
so that I was i suppose there was a lot
of that in there goblet the bar talk
about Bodie Crouch arcanious not trying
to your partner into one of the
ministry's summer internships are we
last boy went into the Department of
Mysteries never come out that story I
must have spent three or four much
trying to make dramatically
comprehensible on-screen and every time
i did it you know everyone you know I am
so sorry Steve because I handed you a
problem that had tortured me because the
scene at the Quidditch World Cup where
you first see but don't see body
crouching don't know what's going on the
part mark appears for the first time and
it's incredibly
obscure in every sense what's going on
then and trying to make that appear in
any way and coherent but agreed
while obscuring as much as I need to do
is get was terrible I i had about 13
draft of that chapter literally i think
i did have 13 drops and then instead of
saying wow this isn't you know maybe
this is too complex
I just said there you go you do it but
just how i felt that my thing I felt was
that it was really at the time we had
started to somewhat diverge because we
had to a little bit from the text with
azkaban yeah and what God let became was
the moment where we said there is now
really a movie tail and there's a book
tail the narratives are definitely
reflective of one another but they are
slightly different and so that's really
what happened goblet it was i'm going to
say i think is remarkable you deviated
as little as you did it too much to the
central important driving plot I think
you better be deviated yeah you know
what I'm saying that central strand of
DNA is very recognizable in both bookend
and filmed the movie actually I know a
lot of its it's their favorite and I've
had that over the years that a lot of
people come up and like that movie in
particular things because much of what
he did the search sensibility Mike
brought to it
the thing about my cozy was English sort
of without even trying i think the
school thing you feel then I me totally
feel that movie
Mike nailed the Yule Ball so perfectly
driving control that a few times i love
that was one of the highlights of the
series for me as the ball scene i
couldn't improve it on it in any way
shape or form
visually it was perfection the
performances are stunning
it's Pacey because that could have
brought all of the action to a whole
couldn't it could happen so as we can
paste such problem with the film's I
know because the book high-frequency
gather my characters together with sit
down and have a conversation three hours
you don't do that for you want to do
this thing which you should drive me
truly insane which is a chapter would
end and then the next chapter again over
the next three months not much happened
there right now right now it's winter
and am i doing montage come on what are
you i think im gonna hate that thing of
all you see the dissolved and I
certainly don't exactly spring flowers
and you know directors look at you like
you're mental
but um we haven't mentioned David Gates
the the two things are great but David
which is that most directors if this
conundrum and on a Friday you're talking
about is I think about it over the
weekend you think about this talk on
most directors don't think about it all
of you expect you figure it out
um das actually thinks about every
weekend may ruin you know his wife's
weekend thinking about it so you come to
which i think i figured it out and he
has figured out you like Jesus scary
actually works but it also he's here
really good natured which I i am
convinced cloaks and absolute you know
massive hostility and so it's just so
everything I've never say not be nice i
think that may say more about you and
your favorites if it does whatever you
have to imagine nice enough people is
not just too nice quiet it is in the
film business stuff plus 1 2 pi was
really wonderful anyone this but the one
thing is and and i will say it is the
material again i have just say that it
has attracted not in the greatest acting
talent it's attracted remarkable
directors I do think you know I'll find
her a great deal to do with that i think
when i found to agree to do the third
one it was sort of like sending a
message to the industry that he thought
that it was worth his time something he
wanted to spend time on and because they
are two two-and-a-half your enterprises
and we're very lucky that we deal i mean
when you look at what the director has
to jungle on Potter it's staggering i
can remember following chris around
having a conversation watching him
running just to test some pyrotechnic
effect running over here to check
something going on Chris and roll for
their running back in food to finesse
something on the script
you know it just and and the physical
scale of everything he's expected to
manage plus a cast of at times 200 you
know insane but also the movie said were
were enthusiasts and we love the mature
I don't know anybody who worked in the
primary group that didn't love the
material when no one did it for like a
job my god i don't i used to come away
from leaves in virtually every time
every time thinking I have no idea on a
train and now 250 people are excitedly
showing me
latex goblins and remote control giant
spiders and they're just building a
ministry of magic I mean it was
unbelievable and i will I thought the
pride I felt just that that group of
people were assembled because i had
night around a train in 1990 can you
imagine and that's nice but not every me
to imagine I'm guys must be
extraordinary people what was remarkable
bad it's like there's a moment in the
last film which I think certain bodies
like you're talking about all these
people basically living and breathing
what you did and and is with the Dragon
breaks through the roof of grits
it pauses it breathes in air through its
nostrils because it's a bouquet of roses
because it's been this musty confinement
for decades and and it's just small
moment thats Sarah moment that you are
so very much to me because in the first
book when i wrote they say there are
dragons guarding something high-security
volts and I because i can't just write
that not think about it
I you know this packing 93 or something
i'm writing this and thinking God
keeping a dragon down there that's a
winged animal you know that's not right
so I got my chance and seven to do this
enormous set-piece scene in the book
where they free and it's it's sort of
bringing bringing to light literally but
figuratively all the injustice is in
that world that's what they're doing
Harry enters this beautiful world
filtering with jewels and gold and green
guts but it hides ugly stuff you know it
was up it was a metaphor for me but when
I wrote that scene i'd always sort of
kept my powder dry through the series in
the books I've never gone for the
massive effect because I knew that in
seven there were a few things I wanted
to do obviously that was going to be the
big battle of hogwarts but that dragon
bursting out of bring goods was major as
was the themed fire in the room of
yeah so we're suddenly you really show
what magic continue really go for it you
blast a part of the rules and the
regulations that was such fun to do so
what it wasn't directly influenced by
the film after I've written the dragon
scene which meant a lot to me for the
reasons I've just mentioned I been for
asking but we know it was a close one
that actually it's funny missions i
thought that it was going to be the more
challenging one specifically with your
the gym no curse maybe the gym and open
everything you touch will multiply and I
thought how we're gonna do this because
i really had concerns about that in
actually brilliant it is and it's
because one of my favorite parts to me
yeah but again you have that moment
where term Isis that's barbaric but I
think again it's about the this world is
cruel and it's as cruel as our word
oh yeah it's just it's a mirror image
yeah yeah and just as they can solve
things that we can't solve so they can
create problems that we don't have and
that's that's that's always been the
problem for Harry that he enters this
world and believes it will be an escape
and it's not human nature is human
nature whether or not you can use a wand
yeah so we talked about cutting but
speaking about something that I never
wrote that i thought was perfect and I
loved you know i'm going to say yeah the
dance dance
yeah i mean the dancers funny because i
had the idea for a while I was writing
half-blood prince i was driving home one
day after work in haplin princeton and I
had this idea for a song came on the
radio that well what if you know the
radio becomes identify with Ron and
Hallows it is we're trying to check on
his family and what if when he leaves
the radios that behind come circuit for
him and Harry trying to emotionally real
her money back in order feet he stumbles
on a muggle station and they both grew
up as models and he plays the song but
it's one thing to write that and to
write the levels of it which I'm not
going to lay out but they're very
complicated and there's nothing to play
it and one of those i'll never forget
the first time I saw when I saw in New
York you could hear a pin drop because
people were scared about where it was
going and that was its intention
actually inland and they communicate and
then a was yours and i loved it so much
and you and I who are violent violently
allergic to sentimentality in your form
yeah and what I loved about that scene
was it everything you just said it's
just on the edge of where is this going
to topple over until my god they're not
going to kiss on me are they are they
are they so I'm feel incredibly
uncomfortable borderline embarrassed
very very moved
it's just perfect I loved it as an idea
and you and I had a conversation
by email actually I always assume we
actually have a conversation but i'm
sure it was emails over here but we were
talking and you said that when they were
in the tent together you thought
something was gonna happen yeah I didn't
read the novel and I as i was writing it
yeah felt a real pull between every
single yeah really in a sense give me
the license to the scene as I knew that
emotionally mysterious the character I
wouldn't happen you're alone you might
die any day
yeah the thing that's been holding you
to come in ron has always been the
necessary component there and he's gone
and why wouldn't you look for comfort I
think it's more likely than not accept
that then runs got to come back and they
gotta go to look him in the eye and I
didn't need that emotional effect yeah
and I think it's a measure of each
carrier my lover on that it doesn't
happen in and I think also that it was
one of those things that had something
have it was very weird the next day Mary
with an extended two-man tent
yeah I nowhere to run yeah I'm it was
that was it but i think what was
interesting about it was that I thought
I would get real push back on that scene
you know I have to send you to the
hilton looks like he was perfect it was
reversed and you more no more than know
it was most enthusiastically embraced by
on Emma and Dan and so it was that told
me the work that was because it was
emotionally true what you've written and
I think that if you follow it
automatically and you're true to the
characters it's hard to go wrong if
you're true to them even if say the
incident is not identical to what was in
the book but that wouldn't ask you mean
we've talked about this a little bit in
the past but was it did in any way when
the movie started to appear to affect
your writing at all I mean with her in
any way were you able to kind of put
blinders on and no i didn't i think i
had such deep roots with the characters
by then
99 I was nine years in by the time we
met right so nothing was going to shake
that the only person who ever
well actually you did because
I don't know whether you remember this
but i was writing goblet and i emailed
to your email after a lot to you because
you had a slight crisis
yeah I always percent if you you know
I'm just smiling a slight hard street
yeah that wasn't such a good time for me
I was having a big crisis and i remember
and emailing you and saying this
backstory on Haggard it's too much it's
gonna be such a long book don't remember
you said put in so i couldn't be enough
yeah that's what you said you never
really got tell me in it into much about
how to put in it and that was so yeah
you've had a very direct effect their
but with this the only exception actor
wise to my sort of didn't intrude rule
was a violent who play sooner and I feel
her voice when I right you know Harry
Joyner how'd you know where I want
experts had fun of them and I even put
painted pictures on the ceiling of beef
be literally Lunars room in tribute to
available because she the actress
herself is so creative she's so talented
and I know her well yeah that influence
the ritual she influenced the real lunar
but you but you had written that you had
created the character before you ever
had by anti-racism your dispersal and
you probably got initially she was a
sweetheart we this the strangest things
this this goes right into me saying I am
I am lunar and she was writing it just
lovely letters and i was writing back
soon well you certainly seem to be a lot
like you know you know didn't know
anything about it then they have this
open call audition
how many 100,000 girl I think will make
12,000 receive strawberry and then I
walk into my office and my PA says they
found lunes that Christ that was getting
around a wire and she said her name's
have a knowledge and I need you because
finding out it's been writing to me so
yeah so she was spotted completely
supportive but that's the kind of thing
that happened in part a bit of Yankee
got another weird times today but is
there anybody else in there in in the
books that you feel you were you know
you yourself most comes into evidence 15
the great truism is that you are every
one of your characters isn't it and I
think that's true of me and that doesn't
make me you know multiple personalities
to you have to feel everything outside
just little yeah I hide that well but
you know I think I think about death and
dying every single day of my life and
I've never written anything including
the stuff post potter that hasn't been
all hugely from death so i think all the
themes are things that just preoccupied
me as a human being all yours they wrote
death and I went even when you're very
young and you know what I think even
before my mother died when I was
relatively hours in my mid-twenties i
think i did think about it quite a lot i
can remember as even as a child thinking
about it a lot so I'm was born that way
apparently what about you know when
somebody said I came out of the womb
melancholy about you said you know that
i looked at me like I expected this one
to be there when I got slapped on the
ass that was coming
yeah i think is what you said and I i
identify with all the characters and I
think it's why I so loved your book you
know you should be good at writing women
yeah I would like that on what you are
unusually look very unusually good
because most heterosexual men male
writers in my experience are not to be
I'm anything else to like women and I I
really good at writing women's people
yeah awfully good its yeah at writing
women as manifestations of their own
well I think there's a death the death
of that in hollywood right and has been
for years and continues which is that
you know
humor is an absence often even among our
best directors and and you know
compelling female characters and I think
I had fairly compelling
in my life i think i was lucky my mother
was you know powerful presence in my
life and I knew her value and she's an
interesting books she just chooses she
was complicated rich character and is a
very gentle and so I like wearing
women's my pride my favorite thing i
really really love writing when I gotta
love writing luna i love writing you do
love luna la luna imma just love riding
for justice
I love that that's the most brilliant
sensibility to me which is just that he
doesn't want to talk to us right now
just hit like and I just know it just it
just sushi is next
yeah she said something that's sort of
rude but it's so nicely
yeah he like okay you know how can you
not respond to that
yeah how is it for you the first time
you see the movies is it is it strange
is it is it i feel incredibly
apprehensive always I think ninety
percent of feeling apprehensive is
because i have to go back and look at my
work somehow you can you understand that
so you really are going back you're so
far beyond were always so far beyond
what we were that's weird I always trust
you guys I'm always sure you've done a
good job but I'm excited huge excitement
but always laced with apprehension and
then i have to say the last two
particularly I mean all of them walked
out very happy but the last 2i was
I've been it started you ever become a
burden in a way the whole thing that
mean did you ever feel each other long
pretty disturbing back in the coffee
yeah yeah but you can sit in the coffee
shop now I can't know what I mean any
one who creates longs for I think an
audience and what's happened to i think
the line is that two-way pull as a
writer resume you what you want people
to read it but I think it's almost a
necessary condition of writing that you
have a degree of anonymity so that has
been strange so I no reason I haven't
published you know it's been very
deliberate decision it's not there's
nothing to publish is just a guy want
girl let some things settle before i
take any decisions on doing that and
that's been great so in it so I in it in
the most important since I've got it
back now because i only I know the
characters that I'm working with now
then it's my private Kingdom again I i
reclaim that but I'm never going to
lament the fact that so many people got
to go to hogwarts know it it was
wonderful i see it as a liberating thing
more than I see it as a confining thing
I'm consonant told me your yeah must be
such a burden you never write anything
that popular again i know of course I
want course I'm I'm they're way ahead of
you i knew that back in Azkaban of
course I want but I see that is
liberating harry potter set me free you
know i can afford in every sense
including the material now to do what I
like and if the next book i right
please three people so be it that's
known as a writer really want to do what
they do and i am but i think I'm very
lucky person but the magnitude of i was
thinking of seeing someone
I you know I'm kind of just really
hoping that you write your writing
something that I can adapt just because
I has been really remarkable and I'd
that rarely happens and it was a
remarkable group of people
yeah I have to say I mean what are the
odds of it happening I mean that's the
what were they
frame do something no damn letters to
lay something came whizzing down the
chimney has he spoken quarter sharply on
the back of the head next moment 30 or
40 letters came pelting out of the
fireplace what bullets the dursleys duck
but Harry left into the air trying to
catch one
Ron actually tell you most muggles
aren't accustomed to seeing a flying car
right from press the tiny silver button
on the dashboard the car around and
vanished and so today Harry could fill
the seat vibrating beneath him three
ready she said breathlessly what we
doing he said completely lost her mind
attorney hourglass over three times the
dark war dissolved Harry had a sensation
that he was flying very fast backwards a
blur of colors and shapes rushed past
him his ears were pounding he tried to
yell but couldn't hear his own voice and
then he felt solid ground beneath his
feet and everything came into focus