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  • In 2014 i studied abroad in the Netherlands for five months and it was easily the best

  • experience I've ever had in my life if you're thinking about studying abroad

  • you already on the path to one of the most rewarding decisions you can make it

  • so here are some of my reasons why you should study abroad. because a semester is the

  • perfect amount of time to really get to know a country beyond just the tourist attractions.

  • because the school that will be hosting will help you with the transition and support you upon your arrival

  • because the longer you wait the older you'll get and it will be harder to just get up and go and travel

  • because you won't be doing it alone

  • you will meet countless other foreign exchange students just like you throughout the semester you

  • learn more

  • outside the classroom than inside the classroom. because you'll meet so many

  • new people not only locals but other students from around the world and by

  • the end of it you will have friends in too many countries to count. because it will

  • get out of your comfort zone and typical daily routine and feel like through a

  • new lens because you'll become more open minded more aware of two cultures and

  • how other people it

  • because the news and your parents like they've learned that the world is not

  • entirely escape place and that there is more good than bad out there because you

  • learn how to strike up a conversation and also that talking to strangers isn't

  • so bad because the travel neighboring countries in see even more of the world

  • because you laugh about all the crazy predicaments and Shabba story that you

  • hear new friends get into because they like their sleeping in the airport is

  • not so bad after all

  • because they'll get over your fear of traveling alone and learn how to just be

  • by yourself with just silence and your thoughts because the away from your

  • family and friends for so long

  • will make you appreciate them even more when you get back home because I have so

  • much confidence knowing that I took a risk and left everything you back home

  • for the unknown because when you get back you'll have these amazing travel

  • stories and memories over and over and over again for a lifetime

  • these are some of the reasons why I feel you should study abroad if you have any

  • question about taking the leap and deciding to actually do it but it will

  • be a comment below

  • I love reminiscing about my own experience and left to give me some

  • advice thanks for watching

In 2014 i studied abroad in the Netherlands for five months and it was easily the best


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A2 初級

為什麼你應該學習ABROAD (Why You Should Study ABROAD)

  • 432 29
    Carol Ong 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日