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  • After giving a contentious interview on The Daily Show in November 2016, conservative

  • host and viral Internet star Tomi Lahren immediately became one of the most controversial and infamous

  • political talking heads in America.

  • But just who is this 24-year-old rising star, who has already made so many enemies?

  • And how did she get to where she is today?

  • Here's what we know.

  • Camo coupling

  • If you ever wondered what inspired Lahren to criticize President Barack Obama's policy

  • on ISIS after the deaths of multiple U.S. soldiers in 2015, it might have to do with

  • the fact that she once dated a Navy SEAL.

  • According to the Daily Mail, Lahren was in a relationship at the time with Jerad Christian,

  • a Utah-born soldier with whom she was reportedly in love.

  • The two apparently met in San Diego in 2015, and his work seems to have inspired her to

  • speak out on behalf of him and other troops in service.

  • They have since split, but that hasn't stopped Lahren from carrying on as a conservative

  • mouthpiece.

  • Cupcakes as the cure

  • In Lahren's infamous interview with The Daily Show's Trevor Noah, she championed some controversial

  • opinions on the Ku Klux Klan's connection to President-Elect Donald Trump and the Black

  • Lives Matter movement, among other things.

  • And did you know that a black man is 18.5 times more likely to shoot a police officer

  • than a police officer is to shoot a black man?

  • Those are statistics no one wants to talk about.”

  • Most people assumed the liberal-leaning host would never speak to Lahren ever again.

  • Apparently, though, that wasn't the case.

  • Noah didn't send her ill tidings following their interviewhe sent her cupcakes instead.

  • She shared a pic of her sweet haul, writing, "When @trevornoah sends you cupcakes and you

  • realize a mutual love of sugar might be the common ground you needed!"

  • Perhaps unsurprisingly, some of Noah's biggest fans weren't exactly pleased with his kind

  • gesture, but he's since made it up to them with his subsequent coverage.

  • “(Jibberish) What the hell, she’s like Busta Ryhmes reincarnated.

  • Who is this person?”

  • An overnight sensation

  • Lahren's meteoric rise to fame practically redefines the term overnight sensation.

  • A simple inquiry from Lahren about internships at One America News Network resulted in a

  • direct reply from network CEO Robert Herring, who told the 21-year-old to come in for a

  • meeting, even though the network did not actually offer internships.

  • Shortly thereafter, in August 2014, Lahren began hosting her very own show, On Point

  • with Tomi Lahren.

  • Married to the job

  • Though she was born in Rapid City, South Dakota, it wasn't until Lahren went to college at

  • University of Nevada, Las Vegas, when she really started to figure out the kind of person

  • she wanted to be.

  • She graduated in 2014, allowing herself very little down time before rising to superstardom.

  • Indeed, a little over a year after launching her own show on One America News Network,

  • Lahren made the jump to The Blaze in October 2015.

  • With such a quick jump from college to fame, it's perhaps unsurprising to find out that

  • she doesn't have much of a personal life.

  • She told The Guardian, "I don't have a family.

  • I don't have a boyfriend.

  • I am in Dallas for one reason only, and that is to do this show."

  • If there's one thing Tomi Lahren wants you to be clear on, it's that she is not a journalist.

  • As she put it, "I fully acknowledge that I am not a journalist.

  • I clearly have a point of view, I am very passionate about my point of view.

  • I am a commentator."

  • Not that it's too hard to tell the difference.

  • You feminists can keep your race card, your victim card, your woman card, and your

  • F Trump signs.

  • I’ll keep my dignity, my self-respect.”

  • Thanks to her controversial views, she's now referred to by her critics as "White Power

  • Barbie," a label she's done little to discourage.

  • The backlash is real

  • Given her headline-making rhetoric, it should come as little surprise that her critics want

  • her silenced and taken off the air.

  • Such was the case in July 2016, when Lahren posted a since-deleted tweet equating the

  • Ku Klux Klan to Black Lives Matter.

  • The jaw-dropping tweet quickly led to the creation of a viral petition signed by tens

  • of thousands of angry viewers who demanded that The Blaze to take her off the air as

  • punishment for her words.

  • And while the petition itself didn't earn her a pink slip, her mouth still got her into

  • trouble with work in a very surprising way.

  • In keeping with Lahren's personal philosophy of "speaking her truth," she appeared on The

  • View in 2017 and revealed that she's pro-choice — a position generally not not held by those

  • who identify themselves as political conservatives.

  • “I’m for limited government, so stay out of my guns, and you can stay out of my body

  • as well.”

  • While most of her comments might've earned the ire of the left, this one ticked off her

  • own fanbase on the rightand cost her a job.

  • After several fellow reporters from The Blaze took to Twitter to lambaste Lahren's remarks,

  • her boss, and The Blaze founder Glenn Beck, addressed it on his show, saying,

  • "If you're pro-choice, you can have a job at The Blaze.

  • I don't hire people who are sycophants.

  • I try to hire people who have a different opinion."

  • What he took issue with, he said, was her inability to defend the statement, and that's

  • what he indicated ultimately led to her suspension from the show.

  • She's since filed a wrongful termination suit against Beck and The Blaze.

  • That action has, of course, ignited her opponents into a Twitterstorm of comments calling her

  • the word she so often likes to use against them -- snowflake.

  • Thanks for watching!

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After giving a contentious interview on The Daily Show in November 2016, conservative


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托米-拉赫倫不為人知的真相 (The Untold Truth Of Tomi Lahren)

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    EZ Wang 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日