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It's been a while since I made a Scottish slang/ Scottish words video.
I picked ten famous Scottish phrases.
I'll write them from my 10th favorite to my favorite phrase.
Bear in mind that this kind of phrases vary from place to place.
Some places might still use these phrases; some places may not.
I know that I only use a couple of these, but here we go!
Number 10 is, "yer bum’s oot the windae".
第十名是:「yer bum’s oot the windae」
That means that someone's talking absolute nonsense.
Like, if a person is talking rubbish, you would say, "yer bum’s oot the windae",
就是,如果有個人在講毫無邏輯的話,你就會說「yer bum’s oot the windae」
but that's one I have never used.
I personally have never heard it or used it, I don't think.
I live in West Dunbartonshire.
But let me know in the comments below if you've heard someone using this phrase.
That sounds like one that may be more used by elderly people or people that are a bit older.
I don't know but I thought I'd include it 'cause I thought it was quite funny.
Number 9 is definitely one that I've heard and it's "awa' and bile yer heid".
第九名我就絕對有聽過了,是「awa' and bile yer heid」
And it means, "oh...get lost. Don't talk rubbish."
Kind of like the last one. I have never heard anybody use this around this area and I see this way.
It's definitely one that I've heard of, and if you look up a bit of Scottish slang,
then that is usually a phrase that would crop up.
Basically just means, "don't be so ridiculous"
Number 8 is one that I have heard quite often actually and it's "wit’s fur ye’ll no go by ye".
第八名其實我滿常聽到的,是「wit’s fur ye’ll no go by ye」
And it just means, "what is meant to be will be", "que sera sera".
It's our Scottish version of saying "que sera sera" or "what will be will be".
Number 7 is a famous one and it's "lang may yer lum reek".
第七名很有名,是「lang may yer lum reek」
Now, I've never personally said this, ever.
I think I've only heard older people say this before.
But it's the Scottish version of "live long and prosper".
And a "lum" is a "chimney", so that is translated to "longly your chimney smoke",
lum 就是「煙囪」的意思,所以那句話的意思是「你的煙囪持續冒煙」
also translated to "may you never be without fuel for your fire",
or yeah, "live long and prosper".
Number 6, again, I've not heard them use this before,
but I love it anyway and maybe I'll start using it, even though people would probably think I'm mental.
"Dinnae fash yerself."
「Dinnae fash yerself」
And "dinnae fash yerself" means "don't worry about it", "don't even bother about it",
「Dinnae fash yerself」的意思是「不用擔心」、「完全不用去想」
"don't let yourself get in a state about it".
Number 5 is one that I have used and I've heard a lot of people use it around here,
and it's "He's up to high doh." or "She's up to high doh."
是:「他 up to high doh」或「她 up to high doh」
and it just means they're getting themselves in a state, they're getting themselves all worked up,
getting themselves riled up so they're up to high doh.
很焦急,就可以說「他們 up to high doh」
I love that phrase. I don't know why.
Number 4 is another pretty famous one and it's "haste ye back".
第四名也是一個滿有名的諺語,叫做「haste ye back」
"Haste ye back" just means "come back soon", basically.
「haste ye back」的意思是「快回來」
A lot of you probably heard that one before.
Number 3 is an arbitrary phrase, and it's "haud yer wheesht".
第三名是一個隨口而出的諺語,叫做「haud yer wheesht」
I work with older people and you do hear a lot of them say "wheesht", and stuff like that, quite a lot.
I don't normally hear people saying "haud yer wheesht", but "wheesht" is definitely used on a regular basis, in my life anyway.
我不常聽到別人說「haud yer wheesht」,但「wheesht」絕對是日常生活中很常出現的,至少在我的生活中
I enjoy the word "wheesht", but "haud yer wheesht" is definitely a famous phrase as well.
我喜歡「wheesht」這個字,但「haud yer wheesht」也是一個很有名的諺語
It means "shut up", "be quiet", "stop talking". "Haud yer wheesht."
它的意思是「閉嘴」、「安靜」、「不要再說了」,「Haud yer wheesht!」
Number 2. I love number 2. "It gies me the boak."
第二名,我很愛這個:「It gies me the boak.」
I use this a lot. When someone gets the boak, they feel sick.
我很常用這個,當有人有 boak 感,意思是他們感到很不舒服
If you see something disgusting, you would say "oh, that's gieing me the boak."
如果你看到噁心的東西,你會說「噢,那個東西給我 boak。」
"It's just making me feel sick and it's making me throw up in my mouth."
An example for me: if I could smell something minging, I'd be like, "oh that's gieing me the boak."
我的一個例子:如果我聞到腐敗的氣味,我會說「噢,that's gieing me the boak」
I hate it when people spit. It makes me feel sick.
So if I saw someone spit, I'd be like...I'd be getting the boak! It would be gieing me the boak.
所以如果我看到有人吐口水,我就會有 boak 感,那個東西給我 boak 感
My number one famous phrase is "geein it laldy". I love that phrase so much.
我的第一名有名諺語是「geein it laldy」,我超愛這句
I don't say it as often as I should, but it just means "giving it your all".
If you're "geein it laldy", you're giving it everything.
如果你「geein it laldy」,你就是全心全意地投入
So if someone's dancing and they're going mad, you'll be like, "they're geein it laldy."
所以如果有人跳舞跳得很盡興,你就會說「他們 geein it laldy」
I just love that phrase so much.
I want to give some honorable mentions right because people will be like, "oh, you forgot this." "oh, you forgot this."
And I could only pick ten, so these are the ten that I picked.
But if you want to leave your top ten in the comments below, feel free.
But I want to give some honorable mentions to "ah dinnae ken".
我想提一下「ah dinnae ken」
When someone thinks of the Scottish language, they probably think we all say the phrase "ah dinnae ken".
當外人想到蘇格蘭語,他們應該會認為我們所有人都會說「ah dinnae ken」
I've never said that, seriously. I say it sometimes, like, "Ooh dinnae ken", as a joke.
我自己從來沒說過,至少不是嚴肅地說,我有時候會以開玩笑的語氣說「歐!dinnae ken」
But I wouldn't say that because I don't live in an area that actually says the word "ken".
但我平常不會用它,因為我不住在會使用 ken 這個字的區域
But "dinnae ken" is another famous phrase that a lot of people think is what old Scottish people say, but that's not the case.
但「dinnae ken」確實是一個有名的諺語,很多人都覺得是老人在說的,但不是這樣
It just depends where you live.
And another honorable mention. I've been swaying between putting this as my number one, because I get brown.
And it's "skinny malinky long legs".
它是「skinny malinky long legs」
When I was a wee one, I was quite skinny and tall, and my dad used to call me "skinny malink".
在我小的時候,我滿瘦滿高的,我爸以前都叫我「skinny malink(瘦皮猴)」
And "skinny malinky long legs" can relate to a song, or as part of a song that we all learned as kids around here.
有一首歌就是在講「skinny malinky long legs」,我們這裡的人小時候應該都有聽過
I don't know. Maybe some people didn't.
It was like, "Skinny Malinky long legs, big banana feet, went to the pictures and couldn't get a seat.
那首歌的歌詞是「Skinny Malinky 長腿,大香蕉腳,去看電影卻找不到座位
When the picture started, Skinny Malinky farted."
當電影開始播放時,Skinny Malinky 放屁了」
The "pictures" is a "cinema", by the way, for all those people...I think that's a Scottish word as well.
"Going to the pictures" would be "going to the cinema".
「Going to the pictures(去看影像)」就是指「去看電影」
"Skinny malinky long legs" is just something that's tall and lanky and skinny, and has long legs and big banana feet.
「skinny malinky long legs」就是指又高又瘦長,有著長腿和大香蕉腳的東西
I hope you enjoyed this video.
You can follow me on Snapchat, Twitter, all that stuff. I'll link it all below.
你們可以在 Snapchat、Twitter 和其他社群平台追蹤我,我會把連結都貼在下面的說明欄
Leave your favorite Scottish sayings in the comments below, and I'll see you later! Bye!