字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Hi Twilight! 嗨! Twilight! Hi Rainbow! 嗨! Rainbow! Do you wanna go for a fly? 想要一起飛嗎? Sure! 好啊! Let's go! 走吧! [CHORUS] ♫ I'm a pony girl, in the pony world ♫ [合唱] ♫ 我是小馬女孩, 生長在小馬國度 ♫ ♫ Life with magic, it's fantastic! ♫ ♫ 充滿魔法的生活,是非常奇妙的! ♫ ♫ You can make me fly, and take me to the sky ♫ ♫ 你可以和我一起飛,帶我飛向天際 ♫ ♫ Imagination, magical creation ♫ ♫ 想像力,魔法和創意 ♫ Come on Twily, let's go flying! 來吧 Twily, 讓我們起飛吧! ♫ I'm a pony girl, in the pony world ♫ ♫ 我是小馬女孩, 生長在小馬國度 ♫ ♫ Life with magic, it's fantastic! ♫ ♫ 充滿魔法的生活,是非常奇妙的! ♫ ♫ You can make me fly, and take me to the sky ♫ ♫ 你可以和我一起飛,帶我飛向天際 ♫ ♫ Imagination, magical creation ♫ ♫ 想像力,魔法和創意 ♫ ♫ I'm a mare, alicorn, in Equestrian world ♫ ♫ 我是隻天角獸, 生長在艾奎斯陲亞 ♫ ♫ Make me fly, I'll go high, I'm your pony ♫ ♫ 和我一起飛,我是你的小馬 ♫ ♫ I'm loyal to my friend, and loyal to the end ♫ ♫ 我對朋友忠誠,直到最後 ♫ ♫ Let's go fly, quick so high, to the blue sky ♫ ♫ 一起飛吧,又快又高,直到那片藍天♫ ♫ You're too fast! ♫ ♫ 你太快了! ♫ ♫ Why so slow? ♫ ♫ 怎麼這麼慢? ♫ ♫ Oh my gosh! ♫ ♫ 我的天! ♫ ♫ Where are we now? ♫ ♫ 我們在哪? ♫ ♫ Uu-oooh-u ♫ ♫ 歐喔喔 ♫ ♫ [CHORUS] ♫ ♫ 我是小馬女孩, 生長在小馬國度 ♫ [BRIDGE] ♫ Come on Twily, let's go flying ♫ ♫ 充滿魔法的生活,是非常奇妙的! ♫ ♫ Ah-ah-ah-yeah ♫ ♫ 你可以和我一起飛,帶我飛向天際 ♫ ♫ Come on Twily, let's go flying ♫ ♫ 想像力,魔法和創意 ♫ ♫ Uu-oooh-u ♫ [橋段] ♫ 來吧 Twily, 讓我們起飛吧! ♫ ♫ Come on Twily, let's go flying ♫ ♫ 喔喔喔耶 ♫ ♫ Ah-ah-ah-yeah ♫ ♫ 來吧 Twily, 讓我們起飛吧! ♫ ♫ Come on Twily, let's go flying ♫ ♫ 歐喔喔 ♫ ♫ Uu-oooh-u ♫ ♫ 來吧 Twily, 讓我們起飛吧! ♫ ♫ Let us sing, we're a thing, come RD, you can tease ♫ ♫ 喔喔喔耶 ♫ ♫ Make me fly, I'll go high, I don't care who sees ♫ ♫ 來吧 Twily, 讓我們起飛吧! ♫ ♫ Flap your wings, to the wind, bring your things, let's begin ♫ ♫ 歐喔喔 ♫ ♫ Let's go fly, quick so high, to the blue sky ♫ ♫ 一起唱歌,我們是大明星, 來吧 RD,你可以找樂子 ♫ ♫ You're too fast! ♫ ♫ 讓我飛,我會飛很高, 我不在乎誰會看 ♫ ♫ Why so slow? ♫ ♫ 揮揮你的翅膀,飛上天, 使出你的本事,開始吧 ♫ ♫ Oh my gosh! ♫ ♫ 一起飛吧,又快又高,直到那片藍天♫ ♫ Where are we now? ♫ ♫ 你太快了! ♫ ♫ You're too fast! ♫ ♫ 怎麼這麼慢? ♫ ♫ Why so slow? ♫ ♫ 我的天! ♫ ♫ Oh my gosh! ♫ ♫ 我們在哪? ♫ ♫ Where are we now? ♫ ♫ 你太快了! ♫ ♫ [BRIDGE] ♫ ♫ 怎麼這麼慢? ♫ ♫ [2x CHORUS] ♫ ♫ 我的天! ♫ ♫ [BRIDGE] ♫ ♫ 我們在哪? ♫
B2 中高級 中文 美國腔 小馬 魔法 想像力 奇妙 女孩 天際 彩虹小馬-我是小馬女孩 (Pony Girl) 1985 148 熊育霆 發佈於 2017 年 05 月 08 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字