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  • - Hey it's Justin Brown here from Primal Video.

  • Now Adobe Premier Pro and Final Cut X

  • are both great pieces of editing software

  • but which one is right for you.

  • Here's 12 things you need to know

  • before you make your call.

  • (techno music)

  • Now personally I do use Adobe Premier Pro

  • and Final Cut X almost every week.

  • All of the videos on this channel are now edited

  • in Final Cut Pro whereas all my corporate work,

  • promotional videos, sales videos, right up to documentaries

  • are all edited in Adobe Premier.

  • Each has its own strengths and weaknesses

  • so to help you decide which is best for you,

  • I'll run through the six things I love about each of them

  • and why I use one over the other for different projects.

  • Cost differences aside this will give you enough information

  • to decide which features are most important for you

  • and which editing software you should choose.

  • So let's start out by looking at six things

  • that I love about Final Cut X.

  • Now these are in no particular order

  • but the first one hands down

  • is the ability to edit 4K footage just seamlessly.

  • It's almost like some magic sorcery is going on

  • because no other editing software compares

  • to how well Final Cut edits 4K video footage.

  • I've been able to edit 4K video files

  • off external hard drives just using a Macbook Pro.

  • Now that's insane.

  • If this was using Adobe Premier you'd have

  • to set the quality down to a quarter or even an eight

  • and even then playback may not be anywhere near

  • as smooth or seamless as it is in Final Cut

  • so that's a massive plus and really it's due

  • to all the background rendering that takes place

  • in Final Cut which has a little bit of a downside

  • in that it can chew up a lot of your hard drive space

  • but the benefit is the power and the performance

  • that you have and just makes your editing process seamless.

  • Number two is that Final Cut Pro doesn't drain

  • your battery life so quick if you're working on a laptop

  • which for me is awesome.

  • I do a lot of work on planes, I travel around a lot.

  • It was actually the reason I bought a Mac

  • in the first place, or Macbook Pro in the first place

  • was so that I can edit on the plane.

  • Now a lot of laptops will say that they've got

  • huge battery life but the moment that you open

  • anything that's processor or GPU intensive

  • then the battery life just goes

  • out the window incredibly quick.

  • Even installing Adobe Premier and running that on Mac

  • there's no optimization there

  • so your battery life, you're lucky to get a couple of hours

  • but Final Cut Pro the battery life on it,

  • it's optimized to work on the systems.

  • It's just incredible how long the battery actually lasts

  • for editing video and for that as far as I'm concerned

  • it's second to none

  • and number three I love the powerful motion titles

  • that you can add in and animations that you can add in

  • to your editing projects and edit them live

  • on the screen without having to take them into

  • something like Adobe After Effects and edit everything

  • in a separate program.

  • What you can get with Final Cut

  • is these Apple Motion templates that you can purchase

  • on places like VideoHive that drop directly

  • into your timeline that you can edit the text

  • and customize up without leaving your timeline.

  • That's been a real game changer for editing

  • even this video.

  • All the titles that you're seeing in here

  • are all done inside of Final Cut

  • so that's pretty awesome it saves a heap of time

  • on rendering and also not needing

  • to have any other software installed or purchased.

  • Now while you can get titles like this in Adobe Premier

  • in order to edit them you'd normally need software

  • like Adobe After Effects and use the Adobe Dynamic Link

  • to talk between the two programs.

  • So if you just want to make a simple text change

  • or change your titles throughout your entire video

  • then it just means you gotta keep re-linking

  • and going into Adobe After Effects, editing your titles

  • and then coming back to Adobe Premier

  • to make any further adjustments.

  • So all of this in Final Cut is seamless

  • and is literally click of a button.

  • Number four is the magnetic timeline.

  • Now I've got to admit, I absolutely hated this

  • when I first started using it after coming from Premier

  • but the magnetic timeline is incredibly powerful

  • and it makes working Final Cut really quick.

  • So that the magic timeline does

  • is it gives you a set storyline

  • and in that storyline you can pick up pieces

  • and move them around and it will automatically

  • close and open gaps and shuffle everything around

  • automatically for you in your timeline

  • but what it does beyond that is it keeps all of the clips

  • that are associated with the clips in that storyline

  • so if you got the layers above it,

  • you can link them to that story clip

  • so that if you move that story clip left or right

  • or move it around in your timeline then all

  • the associated or all the attached clips and layers

  • and effects and sounds will all stick with that clip

  • so that's pretty awesome.

  • Now number five.

  • I really like the import tool in Final Cut.

  • The way that you can preview your files

  • whether it's a video or audio

  • you can actually see them and play them back

  • and hear them before you actually click that import button.

  • In Adobe Premier Pro you just presented with a file browser

  • just to pick the files that you'd like to import

  • whereas with Final Cut if you can actually go through

  • and look at the clips, you're only importing the clips

  • that you've actually want to have in your project

  • instead of maybe importing a whole folder knowing that

  • the files that you want are somewhere in there.

  • So again it just makes the editing process a bit quicker

  • if you're not looking to import a heap of footage

  • and if you're looking for specific clips.

  • So that brings us to number six.

  • Now number six is the render times.

  • The render times on Final Cut Pro are just insane.

  • In a lot of cases for me and the work

  • that I'm doing in there the render times are non-existent

  • because it's all done in the background.

  • So what that means for me with these videos

  • is when I hit file, share to, YouTube

  • it actually just starts uploading straight away.

  • There is no export, there's no waiting for it to render out

  • and save to your hard drive and then upload.

  • The upload starts as soon as I hit share to YouTube.

  • So that is just, that's I can't even explain how awesome

  • that is because if you've done

  • any sort of video editing before

  • then you can waste so much time while you're waiting

  • for your computers to save your video files.

  • Now when I was editing these YouTube videos

  • in Adobe Premier they take on average 40 minutes,

  • 50 minutes to export and then start uploading

  • so at least this way if there is an issue

  • with the video file, I'm playing it back

  • I'm not happy with it, there's a minor change

  • I wanna make.

  • it's a no brainer.

  • It's no hassle to jump in, make the quick change

  • and upload another version

  • instead of having to wait 40 minutes, 50 minutes

  • to be able to see if there is an issue with the video.

  • Not that there should be.

  • Okay, so that's enough with Final Cut Pro.

  • Let's look at the six things

  • that I like about Adobe Premier Pro

  • and the first one is that it's cross platform compatible

  • which means that it works on both Windows and on Mac.

  • For me that's a huge thing.

  • I personally hate being tied to an environment

  • to be Mac only or PC only.

  • I like the ability to be able to jump

  • between different computers if there's a better PC

  • that comes out that's actually gonna make

  • my workload quicker I wold definitely consider it

  • and some of the work I do is on PC.

  • So having the software that is exactly the same across both

  • of the major platforms is a huge benefit

  • and it makes it easier to collaborate with other people,

  • share projects around but that's number two.

  • So we jump straight to it.

  • Number two is that it's easier to transfer your files

  • between different editors.

  • I'm actually working on a project right now

  • that has two editors that are working in Windows,

  • I'm on a Mac and I have another editor

  • that's also on a Mac.

  • So there's four editors in this project,

  • two Windows, two Mac.

  • We're able to seamlessly transfer the project file,

  • just the project file 'cause we've all got copies

  • of the footage and it's a no brainer.

  • It re-links instantly on all the systems.

  • So having the same software on both Mac and PC,

  • but also having it easily transferable between editors

  • is just amazing.

  • Now transferring projects externally and working

  • with other editors externally and moving between systems

  • is one thing but Adobe Premier Pro also lets you

  • work over a network and import network footage

  • and actually open a networked project file

  • which is something that Final Cut doesn't use.

  • So right here we have a shared network storage

  • and all the project files are stored on there.

  • So Adobe Premier Pro will actually let me open

  • and run a project file over the network whereas

  • Final Cut won't.

  • So for any office or a team environment

  • that's pretty powerful.

  • So now on to number three, and that's color correction.

  • Adobe Premier Pro has fantastic color correction options,

  • capabilities, whatever you wanna call it.

  • While Final Cut does have color correction built in,

  • obviously, all good editing software will,

  • the color correction that's in Adobe Premier Pro

  • is next level and not even by a little bit.

  • It's probably multiple levels up.

  • It is awesome.

  • It's also something that they're updating all the time,

  • adding new features and adding more powering behind it

  • and it's got to the point where it's fantastic.

  • The fourth thing that I like about Adobe Premier Pro

  • is the amount of export presets that there are.

  • There are presets for everything.

  • Right down from your lowest resolution videos

  • right up to to a full digital cinema file

  • that you can use to export and take directly

  • to a cinema to play it there.

  • So to have that built in

  • and to also have all the cueing

  • so you can cue up multiple versions

  • and to even save your cues

  • so that you can use them all the time

  • is incredibly powerful.

  • Number five is the integration with other Adobe programs.

  • So the integration with Adobe After Effects

  • with Photoshop, with Audition.

  • It's just seamless integration so that you're able

  • to open and collaborate and quickly work

  • across the Adobe range of projects seamlessly

  • from your timeline.

  • And that then leads us to number six

  • which is the file management.

  • Personally I love the way that Adobe Premier

  • handles and deals with your files

  • and your media management.

  • So all your assets or your video files,

  • your graphics, your music.

  • The way that you can bring those in and organize them

  • into bins and folder structure.

  • I think personally, it absolutely dwarfs

  • what you've got in regards to events and projects

  • in Final Cut.

  • It's so much easier and much more logical

  • as far as I'm concerned,

  • the way that Adobe Premier manages its files

  • and this really comes into play

  • when you're working on big projects

  • because it is imperative that you have

  • all your folder structures and everything set

  • in a logical way so that not only you can use it

  • but potentially any other editors can jump on

  • and find everything and pick up and get running

  • on the project straight away.

  • So this is something that Adobe Premier does really well

  • and it also then helps with any backups or archiving

  • of projects and also transferring projects

  • between different computers

  • and different editors as well.

  • So depending on your work flow some of these factors

  • will be important to you

  • or they may not matter at all.

  • So as for which editing software you should choose,

  • choose the one that ticks the most boxes for you.

  • The end of the day, they're both great pieces

  • of editing software.

  • As I said, I use both of them every week.

  • If you found this video helpful

  • we'd really appreciate a share, a thumbs up

  • or a comment.

  • It really makes a huge difference.

  • Make sure you head over to

  • to subscribe to our weekly video updates.

  • I'll see you next time.

- Hey it's Justin Brown here from Primal Video.


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B1 中級

Final Cut Pro與Adobe Premiere的對比。最好的視頻編輯器? (Final Cut Pro vs Adobe Premiere: Best Video Editor?)

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