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- So we're gonna be talking about memory layout in Swift.
As I'm sure you know, Swift is Apple's brand new,
magical, fancy programming language
and I'm gonna go dive into it a little bit
and talk about the bits and bytes
and how it's all put together
and what stuff looks like in memory
when you actually run the code on a computer.
Real brief about me, I'm online at mikeash.com,
I have a blog where I do all sorts of crazy stuff
like this, I like to take things apart
and see how they tick and I've got a bunch
of crazy Github projects which you should
probably never use for anything,
but are lots of fun to play with.
I'm on Twitter if you feel like following me.
There's a picture of my cat because, you know,
the internet is all about cats
and we're fundamentally all about the internet these days.
I fly gliders, just point of information,
it's a lot of fun.
And the arrow is kinda pointing over here
so that's me, you know, I always put a photo
of myself on these slides and then afterwards I'm like,
people can just look at me.
So I decided I'd stop doing that.
So here's the plan; first I just wanna give
a quick overview of what memory is.
I'm sure you all know what memory is,
but it can help to get a little bit of perspective
and just tear it down, you know, go to the foundations,
revisit the fundamental stuff.
Then I wrote a program that basically
is where I generated all this information,
it actually goes through, crawls, the program
starting from a particular value
and dumps everything out that are in those values in memory.
And then finally I'm gonna actually dive into
how Swift lays out stuff in memory,
what that program actually produces
and some contrast with how C does it and how C++ does it.
So what is memory?
And fundamentally memory is what stops this from happening.
So you gotta keep track of where you are essentially.
You've got a computational process
and you are at some state within that process at all times.
And if you can't keep track of that
then you will just never get anywhere.
So we don't wanna just endlessly repeat,
we wanna actually make progress
and that's what this is all about.
So figuring out how to actually build hardware
which can remember things and store information
and dig it out later is kinda one of the fundamental
problems in computing and there's
lots of technologies along the way.
Started out with vacuum tubes.
You can imagine these things are like this big
and they're essentially like an incandescent light bulb
and each one holds one bit.
So if you wanna actually store some reasonable
amount of data you're talking about
a room full of incredibly hot equipment.
Later on there were mercury delay lines,
this is kind of a cool technology of a pipe,
you basically fill it with mercury,
you have a speaker or something like that on one end
and something like a microphone on the other end
and you pulse your data through it.
And it takes time to travel and because of that
you can fit stuff in and store your information that way.
And there was a fun little proposal,
somebody decided that gin would make a good medium for this,
had all the right chemical properties and whatever.
As far as I can tell nobody ever built that,
but fun little aside.
Magnetic core memory was an advancement of this stuff,
it was a very neat technology, you got little rings
of iron and you run wires through them
and depending on the electrical current
you send through them you can store data
or retrieve data by storing it
in the magnetic field in those rings.
And so that was one ring per bit.
And the state of the art of this in the 60s or 70s
was basically a cube about this big
could hold 32,000 bits of information
and then you can imagine this thing I've got
in my hand can hold many gigabytes memory,
billions of bits.
And so things have advanced a lot since then.
So DRAM, dynamic RAM, basically silicon chips
is the state of the art today.
Which we should all be incredibly thankful for
because it really makes our lives a lot easier.
That fact that we can have these,
this allows us to store billion and billions
of bits of information all at once.
And my phone is misbehaving, if you can
pardon me for just a moment here, there we go.
Alright, so that's the hardware view of things,
we don't really care too much about hardware
most of the time if we're programming
because that all just works, we ignore it.
So how does it look for a programmer?
So we've got the fundamental unit of information
is the bit, that's a one or a zero.
Traditionally we organize bits in groups of eight,
those are bytes, and memory is essentially
just a long sequence of bytes one after the other
just heading off into the mist.
And they're arranged in a certain order,
every byte gets a number, that's called it's address.
So we start at zero and then one and then two
and then three and then an 8,000,000,000 byte system
we've got billions off in the distance.
It can be, you can view these things
in different directions, often we view it
like this, organized by word instead of by byte.
So a word is a vague term of the art
in computer science, but usually it means
a unit that's the size of a pointer.
So on modern devices it's 64 bits or eight bytes.
And it just heads off into infinity.
So here I've got the bytes addressed by eight.
And we like hexadecimal.
Hexadecimal is where you've got base 16 addressing
instead of base eight.
So zero through nine then A through F,
that's a nice multiple of two so everything
fits together nicely, it's kind of
the native language of computing.
So it's the natural language to use here.
And so I've got the addresses done
in hexadecimal instead, zero, eight, 16 is 10,
24 and all that.
And this is just the big picture
of what this whole thing looks like.
If you zoomed out this is a Mac running on x86-64,
everything's a little bit different
and it's all very platform specific,
but essentially you've got a gap of stuff
that doesn't exist, the first four gigabytes of memory
is not mapped, this doesn't take up any physical space
it's just an addressing trick.
Then you've got the user, your program essentially,
your memory is the green stuff.
So you get a chunk that's for you
and then you've got a nice, big, empty space after that
and then finally the kernel is down at the bottom.
So you've got this two to the 64th power bytes
which get sliced up and organized like this.
And this is essentially how it looks
if you zoom in a little bit, so this is the same
picture as before except it's more realistic
because instead of starting at zero
we're starting at 4,000,000,000.
We've got pointers in memory, I'm sure you're all familiar
with the term pointer, references.
A pointer at this level is just a number.
And it's a number that just happens to correspond
to the address of something else in memory.
So here we've got this thing up there,
that stores the address of this bit down there
and I just indicate that with an arrow.
The arrow doesn't exist in reality,
it's just a number that we treat as if it were an arrow.
And one more detail on all of this,
whoops, went too far, we in the most modern systems
store things in little-endian order
which is essentially the least significant part
of the number comes first.
So it's as if you wrote 234 as 432,
everything's backwards, just one of those things
you just kinda have to learn to live with it
and read it that way, so.
Memory is organized into, as far as we see it,
is organized into three fundamental parts.
We've got at the hardware level
it's just a big list of stuff.
But the way we actually treat it,
parts of it have more specific purposes.
So we've got the stack which is where
all your local variables go when you write
variables that you're using in your computations
in a function, that goes on the stack
and it's called a stack because every time
you make a function call it adds that function's
local variables to it.
And when you make another call it goes up
and another call it goes up and then when you
return from a function it goes back down,
back down, back down.
So it's like a stack of things.
You've also got global data in your program.
Those are essentially things that came along
as part of the program when you loaded it.
So your global variables are part of that,
your string constants, your type metadata
in Swift, in other languages, just gets loaded
as part of that.
And then you've got the heap, and the heap is dynamically
allocated stuff, when you create a new object,
that allocates some memory that's on the heap.
And these are things where basically
they don't live permanently, they've got some lifetime
but they're not tied to a function, they're not
tied to your program, they come to life
and go away kind of arbitrarily.
And that's essentially everything else.
When you create a new object, when you allocate memory
manually, when you concatenate strings, whatever,
that's all on the heap.
So that's kinda the overview, remind you what memory is,
what the whole deal is that we're talking about here.
Let's get into dumping memory.
Actually diving in and inspecting the contents,
seeing what's actually in there.
So I'm gonna explore this program that I wrote,
how it works, that actually goes in
and traces all this stuff out.
If anyone wants to take a look at it
I've got it up on Github, the Github address
is there, or there's a tiny URL below,
or if anyone likes really huge URLs you can
use that one at the bottom, but I'm not
gonna wait for you to type it out.
Just real quick, this uses Xcode 8 and Swift 3.
If anyone's doing anything with Swift so far
you know that there have been a lot of versions
of it and they like to break compatibility.
So last year was Swift 2, starting a couple of weeks ago
we've got Swift 3 now and that's different.
So if you wanna use that code you need this.
So back to this.
The kind of fundamental unit of this program
is a function that looks like this.
And this is a function that works on an arbitrary type,
it takes a value and it's gonna return an array
of unsigned eight bit integers, or bytes.
And we'll just use it as in the demo above,
you create a variable containing something,
any arbitrary thing, and then you just call this
and it'll hand you back the bytes that make it up.
And that's going to serve as the foundation
for this whole program.
And the question is, how do we
write this in Swift specifically?
This is a real quick overview of one possible implementation
which is not what the program actually uses,
but it kinda gets the ball rolling
as far as how this works.
So the idea is you get the value,
you get it's size and because we know the type of the value,
this is a generic function in Swift
so it works on any type, but it knows
what type it's being called with at any given time.
This memory layout type allows us
to get the actual size, so that tells us
how many bytes it is, so we know how long it is in memory.
And then there's this built-in function in Swift
called with unsafe pointer.
So you call that, you give it a variable
and it comes back and gives you a pointer to that variable.
And once we have a pointer we can do things
like look at that pointer as if it were
a pointer of a different type.
So imagine you have a pointer to an int
and we do this with memory rebound call here
which says, okay, pretend that this is not
a pointer to an integer, pretend this is a pointer
to bytes, and just work with me on this,
it's the same thing but it's a different type.
Now go through and read it.
So what this does, this takes a pointer
to whatever arbitrary thing you've got
and says, alright, just pretend it's raw bytes,
interpret it that way.
And then once we have that we can go through
and just read one by one and that's
a bit of a shortcut here, I just tell the system
to read it for me, there's no loop or anything like that.
Unsafe buffer pointer basically lets me say
it's a container and then I can create an array from that
and it all just kind of happens.
Swift let's you write short stuff like that.
So real quick demo of what this produces.
I created a variable that contains
one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight
and then I just dumped out 42, and if I print these things
then I get these results here.
So you can see the first one prints out
exactly what we saw except it's backwards
because remember modern systems tend to do things backwards.
So it prints out eight, seven, six, five, four,
three, two, one, zero and then 42 comes out
as 42 with a bunch of zeros after it
because it's a 64 bit integer.
And just real quick, you don't need to actually follow this,
this is just some code I wrote
that I wanted to put up real quick.
Hexadecimal is again the natural language
of low level computing.
So this just takes an array of bytes
and dumps it out as a hexadecimal string
instead of as a sequence of decimal
integers like we saw before.
So if we use that then we get this instead.
Same basic thing except instead of printing
decimal we get hex.
So one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight
comes out just as it did before
and then 42 comes out as 2a, since that's what 42
is in hexadecimal, followed by a bunch of zeros.
So this let's us dump this stuff out
in a form that we can understand,
but that's still close to what the computer has.
Alright, so if you got this where we can take a value
and see what's in it, but real programs
are more complicated than single values, right,
they've got a lot more going on.
Real programs look more like this.
Okay, you've got a value which contains a bunch of bytes
and some of those bytes are actually pointers
which point to other stuff and those point
to other things and you get this whole tree thing going on.
So we want to be able to actually chase all this stuff down
in an automated fashion.
The program needs to be able to actually
find all of this stuff.
So how do we do that?
We start off with the knowledge that pointers
are just integers, alright, a pointer
is just an address, it's just a number
which we interpret as another location in memory.
So I wrote a quick struct which gets used in the program,
all it is is it just contains an address
which is an unsigned integer, pointer sized integer.
And wrapping it in a struct helps me keep things apart
so you don't confuse which parameters
are actually integers and which parameters
are integers which we are treating as pointers, right.
Just make a new type so that the type system
helps us write program correctly.
And then this bit of code essentially
takes an array of bytes, which we already know
how to obtain, we just wrote that function,
and it takes that array of bytes
and tries to scan for pointers in it.
So again, a pointer is just an integer
that you happen to treat as an address.
And we can't know how stuff is being treated
at this level because we just get
a bunch of bytes and we don't know what they mean.
So we're just gonna kind of optimistically go through
and slice it up into chunks of eight bytes
and pull them all out and pretend, say,
what if these were pointers, what would that mean?
So that's what this does, we take this array of bytes
and we say, instead of treating it
as an array of bytes gives me a pointer
to it's contents and treat it as a pointer
to pointers, okay, which means that we can
essentially go through and say, read the first pointer
size chunk, read the second pointer size chunk,
read the third pointer size chunk.
And then we take all of that and return it as an array.
So this code essentially will just go through
this big array of bytes that we get from the thing before
and divide it up, which, like this.
So this is a visual indication
of what's going on with that code.
So we give it a value, it returns
a bunch of bytes then we go through,
slice it up and get the individual pieces.
And then we can start chasing those down.
So we can read a value, grab all of it's bytes,
then we can grab all of the pointers
that those bytes might indicate.
And then we can take those pointers
and repeat the process and essentially
that gives you the tree, you can in a loop
keep going through as long as you've got pointers
to explore, you read their contents
and then you spit them out.
The problem with this approach,
we don't know which pointers are actually pointers
and which pointers are just integers,
it might be the player's high score,
it might be the number of people who dislike you
or something like that and we don't know what they mean.
And normally in a program when you try
to read from a pointer that's not actually a pointer,
it just is some illegal piece of memory,
then your program crashes which is good
in normal code because you don't want
to proceed when your program is that confused,
you want it to just stop and produce a crash log
or something like that.
But in this code we want to be able
to keep going so we can explore this stuff.
So we wanna be able to read from pointers
without crashing if they're bad.
So on the Mac and on iOS we've got this nice
low level function, Apple platforms use
a mach kernel highly modified and added onto stuff,
but the low level mach calls are still there
and there's a mach call called mach vm read overwrite.
And essentially it's a system call
where you give it two pointers
and you say, I wanna copy this many bytes
from that pointer to this pointer.
If you're familiar with the memcpy function
from the C standard library, it's exactly like that
except that if you give memcpy a bad pointer
your program crashes and if you give
mach vm read overwrite a bad pointer it's okay,
it returns an error because it's a system call,
it happens at the kernel level,
the kernel level can do all this checking safely
and so it can come back and say,
I couldn't do that because that is not a real pointer,
that was just a bunch of junk
and the address there doesn't exist.
And so based on that we can go through
and reliably follow this tree without crashing
because we can essentially optimistically try
every pointer, pass it to this function
and then if it comes back and says there was an error,
that's fine, we just say, okay, couldn't follow that,
keep on going.
This is a real quick, this is just a function prototype
what looks like it takes a task,
which is like a process, if you've got the right permissions
on the Mac you can actually read from other processes
not your own which is sort of the foundations
of how you can build a debugger.
It takes an address, it takes a length,
it takes a destination address
and it takes a pointer to something
where it will tell you how many bytes it actually read.
So back at the beginning I showed
a function that would read from a pointer,
but it would crash if you gave it a bad pointer,
this will read from a pointer safely.
So essentially it's just a wrapper around that mach call.
It takes the pointer you give it,
it does a little bit of casting
to get it into the form that the system wants
and then it just makes that call.
If it succeeds it returns and says,
hey, we did it, and if it doesn't
then it returns false, the caller can know
that it didn't work.
And so that way based on this we can build
this whole recursive scanning system.
Let's see, there we go, alright.
So we can read this stuff safely,
but we need to know how much to read.
The first value we read we can get the size of the type
because we know the type it compile time,
it's a generic function, we get that metadata
from the compiler, but after we start chasing pointers
we can't do that anymore because we're dealing
with arbitrary bags of bytes, we don't know
what this stuff is so we need to know,
we need to be able to at least guess
how many bytes to read at any given time,
when you chase these pointers through.
For stuff that's on the heap, there's
the malloc size function, at least on the Mac
and on iOS, where you give it a pointer
and it comes back and says, there were actually
32 bytes allocated on the heap here.
So we can call that and it comes back
and tells us exactly how much we can read.
Which is great.
And even better, this function
is tolerant of bad data, so if you give it something
that's not a pointer or you give it
a pointer to something that's legitimate,
but not allocated on the heap,
or you give it a pointer to something
in the middle of something else,
whatever, it doesn't care, it'll give you back zero.
So it doesn't crash, which is really convenient
for our purposes.
And finally, we've got global variables,
code, things like that.
Those are symbols in your app, there's the dladder function
where you give it an address and it comes back
and tells you what symbol is nearby.
And so we can use that to check
to see if something is actually a symbol
and we can also use it to kind of extract
the size by essentially scanning.
It gives you the symbol that comes
immediately before the pointer you give it.
So you start from here and you say,
give me the symbol information
and if it comes back and says, yes,
I have symbol information, then advance it by one byte
and say, how 'bout here, how 'bout here,
how 'bout here, and just keep doing that
until it gives you a different answer
and then you know exactly how long that thing was.
And as a bonus, it also gives you the names.
So your function names, your global variable names,
things like that, those all pop out
of this API, and so we can use them
to annotate our scan and help us understand what's going on.
Those names in Swift and also in C++ tend to
come up mangled because the compiler
tries to embed information about what the type is
besides just the name.
So in C for example, if you have a function
called summon, the symbol name that it spits out
just says summon, and in Swift
if you have a function called summon
the symbol name comes out more like this
where you've got a bunch of extra stuff on it
because it will not only include that name,
but it will also include the fact
that it takes two integers and returns a string
or whatever it actually is.
So in order to help with that
there's the Swift demangle command that comes with Xcode.
I imagine it's available in the Swift
open source tools as well.
You give it a mangled symbol and it comes back
with something like this which is more readable.
So in my code I just dump everything through that.
Swift demangle is a very nice program
because if you give it something it doesn't understand
it just gives it back to you unmodified.
So I could just feed everything through it
without having to fear that it would explode
or crash or something like that
on data that wasn't actually mangles Swift symbols.
And then C++ has the same thing,
there's a tool called C++filt
which does the same job for C++ names
and it has the same semantics
where if you give it something it doesn't understand
it gives it back to you without changing it.
So I could just pass every name
that I came across to these two tools.
A lot of the data that we come across in memory
is actually strings, alright, textual information
like method names, like user input,
and it's useful to be able to find these.
And the trouble is again, we're working
with these bags of bytes, we don't know what's going on
with them, they're just a sequence of data
and we want to be able to at least guess
at which sequences of data actually
represent text and which don't.
And there's no way to do this reliably,
but a decent heuristic is to look for ASCII characters
and look for printable ASCII characters,
so zero through 31 in ASCII are control characters
which we don't expect to find
as part of text in a program, at least
not the text that we're interested in.
And then stuff beyond 126 is either the delete character
in ASCII, or it's non-ASCII characters.
So we look for printable ASCII characters
and we look for sequences of at least four.
So the idea is that if you just have one
or two or three then it's likely
that's just some other data that just
coincidentally happened to look like text.
And once you get up to four there's a decent chance
that it's something textually interesting,
and it's not a guarantee, but it's a decent
heuristic, it gives you good results.
And this is code that just goes through
and implements that heuristic here.
You give it an array of bytes
and it goes through, it splits that array
into chunks of continuous printable ASCII characters
and then filters out all the short ones
and gives you back the long ones.
So we can run this on the byte arrays
that we get out of the scanner to see
what's going on in them.
Alright, so those are the foundations of the program,
there's a bunch of bookkeeping that goes on in it
if you're interested in that part
look it up on Github, but those are the fundamental
pieces and we now know how to build all of that.
And so we can read all of this stuff,
but we wanna be able to actually output it
in some form that's nice for the human to look at.
So we could just dump it all in text form
or something like that, but it's gonna take
a lot of work to interpret.
Ideally we want something more like this.
And as an intermediate step I produce something like this
which is not very readable at all.
But this is an open source program called Graphviz
and essentially you give it a list of nodes
and you give it a list of connections
and you say this node has this label
and it's connected to these nodes
and this node has this label and it's connected
to these nodes.
And when you hand it over to that program
it hands you back stuff like this
which is really cool and readable
and you can go through and look.
This is, I wrote a simple C program
that creates a little structure in memory
and then hands it off to my dumper program
and that generates the Graphviz stuff
and then Graphviz turns it into a PDF
which looks like this.
So we can go through, we can read,
we can see we started off with a pointer up at the top,
that pointer points to some malloc memory
which contains this and those point to more
malloc memory which point to more malloc memory
and we've got a couple of strings at the bottom
and we can go through and you can just see
this whole structure visually, which is cool,
so that helps us figure out what's going on.
So that's the theory of how we're looking at these things.
So let's actually go through and look at them
and see what's going on with this stuff.
How does Swift represent things in memory?
How does C represent things in memory?
How does C++ represent things?
So quick notes, this is all very architecture specific,
I did this stuff on Mac on x86-64,
iOS 64 bit is likely to be very similar,
Swift on Linux 64 bit is likely to be similar,
but this is stuff that's very useful
for debugging, it's very useful for understanding
how the system works, it is not a good idea
to write any code that relies on this stuff
unless it's kind of a hobby project
or an experimental thing.
You don't wanna write any production code
that relies on this stuff because offsets,
sizes, the meaning of various fields
is all subject to change from one release to the next.
So it's really useful stuff, but you don't
want to incorporate this into that library
that you're writing for work that's gonna ship to users.
Oh, my phone is not cooperating with me today.
There we go.
Alright, let's take a look at some C structs.
C is very simple in how it lays things out in memory,
that's kind of it's appeal.
And we'll take a look at this real quick,
I made a C struct which just contains three long fields,
x, y and z, I wrote a little bit of code
that fills them with one, two and three
and then I dumped out that memory
using my nice graphical dumper
and that's what we get up here in the bubble.
And you can see that it essentially
just lays them out sequentially.
We've got one followed by two followed by three
and there's a bunch of empty space
because long is an eight byte value
and these are small numbers, so they have
a lot of leading zeroes and just puts them out one by one.
It gets more interesting when you get different sizes.
So this is a struct that has a bunch of fields
of different sizes, a through h, some of them are one byte,
that's a character, some of them are two bytes,
those are short, some of them are four, that's integers,
and some of them are eight bytes, that's long.
And again, the compiler just lays them out one by one,
you can see one, two, three, four,
five, six, seven, eight, but if you look closely
you'll see that some of them take up more space
than they maybe ought to.
Number three for example, three is one byte,
corresponds to c, that's a one byte field,
but if you look here you've got three followed by zero
followed by four, so there's extra space in there.
The reason for that is that struct fields get padded.
The idea is that it's more efficient to access data
when it's on a memory address which is divisible
by it's size, or at least which is divisible
by whatever the hardware architecture likes for it to have.
Typically it's its size.
So a two byte value wants to be on an even
numbered address, four byte value wants
to be on an address divisible by four.
And what the compiler does, this essentially wastes memory,
but it trades off memory against time
by expanding these fields a little bit,
adding some space between them when necessary
to make sure they all line up nicely
so that they're fast to access.
And that's really it for C.
C kinda has structs and that's about it
and it just lays things out sequentially
and there's no metadata, there's no
implicit pointers or anything like that.
C, what you see is what you get.
C++ gets more interesting though,
here's a simple C++ class, I've got three
virtual methods on it.
It's got one field, I create one and initialize it
and dump it out, and this is what I get.
So we can see now it's not just one bubble,
it's got a bunch of different stuff.
And I'll zoom it in so we can actually see
what's going on here.
Up at the top is the actual object
and that's the thing I created which contains,
in it's single field it contains the value one.
And we can see that it's got more than that.
So it just had one field, but here
we've got more stuff at the top.
And the program explored this
and found that that thing at the top is a pointer
which points here, and then that points to more stuff.
And so that thing at the top is a vtable pointer.
So in C++ the way you do virtual method dispatch
is the first pointer sized chunk of an object
is a pointer to a vtable, which is a table
of function pointers.
So when you call through to something like
object.x, what it actually does
is it uses that table to look up
the implementation of x for that object.
And that's how inheritance is implemented.
If you subclass something and override,
then that generates a new table
and that new table contains new entries
for those method implementations
so that the code knows what it needs to call.
So here's an example of that.
Quick C++ subclass, it inherits from the previous one,
it adds a new field, it adds a couple of new methods.
And when you dump that out you get a little more stuff.
And again, I'll zoom in.
So here we've got the object at the top,
like before you've got this vtable pointer
and then you've got the fields.
And if you'll remember, field number one
was from the super class, field number two
is from the subclass, it just puts them sequentially.
So the idea is that when the super class is doing stuff
it can look at it and it sees what it thinks
is itself and then the subclass data
gets laid out afterwards so there's no conflict there,
but they're just efficiently packed
in memory just the same.
And then the vtable for the subclass gets longer
because there were five methods now,
we had three from the super class, two from the subclass
and then it just lists them sequentially.
So every method just gets an index in this table.
And the subclasses get the same table
as their super class, except they can be
potentially longer if there are more methods added
and entries get replaced to indicate overriding.
Let's take a look at multiple inheritance,
this is where things get interesting.
C++ allows a class to subclass
multiple classes simultaneously.
So here's a second super class to go
along with our original.
And here is a subclass of both.
So each super class some methods,
each super class has a field, subclass has a field,
create it, fill it out with some data
and this is what we get.
It's a little bit more complicated.
The good news is that most of that
is runtime type information stuff
that we can kind of not look at too hard.
Let's zoom in and see what's going on.
So again, object is at the top
and we can see that it starts out similar.
So it's got a vtable pointer followed by
that first field, which is one,
but then something interesting happens.
Instead of doing just one, two, three,
laying out all the fields sequentially,
we get another vtable pointer
right in the middle of the object.
And so this is how C implements multiple inheritance.
We've got one vtable pointer at the top,
we've got another one over there.
And the idea is that it's kind of like
two objects glued together.
So if you take this first one here,
that's the vtable that indicates
it's an instance of that first super class,
and then the second super class gets laid out below it.
And what happens normally in C and with simple C++ classes
if you cast between types it's got an instance
of a subclass, you say, treat this as if it
were an instance of its super class.
This is just like some bookkeeping trickery, right,
you've got the exact same pointer
and you just say, okay, pretend this means something else.
But when you get multiple inheritance involved
suddenly things get a little more complicated.
And if you say, take this pointer
and interpret it as a pointer to its super class,
what it will actually do is it will move
that pointer a little bit.
So in this case it's going to add 16 to that address
and give you a pointer into the middle of this object.
And because that vtable is right there,
it all just kinda works out.
And it's a bit of a crazy system,
but it gets the job done.
And so you can see the effect here
where you've got essentially the vtable
for the subclass and each part of this object,
you've got two vtables in the object,
each one points to a different part of this vtable
and everything just kinda lines up
with these multiple super classes
so it all just works out.
Lots of compiled time trickery
and then the end effect is at runtime
everything is nicely laid out, friendly, and quick.
Friendly for the computer, not for us,
but that's usually okay.
So that's C++, you get crazy stuff with multiple
inheritance, but it's usually straightforward.
Again, you get that vtable at the top
which tells you what kind of object it is
and then all the fields are just laid out.
Sometimes you get padding depending on their sizes,
but it's just one after the other, after the other.
Just in line.
So let's move on the Swift now.
And Swift starts out very simple like C and like C++.
So just to get the ball rolling
I created an empty struct and you'll never guess
what it looks like, an empty struct contains nothing at all,
it's a zero size object.
Interesting feature of this, it does still have an address
in memory even though it doesn't contain anything.
The compiler still gives it an address
which I thought was kinda funny.
It probably doesn't make a whole lot of sense
for the compiler to optimize for zero size structs
since we don't use those very much.
Move on to a more realistic example,
more useful example, here's a struct with three fields.
This is essentially the Swift equivalent
of that C example I did with the beginning.
Three fields, one, two and three,
and it looks, this is the result, the output,
the way it's laid out in memory
looks a lot like the way it was laid out in memory in C.
And in fact it doesn't just look like it,
it is exactly the same.
These two are laid out in exactly the same way.
So Swift is just laying it out one, two, three
in a row like that.
There's no fancy metadata going on,
there's no extra stuff, it's just your fields.
And then I did the same thing that I did before
with the multiple sizes.
And again, we get the exact same result.
So this is a complicated struct
with different fields of different sizes
and the output is exactly the same as it was in C.
With one exception, you'll notice that after three,
you get one, two, three and then there's
this five f thing before four, that's just because
the padding that gets inserted
does not have to contain any particular value
because it doesn't mean anything.
The padding is ignored.
So before when I ran the thing on C
it just happened to contain zero
and when I ran it on this it just happened
to contain five f.
So this is kinda like the junk DNA inside your program.
But again, it's just laid out
exactly the same way C is, so there's no overhead,
it's very straightforward.
Let's look at a little more complicated thing,
let's see how a Swift class looks.
So simple thing, complicated result.
It's not as bad as it looks.
Essentially what you're getting in there
is that Swift has this whole hierarchy of stuff
and it knows what types mean at runtime.
And I wanna zoom in a little bit so we can see the object,
but what all this other stuff is going on
is essentially it's saying that your class
is actually a subclass of this heap in
the Swift object class and then that class
has a metaclass and all that stuff.
So there's all this metadata that's going on
that you can use to inspect objects
and things like that.
But we can mostly ignore it.
So if we ignore all that other stuff
and kind of zoom in, we look at the instance
of the object here and we can see the data
laid out in memory, one, two, three,
and there's a header above it which is similar
to the way C++ was.
In C++ we had a vtable and then there were the fields,
and in Swift we have an isa pointer,
which is essentially the Swift equivallent
of a vtable, it points to the object's class,
then we've got some other stuff
which I'll talk about in a moment
and then you've got the fields.
So you've got the same arrangement of a header
followed by the fields just packed in memory.
Nice, linear, fast, hardware friendly.
And let's take a look at a little bit more
complicated class, this is the class equivalent
of that struct that I showed.
And it ends up being the exact same thing
with that sort of header put at the top.
So you've got that isa pointer,
you've got this other stuff which I'll get to.
And then all the fields are just laid out
the exact same way they would be in a struct.
Sequentially with some padding to make
everything line up nicely.
So this is sort of the visual representation,
the abstract representation 'cause those hexadecimal
things get painful to read after awhile.
So this is what they mean if you actually
go in and interpret it.
You've got the isa pointer, that other header field
that I didn't mention yet, those are retain counts,
you may or may not know Swift operates
using automatic reference counting.
So it needs to count the number of references
to each object and in Swift those counts are stored
in the object itself as that second header field.
And then your stored properties just get laid out
after that, the compiler just puts them one by one.
And I did say retain counts, plural,
so there are actually two counts in a Swift object,
this is in interesting little feature
of the way the system works.
There's the strong count and the weak count.
So when you make a normal reference to a Swift object
that increments the strong count
and then if you make a weak reference
to an object that increments the weak count.
And the idea is that when the strong count
goes to zero, if the weak count is non-zero
then the object is destroyed, but it's not deallocated
and that could be a talk by itself.
I got a blog article about it if anyone
cares about exactly how that works.
But that's essentially what we're seeing there.
So there are two separate counts
packed into the same field.
Each one I think is like 31 bits or something like that.
And then let's look at that isa structure.
So that isa structure in C++ the vtable
was just a list of method pointers.
In Swift it's a little bit more complicated
partly because of Objective-C interopp.
Swift has to work with Apple's Objective-C stuff
and in fact all Swift classes in memory
are also Objective-C classes.
This fact is hidden from us sometimes.
If you explicitly subclass in Objective-C class
then you can see it, if you use the at obj C
annotation you can see it.
But even if you do none of that and you do
what looks like a pure Swift class,
it's actually an Objective-C class just the same.
And just to be a little bit more accurate,
the first part of an object is not necessarily
the isa pointer, sometimes it's the isa pointer
along with some other junk.
This is just a way to sort of efficiently pack
some metadata in there.
Apple does this on iOS 64 bit,
I don't believe they do this on the Mac currently.
This is all subject to change,
but basically they can put little
extra bits of information in there
like whether this object has ever had
any associated objects with it
that need to be cleaned up when its deallocated
and things like that.
Just real quick detail there.
So what do these class structures look like?
Since every Swift class is also an Objective-C class,
that means that we can look at Objective-C
class definitions to see what's going on.
And Objective-C class definitions
are part of the Objective-C runtime
which is open source, that's convenient.
So we can just look in runtime.h
in the open source dump there.
And if we look there and we see what's going on,
this is what we get.
So every class is also a valid object in memory.
So if you remember an object starts
with an isa pointer, so that means every class
starts with an isa pointer as well.
So every class is also an object,
a class has a class, that's called the metaclass
and you can follow that rabbit hole
all the way down until you get very confused.
The class also stores super class.
So that allows you to follow the chain up
and essentially explore the class hierarchy.
Class stores its name, it stores a bunch of other stuff,
it stores how big it's objects are,
it stores a list of instance variables
and methods and it's got a cache
which speeds up methods dispatch.
And then Swift classes take all of that
and they add more stuff because Swift
has more stuff going on.
So if you look in the Swift open source
to see what's involved there,
we've got some flags, we've got this offsets,
a lot of bizarre stuff.
But essentially a Swift class is the Objective-C class
with more stuff on the end.
And then, this is an interesting part,
after all of those fields it's a list of methods again,
an array of method implementation.
So essentially it's the C++ vtable approach again
with some extra stuff at the top that we can ignore.
And so what that means is that when you do
a method call in Swift it translates
into essentially an array lookup.
So you write obj.method up here
and that translates into code like this down here.
So essentially you take to object,
you get that isa field out of it
and then you just index into it
to get the method pointer and then you jump to it.
You essentially make a function call based on that.
And so it's quick, it's efficient at runtime.
Let's take a look at what an object
looks like when you subclass a bunch of stuff.
So I made a class, a subclass,
a subclass of that and so forth four levels deep.
And it looks exactly the same.
So you've got that isa pointer at that top
which tells you what it is, you've got
the retain counts below that and then the field
of all those classes just gets laid out sequentially.
Just like in C++ we saw before.
So at runtime it's very simple.
Even though the class hierarchy we looked at
was kind of long and complex.
Let's take a look at arrays in Swift.
Arrays in Swift are value types
which means that they act like primitives essentially
when you assign x equals y that conceptually creates
a new array which is codally separate from the original,
this dump reveals that's essentially a lie,
they are, in fact, reference types under the hood
the way they're implemented.
So this array, one, two, three, four, five,
if you actually look at it it's just a single pointer.
And that points to one, two, three, four
and then five after that which ran off the end
so it got truncated.
And so what's going on with that is every array
that you work with is actually a pointer
to the storage and when you make a new array
you just get a new pointer to the storage,
nothing really happens and it's only
when you actually modify it, it will go in
and it will see, oh, someone else references this,
I will create a copy and then modify that copy.
So it still references under the hood,
you just don't see it until you run
a program like this, then you see it.
Let's take a look at protocol types,
this is an interesting aspect of Swift.
So here's a Swift protocol, it's got three methods in it.
Here is a struct, which holds three instances
of that protocol, right, you can use
a protocol as a type itself and that can hold
an instance of anything that implements that protocol.
Here is a struct which implements it,
it's just got empty implementations of those three methods.
It's also got a field which is just an integer
containing the strange hex value,
that hex value will spell out the word small in ASCII,
basically that's there so that when I do the dump
we can identify it because it will search
for that string, it will show it in the printing.
Here's another struct, this is a larger one,
it's got four fields.
The first one spells out large
and the other ones just contain one, two, and three
repeated just so that they show up nicely.
And finally, here is a class, if this wants to advance,
yeah, my wifi is not cooperating.
There's a class which, same as the struct essentially
except it spells out class instead.
And so we wanna see how these get represented.
So here we create an instance of that protocol holder
containing one instance of the small struct,
one instance of the large struct
and one instance of that class.
And if we dump it out here's what we get.
The larger view of this is very complicated,
but we can see that struct in the list of strings
that it found, it found small.
So we can tell from this that that small struct
actually gets stored inline, that protocol,
that field of protocol type is able to store
that struct inline, but the large struct
does not get stored inline and of course
the class doesn't because the class is a reference.
And where did that large struct go?
Because structs normally get stored inline,
but this one was large, it ends up getting stored
off on the side here if you chase the arrows around.
And essentially what happens is it's too big to fit.
The compiler can't know how big
these things are gonna be so it places
an arbitrary size limit and when you go over that limit
then the compiler behind your back boxes it up,
allocates something dynamically and stores it over here.
So here large gets stored off in the weeds somewhere.
If you chase it down you actually look
at how these things are implemented.
A value of protocol type holds five fields.
It holds three arbitrary data fields
and then it holds some type metadata
which essentially tells you what it is
and then it holds a witness table
which is like a vtable for the protocol.
And those three data fields are given over
to whatever the type needs them for.
So if you've got a struct which holds
that much stuff or less it gets stored inline
very efficiently and everything is quick
and as soon as you go over that limit,
suddenly it has to get broken out,
it gets boxed up, it gets allocated dynamically
and you loose a lot of efficiency.
And this is all hidden from you,
you don't notice it util your code gets slow.
So the witness table is basically a vtable,
it's just an array of implementations
just like the C++ vtable.
And so that means that when you make a method call
on a protocol type it looks a lot like
a method call on an object 'cause you've got
this special table just for the protocol.
So when you make a call you get a protocol
type like that, you do p.g, make a call,
it translates into something like this.
You just take that, you look up the table
by looking up the fourth word in the protocol
and then you use the offset in the table
that you know about because the compiler
just knows that it's that method
and then you just make the call
based on the function pointer.
And then if you have a struct that's too big
it ends up looking like this, instead of having
data fields, that first data field
is actually a pointer to the real data.
So everything gets stored off over here,
you've got the table over there.
And then the methods here know
that when they need to do their stuff
they have to go up and chase that pointer
and it's all just handled behind your back.
And this is not cooperating again, indeed, there we go.
Enums are a very interesting case in Swift.
So Swift has these high level enumeration types
where you can have associated data and all that
or they can just be very simple things.
Here is a simple case, just five cases,
nothing associated with them, just A, B, C, D, and E.
Here's a struct which will hold those.
And the result is those get laid out very succinctly,
zero, one, two, three, four, each one
gets a different number, they're one byte long
because we don't need more than one byte
to represent five values and it's all
very nice and compact.
Here is a version with a raw value
so you can actually go through and tell Swift,
I want my cases to correspond to specific values.
So what this does is it says A is one, B is two,
C is three, D is four, E is five.
And let's see what that looks like.
And an interesting thing, it does not change.
It doesn't go one, two, three, four, five,
it still goes zero, one, two, three, four.
Alright, running out of time here.
Real quick, if we just go through (clicks)
for a string, you can do string raw values.
So A is whatever and then B, C, D, and E
get defaults, those are just B, C, D, and E.
And those still are zero, one, two, three, four.
And essentially what's going on here
is the raw value can be stored
off in a separate table somewhere,
the compiler knows about it, there's no per instance
raw value of any kind, so it can just be
zero, one, two, three, four and somewhere else
there's a table that says zero is whatever,
one is B, two is C, and so forth.
Alright, let's look at associated objects real quick.
This is just an enum, the first case
has an object associated with it and the others do not.
And if we dump that out we find that it has expanded
because it needs to be able to store that object pointer,
but it has expanded intelligently.
So the first thing is just a raw object pointer
and then the other ones are just small integers.
And the compiler's able to pack these
so that it knows zero, two, four, and six
can never be a valid pointer.
So it's able to use that to distinguish between those.
And then if we make it larger we have an enum
with A, B, C, D, and E where they all
have objects associated with them
and suddenly everything gets bigger.
Every entry is a pointer followed by an integer.
So object pointer zero, object pointer one,
object pointer two, object pointer three.
So the number that gets assigned to each enum case
and the associated value essentially get laid out
next to each other.
The compiler's able to pack them compactly
for that one specific case, but not in the general sense.
Alright, so wrapping up, I'm just gonna kinda
skip through these real quick since we're behind on time.
We've got real physical memory, we've got conceptual memory
and then we've got sort of the actual,
the architecture of it all.
C just lays things out nice and straightforward
with a little padding.
C++ objects get a vtable at the top.
Swift objects get the same sort of thing,
but with more stuff going on.
Protocol values end up taking up five words of memory,
sometimes they can store data inline,
but if you get too big they don't.
And enums end up being packed in many different ways
depending on what's going on.
There's our quick sum up which I just said.
And so you can learn a lot by poking around.
It's a lot of fun and sometimes it's useful.
And as they asked me to remind you,
and as I did before, remember to rate
the session in the app and that's it.
So if there's questions we can,
or if we have no time for questions or (laughs),
okay, can you use Swift demangle
with PO in Xcode when debugging?
I don't think there's any built in way to do that,
but what you can do is just copy, paste
onto the command line, Swift demangle should be
available in the terminal.
If you wanted to I'm sure you could
build a little script, LLDB is scriptable through Python
so you could do that if that turned out to be useful.
Okay, so the question is, any versus any object
in Swift three and whether there are changes
based on whether you import foundation?
I don't think there would be changes in the layout
based on what you import because there needs
to be cross-compatibility between files
that import foundation to files that don't.
So they would still need to be the same.
But any, in Swift 3 Objective-C objects
as untyped objects now come in
as any instead of any object, so there's definitely
a change there, I believe that's just
essentially a translation phase.
Any I think looks like one of the protocol types
where it's a five word thing, it's got three
inline and whatever and it's essentially
storing things that way.
And then there's just a step where it takes
that Objective-C pointer that comes in
and just kind of puts it in one of those things.
The source code is online for my thing,
it should run more or less out of the box,
so if you wanna experiment and see what it does feel free.
Anything else?
Alright, oh, yes?
Yeah, so question is about the new
memory debugging facilities in Xcode 8
and how it compares to my stuff.
So that new memory debugging stuff
is really cool, you can go through
and it will just essentially show you
kind of graphs like I showed here
except they're live which is really neat.
And I haven't played with it a ton,
but I'm sure it's gonna be really useful.
It's a little bit more limited from what little
I have done with it, in that it tries to,
well it's gotta work at runtime,
so it has to be kind of limited in that respect.
I believe it will not trace like, C pointers
and things like that, at least not
beyond a certain point.
It's not gonna be tracing global symbols
and things like that.
But as far as like, looking at plain Swift objects,
it's really cool, it'll show you the trees,
it'll show you this object points to that object.
And I think it's gonna skip over things
like the pointers up to the classes,
so it doesn't give you everything.
But for what you care about day to day,
it looks really cool, really useful.
Alright, looks like that's it.
Thank you very much for coming
and enjoy the rest of the conference.