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  • Hi guys, welcome to the second part of this video

  • Qatar Airways Open Day Interview Tips Part 2

  • I will be discussing the different tips that I have for each

  • and every step of the Qatar Airways Open Day process

  • you can definitely use the tips that I'll be giving in this video for your

  • interview for other airlines

  • I hope you enjoy this video!

  • You entered a room. There's a lot of people waiting in line

  • You are waiting in line literally standing up outside the

  • ball room area or outside the room where they conduct the interview

  • After you wait for about an hour or two hours on that line,

  • You are now finally able to get in the ball room or room.

  • First of all, Wait! Wait until the girl in front of you is finished

  • after she left the table

  • The recruiter will be writing. When the recruiter is ready,

  • You have to stand up. Things to remember:

  • Eye contact... Smile... Posture...

  • Even when you are waiting, You have to make sure you are in a good posture. Sit straight.

  • Pay attention, look at them (recruiter). It's okay to talk to your

  • colleagues here and then but when you're on that on the first line

  • when you are about to give your resume, you will be having all these nerves

  • cruising throughout your body, you will be having a nervous breakdown

  • try to keep it together, be cool. Breathe in... Breathe out.. Focus!

  • It is your time to shine. Now the recruiter is looking at you

  • You stand up, eye contact, smile and posture.

  • Bring in your resume and your pictures

  • Hand in your pictures and resume.

  • Shake the hand of the recruiter.

  • What I do, I think of something not everybody has told them already

  • especially if you have been waiting in line for a long time

  • What I would personally say is...

  • "Hi good morning, welcome to Cebu, Philippines!"

  • it's just a little bit of char! :D

  • I just want to stand out

  • The conversation will start flowing.

  • I would not know what kind of questions they will ask you on September 27.

  • What I can do is to give you the questions that they have asked me years back then.

  • What they would ask me is "What is your current job right now?"

  • "What do you know about Qatar Airways?" "Who is our CEO?"

  • "Why do you want to apply for Qatar Airways?"

  • These are the things that they ask.

  • Last time, They asked me "What is your current job?"

  • "I am currently working as a flight attendant in a domestic airline here in the Philippines."

  • The recruiter asked, "Oh, so you are already flying is a flight attendant,

  • why do you want to apply for Qatar Airways?"

  • The key is, if the recruiter would ask you about your current job

  • make sure that you sound positive and that you are just looking for a new

  • challenge in your life and sell yourself.

  • Sell yourself in the two minutes that you have

  • make sure that you practice what you will be saying on this time

  • when you practice, don't make yourself sound like robot

  • when I say practice, I mean practice sounding spontaneous

  • I wrote this in my blog about interview tips

  • You have to write your answers,

  • memorize it and then you practice how you would say it in a spontaneous manner

  • "I love working for my current company. They have given me experience, knowledge,

  • and skills about the industry. I believe that I am now ready for Qatar Airways

  • to benefit from the skills knowledge and experience that I have."

  • The key is make sure you sound positive and you are ready for a new challenge,

  • you have the skills, the knowledge, and the experience and their company will benefit from you.

  • I don't know how you will write it down in words but when you do read it

  • in a good way, very nice like you are a salesperson and the product you're

  • selling is yourself!

  • I'm sure that if you've gone through this first day

  • the eye contact, smile, posture and your memory script then

  • You will get a text that night and just be positive about it.

  • climb it!

  • You would have to register yourself and you will have a number,

  • a number that you have to put on your coat

  • Once you have the number

  • You will be seated in the room and they will play a video about Qatar Airways

  • Their history (Qatar Airways), the country's history and the company's history.

  • The recruiters will also introduce themselves and tell you

  • something about what you are going to do through the day

  • The key here is once you enter, make sure that you have the right posture again!

  • make sure that you have the right posture and whoever is speaking

  • put your eyes to the lady who is speaking

  • don't look at the other recruiter who is sitting on the other side

  • because the person who is sitting while the other one is standing

  • she is sitting and writing down her observations of each and every one of you.

  • you have your numbers here clearly visible and she can just easily write

  • your name on the failed list or on the name of the passed list

  • I don't know what they're doing but that is just how I imagined it

  • If ever they see you yawning, looking at another person while somebody is

  • talking in front, talking to your seat mate or whatsoever

  • looking at your phone, I think they will take note of that and you will not pass

  • that around even if they're just doing the introduction

  • The moment you enter the room, Think! You have to be aware that they are watching you.

  • Every move you're making. They're watching you.

  • make sure your phone is off

  • you focus on that day and it is going to be a long 30 minute video even though I personally,

  • have seen the video a thousand times

  • maybe 10 or nine or eight...

  • eight times...

  • anyways, I've seen a lot of times

  • I make sure that does not show, I make sure that they see me

  • it's still interested in this freaking boring video (just kidding)

  • My point is just make sure that you are paying attention to the video

  • when you enter the room,

  • there will be a pencil and a paper in front of you

  • it's a good idea to write down every year here and then just write something

  • down every now and then. If you are not really looking at the video make sure

  • that you act like you're looking at the video and putting down some notes

  • That's my very first tip because there will be two recruiters

  • one will be handling the class and the other one will be observing all of you just

  • like big brother

  • so make sure that you behave well

  • after the presentation, you will have to take an English exam and while

  • you are taking the English exam

  • all of you will be called by the number and all of you will have to go to the

  • back and do a reach test

  • You do a reach test and then after that they will ask you

  • "Do you have any scars, tattoos moles in your body?"

  • You will have to answer.

  • You may think if you have scar, "Oh no, I will not get the job anymore!"

  • The thing is, it doesn't matter if you have a scar, mole or tatoo

  • The way you would answer them,

  • the way that you would show them,

  • that it does not bother you.

  • You will feel you are self-conscious but don't let it show when they ask you this,

  • just smile and say "Oh, I have a beauty more here and here, here and here

  • and here and still be graceful about it.

  • don't say like...

  • "I have a scar here"... You get the idea it's just exaggerated

  • just make sure that your face doesn't frown,

  • doesn't show self-consciousness and all that stuff just still smile like a

  • beauty pageant girl

  • That's it for the moles and scar.

  • After all of you have done the reach tests and have taken the

  • exam, you will have to pass the exam and then all of you would have to go out of

  • the room and then you have to come back

  • that is after their deliberation, you have to come back

  • They will be announcing the numbers of the candidates who

  • made it through that round and a lot of times I got rejected on this round

  • because girl I'm so naive and I don't know what I was doing

  • first few times I applied

  • The group activities are different at many times

  • sometimes they would ask you to create something, they will give you

  • materials to create or sometimes they will give you a question and you

  • will have to come up with the answers as a group and sometimes it's not even groups

  • it's just pairs, two of you

  • what you have to do is introduce the other ones. Don't be competitive on this round

  • it's not the best recitation award

  • It's not the best talker wins type of thing

  • what you do to get through this round

  • make sure you show them that you are a team player, should listen to the

  • instructions and make sure you follow them some instructions are like:

  • "You will be given just two minutes to work with each other"

  • make sure that you time yourself for two minutes

  • They will also say "I know all of you have the same nationality, but this

  • is an assessment and we want you all to speak in English."

  • don't speak tag-lish, speak english!

  • Just speak English all right even if it's just a whisper.

  • speak English and when they say "Don't mind us, don't even

  • look at us, think as if we're not in the room and just work on the activity"

  • They mean it! Coz those times that I looked

  • at them, I can't help it. We were talking I just look at them because it's

  • so weird they're walking around our circle and just observing us,

  • every time that they saw me looking at them,

  • I'm out! I'm out of the next round.

  • make sure you don't look at the recruiters, follow the instructions

  • Focus on the task ahead

  • During the task, you have to talk because you also don't want to be just

  • sitting in the corner and not saying anything at all

  • What I learned is, you have to talk but not too much

  • You have to be polite at all times

  • do not talk over another person

  • do not cut them while they are talking. That's a sign that you're polite

  • when you are given a chance to talk, then you talk.

  • After you talk, you include others

  • "How about you Maria, what do you think?" That's a point for you.

  • You provide positive feedback to somebody. Somebody would suggest

  • "Oh! I would suggest that a flight attendant should be punctual."

  • You would say "That's a very good idea or that's a very good suggestion,

  • definitely we'll put that in the list." Something positive.

  • You tell it to the person something positive, you compliment them in the way

  • that they have provided some

  • solution to the problem. When you give your idea

  • after that you involve others. Got it? Three steps!

  • Those three steps will get you through the team assessment / group discussion

  • You have to remember in the final interview, they will be using

  • natural lighting in the room. You will be in a smaller room, there's a big

  • window and they will open the curtains, the natural light will come in

  • vcand they will see your face as if you are in the daylight

  • make sure that no scars are seen and it's properly concealed. That's the tip!

  • Forms or Qatar Airways application form is properly filled already

  • when I did this, I was out of time and I still have to

  • redo my pictures and I don't have that much time and I was so stressed

  • so I decided to make it on the day but then it was so quick. The interviewer is quick

  • I think it's just 15 min/person where it's supposed to be 30 min/person

  • that I wasn't able to properly fill the application form right

  • When you sit down, you'll be sitting down in front of two of them

  • just like you're talking to your girlfriend, because that's

  • what they want you to think or that's what they're actually doing

  • It's just like you're making "chika" so you'll sit down

  • you have to be relaxed but still in good posture

  • you have to sit properly

  • put your knees together and your other leg on the ankle of the other

  • I'll try to find a picture and show you in this video

  • I will show you somewhere here

  • your hand on top of the other

  • make sure that you have proper grooming as well

  • your makeup is done, your nails are good

  • and you have your smile on.

  • Your hair is in side part style.

  • Wear full makeup and studded earrings and your watch.

  • Your body language is very important.

  • When you speak or whenever you speak

  • make sure that you control your hands because just like me when I speak

  • on the videos, I always do like this, like that. It's okay you're in a casual

  • conversation but when you're in an interview with this can get distracting

  • This can be the reason they will not let you in the company.

  • so make sure you put it on the top of your lap because they are gauging

  • how you would handle pressure because the job

  • is very stressful and you will be working in a pressurized environment

  • in case of an emergency

  • You have to show that you can do it. You have what it takes and you are confident.

  • You could do this job by your body language.

  • You have to have the ability to remain calm.

  • Breathe in, breathe out. Think that being nervous, being anxious is a good sign.

  • This means you really want this

  • just always think positive and whenever you talk, talk positive and be enthusiastic.

  • be happy that you are there on the final interview

  • after all the cuts that they made, you made it there

  • make sure that you are worthy of that slot and they are not wasting

  • any time on you just make sure you get this interview right

  • they would probably ask you questions about the things

  • that you have filled out on that Qatar Airways application form that they

  • gave you the day before, you have to fill it out

  • all of it and they will be looking at your jobs that you have done before,

  • probably the things that they would ask is "what are the challenges that you have faced before?"

  • if you are a current cabin crew they will ask you

  • "What is the worst flight you have been in and how you handled the situation?"

  • "What is the worst in flight case that you have?"

  • "What is the worst passenger experience that you had and how you handled it?"

  • The key to answering these questions, also I wrote this in my blog

  • this is the behavioral question and how to answer it is basically divided into

  • three three sections: 1st section - what happened

  • 2nd section - what you did 3rd section - in the end it was all right

  • You have to tell them a story where in it was a successful story that you

  • don't want to share a story that your failure

  • everything's bad, anything that is negative. You don't want that to happen

  • They're asking you a question that can be so

  • negative and then make sure that you answer it get back in a positive way

  • that's what they want to hear

  • They will ask you negative questions make sure you turn it into a positive thing

  • In the end everybody learned a lesson everybody will become closer to each other

  • That's how they do it. I guess that's it

  • This is my Qatar Airways Interview Tips

  • Qatar Airways Open Day Interview Tips

  • I was actually thinking about demonstrating the things that I have

  • talked about in this video

  • To make it more fun, involve my friends so I'll have more actors for you

  • then again I see that a lot of people are

  • going to be needing the steps and I hope that I have covered everything

  • I have given you some ways where you will be able to prepare yourself for the coming interview

  • I'm so happy to see somebody, even just one person get in

  • because of their dedication and of you applying the tips that have given

  • you and also preparing yourself

  • I'm not taking all the credit. You have to do the work.

  • Let me know, update me.

  • Thanks for watching and I hope that you learned a

  • thing or two on this video. If this has been helpful for you please give me a

  • thumbs up or like this video subscribe to my channel and let me know how your

  • journey goes and I'll be waiting for your comments down below and once again

  • Good luck and I will fly with you soon!

  • --BYE!!!--

Hi guys, welcome to the second part of this video


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卡達航空客艙乘務員開放日面試技巧(第二部分 (Qatar Airways Cabin Crew Open Day Interview Tips (part 2))

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    Kelly Sun 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日