字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 The book of first and second kings 列王記上和列王記下 Although they are two separate books in our Bibles 雖然在我們的《聖經》裡它們是分開的兩卷書 They were originally written as one book telling a unified story 他們原本是一卷書,訴說著一個故事 that continues on from the book of Samuel that came before it 延續了它的上一卷書-撒母耳記 So David has unified the tribes of Israel into a kingdom 大衛將以色列的各支派統一成為一個聯合的王國 and God promised that from his line would come a Messianic king 然後神應許他,從他的後裔中將會出現一位彌賽亞君王 who would establish God's kingdom over the nation's and fulfill the promises made to Abraham 這位彌賽亞將會建立一個神的國度於列國之上, 並且完成神對亞伯拉罕的應許 So the Book of Kings tells the story of the long line of Kings that came after David 所以列王記上下紀錄了大衛之後列王的故事 and none of them lived up to that promise 而他們沒有任何人活出應許的要求 In fact, they run the nation of Israel right into the ground 事實上,他們將以色列治理地非常糟糕 The book is designed to have five main movements 列王記可以分為五個部分 the story begins and ends focus on Jerusalem 故事的開頭和結尾都聚焦於耶路撒冷 First with Solomon's reign in the construction of the temple 第一個部分講到所羅門的治理和建造聖殿 and then in this last section ending with jerusalem's destruction and Israel's exile to Babylon 在最後一部分耶路撒冷被毀,而以色列人被擄到巴比倫 and the story leading up to this tragedy is what makes up the center three sections 中間的三個部分描述了這個悲劇發生的原因和經過 which explain how Israel split into two rival kingdoms 它解釋了以色列為何分裂為兩個對立的國家 how God tried to prevent the corruption of Israel by sending the prophets 上帝如何差遣先知,以阻止以色列的敗壞 and how exile became unavoidable consequence of Israel's sins 和被擄如何成為以色列犯罪後不可避免的結果 The book opens with two chapters about the kingdom passing from the aging David to his son Solomon 這卷書開頭的兩章講到王國從年老的大衛手中 交到他兒子所羅門的身上 and David's final words to Solomon they're very similar to those of Moses and Joshua and Samuel to the people 大衛給所羅門的遺言和摩西、約書亞 和撒母耳給以色列人的遺言有點類似 It's a call to remain faithful to the commands of the covenants 主要都是在呼籲人要謹守遵行他們和神的約 and to give allegiance to the God of Israel alone 要單單事奉以色列的神 but David's words bring somewhat hollow here 但大衛的話接著就顯得有點空洞 because David and Solomon then go on to conspire how they're going to consolidate this new kingdom 因為大衛和所羅門開始籌畫如何穩固這個新的國家 through a whole series of political assassinations 透過一系列的政治暗殺 so it's not off to a great start 所以這並不是一個好的開始 Solomon's brightest moment comes when he asked God for wisdom to lead Israel 所羅門最光明的時刻是當他向神求智慧以治理以色列 and he even complete David's dream to make a temple for the God of Israel 他也完成了大衛為以色列的神建殿的夢想 Here the story actually stops and describes the design of this temple in detail 故事在這裡停止,並且開始詳細描述聖殿的設計 just like the tabernacle design in the Torah 就像在摩西五經裡面對於會幕設計的描寫一樣 there's all these gold and jewels and depictions of angels and fruit trees 有很多的金銀珠寶和關於天使和果樹的描述 It's all symbolism echoing back to the garden of eden 這些都象徵著伊甸園的景象 it's the place where heaven and earth meet where God's presence dwells with his people 這裡是天地的交會之處,也是神與祂子民同在的地方 but no sooner does Solomon finish the temple 但就在所羅門完成聖殿不久後 but he makes them really horrible choices and the Kingdom falls apart 他做了一個非常糟糕選擇導致王國的分裂 he starts marrying the daughters of other kings hundreds of them for political alliances 他開始出於政治結盟而娶了許多國家的公主 and then he adopts their gods and introduces the worship of those gods into Israel 然後他接受了她們的神,並將假神崇拜引入了以色列 Solomon then accumulates huge amounts of wealth he built a huge army 接著他積攢了大量的財富,建立了一支大軍 He even Institute slave labor for all of his building projects 他甚至為了建造宮殿而使用奴隸 Now if you go back to the Torah and look at God's guidelines for Israel's kings in Deuteronomy 17 如果你回去看看摩西五經, 申命記17章記載了神對以色列君王的心意 Solomon is breaking every one 所羅門違反了每一條 so by the time that he dies 所以在他死之前 Solomon resembles Pharaoh the king of Egypt more than he does his father David 所羅門更像埃及王法老多過像他的父親大衛 the next section of the book opens with Solomon's son, Rehoboam, acting just like his father 下一個部分講到所羅門的兒子羅波安, 他的所作所為,就像他的父親一樣 it's a very sad story of greed and lust for power 這是個關於對權力的貪婪和慾望的悲傷故事 he tries to increase taxes for slave labor 他對奴隸課以重稅 and under the leadership of Jeroboam the northern tribes reject this 在耶羅波安的領導下,北方的十個支派拒絕配合 they rebelled and secede and form their own rival Kingdom 他們反叛,並且建立了自己的王國 and so now in the story you have the southern kingdom of Judah 所以,故事到了這裡,有一個南國猶大 centered in Jerusalem with Kings from the line of David 以耶路撒冷為中心,以大衛的後代為王 and now this new northern kingdom called Israel 然後有一個新的北方王國叫做以色列 who's capital will be Samaria eventually 以撒馬利亞為首都 Jeroboam also goes on to build two new temples to compete with Solomon's temple in the south 耶羅波安也建了兩座聖殿,以抗衡南方的所羅門聖殿 he put the Golden Calf in each one to represent the God of Israel 他在其中放置了金牛犢代表以色列的神 The connection to Exodus 32 and the Golden Calf It's all quite explicit 這和出埃及記32章的金牛犢如出一轍 From this point on the story goes back and forth from north to south tracing the fate of both kingdoms 從這裡開始,故事便在南北兩國的命運之間來回 Each one had about 20 successive kings 兩個國大概都有20位君王 and as the author introduces each king he evaluates their reign by a few criteria 每當作者提及每位君王時,會根據幾個標準評估其統治 did they worship the God of Israel alone or did they promote the worship other gods 他們是否單單敬拜以色列的神或是他們也敬拜其他的神 did they deal with idolatry among the people 他們是否處理在百姓中間的偶像崇拜 and did they remained faithful to the Covenant like David or do they become corrupt and unjust 他們是否像大衛一樣對神的約忠誠, 或是他們變得腐敗不公 and according to these criteria the author finds no good kings in northern Israel zero for twenty 根據這些標準,作者發現, 在北國以色列的二十位王中間,沒有任何一位好王 And then in southern Judah only eight out of 20 get a positive rating 在南國猶大的二十位王裡,只有八位得到正面的評價 which connects to another huge purpose in this book 這和本書的另外一個重要的寫作主旨有關 and that to introduce the role of the prophet key figures in israel's history 就是引入「先知」這個在以色列歷史上重要的角色 so in the Bible, prophets were not fortune tellers rather they spoke on behalf of the God of Israel 在聖經裡面,先知不是占卜者, 而是代表以色列的神說話的人 and they played the role of Covenant watchdog 他們扮演神的約的守望者 which means they called out idolatry and injustice among the Kings and the people 這意味著他們在王和百姓中間呼籲除去偶像和不公 they were constantly reminding Israel of their calling to be a light to the nations 他們持續地提醒以色列,上帝呼召他們成為列國的光 that they should obey the commands of the Torah 他們應當遵守律法的要求 and so the prophets challenged Israel to repent and follow their God 因此,先知挑戰以色列悔改,並且歸向他們的神 In these centres sections for each King, God then raises up prophets to hold them accountable 在這些論述的當中,神興起這些先知並且委以重任 the most prominent prophets over the northern ones are Elijah and his disciples Elisha 北國最重要的先知是以利亞和他的門徒以利沙 right here in the center of the book 在列王記最中間的部分 Elijah was a wild man of a prophet living out in the desert 以利亞是一位住在曠野的先知 and his arch nemesis was the northern King Ahab and his Canaanite wife Jezebel 他的死對頭是北國君王亞哈和他的迦南妻子耶洗別 together these two had instituted the worship of the Canaanites God Baal over Israel 這兩個人在國中一起帶領百姓敬拜迦南的神巴力 and so in a famous story Elijah challenged four hundred and fifty prophets of Baal 所以有一個出名的故事,以利亞大戰450名巴力先知 to a contest to see which God was a real 來讓人看見誰才是真神 so they both built altars and prayed to their gods 他們都築了祭壇並且向他們的神禱告 but only the God of Israel answers with fire 但只有以色列的神以烈火回應 After this, Ahab uses his royal power to murder an Israelite farmer and then steal his family's vineyard 這之後,亞哈利用他們權力謀殺了以色列農夫拿伯, 竊取了他的葡萄園 and the Elijah again confront Ahab's injustice and he announces the downfall of his house 以利亞再次指責亞哈的惡行,並且宣告他家的敗落 Elijah eventually passes the mantle of his prophetic leadership to a young disciple named Elisha 以利亞最後將先知的職分傳承給年輕的門徒以利沙 who asks for two times the authority of Elijah 他求擁有以利亞兩倍的能力 but what's fascinating here is how the author is recounted 7 miraculous feats for Elijah 有趣的是,作者在此描述了以利亞所行的七件神蹟 and then he offers stories of 14 acts of power from Elisha 以及以利沙所行的十四件神蹟 Both prophets were clearly remarkable men and they played the same role confronting Israel's Kings 兩位先知都是了不起的人,他們扮演了同樣的角色, 警告以色列的君王 for idolatry and injustice and ultimately they were unsuccessful in turning Israel back from apostasy 他們崇拜偶像和不公義, 但他們最終也沒能帶領以色列回轉 In the next section, the northern kingdom has rocked by a bloody revolution started by a king named Jehu 在下一個部分, 北國經歷了一場由耶戶王發動的血腥革命 who destroys Ahab's family and although Jehu was at first commissioned by God 他毀滅了亞哈家,雖然一開始他是被神所揀選的 his violence just gets out of control 他的暴行卻失控了 and it creates the spiral of political assassinations and rebellions from which Israel never recovered 從這裡開啟了以色列國政治暗殺和反叛的循環 coup follows coup after Jehu 在耶戶之後,一次又一次的政變 and each King follows other gods allows horrible injustice it all leads up to second Kings chapter 17 每位君王都隨從別神,帶來許多的不公義, 直到列王記下17章 the big bad empire of Assyria swoops down and takes out the northern kingdom altogether 強大的亞述帝國南下攻打以色列 and the capital city of Samaria is conquered 首都撒馬利亞因此淪陷 and the Israelites were exiled and scattered throughout the ancient world 以色列人被擄,並且散居到各地 now chapter 17 is key 十七章是一個關鍵 the author stops the story and offers this prophetic reflection and what's just happened 作者在這裡停下,並且以先知的角度提出一些反省 he blames the downfall of the northern kingdom on the idolatry 他將北國的落敗歸咎於偶像崇拜 and covenant unfaithfulness of Israel and its kings 以及以色列和君王對神的約不忠 and so God has allowed them to face the consequences of their decisions 因此神讓他們看見他們的選擇帶來的後果 The final movement of the book tells the story of the lone southern kingdom 列王記的最後一部分記述了南國猶大 In here, we meet very heroic kings like Hezekiah who trust God 在這裡我們看見幾位好王像是希西家,他信靠神 when the armies of Assyria come knocking on Jerusalem's door 當亞述的大軍來到耶路撒冷的城下時 or Josiah who discovers this lost scroll of the Torah in the temple 或是在聖殿裡面發現律法書的約西亞王 So he start to reading it. He's convicted 他開始宣讀律法,並且認罪 and he institutes religious reforms to remove idolatry in Canaanite influences from the land 他下令開始改革,除去迦南地的偶像崇拜 but Judah is just too far gone 但是猶大已經離神的心意太遙遠了 The King right in between these two, Menassah. He's the worst by far 在這兩位王中間,是史上最邪惡的國王,瑪拿西 so he not only introduces the worship of idols statues into the Jerusalem Temple, 他不僅在耶路撒冷的聖殿中引入偶像崇拜 he also institutes child sacrifice 還以孩童經火獻祭 And so God sends prophets to say the time is up. Israel has reached the point of no return 所以上帝差派先知告訴以色列人,你們已經回不去了 The final chapters tell the story of the Babylonian Empire coming to invade Jerusalem destroy the temple 最後一章講述到巴比倫入侵耶路撒冷,拆毀聖殿 and carry the people and the royal line of David off into exile 將以色列人民和大衛的後裔擄走 and so the story ends leaving us wondering has God done with Israel 故事的結尾令我們困惑,上帝厭棄以色列了嗎? has he done with a line of David 祂放棄大衛的後裔了嗎? Well, the final paragraph zooms about forty years forward into the exile 最後一章記載了被擄後的四十年 and it tells very odd story. It's about Jehoiachin, a descendant from David 一件奇怪的事情發生了。是關於約雅斤,大衛的後裔 who would have been king and he was back in Jerusalem 如果沒有被擄,他就會是猶大王 and the king of Babylon releases him from prison and invite them to eat at the Royal table for the rest of his life 巴比倫王提他出監,並且使他終身在王面前吃飯 and the book ends 然後這本書就結束了 so it's not much but it's a story that gives a glimmer of hope 這裡沒有說太多,但是給了我們一絲盼望 that God has not abandon the line of David 神並沒有拋棄大衛的後裔 so the question now is how is that going to fulfill his promises to Abraham to David 所以現在的問題是: 這個結局要如何成就神對亞伯拉罕和大衛的應許? How he is going to bless the nations and bring the Messianic Kingdom 神要如何祝福萬國,並且帶來彌賽亞的國度? and answer those questions you have to read on into the wisdom and the prophetic books 你得從詩歌智慧書和先知書裡面找答案 but for now that's the Book of Kings 但這就是列王記的故事
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 以色列 大衛 所羅門 先知 君王 聖殿 閱讀經文。王上1 -2 (Read Scripture: 1-2 Kings) 213 24 sophia 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字