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  • GTAC - Day 2 Ibrahim El Far

  • and Jason Arbon October 27, 2011

  • >>James Whittaker: I actually think we have two speakers for this next one, a pair of

  • Googlers. Ibrahim El Far and Jason Arbon actually both

  • work for me. There were no special privileges getting them in this event. They were all

  • still voted for. But these are the two people that if they do have a bad presentation, I

  • can actually do something about it. So just saying. No pressure. We're continuing our

  • theme of browser automation. And I think this is going to be completely different from a

  • lot of the other discussions. But I heard the sauce guy, Adam, say something about BITE.

  • That's part of what we're going to demo here. And maybe Sauce will pick it up and do something

  • with it, because we have open sourced this. So I think Ibrahim is going to start.

  • Ibrahim actually kind of followed me. We were in Florida for a little while. And then we

  • both went to Microsoft. And then -- >>Ibrahim El Far: You followed me into Microsoft.

  • >>James Whittaker: I followed you. That's true. You went to Microsoft first and then

  • I followed you. And then I went to Google and you followed me.

  • And eventually we're going to have to stop this stuff. People will talk.

  • [ Laughter ] >>James Whittaker: And Jason Arbon is also

  • another former Microsofty-become-Googler. And, I don't know, maybe I should stop saying

  • that. I said former Microsofter. When your badge

  • -- the joke around Google is you don't know you're fired until you come to work and your

  • badge doesn't work. That's when you know. Okay. Let's welcome our new speakers.

  • [ Applause ] >>Jason Arbon: He's got -- Welcome to the

  • cloud; right? >>Ibrahim El Far: Excellent. Fantastic.

  • So hi. My name is Ibrahim. I've been at Google for about a year and a half. I'm a manager

  • of a team of about -- until recently, of seven or eight people who basically just do test

  • tools. We're going to talk about two of these tools today.

  • And I work closely with Jason. Jason is the visionary and the man behind most of these

  • tools. So, basically, if you dislike any of the ideas,

  • just blame him -- >>Jason Arbon: In implementation, it's him.

  • >>Ibrahim El Far: Yes, indeed. So I figured, though, I will want to just

  • start with a silent presentation reflecting on some of the things that we saw yesterday.

  • [ Laughter ] >>Ibrahim El Far: So, anyway, --

  • [ Applause ] >>Ibrahim El Far: So, just to give -- I want

  • just to gauge a little bit what kind of audience we have here. So how many of you do UI testing?

  • By -- oh, cool. How many of you do JavaScript, like write

  • JavaScript on a daily basis? Oh, excellent. Interesting.

  • I always found it interesting, by the way, that a lot of the people who deal with Web

  • testing on a daily basis just don't really deal directly with JavaScript.

  • How many of you have -- deal with manual testers, like, work with manual testers on a daily

  • basis? Cool.

  • How many of you have filed bugs? [ Laughter ]

  • >>Ibrahim El Far: How many of you have spent a whole lot of time talking to developers

  • about convincing them you that need to fix those bugs?

  • How many of you had the opposite experience of just, you know, developers just fixed it

  • on a regular basis. Oh, fantastic. Of course, Tony has it right.

  • So there's always a place for testers. Can you help me with the clicking, please.

  • >>Jason Arbon: Yes, sir. >>Ibrahim El Far: That's why I brought in

  • Jason. He's basically my clicker. >>Jason Arbon: Not funny.

  • >>Ibrahim El Far: Yeah, pretty much. [ Laughter ]

  • >>Ibrahim El Far: So crowd sourcing was mentioned yesterday. And -- as a powerful sort of way

  • that actually scales in terms of bringing the crowd to test, sort of like hiring a dedicated

  • set of testers. And that is especially true for consumer applications.

  • So I'm not going to pretend that this works for enterprise applications. I'm not going

  • to pretend this works for operating systems, or even back-end stuff. But for consumers

  • with a lot of UI stuff, this works pretty well.

  • So there's always a place for highly skilled bug hunters who are actually working for organizations

  • whose core business is testing. Actually, even if companies, large companies, like Microsoft

  • or Google or et cetera, decide one day that we're -- James is right and test is dead and

  • we're not going to hire any more testers, I think there's always going to be a place

  • for testers in organizations whose core business model is about testing. We'll get into that

  • a little bit later in the presentation. So you can keep arguing about who needs to

  • be doing it or you can argue about where we need to do it, in the United States, or in

  • India and China, or in your company versus outside of your company. But that's really

  • not the point. >>Jason Arbon: We didn't practice any of this,

  • by the way. >>Ibrahim El Far: This is not very rehearsed.

  • So, really, the work is not going away. If -- you know, basically, what we need is,

  • we still need to test your software. We need to do it in an exploratory way or a scripted

  • way, doesn't matter, but it still needs to be done. Bugs still need to be filed. And

  • -- why are you not clicking? >>Jason Arbon: Because you don't make the

  • click noise. We talked about the click noise. (Clicking).

  • >>Ibrahim El Far: But, I mean, how are we going to go through this? You're just not

  • doing your job. >>Jason Arbon: I'm doing it. I'm just doing

  • a review level 3.1. >>Ibrahim El Far: I'm already talking about,

  • you know, the work that's not going away. And -- yeah, okay. Thank you.

  • [ Laughter ] >>Ibrahim El Far: So I'm already done with

  • this bullet, so it's done. >>Jason Arbon: I can quit.

  • >>Ibrahim El Far: So the work is not going away.

  • And -- I'm just going to do it myself. >>Jason Arbon: Please.

  • [ Laughter ] >>Jason Arbon: Management.

  • >>Ibrahim El Far: But we don't really -- here's the thing. I don't know if you ever hung out

  • with a manual tester or if you've ever been one. When I first joined Microsoft a long

  • time ago, I was hired as a test engineer, which technically meant that I clicked buttons.

  • And life was kind of miserable, actually. I had to, you know, set up my machine, install

  • a whole lot of software. And even in today's world, with, you know, everything being -- going

  • into the cloud, you still have to install a lot of tools and spend a lot of time learning

  • about these tools. So -- Click.

  • [ Laughter ] >>Ibrahim El Far: -- you also tend to spend

  • a lot of time away from the application. The thing about exploratory testers and manual

  • testers is, really, they need to spend as much time as possible just playing with the

  • app. And they don't. They keep switching context a lot. They keep switching and saying, "Oh,

  • I need to actually create a test case in the test case manager." Really? I mean, seriously?

  • I need to enter data, like who's the author of this test and what's the title of this

  • test, and here are the steps of this test. And, by the way, here's how you execute this

  • test. Really? I mean, come on. We're in 2011 already?

  • Something like that? Yeah. So that's the other job that Jason is there

  • for. Click on my slides, and shake his head. >>Jason Arbon: I'm ahead of you.

  • >>Ibrahim El Far: That's right. Thanks. So also, another really terrible thing, another

  • terrible experience about this is, you know, we go ahead and we know that some test cases

  • are, you know, going to fail or pass. But we give them to test -- because we haven't

  • got a chance, especially in the UI testing world, we haven't got a chance to automate

  • it, so what we do is we give them a whole bunch of spreadsheets and say, "Go ahead and

  • just run through -- run with them." And that's really unfortunate, because what

  • that means, instead of them exploring new functionality, they're stuck, essentially,

  • repeating the same thing over and over again. And then often we hire an army of them just

  • so we can cover things like all sorts of machine and browser combinations.

  • You know, they -- manual testers these days also still spend a whole lot of time testing

  • a whole lot of stuff that can be found by a machine. And so, really, test case managers,

  • bug filing systems, and record playback software, which is really central to the life of a manual

  • tester, I was going to say it just needs to die. But what I really mean is it just needs

  • to be invisible. It needs to be invisible so that the user of the software, who can

  • be a tester, or the developer of the software, or the manual tester, who is a dedicated manual

  • tester, anyone can actually -- [ Laughter ]

  • >>Ibrahim El Far: You know, we only have 30 minutes. So....

  • So, for us, when we talk about -- you know, at least on our team, when we talk about the

  • crowd, we actually don't really mean just people. We mean a crowd of people and a crowd

  • of machines. And it's really just the best of both worlds.

  • So this is the standard, oh, testing is labor-intensive. Ooh.

  • So let's go on to the next slide, actually. So I'm going to go through -- so I'm going

  • to go through just a bunch of the tools -- tool work that we've been doing. BITE stands for

  • browser integrated test environment. It's -- the client portions are already open source.

  • You can go and take a look at them. And I'm -- we're going to first take a look

  • at the record and playback feature. >>Jason Arbon: Your internal Google email

  • is popping up. >>Ibrahim El Far: Oh, yeah. Hopefully, -- oh,

  • well, just try to ignore that. Will that show up on video?

  • >>Jason Arbon: Yeah. >>Ibrahim El Far: Oh, crap. All right.

  • But I quit all notifiers, then. It's only the job that pays the bills.

  • So keep in mind the first thing that we wanted to do is to make sure that testers just don't

  • really -- especially exploratory testers don't have to do a lot of work to sort of enter

  • metadata about their test cases, and enough information for these test cases to be repeated.

  • So one of those core components is really a traditional kind of traditionally boring

  • piece of testing called record playback, except we do it in a pretty cool way.

  • So what you do is, all you need is to install an extension. BITE is really just a Chrome

  • extension, at least today. And what you do is just you start -- go ahead

  • and play with your -- with your application, in this case, you know, just open up the Google

  • page. And then as you go through this application, essentially, what BITE is doing is recording

  • everything that you're doing. And without you necessarily writing any of the code, what's

  • being recorded is both -- I don't know if you can see this very well from where you're

  • sitting -- but you can see both, essentially, JavaScriptish kind of code that's being generated,

  • but also kind of an -- a plain English sort of presentation of the test case. Depending

  • on who's using this tool, they might want to take a look at something a little bit more

  • friendly than JavaScript as a representation of your test case.

  • You can do things like also add validation. So as, for example, you're going ahead and

  • playing with your app, you can say, for example, that these are your expectations about what

  • to find on a certain page, like some things are a must, some things are to be ignored,

  • some things are optional. And then also, as you are exploring your software,

  • we are taking, essentially, a snapshot or a screen shot of the application step by step.

  • So this way, basically, now, you have three ways of looking at your test case later. You

  • can either look at the JavaScript code and run that. You can look at the English, plain

  • English representation of the test. Or you can look at a sequence of screen shots.

  • So -- But here's the thing: So, again, how many of you on a daily basis do UI testing

  • and think that UI testing is kind of easy to break? Or brittle?

  • Yeah. It's like -- so I've never really worked too

  • much on UI testing until recently. But I've -- you know, I work very closely with people

  • who did. And it's amazing. I mean, a lot of the time that people spend in UI testing is

  • about, essentially -- well, reimplementing a whole lot of these test cases.

  • And what we are finding is, that if you have the right set of tools, it's actually far

  • less expensive, far cheaper, if you have the right set of tools to simply rerecord all

  • the test cases than to actually develop -- you know, fix test cases or even develop them

  • from scratch. Just our experience. We'll talk about that some more.

  • So, for example, in this particular tool, what we do is, if your test case fails, what

  • we allow you to do is, by a simple click -- this dialogue says this step failed finding element

  • blah, and it actually -- it actually highlights that element.

  • And what you do is, once you click on that element, then you -- the new element in the

  • page that's equivalent, it kind of fixes it automatically and finds all the other instances

  • of that element in the same test case and sort of fixes that as well.

  • So what that means is, if someone messes with your devs or with elements on the page, it's

  • not the end of the world. You can simply just say, oh, here's the search -- here's the new

  • search button, as opposed to -- and then it'll find all the instances of the old search button

  • and basically replace them with the new search button, as an example.

  • So that's basically the record playback portion, it's basically record playback plus the ability

  • to fix broken tests reasonably easy. >>Jason Arbon: Can I add one thing real quick?

  • Thank you. The cool thing that we'll get to a little bit later is we're generating JavaScript;

  • right. We're not generating Java that need to be compiled local and deployed to machines.

  • You join these test cases, we save them automatically in the cloud. It's just saved to a server,

  • so you never have to worry about file management or local store or anything. And the core thing

  • is this stuff actually runs on Chrome OS. So it runs entirely in the browser, which

  • is one of the main motivating factors for this whole project. That's kind of a cool

  • part. >>Ibrahim El Far: How many of you when I was

  • going through the screen shots saw a test case?

  • Or the name of a test case? Or anything like that?

  • Actually, in the cloud, basically, as you have been -- as you're using this tool, test

  • cases are basically being created. So, in other words, you can basically come back later

  • and say, go to your test case manager that you plug into this tool and review the test

  • cases that you've gone through. >>Jason Arbon: And that was kind of a requirement

  • because James wrote these other Octomom books about testing and exploratory testing. And

  • people go do this and there's no record of what they did, no way to reproduce this stuff.

  • That's not funny, James. There's no way to reproduce this stuff; right?

  • There's no artifacts of what you did. There's no way to share that information.

  • >>Ibrahim El Far: And then another cool thing is, now that they have done the exploratory

  • work, these are turned essentially into regression tests.

  • And you can just keep running them over and again. And we'll talk about it some more later.

  • But, basically, we can also run them anywhere and potentially on other browsers as well,

  • not just on Chrome. Or on the particular operating system that

  • the exploratory tester happens to be running on.

  • >>Jason Arbon: Is it okay? Is our relationship going to survive this?

  • >>Ibrahim El Far: You keep on interrupting me.

  • >>Jason Arbon: You told me to. The inspiration was when James came to Google

  • originally, he had this original BS mock slide that people thought was real of, like, all

  • these, like, bug overlay information on top of Visual Studio and all this kind of stuff.

  • And I saw it and didn't realize it was a fake mock, and I wanted to build the same thing

  • for the browser; right? So -- Dude, the one time you have control of the

  • machine. [ Laughter ]

  • >>Jason Arbon: But just like, you know, when testers are going through this, they don't

  • have any context, don't know what test cases have been running, don't know what bugs have

  • been filed before. Just like modern pilots who deal with a lot of information, information

  • overload, we wanted to do a heads-up display similarly on the browser; right? So we're

  • kind of trying to take the bugs, the test case data, the debug data, the code coverage

  • data, and put that and overlay it right on the application while you're testing it to

  • avoid kind of just flipping between applications and different Web pages and stuff like that.

  • >>Ibrahim El Far: One of the ways, actually, that we -- one of the ways that testers spend

  • a lot of time switching context is going back and forth between their bug-tracking system,

  • as well as -- and their application. So the other feature of BITE is BITE bug filing,

  • where, again, without leaving your application and having installed only an extension with,

  • basically, no other thing else on your client, you're able to also file bugs.

  • So, for example, this is an example from Maps. So you just go to Google Maps, for example,

  • and look for Seattle pizza. You get a bunch of results. And then you go

  • ahead and click on one of those results. And let's say that you found a problem with

  • this particular result. So all you've got to do is click on "report a bug." And then

  • this is very application-specific. So what -- often, what we do is take BITE and with

  • a little bit of customization for a particular domain, in this instance, it's Maps. If you

  • look -- it's kind of hard to read -- but a popup comes out and says, "Is this a problem

  • with a map tile? Is this inaccurate or incorrect results? Is this wrong or incorrect directions?"

  • It just starts asking directions. It asks you please point where -- if it's

  • a visual problem or a problem with the UI, please point me where in the UI is the problem.

  • And then, of course, you can choose -- it's kind of hard to see, but it says the problem

  • I'm reporting is not related to the UI if it's not necessarily a UI problem.

  • So let's say you click on the -- this element that's highlighted. And now, in essence, pretty

  • much everything that you've -- that you need has already been kind of generated for you.

  • These include things like the screen shots that -- of everything that you've done, everything

  • that you've done so far, until -- until you are about to file the bug. You can -- you

  • know, including screen shots, including sort of all sorts of useful representations of

  • the test case, the code that is required to actually run the test case in a browser in

  • JavaScript. And then, of course, the capability of -- there's a button there for capability

  • of actually playing this -- replaying what you just did.

  • And then once you review this information, if you're satisfied, you say, "Bug it," and

  • you're done. You haven't left your application. You're still in your application. But you're

  • still able to also file bugs. >>Jason Arbon: Can I add something to that?

  • >>Ibrahim El Far: I was going to pause, anyway. >>Jason Arbon: Can I add some sugar?

  • Start getting worked up. The cool thing is this is the internal bug

  • filing tool now on Maps for internal, like, if you're on Google corp net.

  • And you used to get the dogfood bugs from everybody and everybody is using Maps and

  • these bugs were horrible. They're, like, repro steps from, like, program managers and marketing

  • people, and even from testers that aren't on the application.

  • The funny thing, if you use Maps, so people say, "Here's the repro you (indiscernible)."

  • "It's Right?" And they go, "Thank you."

  • Right? So what we're also doing in the background

  • is collecting a bunch of information from the DOM that's application-specific again,

  • lights up on Maps. That includes all the debug URLs and all that kind of context that the

  • developers need. So we talk about what information you need and we add it and scrape it on the

  • DOM. It's just a little bit of JavaScript. But the interesting thing that's going on

  • here is this: When people have this extension installed inside of Google, it doesn't record

  • anything. It's just sitting there silently; right? But when you're on,

  • this little thing starts recording, right, as you're doing stuff. So when you go to,

  • like, file the bug, it actually has the script of everything you've done on,

  • right, in that domain. So, like, you know, so, actually, the developers, when they get

  • the repro, it's not like I'm on this page and there's this bug. They can actually click

  • a link, and then we pull that JavaScript down into their version of the extension; right?

  • And it actually, like, goes to And then if they were browsing for 15 minutes,

  • it will just play the entire 15-minutes sequence of what that user did. They may not even know

  • what the interesting thing they did to induce that error state.

  • >>Ibrahim El Far: One of the holy grails you've been looking for as a developer is go to my

  • issue tracking or bug tracking system is just go to the bug and replay the system for the

  • bug to be replayed. This is a reality for a lot of scenarios right now.

  • >>Jason Arbon: Except it's a URL not a button. It's a feature request.

  • >>Ibrahim El Far: Let's not deviate off script. >>Jason Arbon: Dude.

  • >>Ibrahim El Far: Again. >>Jason Arbon: Saw your password.

  • >>Ibrahim El Far: Really? [ Laughter ]

  • >>Jason Arbon: I know how many characters it is -- they know how many characters it

  • is, too, now. The search space. >>Ibrahim El Far: The other thing that manual

  • testers also -- And, by the way, I say the word -- I use the word "manual testers," like,

  • loosely. It could be a dedicated tester again or it could be, like, just a user. It could

  • be, really, anyone who has essentially volunteered to test software.

  • So one of the issues that they also deal with is having to, essentially, file a whole lot

  • of duplicate bugs or not knowing where most of the bugs are, 'cause, as you know, when

  • there's an area where there's plenty of bugs, there's probably a whole lot more bugs in

  • that area. So you want to go ahead and attack that. Or vice versa, if no one has filed any

  • bugs in an area, you want to go and figure that out

  • So let's go back to the Maps scenario. >>Jason Arbon: Sometimes it's even lonely

  • when you're a tester and you're in your application and you don't know what's been going on. That's

  • what I feel like all the time. I'm lonely. >>Ibrahim El Far: I'm with you.

  • So, again, if you want to -- if you want to report a bug, before you report a bug, you

  • can also see all the bugs that are related to the application that you're seeing right

  • now. And then if you activate overlay, what will happen is you actually will see a highlight

  • of this is where other people have filed bugs in this application. And you can click on

  • that and find out, oh, someone actually already filed a bug in this particular -- on this

  • particular element, and it's probably the same issue. So it can on the spot say, okay,

  • this is not a bug, if process you're a developer, for example. Or you can say this is resolved

  • now, it's no longer an issue. You can add is comment if you're, for example, a colleague

  • and say, oh, yeah, I've seen this, too, but you've missed a couple of points. Maybe I

  • just want to add a comment. So it's -- actually, it turns, really, testing from the solitary

  • activity into a very sort of social. >>Jason Arbon: Now that I'm thinking about

  • it, maybe people just don't like me. This list of bugs here, right, isn't just

  • all the bugs from This is actually, like, we do relevant stuff here;

  • right? So as you're browsing, like, if a URL does change, we, like, filtering, we do some

  • smart filtering and stuff for relevance. We also look at the content of the DOM to

  • do the filtering, to do the smart query. So it's like there's thousands of these things.

  • Although we pretend there aren't any bugs in Maps. But we picked the right set that

  • are probably going to be relevant for the map tiles that you're viewing right now.

  • Click. Now it's yellow. >>Ibrahim El Far: That's exciting.

  • So. >>Jason Arbon: Like James' shirt.

  • >>Ibrahim El Far: So that's basically sort of the major features of BITE. And, again,

  • the exciting -- to me, it's really exciting stuff, because, really, it eliminates -- it

  • sort of like hides most of the tools away from you, especially test case management

  • and bug filing systems, and lets you focus a lot more on testing. And because of that

  • last feature, it also helps sort of you be a little bit more aware of what's going on

  • elsewhere, without your having to go back to the issue tracking software and figuring

  • out, oh, has someone else filed a bug or has someone else tested that area of the application?

  • So that's -- But that takes care -- and those tools are really necessary if you want to

  • go for crowd sourcing where you really have testers who are not necessarily dedicated

  • 100% of the time or don't have time to be trained into -- you know, on specialized tools,

  • et cetera. But that's only half of the puzzle.

  • The other piece of this puzzle is really on stuff that testers do that, really, machines

  • ought to be doing. The particular example that we've started

  • working with is really just about layout. You know, we had an army of testers dedicated

  • to figuring out whether layout problems change over -- you know, layout -- there are layout

  • problems introduced over time for given applications. And, really, the problem with that is, most

  • of the time, you really don't have layout problems. Most of the time, you know, for

  • 90% of the cases, 95% of the cases, you're just verifying that there's absolutely no

  • problem. But it's a little bit more about just doing

  • stuff that a machine can do or should be doing. Are the bidi testing people here? No? Yes?

  • Hello. So -- that was "hello" Arabic. You may have

  • heard, I spoke from right to left. [ Laughter ]

  • >>Ibrahim El Far: But the bidi stuff, actually, is a prime example of the kind of thing we're

  • talking about. It's like, most of the time, either you can resolve these things automatically.

  • And for a small percent of the time, you need sort of a human decision to figure out what's

  • going on. So Bots is about that.

  • Let's just jump into demo. So in Bots, what you do is you say, okay,

  • here's my application, the application I care about. Say I care about, for example,,

  • because I test that stuff. You also care about a whole bunch of other

  • applications. And then you give it to -- you give it to

  • Bots. And then Bots takes care of things magically. As far as you're concerned, you don't really

  • necessarily know what exactly Bots does. All you know is it's trying to figure out whether,

  • in this case, it's testing for layout problems. But it could be testing for bidi problems,

  • it could be testing for very basic accessibility problems that can be detected only -- without

  • using the semantics of the application. And then over time, you know, what happens

  • is bots comes up with the results. You probably can't really see it here, but what it's doing

  • here is it's comparing this table, dev and canary versions of Chrome, but can you imagine

  • it also comparing Internet Explorer versus Chrome versus Firefox.

  • And what it's doing is it's telling us whether there are layout problems that were introduced

  • in this table version versus the dev version, versus the canary version.

  • And so when you drill down what you get is sort of like a before and after sort of picture,

  • and the tool allows you to diff between the pages where the layout change. And that's

  • the highlight of the diff. And what you can do then is you can click on the area that

  • changed and actually see the element that changed.

  • That saves -- it may sound a bit counterintuitive. We say most of the stuff is already taken

  • care of by automation, but actually it's not really. And so a lot of folks -- this is stuff

  • that does not come for free. And that's sort of the hope of our underlying

  • sort of theme of Bots. What we want is if -- if the stuff does not

  • require humans for the most part, if the stuff can be done by machines, then it ought to

  • be really free. You ought to get this for free.

  • And so layout problems are an example of that. And that's sort of what Bots does so far.

  • So this was just a very quick overview of how some of the tools work, but how does everything

  • sort of fit together in the grander scheme of things.

  • Jason? >>Jason Arbon: It does? Are you going to call

  • me the Octomom of test tools? That was the one thing we practiced actually and he didn't

  • do it. [ Laughter ]

  • >>Ibrahim El-Far: Can I still say it? >>Jason Arbon: No, it's not cool now.

  • >>Ibrahim El-Far: He is the Octomom of testing tools, by the way. Most of these tools are

  • his brainchild. >>Jason Arbon: I do tend to faint when I present,

  • so just watch out, front row. [ Laughter ]

  • >>Jason Arbon: It's not pretty. So let's go to -- all right. So one more comment

  • on the Bots again. One of the premises that Google rates is that we push new builds, and

  • new products hourly, sometimes minutely, that's like the new term, the hot term, but we ship

  • so often, right, the reality is that there's very few CL's, that's part of the whole quality

  • kind of attack is small number of changes, iterate very quickly, deploy, test and flight

  • all these things. So the problem is tests can't keep up, but

  • the reality is these apps don't change that much. is about -- don't quote me,

  • but the apps don't change that much day to day. What they're doing all the time is scanning

  • web pages, doing suites of regressions tasks to see if looks the same as it did yesterday

  • or an hour ago or a minute ago, and it's a complete waste of time, and we have really

  • talented, bright people doing this ridiculous work all the time.

  • The idea of Bots, the main value out of Bots is it just scans it. It's very similar to

  • what Kevin was talking about. It was cool. So we're not totally like both crazy. We're

  • independently crazy, right? And but the cool thing is if the stuff doesn't

  • change you don't have to look at it. That's the key premise of the whole thing. So let

  • the Bots do this crazy work and diff'ing all the time, and the only thing that requires

  • a human brain to evaluate because the stuff doesn't change.

  • Let's get into the interesting stuff. So this slide I created like an hour ago.

  • I don't know how it will go. So I want to say back to what James and Alberto

  • were saying at doomsday, whatever, yesterday, test hasn't evolved, right? And I was at Microsoft

  • and I started working on IE 4, which dates me now. I guess I'm an old man now. I was

  • working on IE 4 and guess what? I found myself working on Chrome doing the same damn thing.

  • And actually people were doing more manual work at Google than they were at Microsoft.

  • I said I thought this was the cloud and the future and I've landed in the middle of I

  • don't know where. Oh, man, Google is based on peer feedback,

  • so -- [ Laughter ]

  • >>Jason Arbon: That's why I've been quiet about some of these tools.

  • But really what happened is this is the way I visualize this stuff is that back in the

  • day Yahoo! was pretty cool when the web was pretty small and evolving pretty slowly, they

  • had humans index interesting sites and put them into this giant hierarchy of sites. It

  • worked pretty well for the time, right, like when I was in school.

  • And then Google came around, this company that pays my bills, and I love them and they

  • give me coffee, but they figured like this won't scale. It's changing faster, it's growing,

  • it's getting bigger. What do they do? They end up doing the modern search stack, which

  • is this crawl and index and using page rank to find surface to relevant stuff and it's

  • not a perfect system either. It doesn't know every single URL and they're not always in

  • perfect order, but really what happens is when I looked around test was still doing

  • the manual curation of test cases. They're very directed and in these hierarchies in

  • case managers and stuff. But the world had changed and the web had changed, but testing

  • hadn't changed yet. So I want to say that the web and searches

  • made this transition and actually even Yahoo! has now because of Bing. But what would this

  • mean if you thought about this in the context of testing? How could you actually test to

  • catch up and do the same transition that we missed probably a decade ago?

  • So this is actually Ibrahim's girlfriend in the picture. I was like, who is this person?

  • I don't know. I just told him that. So some early results. The thing is Google

  • is based on peer review for feedback and review scores and your bonus, so I've been quiet

  • about the data, but what I've been doing under James' semi-watch and I've scammed him into

  • all these experiments and funding all these large teams is measuring humans and comparing

  • the human activity of manual testing and automation versus Bots and versus the crowd. That's what

  • we've been doing. We've had a lot of infrastructure to do that.

  • And BITE has been played with like how do we make the testers even faster? I'm trying

  • to help the manual testers, too, but I want to find out what's the answer to this stuff

  • because no one is experimenting. They're merely checking the features that came to the build

  • yesterday and the day before. So I figured I would experiment a little bit while I've

  • got a crazy manager that would fund it. So the fundamental -- first point is -- and

  • I could go on for hours and I've only got a few minutes here. Bots are faster and less

  • expensive for basic regression testing than humans.

  • Who would have thunk? We all know that, but we don't use machines for that. It's been

  • a theme of the conference, I think. I think the Bots are the first stage of that, the

  • simple layout Bots. I've got some samples, but I don't have time

  • for those things. Also, I've compared some -- I won't protect the innocent, some of the

  • Chrome testing, we had these dedicated teams of manul on-site venders and full timers doing

  • those manual tests and they used to be doing it weekly and they'd recycle the test pass

  • again and again and again indefinitely, right, and doing the same thing.

  • And then we passed one of these builds -- I did an experiment and passed one through UTest

  • for crowdsourcing and guess what? We caught a lot of bugs. The same build they came out

  • with one or two bugs, but the crowd testers came back with like 18 bugs. Literally it

  • was just that. I won't talk about the money, but like it was a lot cheaper than our dedicated

  • testing team. And they're also faster because you can paralyze

  • these people where you can't paralyze a team of five people.

  • So that's actually very exciting. And the quality of the bug is not just more bugs.

  • They're actually interesting bugs. And somebody actually -- I'll probably blog

  • or something, I'll share a lot of that data over the next month or so.

  • The other is faster. We record bugs. This is where Simon Stewart -- he left, but I warned

  • him that I was going to bad-mouth him before he left.

  • The reality is we worked with the BITE record playback in the JavaScript generation, we

  • worked with the Chrome web store team and we thought you could try this out. Maybe it

  • will be working. Give us feedback and maybe we're stupid, it's a bad idea, the JavaScript

  • stuff instead of the WebDriver. And what happened is we came back a few days

  • -- we left them alone for a while and came back and we said how are you using the tool?

  • What's your feedback? We thought he would spend the time on -- when

  • the element is not there because the web page changed, we have the UX up to fix the code

  • on the fly kind of thing, and that's where we thought we were really clever.

  • But the reality is he said, I don't use that crap. He said, I just regenerate the test

  • case. It was like duh. It takes him like five seconds to try the feature out and we've generated

  • the test case, stored it for him and he can replay it at will and it's done. Once he records

  • it, it's persistent in the cloud and with one button you don't have to worry about all

  • these server farms and we have server farms that take care of this stuff. You can execute

  • this all in the browser itself. Anyway, we'll get on to the anti-WebDriver

  • stuff. How are we doing on time?

  • >>Ibrahim El-Far: Another five minutes. >>Jason Arbon: Okay. I will -- done. So here's

  • the new cycle. So I proposed this. Test isn't dead, it's just changing. There are dinosaurs

  • in the room. And some of them will actually become birds, right? Some of the brontosaurus

  • just fossilize. So this is the new workflow that I think will

  • be happening. These are converging. You've seen what Kevin has got and crowdsource and

  • people are talking about all these component. This is kind of the flow.

  • So a developer comes up in the number one slot and they just deploy the application.

  • You notice they don't have any listing of specifications or test plans or any of that

  • kind of junk. They just deploy the application. These Bots over here, we've done a lot of

  • work on running these things on Skytap actually, which rocks and they don't pay me for saying

  • that. But we're running the stuff on Skytap VM's. But the cool thing about it is that

  • the Bots run and 90, 95 percent of all pages don't change. We don't even look at them,

  • so we don't have any human involvement still. So the ones where we find diffs on the pages

  • where they're interesting and we haven't said ignore this stuff because it's dumb -- the

  • Bots are stupid sometimes. We say ignore it and it never does it again. But we come up

  • with a list of diffs. And rather than pass it to on-site dedicated testers, we pass it

  • off to the crowd with this BITE-enhanced overlay fancy head's up display thing. We route it

  • to a crowd tester. The crowd tester look at these diffs and says that looks like a feature,

  • that looks like a bug. They don't really know all the time. We've talked about context with

  • crowdsource people. They don't always have the full context of the project or why, but

  • they don't always need to. What happens is so -- we've done the study.

  • So really it's actually higher than 95%, but we'll call it 95% of all diff is identical.

  • The stuff that's different we filter out about 75% of that with the crowd and we've compared

  • that with on-site dedicated testers that know the product, know the developers, have lunch

  • with them, right? They're as good or better and actually faster than the dedicated testers

  • to filter out these diffs. So now of all the possible work that we could

  • have done we're down to three percent or less. And when there is an issue, like they're loaded

  • up, already got the browser open, they click the repro URL, it loads it up from the diff

  • and then they basically click on whatever is the problem. And they go next, next, next

  • and then the bug is filed. And that bug, we've got a feedback on from

  • the early deployments to the Google Maps team is better than their best tester found in

  • the bugs because the best tester doesn't do all the debug information and the best tester

  • still writes a lot of times "step one "-- it's embarrassing.

  • You space or do a tab. One, go to this URL, two, click this button, try to describe it.

  • There's none of that crap. It's faster and better data for the developers.

  • Then we just route this back. We route this back in the bugs dashboard back to the developer

  • and they just have an URL and they load the URL and they can see like, hey, nothing changed

  • or there's a couple of flagged bugs and they click on that and it takes them back to the

  • repro and to the possible bug. You realize what's going on in this whole

  • flow is that there's none of us in this flow. That's the cool, crazy thing. That's why I

  • think some dinosaurs think test is dead, but it's been automated and outsourced to the

  • crowd and to the machines. And this is this flow, we've actually tried

  • this flow once. It's early, but it actually works.

  • So we don't exist in this thing. That's where we've got to think about what we're going

  • to do. I argue we should actually participate in

  • making this flow better and also like work on instrument stuff, do more quality work

  • on the product. But also what's going on here, we found that we needed to do -- because they

  • were like the Bots are kind of stupid. They just find these diffs.

  • They are stupid. We have some interns working on like making them smarter and doing runtime

  • and some intelligence stuff, some pseudo AI stuff. I'm more practical than that, right?

  • Let them do the 90% job. But what happens is we have a continual set

  • of exploratory testers that are just assigned to the project. And we have a pool -- we've

  • tried pools of five and pools of 10. What we think best is a dedicated set up of -- for

  • instance, half of them are dedicated, always on the same product. They have the context,

  • right? And the other was able to rotate through for us. We got people with different browsers,

  • different opinions on stuff. They're looking for different bugs. They have different contexts.

  • So if you have a continual exploratory testing going on with Bots and then simple like looks

  • like a bug or doesn't look like a bug, you've basically solved about, you know, like almost

  • 100% of this kind of a testing problem. Because the developer is a smart guy. A lot

  • of us are also developers. You can just look at the bug. The problem is we spend all this

  • money and time in latency, having people sit at machines doing these repetitive tasks over

  • and over again. I think we can eliminate a vast majority of

  • that with this kind of workflow. We have the tools come together and we make the crowd

  • testers better with the BITE, more efficient. Wow. Okay. Thank you.

  • This is me from five years ago actually. [ Laughter ]

  • >>Jason Arbon: So I'll skip most of that stuff. Can you go back, though? Yeah. To the bell

  • bottoms. >>Ibrahim El-Far: Wrap it up.

  • >>Jason Arbon: Done. There's overhead and slide switching. Those are bell bottoms.

  • >>Ibrahim El-Far: There's like 10 minutes left.

  • >>Jason Arbon: There's a lot of stuff that isn't in that slide. You can look at that

  • better. It ain't there. It's actually streamline processed.

  • The reason I say bell bottoms is that back to what James is saying, like testing hasn't

  • freaking changed. We get a little bit better, we're still loading up consoles, no offense

  • to the cool JavaScript stuff, but we still test the browser from a console. That's crazy

  • to me. We have a platform in the cloud. What I do is I call bell bottoms on stuff

  • and that gets me unhappy looks at work all the time.

  • I say, "why are you doing it that way," and they say, "well, that's the way I'm doing

  • it," I declare bell bottoms. You can use that or I don't know.

  • So the last thing here is if you want the context of all this crap -- sorry, I said

  • crap. [ Laughter ]

  • >>Jason Arbon: I'm too honest. [ Laughter ]

  • >>Jason Arbon: Yeah. My family raised me right unfortunately.

  • So there's a book coming out, this is the cover, the working draft of the cover, I think,

  • but there's all sorts of -- there's -- we talk about how we do testing, all the unit

  • testing, all this stuff, and it talks about a lot of these experiments. It talks about

  • the origin and who was doing BITE and why they did it and how we scammed James into

  • believing we could actually do some of these things. How when he told us not to do Bots

  • we had two interns do it anyway, and right in the same office and he didn't know.

  • [ Laughter ] >>Jason Arbon: It's actually totally true,

  • James. You know that, right? So that's all in the book. It's actually kind

  • of cool. The reason this picture is here is I thought

  • about all the trees James has killed with his books in his octopublishing career, and

  • I accidentally obscured his name on the book. We're not doing questions. I'm talking -- I'm

  • talking now. They like to hear me talk. [ Laughter ]

  • >>Jason Arbon: I want to say this is all about the cloud. This is really about cloud testing.

  • We talk about cloud testing. Cloud testing doesn't involve a console. It doesn't. Call

  • me a nut bag -- and I am a little bit. But it doesn't involve a console and it doesn't

  • involve Java binaries and distribute them like a pool of machines that we have to manage

  • and stuff like that. There's the cloud. The browser is a powerful platform. We can do

  • it all on the browser end. And this is -- we're more or less kind of

  • defunded now. We've broken the team up. People are going off to other teams and projects

  • and stuff like that because things in Google change fast.

  • But these things live on. We've open sourced them. Please participate and collaborate.

  • And yeah. Maybe we can do some cool web testing in the cloud, actually finally, maybe some

  • day do cloud testing. Done. Questions?

  • [ Applause ] Any questions? I'm going to get doubters.

  • "You're crazy. Doesn't work for my application." I'll do the -- I'll question, answer them

  • real quick. "It doesn't work for my application. My application

  • is special. I do a database or I do medical equipment." This stuff is applicable.

  • >>Ibrahim El-Far: How about let people ask the questions?

  • >>Jason Arbon: But I already answered them. [ Laughter ]

  • >>> Hi. Thank you for your talk. My name is Karen, from (saying name).

  • And, basically, you say that this tool is for the cloud. What happened with some -- with

  • the systems that has to interact with desktop information and then will be uploaded to the

  • cloud? So these tools can work together? I mean,

  • because sometimes you need to have Java code to simulate that you upload the information,

  • and then you need to verify it in the cloud. >>Jason Arbon: I would say that generally

  • it's a little myopic. We're focused on the browser and kind of on the Web; right because

  • it's Google, number one; right. But like we saw earlier, just a couple hours

  • ago, right, there's NativeDriver, these same APIs, right, so if you have to do desktop

  • stuff, you can treat it the same way. We've actually done some experiments like this where

  • we actually have JavaScript code and we're kicking off local -- we have a demo extension

  • in Chrome where we can actually run the console window inside the browser. But the script

  • that drove that thing was JavaScript. And it lives in the cloud and everything like

  • that. So rather than have everything, like, based in this client world and then, like,

  • tickling the browser at the last mile, right, or the last inch, it's -- you go the other

  • way, 'cause there's so many benefits of the cloud and we're not benefiting them.

  • Call me a little bit whack, but this is starting to happen, we saw it on Android and iOS, you

  • write as stuff as if it was a Web application using these kind of technologies. And then

  • if you have to do that, you have a little tiny shim you use, like a local proxy; right?

  • Or you can write an npm API or kind of an ACL client.

  • >>Ibrahim El Far: In practice, most of this stuff is taken care of by writing a bunch

  • of wrappers on top of -- kind of services that you can talk to from your extension.

  • So this way, even if you have an existing sort of legacy system, you just try to wrap

  • our service on top of it and interact with it as if it was just in the cloud.

  • In general, it's not clean. And Jason will argue that, you know, you shouldn't necessarily

  • care about -- you need to break away from the past altogether.

  • But, for example, for the teams, as a simple example, for some teams that really are insisting

  • on using WebDriver, for whatever reason, then what we do is we generate the WebDriver code

  • for those test cases as well and then allow people to run test cases.

  • >>Jason Arbon: That's a difference we have. I think you should never do it. I think those

  • rules should never cross. I think that you should do it from the cloud to start with

  • because of all the benefits of test execution, test distribution, reporting, portability,

  • all those benefits. But the reality is if you have a legacy system

  • and on the clients or your embedded systems and legacy code, don't do this. It wouldn't

  • be cost effective. But if you have a new project --

  • >>Ibrahim El Far: It's not an either/or proposition. >>Jason Arbon: There's this contention that

  • apps are moving toward the head. So we're trying to get out a little bit ahead of the

  • curve for answering. Anyone else?

  • Yeah. >>> You guys said you had about five or ten

  • people dedicated for unit test. How is that any different from just having five or ten

  • people that you have yourself if they're dedicated --

  • >>Jason Arbon: Cool, you have paid by U Test. They're 24/7. I think they have it on their

  • propaganda material. They're available 24/7. Everyone loves to build on a Friday night.

  • Got the last final build, Friday at 6:00. The test team, stay the weekend or not? You

  • don't have to worry about that. Push it to the crowd. They have this 24/7, the sun never

  • sets on U Test. That's one thing that's interesting. It affects real-world test cycles even at

  • Google. You can say you have a remote office at Hyderabad. But they have to orchestrate

  • handoffs. The big one that we found out with Chrome

  • was that you -- you know, you can only pay and dedicated, like, five or six full-time

  • head count -- but you can only have so many fixed people and they're fixed resources whether

  • you're spending them or not and then they're sitting there. The reality is if you want

  • -- say you have a security patch, a security issue and you want to do a full test patch

  • and everyone wants to push it. What do you do? Turn the dial on the crowd and say give

  • me 100 testers in the next hour. And you can, like, parallelize -- just talking about parallelizing

  • Selenium execution, you can parallelize human execution through the crowd.

  • You get a lot of variety; right? Like the Google test engineers are kind of myopic bunch,

  • they all went through the same interview process, live in the same place, always use Gmail.

  • And people with different context and different insight, right, from their various experiences

  • and other places they've tested over their lives really comes into play. That's where

  • we saw a lot of the value coming in from the crowd source testing, was that they would

  • have different perspective. They would see bugs that if they sat with our local engineers

  • straight on, they wouldn't see it. Is that good? Because I can go on for a little

  • while, but they don't pay me. Yeah.

  • >>> (Speaker is off microphone.) >>James Whittaker: How about now? There you

  • go. >>> My name is (saying name). I'm from Netflix.

  • Great talk. A few questions. >>Jason Arbon: Can you repeat that?

  • >>> Great talk. >>Jason Arbon: Thank you. Sorry.

  • [ Laughter ] [ Applause ]

  • >>> I totally believe in the vision. The first question is, how do you test your

  • test tools to make sure they're finding the real bugs?

  • >>Jason Arbon: So we -- ironically, like everyone else does, we didn't at first to be frank.

  • We didn't test these things. Partly because it was we called it an experiment, because

  • we're lazy in testing. We got away for it in for a little while. What happened is one

  • of our developers, an SET, software engineer in test who is doing feature work said, oh,

  • crap, we pushed a bad build. Now we started the test thing. We just instituted better

  • coding practices and making sure we did exploratory testing every time we did a release. We essentially

  • dogfooded that process; right? And we used BITE to file some bugs, actually, on our own

  • system, and it was working. So it was real organic, bottoms-up. And we only really started

  • testing it -- as the grim reaper was saying earlier, is that we only test it when we need

  • to know if it's working, right when it goes -- right at the last second before it goes

  • to a customer, or a little bit after when you're embarrassed. That's when we actually

  • added testing to the tools. >>> Second question. How do you ensure that

  • your crowd source testers are not filing dupe bugs?

  • >>Ibrahim El Far: We actually -- there's a mitigation part and sort of a back-end piece

  • to this. The -- we mitigate some of this by the bug

  • overlay that you have seen earlier. Essentially, what we do is we -- just like when you're

  • driving in a street and you see this thing that says, "Your speed is 35 miles an hour"

  • in a 30 zone, you basically get to see, okay, there are bugs in this area, there are already

  • preexisting bugs. That's part of it. The other piece is we cannot own the cloud that also

  • has the issues that we track. So that's -- we haven't done this yet, but we do plan -- since

  • the format of these bugs is kind of uniform, we can pretty much do a DIFF and figure out

  • if a bug is -- already exists. >>Jason Arbon: When we did our experiments

  • with U Test, we actually gave them BITE; right? So they were filing bugs with BITE. So they

  • could actually see the existing bugs that were already filed. That's the whole purpose

  • of the overlay. And then also, U Test specifically has some PMs associated with stuff. So if

  • your team is, like, really anti-dupes and you don't have a tester on the other thing

  • that doesn't want to dedupe things. They have program manager that will filter the stuff

  • for you. You just pay them a little bit more. >>James Whittaker: Okay. I will repeat. Great

  • talk. But now, unfortunately, the time is over.

  • But so we are going into a break. These two guys are going to be here for the rest of

  • the day. They're also going to be here for the beer and brats tonight.

  • So you guys, I know you guys got a lot of questions. Go ahead and continue to ask them

  • during the break. And tonight during the beer and brats session.

  • So I do want to say that these tools -- it's kind of a Google thing to build a tool and

  • get it, you know, almost done and then just let it go. Because that's the way you find

  • out whether your tools are really interesting and useful to people, is that they'll participate

  • to continue the tool even after you stop working on it.

  • So when we changed from a test team to a dev team, we gave these tools up. We open sourced

  • them and just threw them out to Google. And the Chrome team has picked up two of them.

  • And the open source folks are picking up more, we hope, you know, Mogotest, maybe they'll

  • take the Bots stuff. >>Jason Arbon: Mogotest, no, I have to say,

  • they do a better job. >>James Whittaker: They do a better job, Jason

  • said. Anyhow, please pick these tools up from open

  • source. Go to the Google testing blog, that's where the links -- or the open source blog,

  • all the links are there and you can find them on Do some cool and interesting

  • stuff with them. We'll keep the Chrome team honest, whatever updates they make, we will

  • continue to nag them to open source those as well so that we can continue these test

  • tools. Okay. Thanks a lot, guys. We're going into

  • a break. [ Applause ]

GTAC - Day 2 Ibrahim El Far


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GTAC 2011。谷歌測試工具的最新進展 (GTAC 2011: The Latest in Google Test Tools)

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