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Hello, my name is Anpu and welcome to my YouTube channel.
哈囉,我是 Anpu,歡迎來到我的 YouTube 頻道
Today I wanted to introduce the Indian accent to you.
I'm very well aware that today there's a big variety of Indian accents.
Not just Indian, there's Sri Lankan and Pakistani and you know, in all of the South Asia there's different accent.
But I wanted to introduce to you the South Indian accent.
You know I'm very interested in accent, you know, if you've ever interested in learning the Indian accent,
perhaps you have an acting role where you have to learn Indian accent,
this video will cover the basics of the Indian accent.
So without further ado, let's get straight into this video.
Let's just address the elephant in the room,
you're clearly judging me on my Indian accent, won't you?
You know, I'm also passionate about identity and racism, but that is not the topic of today's discussion.
Today's discussion is about Indian accent and if you follow a few simple steps and a few simple rules,
you'll be able to master the Indian accent, you know?
Really easily.
Let's start off with the t sound.
讓我們先從 t 的發音開始
So the Ts sound something like this:
t 發音基本上像這樣:
"tur", not "ter".
是 "tur",不是 "ter"
So your tongue is actually further back in your mouth,
so for example, if you want to say the word "but",
舉例來說,如果你要說 "but"
in the Indian accent is "but".
用印度腔說是 "but"
So not "but", "buT".
不是 "but",是 "buT"
So let's try "dot", it's not "dot", it's "doT".
讓我們來試試看說 "dot",是 "doT" 不是 "dot"
Okay, so I'm really exaggerating the t here, "doT".
好,這邊我的 t 很誇張,"doT"
So trying to practice that sound /t/, yea?
嘗試多練習發那個 /t/ 的音,好嗎?
And then turn it down a little bit, "doT".
/t/ 的氣音要重一點,"doT"
"It", "iT".
"It", "iT"
So in the sentence "don't try it" becomes "don'T Try iT".
所以句子像是 "don't try it” 會變成 "don'T Try iT"
So once you've practiced that, the next sound practice is the L sound.
當你抓到這個訣竅,下一個要練習的便是 L 的發音
So, let's take the word "table" for example.
讓我們用 "table" 來舉例
When we say the word "table", we don't actually pronounce the L in table.
當我們說 "table” 時,我們通常不會發 L 的音
You've got the T sound which we talked about earlier, and this L sound.
這裏有我們剛剛講過的 t 的發音,還有 L 的發音
So practice the start: not /te/, /tæ/.
先從 t 練習,不是 /te/,是 /tæ/
And then it becomes "table".
所以就會是 "table"
Not "table", "table"
不是 "table", 是這樣:"table"
So "can you put the groceries on the table, please?"
The next sound is the W sound.
下一個發音是 w 的發音
British people will pronounce w as "wa", and so the word "water" turns into "vater", okay?
英國人會把 w 說成 "wa"。而 "water" 用印度腔來說就會變成 "vater"
So the w turns into a v and then the t in the water is the sound that we practiced earlier.
w 會變成 v,而 water 的 t 則是稍早我們練習過的發音
And the R is the last sound that we gonna practice.
最後一個要練習的音是 r
So R isn't /r/, is "rrr" (rolling).
印度腔的 r 不是單純發 r ,而是要打舌的 r
So vater.
所以聽起來會是 vater
Another word could be "Peter".
另外一個例子是 "Peter"
"I spoke to Peter on the phone".
「我和 Peter 在講電話」
Alright? So, I'm sure you can hear the difference there and I've tried to break down the particular sounds that sound different.
So go away and practice that and you know I might do a Part 2.
So hit like on this video if you found the video useful.
And you know, this video is not intended to make fun after any accent, you know, it's purely educational.
And you know, this video is all about if you're wondering what Indian accent sounds like and how exactly to do one.
I hope this video helped.
Subscribe to my channel to stay in touch with my latest videos.
I make videos on * life, London life and traveling as well.
I hope you have a fantastic Christmas and I'll see you in the next video.
See you later.
I will see you in the next video and take care of yourself, bye!