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Hey guys! It's Wengie. Welcome back.
And sunnies hug!
I don't know about you guys, but my room constantly gets messy.
I feel like I walk into the room and like this invisible tornado happens and I'm just like
"I cleaned it a couple days ago!" so today I thought I'd share with you guys
some super cool organizational DIYs and life hacks you can use to organize your home
or your room and up your decor game.
Hold up! If you guys aren't part of the fam yet here already, I encourage you guys to join.
Welcome! We're a super cool bunch here and all you need to do is click the
subscribe button down below and you'll be automatically entered into the
current MacBook Air giveaway and the second thing you need to do is be part
of my Vlog Squad, which means subscribed to my vlog channel, which I have linked down below.
Give this video a like and click the thumbs up and if we can get this to 150,000 thumbs
up, I would be so ecstatically happy.
I have a question for you guys. During this video, please pick your favorite DIY or hack
and let me know down below.
Also, I made this video in partnership with Quay Australia and they have some
super cool sunnies, which I'm going to show you during this video.
Without further ado, let's get on with the video. Let's go.
I seriously love my sunglasses, especially these ones from Quay Australia, and I
had a drawer, but they definitely deserve a display organizer, so let's make one.
All you need is a picture frame, some fairy lights or wire, and some pushpins.
The first step is to take out the back of the picture frame.
I bent the metal bits back with a butter knife and then removed the backing, including the glass.
Then flip your frame to the back and mark it out where you want your sunnies to hang
by using a pushpin on either side of the frame.
Leave a gap when you do this so the wire can slide underneath.
Now use your wire or fairy lights and twist it along the first pin.
Then trail it across, down, then across.
Make sure it's super tight or it will sag when you hang your sunglasses.
Finally, push your pushpins down once the wire is in place and it will hold firmly.
You can also use hot glue to glue this in place if you want to make sure it stays.
You sunglasses organizer is now complete!
Just hang all your favorite sunnies on the wire and they will look so amazing and it can
even double up as a cute decor item, especially with the fairy lights.
I love these sunnies from Quay Australia.
They have an amazing range, including their muse fade style and I'm going to be giving
away ten of these, so if you want a pair, check the description box on how to enter and good luck!
I've also included a link there to the awesomely sassy muse fade style, so be sure to check that one out, too.
If your wardrobe is starting to get a little bit cramped, you can use this quick hack
to make more use of your space.
Just take a chain and thread it through the first coat hanger.
This then allows you to thread multiple hangers on the one hanger which saves a ton
of space by spreading out your clothes vertically instead of all horizontally.
This is especially useful if you have a tall wardrobe like me.
I don't know about you, but I have this drawer where cables go to die.
I don't even know what's in there really, but we can organize this super easy so we do.
All you need is some toilet rolls and optional duct tape for decoration.
Simply create a pattern you like on the toilet roll using decorative duct tape or leave it plain.
It's up to you, but how cute is this unicorn one?
Once you've covered up the toilet roll, simply write down what the cable is for using a Sharpie.
Roll it up and then tuck it into the toilet roll.
That's it! Now when you put it into your drawer, you'll know exactly what each cable is
for and it won't be tangled and disorganized.
Seriously so satisfying.
This has got to be one of my favorite DIYs so far.
This used to be empty crates. Like what?
All you really need are eight crates for this DIY, which can be like old milk crates
or fruit crates or anything really.
You can decorate these with anything you like, but I used a combination of wrapping
paper and spray paint, so on four of the eight crates I used some painter's tape and scrap
paper to cover up all the sides, leaving the base exposed.
Then take your gold paint and spray away.
Try not to breathe in these fumes if you can avoid it because they're not very good for you.
Once the paint is dry, peel off your tape and feel free to take your time with this because it is so satisfying.
Once everything is removed, it looks pretty good.
Next I used some wrapping paper to decorate the remaining four crates.
Just fold it in to fit the bottom of the crate and then use some double sided tape to stick it onto the base.
The great thing about the wrapping paper method is that you can change up the
style of your shelves any time you want.
Now to assemble them like this.
This shelf will actually hold in place just fine, but you can also nail them in
place if you're putting heavier objects in them.
I'm so in love with how unique the different shapes of the shelves are and the gold
and the polka dot design is so cute.
This is such a amazing way to organize your books or display items and it's completely customizable.
Now we're going to create a custom whiteboard to do list that sits on your desk or hangs on a wall.
Grab a picture frame and open it up.
Remove the display image from the back and use it as a guide to cut out your own custom backing.
I had this super cute design left over from spray painting a DIY and it was so perfect for this.
Place the cardboard in and put it all back together.
And now it's ready. Just get any whiteboard marker and start writing your to do list.
And of course, once you've completed it, which feels really good by the way, just
wipe it away and you're ready to start over again.
It looks super cute on your study desk and you can save so much paper by using this instead.
This amazing DIY craft storage caddy helps you upcycle something you usually throw away.
That's right. It's actually used to store apple cider.
To make this, you'll need an empty drink caddy, some wrapping paper, and some paint.
Simply measure out the rough size of the wrapping paper you will need and cut that out first.
Then wrap up the drink caddy as neatly as possible, using some tape as you go.
You will need to cut the wrapping paper around the open side of the caddy in order to
fold it in over the edges and when you're ready, use some glue or sticky tape to stick it down.
Once you're done, simply paint any remaining visible cardboard.
I used this beautiful gold to match the rest of my decor items and that's it.
It's so cute and a great way to store your bits and pieces from your DIY projects.
If you're running out of space in your cleaning closet, simply use an over the
door shoe organizer on your closet door to store any additional cleaning products and supplies.
It's not only super tidy and frees up space, but you can also see everything you need super clearly.
Simply close the door and the mess is hidden away.
Super neat, right?
If you're an avid gift giver, this one's for you.
Simply get a garment bag to store all your loose wrapping paper.
If yours is too long like mine, you will need to measure out the length of your
wrapping paper for the garment bag to the length and secure it with some board clips
at the bottom and the edges.
Now unzip and put your wrapping paper in vertically.
How satisfying is it to watch them neatly pile in? Oh my gosh.
Once you're done, simply zip it up and hang it.
I keeps your wrapping paper clean and crease free and it hardly takes up any space.
- Wengie, can I borrow your phone charger?
- Okay, just a second.
If you get confused like me, this next DIY is for you.
All you need is some colored washi tape and Sharpies to make your plugs stand out.
I first used some of this mesmerizing glitter tape on the plug itself.
And then used some washi tape and folded it over on the cord.
Cut out a triangle at the end and then use a Sharpie to write what it is so
you'll always know what you're unplugging when you're under the table.
Genius, right?
Here's an easy way to make a super cute note board to hold all your loose paper
that's probably cluttering up your desk.
All you need is a picture frame, some chicken wire, pushpins, and pliers.
First remove the back part of your frame including the glass.
Then turn your frame to the back.
When handling chicken wire, you probably want to wear some gloves because the wire
often has loose sharp ends, so be careful.
Place a roughly cut sheet of chicken wire on top of your frame so that it's all covered.
Use the pushpins to pin the wire in place.
You want to do this all along the edges to hold it securely.
You can then use hot glue on top for extra security if you want.
Once that's done, simply trim the edge of the chicken wire with your pliers so there
is as little excess as possible to stick out and hurt you.
You want to make sure that no sharp bits cross over the edge of the frame.
When you're done, it should look like this.
Turn your frame around and it's ready to use.
Simply get some small, cute pegs and start pinning whatever you like to it.
You can use this to hold any important notes or cards or even decorate it with photos if
you like, but I have so much cute fan art and letters from you guys that it's honestly just
asking to be put on display, so this is what did with mine.
I think it looks super duper cute and mine is sitting nicely on my bedside table to
remind me of all the amazing memories I've been able to share with some of you.
It's just perfect.
So I hope you guys enjoyed these DIYs and hacks today.
If you guys do any of these, don't forget to share them with me on #Wengiecorns.
I love looking at all your creations.
Find me on social medias during the week or on Reacticorns.
I'm going to miss you guys so much. Time to say bye!
Love you!