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He is a trial lawyer with more than 20 years of experience.
He regularly appears on Fox News, CNBC, Al Jazeera, iHeart Radio and Yahoo! to discuss
breaking legal news stories.
He's recognized as one of the leading insurance litigation and sinkhole attorneys in Florida.
And when he's not battling large insurance companies on behalf of policy holders, Mr
Corless authors and presents lectures throughout the United States on a wide variety of topics,
including cannabis legalization, insurance coverage, complex expert testimony, criminal
law, sports and entertainment law and insurance bad faith.
As I noted, he's been working on a book, he can tell you a little bit more about when
he anticipates it coming out, but he's had it in the works for a couple of years now.
So please, help me welcome Mr. Ted Corless.
Thank you very much and as a lawyer of 20 years, talking to people who voluntarily spend
their days with lawyers, you have my sincerest apologies.
Marijuana is coming to mainstream.
Right now it's in 28 states.
I am right now violating the law in the State of Florida, depending on who you ask.
If you are carrying less than 20 grams of plant material in the State of Florida and
you're stopped by a police officer, you're probably going to get a $75 fine.
If you're stopped by a sheriff you're probably going to get a misdemeanor, it's going to
cost you around $400.
So I have $475 with me at all times whenever I travel.
And so far no one has asked me to give that to them.
Light-heartedly the issue is, is that let's begin by saying that what I want to do in
the next few minutes is to introduce you to this plant.
I want to tell you why this plant has been so relevant to me.
And then, I'm going to show you why it should be relevant to you.
And when we're done with that, I'm going to need your help.
Why am I talking about marijuana?
I have been practicing law, I was licensed in the state of Missouri in 1995 and I immediately
started working for the biggest, the nastiest law firms I ever could.
And I enjoyed that, I really did.
I spent several years working for companies that represented some of the largest oil producers
in the United States.
I represented large tobacco companies as a senior associate at Shook, Hardy & Bacon.
And I represented some of the biggest insurance companies in the world when I was an attorney
at Carlton Fields.
But looking way back in my past, 1988 when I was 22 years old, I moderated a debate between
a member of the DEA, an agent in the DEA, who debated the Missouri President of the
National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws.
Very little publicity, and this was in 1988, and a thousand people showed up.
And I've pretty much been hooked on marijuana since then.
Now, if you, let's begin with what Dana was saying, we know this plant is a variety of
things and that the reason why it is presented on the board in this way is to show it's simplicity.
Lots of interesting things to know about this particular plant.
If we're going to be technically accurate, we call it cannabis sativa.
And then if any of you have been tinkering with cannabis over the last couple of years,
you would also hear another description of cannabis, indica, and if you really get into
it, you'd know it as cannabis ruderalis, which is the kind of cannabis that we use to make
Thomas Jefferson used all three forms of it to make rope and to smoke a little.
Now, marijuana is coming to mainstream because a lot of people were tired of the manner in
which the federal government was regulating this product.
Now I joked earlier about, it depends on who stops me, regarding what the charge would
That's called arbitrary enforcement of the law.
Now what do we know, what happens when we arbitrarily enforce the law, who suffers when
that happens?
It's usually not lawyers like me.
It's usually not adults like me.
It's usually not white people like me.
You see, people ask me what is the most effective way I can protect myself about being arrested
if cannabis is somehow in the picture.
If I get caught with it or someone else does.
My suggestion to you, first thing: be white!
Because if you're black, you have a four times, four times the chances to be arrested for
possession of cannabis.
Even though the numbers reflect that white people smoke pot more than people of color.
Now why is this , why are we having these disagreements.
Well it's a real simple word that we just heard Jeff Sessions use recently, called the
Supremacy Clause.
Now see, Republicans like to talk about cannabis because they're going to protect us from it.
Now the reality is, is when you hear you're being protected by the federal government,
you should be very afraid.
Now, why are we having this problem?
Well, a lot of it has to do with the fact that this plant is pretty special.
It's been around for over 3,000 years.
We have Egyptian hieroglyphics that show cannabis being consumed by pharaoh.
He had a really good grower.
And I, if you want to know the best places to grow marijuana, if you've ever been there
and you've enjoyed wine, that's where you want to grow marijuana.
You're in the, what's commonly referred to as the Emerald Triangle in California, which
prior to 1996, 80% of all cannabis grown in the United States was grown in 3 counties
in Northern California: Mendencino, Humboldt and Sonoma.
And if you've ever been to wine country, you'll know that it's everywhere.
Always ask the bar tenders.
Because right now, while California recently passed recreational marijuana, it has not
yet been rolled out yet.
Or rolled up!
Alright, so what happens is in 1996 there were a whole bunch of people in California
that decided they didn't really care what the Supremacy Clause said.
That Main Street was taking marijuana back from the federal government, who's held it
hostage since 1937.
Long time!
The original prohibitions on cannabis that were formulated in 1937 were by a gentleman
by the name of Henry Anslinger.
Mr Anslinger was a racist.
He hung out with people from the Klan and he loved to talk about jazz musicians.
Because he was concerned about the influence of jazz culture on America's youth.
Does that sound familiar to you?
Any of you ever listen to Elvis?
Ever hear stories about how Elvis was precluded from coming to places because they were threatened
by his hips?
Well Anslinger wanted to use cannabis, not necessarily to protect us from cannabis, but
what he wanted to do is, he saw all these immigrants coming from Mexico.
He also saw a lot of people of color moving to urban centers like Detroit, Chicago and
New York.
And they were bringing cannabis with them.
And they needed something to be able to surveil them and to be able to arrest them to control
their population.
Let me put it this way.
If people from Argentina had been coming through Mexico in 1937, yerba mate would be illegal.
It had nothing to do with the plant.
So when they passed the various laws that formed what would ultimately become the Controlled
Substances Act, cannabis got put on the same list with PCP, but not with opioids.
Why not?
Well, because the people in the state of Florida that are now slow rolling Amendment 2, they
don't want you to stop using opioids.
Because in 2012, 1500 people.
One thousand five hundred people just in the state of Florida, overdosed on legally prescribed
The opioid epidemic in Chicago is the reason why El Chapo is able to sell Mexican heroin.
Because Big Pharma was producing so many opioids by the pound, that when they finally figured
out the epidemic they had created, they started restricting access to it.
Well here's the problem, if you are a junkie on oxycontin, it doesn't matter, you've got
to have heroin.
There really isn't a difference between heroin and the other opioids.
So marijuana in 1996 became a citizen's initiative in California, where the state of California
said, "We're going to create a not-for-profit organization that will allow individuals to
grow their own marijuana and even allow other people to grow it for them.
As long as it's being sold not-for-profit."
Now you can imagine, everyone in 1996 froze when that amendment passed.
Well, nothing happened for almost 5 years.
And a gentleman, who I met, walked into city hall on Market Street in San Francisco and
said, "Good morning!
I would like a permit to grow medical marijuana!"
The guy kinda scratched his head, says, "I don't think we have one of those!"
So those of you who know constitutional law would know, well, I'm going to file a writ
of mandamus.
I'm going to ask a court to order you to produce one.
He walked out.
An hour later he received a phone call.
A man had sat down at a typewriter and prepared a permit application to allow you to grow
medical marijuana.
He took that permit and he wen to the Emerald Triangle and ultimately he became the mayor
of Sebastapol, California.
He asked those growers to come out of the light.
And what I think I'm kind of asking you today, I want you to think about it.
I want you to come out of the light too.
I'm a pot smoker and I vote.
Now, where are we in the state of Florida?
Now in 2014, there was a citizen initiative that was placed on the ballot after they got
the required number of votes necessary, or the signatures necessary to get it on the
ballot as a constitutional initiative.
You see, we have the pleasure of that ability.
We have the ability to put a constitutional amendment on our ballot.
We take that for granted, though.
Because not every state in the United States has that.
It's easy to find the states that don't have it.
Did they ever have slavery?
No citizens initiative there.
There's no citizens initiative in Alabama.
There's no citizens initiative right in Mississippi.
Because they don't want the population getting together and deciding what the constitution
Instead, they're going to let the people who are in the legislature decide who, as of right
now are in direct opposition to the will of the people.
Now in Florida, Initiative...
Amendment 2 failed in 2014, by only 3 percenage points.
57% of the people who voted, voted for it.
It also happens to be right around the time period when one of the leading advocates for
cannabis in the state of Florida was seen intoxicated on a YouTube video.
Maybe you heard that story.
So why am I talking to you about this?
Well, I generally avoid talking to lawyers.
Unless someone's paying me of course.
But a lot of lawyers see themselves in different ways.
I'm here today primarily, not as a lawyer, but as a public... private citizen exercising
his First Amendment rights.
Now, if you think this is a sensitive topic, since we published that we were going to be
coming in here and I was going to be speaking on this topic, I received multiple e-mails
from people who are here now, with questions about cannabis.
Now we, we call it cannabis, not marijuana, because marijuana is a Mexican slang term
and technically if you're talking about marijuana, you're not supposed to be talking about marijuana
that would have come from the Hindu Kush Mountains.
So I ask people to use the word cannabis.But my editor keeps changing that word.
He doesn't like it.
Alright, but it's relevant to you for a lot of reasons.
And what I have been doing over the last several months is gathering a list of areas where
we as people in the legal profession will be addressing cannabis on Main Street.
And here's our list.
Now I'm going to go through this list quickly and if, I'm going to think that probably all
of you are going to find yourself somewhere on this list.
But if you haven't found yourself on the list, I can even tell you the one thing that's not
on there, because I'm being pretty honest about where we will see cannabis moving forward.
But the one that's not on there is medical malpractice.
You're really going to deal with medical... when would we deal with medical malpractice
in the context of marijuana?
Well so far I've not heard any issues associated with doctors performing procedures without
fully understanding the cannabis history of the patient.
I haven't seen that yet.
That's the only reason it's not on the list.
But everything else you see here, and I'm going to read through this quickly, are areas
where you, as members of the professional, of the legal profession, will see cannabis
on Main Street.
Administrative Law.
It's a highly regulated area and when Republicans regulate products that are sold to consumers,
there's a lot of regulation!
Because a lot of legislators don't like to talk about regulation unless it's cutting
them, except when it comes to cannabis.
I am now a card holder for medical marijuana in the state of Florida.
In order to gain access to that, I had to file with an administrative agency my identity
with copies of my birth certificate, my driver's license and I have to provide specific information
from my doctor before the state will issue me permission to use it.
My doctor told me if I would have preferred not to go through that, he would be happy
to provide me with unlimited access to oxycontin.
And in that context, he can write me a script as big as a blue ribbon hog and I can shovel
in opioids as much as I want.
And in all likelihood, if I consume them for more than 10 days, when I stopped taking them
I will suffer from withdrawal.
Okay, I'm getting a little distracted.
Opioids distract me.
Anti-Trust Law.
Of course.
We don't want our pot growers getting together an deciding what the price will be.
I'll tell you right now that cannabis is selling in a variety of costs.
But costs are coming down, because there are so many people producing it.
Business Law.
Of course.
How do you put together a transaction between two people where one agrees to provide 10
pounds of cannabis while the other agrees to pay for it.
If there's a breach of contract.
Can you sue them?
Now when I interviewed a lawyer in Colorado who spends his entire day dealing with these
He told me that as a law firm, they agreed that under no circumstances would they ever
assert illegality of contract as a defense.
Because that's what it is.
It's an unenforceable agreement because it's illegal.
It's void ad initio.
You cannot seek enforcement of it in any state in the United States.
Now the judges in Colorado have seen a way around that by passing an amendment to the
Colorado constitution that says, if it's protected under Colorado, it's an enforceable law.
Social Justice and Criminal Justice.
Well that's pretty easy.
Think about it.
If you're a paralegal dealing with issues associated with people going to prison and
you have someone who is looking at an accelerated position on a sentencing chart because of
a prior marijuana bust, but marijuana just got legalized, aren't you probably going to
file a writ of habeas corpus to ask a court to toss it on fairness grounds?
Which is one of the reasons why the federal government, especially our new Attorney General,
Jeff Sessions, who vaguely reminds me of the Sheriff on Smokey and the Bandit.
But they don't want to deal with the hassle associated with all of the people that are
in private prison.
Energy and Resource Management.
Right now the issue of sustainability and environmental protection is so much at the
heart of the cannabis industry.
I was in Denver a couple of weeks ago interviewing a dispensary owner who had to toss an entire
harvest because they had discovered that someone had used a forbidden pesticide in cleaning
the duct work near one of his grow operations.
He doesn't have insurance for his plants.
Because he can't.
That's a pickle.
But energy resource, energy and resource management is a pivotal part of the entire cannabis movement
because the products that are being sold must be free of any kind of pest and they also
must be free of any kind of pesticides.
Family Law.
Here's the common problem in family law that I hear.
There's a divorce.
Shared custody of a child.
And one of the spouses knows that the other one is a regular pot consumer, cannabis consumer.
And so they request that the other parties be subjected to regular drug tests.
And so they use that against them.
In fact, even if that individual has a medical marijuana card, you're probably going to find
that the judges are going to be completely unpredictable.
I really don't know what the judge is going to do.
But that's a family law issue.
Health Law.
Of course.
Most of the applications we have have questions regarding the illegal use of drugs.
Is cannabis a drug?
Medicine and drugs.
This is medicine.
This is drug.
Do you think that cannabis can treat symptoms?
The truth is that big pharma hasn't figured out a way to turn this into these.
That's the reason why.
But I'm gonna hold that question for a second.
Insurance Law.
You can't buy insurance for it.
In fact, if you have, we've had two different cases where I've represented individuals against
insurance companies because tenants had turned the rental property into grow operations.
Shockingly that can be covered under certain insurance policies.
Property Law.
Because we're talking about locations that have grow operations, it's all over the place.
Tort Law.
Public Contract Law.
Real Property.
Trust and Estate Law.
Local Government Law.
Tort Law or Tort Trial and Insurance Practice.
Cannabis on Main Street is going to be affecting all of the legal issues associated with these
And I would expect, based upon what I saw in Colorado five years ago when I really started
researching this issue.
That you can see this similar, what like when those legal issues started to creep out.
And now we're seeing the same thing happening in the state of Florida.
Because this is right now something of enormous interest to people not only because of their
own personal investment in it.
But also because of the financial interest associated with it.
Now, why, I know why I came to cannabis.
Because of my own intellectual interest and some of my own personal background and the
way I saw this roll out when I was a kid in the '70's.
But maybe you come to cannabis involuntarily.
What do I mean by that?
What I mean by that is when I interviewed a family who's daughter was having as many
as two hundred seizures a week and would code anywhere from three to four times a month,
and I think we're clear on what I mean by that, they stopped breathing.
A 9-year old girl who after being provided a low THC high CBD oil was able to go the
entire day with fewer than a half dozen seizures.
Or people who are wasting away from the effects of chemotherapy.
And those individuals have told me that cannabis was the only thing that allowed them to be
able to consume food without throwing up.
And they're able to sleep through the night.
Maybe you're coming to this issue because you or a member of your family had breast
And somebody told you that there had been reports that CBD in high enough concentration
can reduce the size of individual tumors.
These, or a neurologist from Canada that I met who told me that he did a study on Huntington's
Huntington's is a horrible neurological deficit, it's horrible.
The Chorea, Huntington's Chorea, is when people will get contorted to the point and begin
But when provided a spray called Sativex, that was 50% CBG and 50% THC, that... that
And so when people tell me there's no medical purpose, I say, "You know what?
Maybe we don't have the data yet?
But why is that?"
Maybe it's because the federal regulators that are looking at cannabis keep it a Schedule
1 drug and it is nearly impossible to study a Schedule 1 drug.
So ma'am, you say it's been debunked?
I say the people that are controlling it are preventing any opportunity we may have to
study it.
More than we already have.
But if you're one of those people that come to cannabis involuntarily, maybe you would
remember back in the '80s when the AIDS epidemic occurred and the FDA was restricting access
to AZT and other methods of treatment for people who are HIV positive or have full blown
And what they were saying is, "We don't want to wait for the FDA and we shouldn't have
Because those individuals have their own reasons.
And what could those reasons be?
But first, before I tell you the reasons I think, what do you think?
What do the people think?
Well when people voted for Amendment 2 in 2016, things changed.
There are 67 counties in the state of Florida.
Guess how many of those 67 counties voted by a majority vote to pass Amendment 2?
67 out of 67.
Now in order for Amendment 2 to pass, we had to have more than 60% of the population vote
for it.
Did we make it?
71% of Floridians supported Amendment 2.
Can you even conceive of anything else in the state of Florida that 71% of the people
would vote on?
I cannot find it!
I think I read somewhere that 75% of the people do not believe that angels live among us.
How did our other politicians fare that are now trying to control cannabis for us?
Well let's start with the governor.
Governor Scott won his election by 60,000 votes.
600,000 more people in Florida voted for Amendment 2 than voted against it.
If 1 in 10 of those people voting had voted for another governor, Rich Scott would not
have been governor.
It's not my intention to necessarily affect elections, but what my intention is, is to
empower people to understand that they are not in the minority when it comes to cannabis.
They're very much in the majority.
And people like me think the government should leave cannabis alone and let us take care
of ourselves.
How did Pam Bondi fare?
More people voted for Amendment 2 than voted for her or Rick Scott.
And what about Donald Trump?
More people voted for Amendment 2 than voted for him.
But all you really hear is Jeff Sessions, the new Attorney General, and people like
Chris Christie coming out and parroting all of these other issues.
Like gateway drug or saying that it can't be effective in reducing opioid, even though,
did you know the state in the United States that has the lowest drop in opioid overdoses
in the last 4 to 8 months?
Now are we having an academic conversation about whether cannabis should be studied?
Or whether it should be legalized?
Well, I think, I believe that we were.
But we're not.
What we're doing is we're talking about it, but the government is over here slow rolling
What I mean by that is they're in no hurry to legalize it.
It's why Rick Scott appointed a director for the Division of Marijuana in the State of
Florida that had 15 months of experience on his resume, which turned out, even if you
thought that was enough, it was a lie.
Because the company that he said he was working for wasn't even formed until the day after
he was appointed.
So why are the roadblocks out there?
Because, I mean people say to me, "We should legalize it."
"We should tax it."
Or we say, "You have to prove to me that this has medical value."
And what I say is, "I don't think so."
Because you're telling me you're going to continue to put my fellow citizens in jail
until I prove to you that it has medical value to you?
So I started asking myself, "Why are you doing that?"
Well let me tell you why.
The estimates right now are by 2025, cannabis sales nationally will be in excess of $30
That's a lot of money.
You may sell $30 billion worth of this, but you're selling $200 billion of this.
And we also know that the more you smoke pot, the less you drink of this.
So by the time we reach $30 billion in sales or the United States does, big alcohol would
have sold over a trillion dollars worth of beer, spirits and wine.
They're in no hurry to legalize cannabis.
What about big tobacco?
You'd think if you smoke one you smoke the other, in fact most of you, come on, you've
been 11:30, having that last martini and you say you know what, give me one of those cigarettes.
What about gambling?
Uh oh!
Nobody gets really high and heads to the slot machines!
They don't do that!
They don't do that.
So we can go on and on.
I mean, what, I think you might buy more Apple products.
You know, that might be the only thing you do.
You might buy another iPad or whatever.
I'm still waiting for Apple to come out with a toothbrush.
Cause I, anything for Apple.
So I'll, because the reality is if you've got people who are coming to the state of
Florida and they have $100 to spend.
They come to Florida and they've got $50 to $100 to spend on vice or fun, they're going
to spend, say, $100, say $90 of that on beer or a fish bowl drinks with big straws coming
out of them.
Which I think is fun and I do it too.
But what they don't want is you to now spend $50 on umbrellas for your drinks and $50 on
They don't want that.
And, so while we're having this intellectual conversation about why can't we really study
Get it off Schedule 1.
It's not like PCP.
In fact if you are curious, there has never been, not one death, associated with the consumption
of cannabis.
Not a single one.
In fact when I was in college my professor of criminology on the first day said, "If
you can prove to me a case of an individual who died from consuming marijuana, I will
give you an A in my class and you need not attend."
And he said, "I've been offering that the last 12 years and no one has ever proved it."
He's still alive and I'm still looking.
He gave me a B. All right.
So what is, so we have Big Pharma, Big Tobacco, Private Prisons.
Well these prisons were built with complicated industrial revenue bonds that assume a certain
population of prisoners over time.
Well the cannabis industry has blown up, really, in earnest in the last 8 years.
A lot of these complicated industrial revenue bond projects are scheduled over 50 years.
They're not interested in subtle changes in consumer behavior.
Like the idea that cannabis can go from being criminal to being decriminalized like it has
been in Hillsborough County.
But what does this mean for Main Street in terms of how you're going to handle cannabis.
There are a lot of questions left to be answered.
Example, "Can you be pulled over for driving under the influence of alcohol?"
But can you be pulled over for driving under the influence of cannabis?
Or what is being called "buzzed driving."
Well I tell people all the time, don't travel with cannabis.
Yet here I am.
In fact, I'm going to take this lid off, I mentioned to the ladies in the back, let me
know when you think you can smell it.
Um, but I met with a city alderman in Denver and we were talking about the issue of driving
under the influence.
He told me an interesting story which I think really makes the point about why people mess
this, really screw this topic up.
And that is that someone had proposed that in the event of a death, we do a blood draw
and if the individual driving had more than 5 nanometers of some metabolite in his blood,
that would be an indication that they were intoxicated.
Sounds pretty good.
And they started pressing.
Okay 5 nanometers of what?
I don't know.
What do you mean you don't know?
Well there's a variety of metabolites.
We can just pick one.
Which one?
I don't know.
Why 5 nanometers?
I'm not sure.
What about 6?
Is there a difference between 4 and 6?
I don't know.
And they literally had a public debate about an issue that was a complete mirage.
Because we can't study it the way we need to.
And the other thing is, all that these regulations by the federal government are doing is creating
a massive black market and gray market.
I read an article just yesterday that the TSA has really stopped looking for marijuana.
They don't care.
They have bigger and more important things to do.
Like your safety.
Which is not affected by an individual who's bringing concentrates back from Colorado.
I'm not encouraging people to do that.
But here's a real simple idea I want you to think about.
Wouldn't it be better to have a well regulated legal product than a poorly regulated illegal
Let me say that again.
A well regulated legal product than a poorly regulated illegal one.
We have a lot of questions that I want to address that I received.
And so here's what we're going to do.
Okay, so this is my blog.
Now we built a studio at my law firm.
A thousand square foot studio, sound proofed it, we have interview space, multiple cameras
and I have photographers following me around all the time.
What I'm going to ask you to do is I want you to either tweet to me or I want you to
email me at ted@newsmunchies and I want you to send me your questions.
And here's why, a couple of reasons.
First, we can cover a lot more ground.
Because what I'm going to do is I'm going to take all of your questions.
Yeah, that's a good idea, take a picture of that.
We're going to take all of your questions and then we're going to, I'm going to prepare
an extended video where we're going to go through and answer every single question that
we receive from you folks today.
Because I mentioned earlier that several of you had reached out to me in anticipation
of this presentation.
The most common questions I get relate to adult children who are caring for an older
parent and they've just met with an oncologist who told them that, based upon the diagnosis,
the doctor strongly recommends that they gain access to medical marijuana.
A lot of the problems with that are that, based upon the immaturity of the Florida market,
most of the products that you would want for that purpose are not yet available to you.
But they are available in other states.
But there is an enormous amount of questions and fear associated with this topic.
And my primary objective today is not to come in and talk about a boring topic that is associated
with lawyers.
But it's the idea of putting this subject in front of you and to open a conversation
with you about it.
To address whatever concerns that you may have.
And here's the thing.
I'm not asking you to agree with me.
I think that's good.
Disagreeing, public discourse is very very important.
But what I'm not going to do is preach to you about or recommend people consume marijuana.
But I think what we all want is we move, as we move forward on this topic, we want the
rules and the regulations and the stigma associated with cannabis to go away.
Because there's a lot of very successful people who have made cannabis a regular part of their
Forget, I mean we can talk about Presidents, whether you like them or dislike them.
But there's a lot of other people out there too.
I'm a big Carl Sagan fan.
He wrote one of the very first books in the 1970's about advocating on behalf of the cannabis
But there are a lot of questions that you might have that you might not feel comfortable
asking me.
I'm gonna talk to you about a couple right now.
And I'm going to answer these questions when we do the video.
How am I supposed to talk to my children about marijuana?
See when I as a kid, it was easy, because my parents would just come in and go.
"It's illegal.
If you get caught with it, you're going to go to jail."
Now that didn't really work very well.
But because the messaging right now that you're getting about cannabis is so different than
what it was when I was a child, or maybe when you were younger.
So I think that it's important we share how we address these issues with children.
Especially if you have someone in the family that's consuming it.
And really while we're talking to children about drugs, maybe we ought to have a more
honest conversation about what role they play.
You can't tell a child that if they smoke marijuana they're going to die.
Because when they do it and they don't, they don't trust you any longer.
Can you smoke pot and be a religious person?
Can you do that?
A very dear friend of mine is an especially devout Christian and also one of the biggest
pot smokers I know.
His answer to that is, "It's not about the plant.
It's about my behavior."
And so he's comfortable consuming cannabis and he want to bring it to other people in
his community as well as something that provides him tremendous joy and helps his wife who
suffers from symptoms associated with a serious neurological condition.
Now whether that's accurate or not.
I don't know that I care.
Because if you tell me that there's medical value.
I say, "There is."
You say there isn't.
I say, "It doesn't matter.
Then don't use it."
You know when I talk to parents who have children who suffer from regular seizures.
One of the most common questions they get is, "So you live in a state where you can't
buy medical marijuana.
Move to one that has it!"
And that seems so simple.
Except for the fact that they have two other children who are in high school and they're
well planted where they are.
Man has a job he has his own company.
The wife has a burgeoning CPA practice.
So she's supposed to give that all up so that they can potentially use a drug to treat their
child who has seizures every day?
And the real bad news is, given the immaturity of that marketplace, less than 30% of the
people with those deficits have any positive effect from cannabis .That's good enough to
keep looking.
But it's not enough to uproot your entire family for one shot at health and comfort.
And so what I always tell people is, "Give a man a fish you feed him for a day.
Teach a man to fish and you can sell him accessories!"
What I really want, this is what I need from you.
We live or die by social media.
I'd like you to find us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter and I want to have a conversation
with you.
Tell me I"m wrong.
I love it.
Bring it.
We'll talk about it.
I'll give you information.
Because see that's the great thing about today.
Other than the fact there wasn't a Power Point presentation.
Is that I'm not here selling you anything.
I'm giving you ideas.
And I want you to think about them and tell me if you agree or tell me if you don't.
Email me and tell me you think I'm an idiot.
Email me and tell me you need help.
And I'll appreciate both of those emails.
You guys have been terrific.
Thank you very much.