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In this video, we're going to talk about the seven pitching
velocity killers.
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In this video, however, we're going to talk about seven
pitching velocity killers.
These are the things that will kill your pitching
velocity if you're doing them.
So if you're struggling with your pitching velocity,
check to see if you're doing any of these things.
Because this could be a reason why it's shutting down
your pitching velocity.
If you're throwing a lot slower than you think you should be,
check these seven things out, because you may be doing
one of them or more than one.
First thing, is going to be leading with the front foot.
If you're a guy who the front foot is leading your body down
the mound, that's no good.
You want to lead with the side of your butt.
This tells me that you are staying closed
and you're keeping all that energy bound up.
But if your front foot and your front knee
start to break the plane of your front hip,
you're opening up too early.
And you're going to lose a lot of pitching velocity that way.
The second pitching velocity killer
is separating your hands directly to your target.
I know this is a big misconception, a lot of coaches
teach this way that you want to separate
your hands going straight to home plate and straight back
this way.
That will also kill your velocity.
If you look at the high velocity pitchers,
when they separate-- if that's home plate and that's
third base right there-- they're separating
at at least 45 degree angle or more.
A lot of those guys are to third base if they're righty
or to first base if they're a lefty, meaning
it looks something like this.
See how far closed off I am?
I'm throwing this way, there is third.
So if you're breaking straight to home plate, that's no good.
You're going to kill your pitching velocity.
The third thing-- third pitching velocity killer
is being tall on your back leg.
If you're a guy who stays real tall on your back leg here,
when I come up and I don't have much bend in the back leg
and I start to go down that mound,
and I maintain that straightness in my back leg,
and I kind of just fall out there,
you're not going to get any leg drive.
And that's a big pitching velocity killer.
What you want to do instead is get into that back leg
so that you can drive out of it.
We want good leg drive.
So your back leg should have a pretty good bend in it
so that you can take this stored energy
and then extend through it all, and drive
that back hip forward.
So that's what you want to do with your back hip.
The fourth pitching velocity killer is early hip rotation.
And this kind of goes into leading with that front foot.
If we're leading with our front foot and our knee--
you'll see guys who do this a lot too,
they start to point their front foot forward.
Now if you're doing this, those hips
are going to start to open up.
So I'm leading this way and I'm opening my hips
early-- early hip rotation.
What's happening when we do that is we're leaking that energy.
It's like letting some of that energy go out before we go.
We want to create hip to shoulder separation.
That's our goal in pitching, to pitch fast.
If we open up too early and we let those hips go,
we're going to leak some of that energy out.
And we're not going to be able to throw fast.
So we want to keep those hips closes as long
as possible, long, long, long, and then open it up.
And that's going to help us throw faster.
So number five pitching velocity killer
is going to be the front leg.
If you're bending through your front leg at release,
you're leaking your energy forward.
You've got to be able to pitch against that front leg.
We're creating good linear energy with that leg drive
that we talked about earlier, but then we
want to be able to brace up on that front leg.
So you'll see a lot of the high velocity
pitchers when they get to this point,
they'll actually straighten that front leg out
as they're coming to their release point.
So they're leveraging their linear energy really well.
So if you're bending through it, that's the opposite.
If you're collapsing through it, you're
going to be losing a lot of pitching
velocity, that's why it's a pitching velocity killer.
Number six is early pronation.
Pronation just means the way your wrist is turned.
This is supanation, this is pronation.
And we've all been taught at one time when we separate
our hands, we want to point that ball going back
toward second base.
That's early pronation.
We don't actually want that.
Because if we turn to throw, we're
going to be in a bad position to release that ball.
We want our pronation to happen through release point
and as we finish.
That's called deceleration.
So if we're doing early pronation,
we're putting ourself into a bad position
to have good pitching velocity.
So if you're doing that, that is a pitching velocity killer.
Think about having this ball more towards the shortstop
if you're a righty, or third base even.
The opposite if you're a lefty.
Because, again, pronation wants to happen just
before release, at release, or just after
and have to have good deceleration.
The seventh pitching velocity killer
is pulling the glove down.
You may have heard this one as well.
But if you're really being aggressive with your glove side
and pulling it down, you're actually
going to do more harm than good.
You're going to be flying out because when
your energy goes this way, the other energy goes this way.
If I'm running with a flag pole with a flag behind me
and I'm running this way, that flag
is going to be going behind me.
Same thing goes with the glove side.
If I'm really aggressive here, my energy is going to go here.
And I'm going to be losing pitching velocity.
What you want to do is load up the scaps
and then bring them back together.
It's called blocking off, right here what I just did.
That's the proper way to pitch against your front side.
So those are the seven pitching velocity killers.
I hope you liked that.
Click the thumbs up.
Don't forget to check out my three pitching
tips to instantly increase your pitching velocity,
just click this video right here.
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I'll shoot you that video right away.
If you can't click that, go ahead
and click this link right here.
That will take you to the same page.
Or there's a link in the description,
if you're watching this on Facebook or somewhere else.
That will take you to the same page
so you can get your three pitching
tips to instantly increase your pitching velocity.
I hope that helps guys.
Again, leave that thumbs up.
Hit that subscribe.
Let me know in the comments below, what of the seven,
or if there's more than one, which ones
are you doing that you can work on to pitch faster?
Let me know in the comments below.
When I was younger my dad used to find
articles in magazines or articles
in newspapers about baseball.
And he would leave them on my bed for me to read.
But he never really hounded me or asked me
questions about those articles.
But what he did was very smart.
When I was with him, he would talk
to other people about those articles and things
so that made me interested and I wanted
to know what was in those magazine
articles or those newspapers.
So I always read those.
But he never really pushed it on me.
And I thought that this would be a great resource for you guys.
If you liked any of my videos, you can just click that share
and share it with your son.
And maybe use that technique that my dad used.
I don't know if he knew it or not that he was doing that,
but it worked really well.
He wasn't hounding me too bad.
And all he did was share it with me
and I wanted to read it because he was talking to everyone else
about it.
So go ahead and share any of the videos that you like.
If you like this video, you can share it with your son.
Because that's the way it is nowadays,
you don't really have magazines and newspapers.
And then try to talk to people when your son is with you,
talk to people around town and hopefully he'll
catch on and want to read them and want to check out
some of these videos.
And you guys will be better because of it.
So I hope that helps, guys.
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