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So Cory has been in the jungle for 7 days
Half of his time on 'Naked and Afraid'
To celebrate, we're going to have our own little survival challenge here at the house
Way up north, in the state of Alaska, lives a man, his wife and kids
and this dude, he lives like hella
because that's the way he is
Good morning, Chell Marie
How are you with your adorable bow
and your pink onesie and your awesome tights
You doing good?
You are a girly girl today
And of course
Of course you're taking selfies
Of course you're doing that
For most of the day today, we're kind of working on house projects
and there's a whole list of things I wanna get done
before Cory gets back
so, my parents are helping me with that
We also are filming a ton of videos today
I think I counted and I have 6 videos on my list to film
but one of the things I definitely, definitely wanna do
is try and start making fire
I wanna walk around on those rocks that Cory was walking on
and see like how bad it really hurts
and his feet are super cut up out there in the jungle
I don't know if those rocks helped prepare him
but, I wanna try it
One of the first things we do after Chell wakes up from her first nap of the day
is show her Cory's video
So now's the time
Chell Marie don't you ever forget me okay?
I know I've only been gone for a little bit
but, don't forget daddy okay?
I want you to know daddy's gonna go 'RAH'
I want you to laugh
I want you to smile
I love you so much baby girl
you're the best sweetest little girl
daddy could ever ask for
Alright, I better get going before I crack again
Okay, and then we quickly move on to fun things so we don't get too sad, huh Chell?
We have to have fun while daddy's gone too
So the first thing we're going to try today is stomping around in rocks without shoes on
I will say this is kind of cheating because
as Cory was stomping in the rocks, they kinda wore down and became softer
and there aren't even that many big rocks in there still
because he broke them all apart
Alright I got rocks, I got no shoes or socks on
Oh wait, I forgot something!
If we're gonna do what Cory does, we gotta be Cory!
There we go, now we can stomp on rocks
Okay, let's see
Yeah, I can't say that's the most comfortable thing ever
If you've ever walked in a river
without, like, river shoes on
that's what it reminds me of
but, it's not so good
and he said doing this
and he did this for, like, two hours a night
that, that did not prepare him for out there
because his feet are still all bloody and messed up
You wanna give it a go?
After the baby drinks her milk
Yeah she's a good excuse
I'll try it
Oh, that's really harder than you'd think
It is, right?
Yeah they're
Every once in a while you get a sharp one
It's actually kinda interesting because at my parent's house their shower has
like, a river rock bottom
like the tiles are river rocks but they're all smooth rocks
so it's a little different
could you do that for, like, fourteen days straight?
No, that would be hard
I'd be building shoes for sure
You stole my hat
You like da da's hat?
It smell like him?
Yeah, you like it!
No, not time to say goodbye yet Not time
Alright, it is mom's turn to try the rocks
I'm not sure about this
One foot in
It's weird, right?
Yeah, I feel like I have the indentations that you and Mark already made
Wait a minute!
Oh, they're moving around a little bit
That's the weird part
It's like you're doing okay walking around and then all of a sudden one of them gets ya
I'm sure that's what it's like in the jungle though
You're like 'Okay, I can do this. I can do this'
and then you step on a thorn
I feel sorry for him out there
Yeah, so everybody
You guys all watching
If you live somewhere where's it's not snowy outside
Go outside without shoes on, find some rocks, and
like, stomp, do some jumping jack or something
Here's your fire kit
Have at it
My fire kit?
You're in the jungle
It's getting cold
Okay, newspaper to make fire on, right? Not to insist, right?
Right, right, right, right, right
Luckily we don't have, like, bamboo
like Cory was stuck with
but, we'll see
I've tried this before and I couldn't get it started
so we'll see how they do
Hey, there aren't any instructions
Do you think we can check.. we could Google it? We can check the internet?
What have we got this for? I think you go like this.. you tug it
We can two person it.. Oh, sure
You can start fire however you want
Someone has already been successful.. you can tell
Yeah, that's Cory That's definitely Cory
Oh man, do I tell them that I forgot this piece?
Do you want this piece? You forgot something?
That might come in handy
This is like a bow and arrow
Oh, you're getting that in there easy
Okay Ohh, hang on, I gotta hold it there though
I know, it's gonna fly off and hit you in the face
Okay.. I don't know if I can do this
It won't even move Oh my gosh
It's hard, right?
It is
It smells like I'm starting to make fire
Does that hurt your hand, your fingers?
It's warm
Whoa look at that go
You're doing good Oh, he's getting smoke
Oh, god
Oh, it's starting to burn Oh, look at you
Oh, no
Oh, don't burn up her floor
You got a coal Don't blow it out
Oh my gosh, you made fire!
Look at that
Can I have a pillow?
We're in the jungle! They don't have pillows in the jungle
Okay, we're gonna make a pillow first
Here, you take this
There's no pillows in fire-starting!
Like that? Oh, there you go
I think we're just gonna be cold
and hungry and have dysentery
That's gonna be terrible
Luckily, I have this in my pouch
It's a fire starter! A fire starter?
Make a nest of leaves there
I think we need to put this on the board cause
I'm gonna burn up your house
I don't think there's any danger of that
How many times do you have to do it!?
Oh, there's a spark.. boosted my confidence
Wow! We got a fire
You made fire!
I made fire! There's a fire
This would be handy.. I should never go anywhere without this
That was pretty cool
Wow... Fire..!
What's so hard about making fire, right?
I mean come on
Ready? Go
-Mischievous music-
It is getting kind of late and we are all worn out from trying to survive in Alaska
I think I'm gonna say goodbye I hope you guys had an awesome day
I hope you have an amazing day tomorrow
Today is actually last day as a person in my twenties
Tomorrow's my birthday so we're gonna do some fun stuff tomorrow
I'm really looking forward to just spending time with family
I wish Cory was here I miss him a whole lot
but, it will be good Anyways guys, we'll see you in the next one
Saying goodbye to sunshine, saying goodbye to warm
Heading to Alaska, where ice will be the norm
So much to see so much to do
And the best part is we're sharing it with you