字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Hey this is MatSan 嘿我們是MatSan and welcome to our... 歡迎來到問答篇! 生活篇! is there any section like that? 我們有問答篇嗎 no, there's no Q&A section 沒有 today we decide to make the video outside in the park 今天我們決定要出外景 because Sansan likes snow 因為Sansan喜歡雪景 and I don't 我不喜歡 and he feels very awkward right now 他現在覺得非常尷尬 look at his face 你看他的臉 anyways, it has being snowing for... 總之,現在已經下了... 2 days? 2天雪了? 3 days even 3天有了 3 days 3天 so it's very snowy 所以外面雪積的很厚 nice that at least the snow is not that slippery 好的是至少雪沒有很滑 it's pretty wet 滿濕黏的 we come up with some questions regarding our relationship 我們想到一些關於我們感情的問題 so we will ask ourselves, and answer by ourselves 我們會提問給自己回答 cuz no one is asking us 因為沒有別人對我們有疑問 so first question 第一個問題 and why it's only me? 我們怎麼度過遠距離的? because you're asking 為何只有我? so how did we get over the long distance relationship? 因為你在發問呀 because there was a bit of lack 好,所以我們是如何度過遠距離的? I went back to Taiwan for one year 當時的確是有一段時間 to finish my last semester of study 我回去台灣一年 and also I was working in Taiwan for a while 前半年在讀大學最後一個學期 so it was a long distance relationship at that time 畢業後又在台灣工作了一陣子 and we were skyping every day 所以那時的確是遠距離戀愛沒錯 and we have the application that you can type to each other online 我們就每天都skype for me, it feels like... 我們也都會用聊天軟體跟對方保持聯繫 for me it wasn't really that far away 對我來說.. the problem is actually the hours 對我來說距離其實沒有很遙遠 because...for example 問題是時差 it's morning in Poland 因為...譬如說 and it's already afternoon in Taiwan 波蘭是早上 we have 7hrs of distance 其實在台灣就已經是下午了 yea and we were both studying at that time 我們有7小時的時差 so pretty shitty 而且我們兩個當時都在讀書 about this, yes 所以還滿惱人的 usually how did we have party? 時差是滿煩的 I had the party at normal time, for example.. 所以通常我們都怎麼跟對方開party呢? I mean, not normal 我通常就是正常時間開始 at 18:00 or 19:00 正常時間在這的定義是 and it's already after midnight (in Taiwan) 晚上6點或晚上7點開始開趴 she was never sleeping actually 但其實在台灣已經超過午夜了 we started the party at my time, over midnight 她從來都沒再睡的 and we had whole night party 我們就是在我的半夜開始開趴 so I went to sleep at 6am 開整晚的視訊趴 literally 然後我大概是早上6點去睡 but it was fun 認真 it was very fun 不過其實很好玩啦 overall about the relationship at that time 很有趣 it's really... 整體來說當時的遠距離感情 I feel like 其實 I feel like it actually strengthen our relationship 讓我覺得說 like a test, right? 更拉近了我們彼此的距離 yes like a test 就像考試一樣 if you pass this one 對 就像個考驗 so the things coming after it is not that difficult 如果你過了這關 and also during your staying in Taiwan 之後的挑戰都會迎刃而解的 we were deciding what to do 同時在你還在台灣的時候 and actually it works out 我們就已經在計畫下一步要怎做了 it's funny because during the time that 其實一切問題都自然地迎刃而解啦 we started the long distance relationship 好笑的是 we didn't even know that if it's gonna be short distance again 當我們開始遠距離戀愛時 we had no idea 我們根本不曉能不能再變成近距離戀愛 we knew that you're gonna come here for holidays, that's it 完全沒打算 so it was really like a gamble 我們只知道你暑假會來波蘭玩,就這樣 but..you know 所以那時候就像是打賭一樣 you have the plan, you want to stay together 不過...其實老實說 so somehow you will try to make it work 兩個人一起有計畫,你們想要再一起 some encouraging words for couples who are having long distance relationship 所以最後你們一定會一起想辦法解決問題的 don't be worry 所以要鼓勵所有遠距離的情侶們 you will get over it 不要擔心 just do it 你們會度過難關的! do it 做就對了 question 2 做!!! after being together for 3 years 第二個問題 is there any change of you.. 在一起三年了 (fuck...) 你們有沒有什麼改變... no (說錯話) no, no, the feeling is fantastic 在一起三年後,兩個人之間的感覺有沒有改變? I mean... 沒有 that's what she said 沒有,感覺超棒 we love each other the same 我是說... everything is super awesome (那是她說的) the matter is 我們還是很愛對方 about life habits 兩個人再一起還是很快樂 about life habits 唯一的問題是 that we mentioned previously 關於生活習慣 after you staying for such a long time with another person 沒錯 關於生活習慣 you are very open to each other 這就是我們之前提過的 too open sometimes 當兩個人再一起久了之後 you just know how this person behave in the normal life 你們會對彼此變得非常開放 when there's no one around 甚至太開放了 nobody's perfect, let's just be honest here 你會知道這個人私底下是怎樣的人 I am 特別是他的壞習慣 no you're not 就先坦承吧,沒人是完美的 because I'm totally behaving like she's not even there 我是阿 yea 你才不是 totally I don't care 因為我完全就是表現的跟她不在旁邊一樣 like man 沒錯 and she's behaving like her, so... 我完全不在乎 both of us have bad habits 就是像個男人一樣 I can't stand her hair in the shower 然後她也是超級做她自己 I can't stand her hair in the toilet 我們兩個人都有壞習慣 I can't stand her hair in the sink 我無法忍受她掉的頭髮 everywhere there's her hair 廁所都可見她的頭髮 she sometimes is too active for me 水槽也有 for exmaple she wants to go out everytime, any hours 到處都是 and annoyed when we're not going out 有時候她太活躍了 I'm angry that we're not going out 隨時都想要出去玩 I'm depressed, ok? 如果不出門她還會不高興 and I'm just like... 我會生氣 ok, let's go out 會覺得很低落好嗎 I won't play my GTA5 我就是 but let's go out 好吧,出門吧 ....retard 我沒辦法打電動,不過算了 about our feelings to each other 就陪你去吧 in the beginning of course it's more like.. ..白癡 very stimulating 關於我們對彼此的感覺呢 so much fun 一開始當然是 I don't know what this man is thinking 很刺激呀 I don't know what are his characters 很好玩 so we are exploring each other 我不知道這個男生腦子裡在想什麼 of course it's super fantastic 我不知道他的個性 and till now, we know a lot about each other already 我們都還在探索對方 so we are getting to be... 當然是非常好玩 like...on the way to family member 直到現在我們了解彼此很多很多 but still we feel this love and passion 所以就朝著 I mean, at least I do 家人的感覺在前進 I do as well 不過我們還是可以感受到彼此強烈的愛和熱情 When I see him I still feel love 我是說,至少我還是如此啦 Me too :) 我也是好嗎 And when I hug him I still feel love 我看到他時我還是感覺的到愛 ANd when I am working I am thinking about her so much 我也是:) that I'm so far avay 我抱他的時候我也感覺的到愛 from her... and it's like 當我在工作時我都在想著她 aaahhhh 想著說我們離好遠 I can't wait to see her again at home 感覺就... Really? yeah 唉~~好惱人 I didn't know that 好想趕快再見到她 I do 真的嗎? 是阿 You are super stupid 我之前都不知道你這樣想 Next question 真的是這樣 Our plan for this year: there are two plans 你超蠢 The first plan is very important 下個問題 The first plan 我們今年的計畫是什麼? Is to goooo 我們今年的計畫有2個 To Taiwan 第一個計畫非常重要 And it actually gonna happen... 第一個計畫 Is this snow or poop? 就是 In two weeks we are going to Taiwan 要去台灣啦!!! We gonna see every big city for sure 其實我們.... We gonna go there for two weeks 那是鳥屎還是雪?! Like 16 days in total 再兩個禮拜我們就要去台灣啦 we're gonna see every big city 我們絕對會去重點的大城市 yes 我們總共會去兩周 we gonna see the... 大概16天左右 we will go to the beach 我們會去拜訪每個大城市 we will go to the mountains 沒錯 Taipei 還會去... and my hometown 我們會去海邊 we will go to.. 會去山上 everything will be on the videos 台北 because we're gonna make many, many videos in Taiwan 也會去我家鄉嘉義 show me your eggie position 我們還會去... we just realize that I'm an egg 沒關係,到時候都會在影片上播出的 he's an egg 因為我們會在台灣拍很多很多集! outside I'm white, but inside I'm Asian 表演一下你的「雞蛋姿勢」 yea so he's egg 我們最近才發現我是雞蛋 eggie position...go! 他是蛋 very, very looking forward to the trip 外面是白的(白種人),裡面是黃的(亞洲人) can't wait to see my family 沒錯 所以他是雞蛋 can't wait to bring him & show to my family 雞蛋姿勢....開始! he's like an animal in the zoo 非常非常期待這趟旅行 it's gonna be like that 等不及要見我家人 like me being here 也等不及要帶他見我家人 I'm happy about everything 他到時候就會像是動物園裡的動物一樣 very excited about that 就像那樣 and hope you guys will stay tuned 跟我在這裡一樣 and have a trip with us in Taiwan 我都OK second thing 很興奮 is that we are going to have a dog 也希望你們可以繼續收看 we are planning to have a dog 跟我們一起旅行到台灣吧! for already two months 第二件事 because last year we were talking about having dog 是我們要養狗了 for a long time 我們計畫要養狗 and we were traveling to those adpoting shelters 其實已經計畫一陣子了 to see the dogs 去年我們就一直想著要養 and we found some interesting one 想很久了 but due to that time that we were so busy 我們也去逛了好幾個認養中心 and we were also thinking about the accommodation 去看狗狗 so many reasons 我們也找到好幾隻很有趣的狗 that we didm't continue to think about having the dog 不過因為去年真的太忙 so since this year everything will be more stable 我們那時候還想著要換房子 after we come back from Taiwan 種種因素 we will think about that 所以我們沒有繼續去挑狗狗 yep 不過今年一切應該都會比較穩定 so that is the second plan for 2016 所以從台灣回來之後 next question 我們會繼續去挑狗狗 for me I want to have the children when I'm older 沒錯 really? 這就是我們今年現有的大計畫啦 not like MILF 下個問題 but I'm saying.. 你想要在年輕時就有孩子?還是老一點再有? oh yea 我想要老一點再有孩子 I want to have a child when I'm... 真的? 30 years old 我不是說...老到熟女年齡才有 30 我是說 30 噢耶熟女 or over 30 我想要在... not now 30歲左右有孩子吧 no, because.. 30 I feel like I'm still young 30 and I would like to go to lots of places 或超過30 and I have this energy to go anywhere 總之不是現在 and our time is more spontanous when it's only two of us 不是,是因為... so for me 我覺得我還很年輕 I don't care 而且我還想要去很多很多地方玩 I mean 我覺得現在我還有體力到處跑跳 of course not right now 而且只有我們兩個人嘛,所以時間很彈性 but of course not like I'm super old 對我來說 hahaha, like an old fart 我不在乎 I would rather say 我是說 I'm up to having a child in my 20s 當然不是現在 but not 24, 25 不過也不要到我很老了才有小孩 maybe like, 27, 28 哈哈哈,像老芋頭 maybe that's a good time 我會說 over 30 is ok for me as well 我會想要在我20幾歲的時候有孩子 well, she's older 不過不是24, 25歲 1 year only ok? 大概27, 28歲左右吧 but no matter what, not now 應該是個好時機 not now, too early 甚至超過30歲對我來說也都還可接受 it's scary 不過她比我老 when "child" this word is being brought up in our conversation 老一歲而已好嗎 or when we go to the hypermarket 不過無所謂啦,總之不是現在 and we walked through the baby zone 不要現在,太早了 I feel so spooky there... 很可怕耶 join the dark side 每次我們聊到孩子 I have a question for you 或是每次去逛大賣場 lots of Caucasian men think that 走到嬰兒用品區時 Asian women are very submissive 我都覺得很毛... like we follow the orders 加入西斯吧! we follow whatever you say 我要問你一個問題 do you think it's true 很多西方人都覺得 after you being with me? 亞洲女生很順從很乖 just according to your relationship with me 就是我們很服從命令的感覺 relationship with her 我們會照你說的做 no 你覺得這是真的嗎? no, not at all 在你跟我交往之後,你的個人感覺 it's not like, you have to be just there 就根據我們兩個的相處經驗來講啦 and she's gonna do anything you want 跟她交往... because it doesn't work like this at all NO unless you hire a whore to be your girlfriend 完全不是這樣 so maybe yes 絕對不是說你在那晾著當大爺 people always say that Asian girls are being very submissive 她就會替你做好所有的事 it has being changed over the years 因為真相並不是如此 and even right now 除非你聘個妓女當女朋友 I see girls are standing up for themselves in the relationship 那就還有可能 even back in Asia 我常聽到人家說亞洲女生就是很順從 I have lots of friends, there're not like: yes, yes, my boyfriend said so 我覺得在近年來已經有很大的改變 we even look down on this kind of girl 甚至現在 I personally look down on this kind of girl 我常看見/聽見女生會在一段感情內捍衛自己的權利 because it means you don't have your own opinion 甚至是在亞洲生活的女孩們都是一樣的 she is not your slave 我有很多朋友都不是說:對對,我男友說的算 that's my opinion 我們甚至會鄙視這種女生 so overall we are happy with each other 至少我自己是很無法接受這樣的女生的 and that's it 我覺得你就是沒主見嘛 this is how everything looks like around 拜託,你女朋友/老婆又不是你奴隸 ah Józef 這是我的個人意見 and remember to visit our Facebook fanspage! 總體而言我們對彼此是滿意的 we love you 就這樣啦 see you next time 給你們看下周遭的風景 byebye! 阿~Józef ELO!!! 請按讚! 訂閱! 在底下留言!
A2 初級 中文 台灣 計畫 女生 感覺 雞蛋 時差 MatSan的關係問答! (MatSan's Relationship Q&A!) 265 28 eating 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字