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♫ Music ♫
Hey guys! :D
✂️ and the coolest thing about these DIY's is you literally just use your school supplies! :o ✂️
✌️ To enter, all you need to do it two things. ✌️
☝️ 1) is be part of this fam :D ☝️
In fact I orderd the items I DIYed this week through the app. (is this a spon?)
⛵Because these items are sent overseas they may take a little longer then normal to arrive ⛵
✨ DIY queen mode activated! ✨('you got glitter in my mouf wen-gee')
#cutout tank ♫Music♫
and all you need are.... (here come a load of things you need)
✂️ a pair of scissors (and a shirt of course lmao) ✂️
✂️ Simply lay a tee-shirt out how think you want the straps and how low you want you arm holes to be. ✂️
✂️I chose to do a very low cut sided tank so I cut it out like this. ✂️
✂️What I love about tee-shirt fabric is you can just cut it, and it makes it look suuuper edgy, ✂️
✂️ and you don't really need to finish it with anything. ✂️
✂️ Now to make it the same shape on each side, ✂️
✂️ I took the side I cut out as a guide for the other side. ✂️
✂️You can totally just leave it like this if you want but I'm going to cut a lower neckline to match. ✂️ (k)
✂️ So just cut out your designs shape and when your half way ✂️
✂️ what i did was actually fold it over to use it as a guide, to make sure both sides are the same! ✂️
✂️ Or you could simply trace out the shape first using fabric chalk ✂️
Now, this is completely optional,
✂️I took the sleeves we cut off and cut out the band at the end of the sleeve, ✂️
✂️ and this turned into this really cool elastic. ✂️
✂️ Now turn your tank top to the back and gather it about 1/3 of the way down the back. ✂️
✂️ Then simply use this elastic to tie a cute knot, and you have this really cute gathered racer back. ✂️
✂️You can tie it up using string as well or create your own fabric tie. ✂️
✨ DIY queen mode activated! ✨
#highlighter shorts ♫Music ♫
✍️ And I did this using something you probably use every day at school. ✍️ (pencil? eraser?)
✍️ Yep! Highlighters. ✍️ (not what I said but ok)
Alright lets do this!
✍️ Some highlighters, ✍️
Kitchen sponges and some bleach.
So keep checking on it.
✍️The bleach is really to make sure that your highlighter colours show up clearly.✍️
✍️Ok, to the fun part. I chose pink and blue highlighters for this part.✍️
Put this into the water and you'll see the colours start to come out.
✍️ Also, don't forget to get a few highlighters as you may need to mix more than one so just keep mixing until your finished with your shorts. ✍️
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#sharpie shoes ♫Music ♫
⬜ fabric paint in white, but you could also paint it on with a tiny brush. ⬜
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-cricket noises-
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