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  • RHPC HOUSE Wednesday 11am

  • Why did you... What's that supposed to be?

  • Oh, it's a... to let you know like where we are on like a date and time.

  • But isn't it Saturday?

  • And it's night.

  • Oh.

  • Plus, that's not even our house.

  • Well, that's that's not important.

  • What is important and the reason why I called you guys over?

  • I think I finally made a breakthrough in the new case.

  • Oh, God.

  • We're doing another one of these. I should have known better.

  • What?

  • Well.. we're sitting on the couch, you're standing.

  • What are you talking about?

  • First thing you're gonna do is pull a lever or press some secret button and unveil your super secret lab.

  • They're gonna have to listen to your conspiracy theories for hours.

  • Dude. What are you talking about?

  • I was just talking about a breakthrough on this case.

  • Wait, is that my suitcase?

  • Oh yeah, forgot to tell you I had to borrow it for the pun.

  • Did you drill a hole in my suitcase?

  • Why would you do that?

  • I just told you, for the pun.

  • Yeah, because of the hole is like the breakthrough and they're cases.

  • I get it, Sean!

  • Oh, and also I needed it to gain access to my secret lab.

  • So that we can start the next crazy conspiracy theory.

  • Well...

  • What?

  • Where is your secret lab?

  • Oh, that's in the other room.

  • Then why did you have to drill a hole in my case? What was all that for?

  • Uh, to open it?

  • Oh.

  • There it is. Now we can get into the secret lab.

  • One minute later... in the other room

  • All right. As you guys can see here, been working pretty hard at this new conspiracy.

  • Proving the Earth is actually flat.

  • Cool.

  • Where did that coat come from?

  • What?

  • It doesn't matter. Are you serious?

  • Are you doing all this because of the Kyrie Irving thing?

  • Wait, who?

  • You know, Kyrie Irving. The famous basketball player that came out and said that he also believes the Earth is flat.

  • It's ridiculous.

  • See, I thought it was ridiculous too...

  • Until I did a little bit of research and found that there's actually a lot of people that believe this...

  • Yeah, and they're ridiculous too--

  • ...and I...

  • one of them now.

  • You've gotta be kidding--

  • This is a real thing, okay?

  • People actually believed that the earth is flat.

  • They are called Flat-Earthers, and

  • what they believe is that the government has actually tricked people

  • into thinking that the Earth is round from the time you were a little kid.

  • Okay. How do you explain actual satellite photos of Earth?

  • Uh... Photoshop? Editing?

  • Okay,

  • What about people who actually traveled the entire globe?

  • It's just going in circles. not around the whole thing.

  • I mean, I'm not gonna lie. This one is kind of hard to believe.

  • Exactly, why would the government want to lie about the shape of the earth?

  • See, that's exactly it.

  • They're hiding the truth from us.

  • A truth, so mind-blowing

  • that if people found out the whole world would come to an end and I am

  • THIS close to figuring it out

  • What are you doing?

  • It's cool right?

  • Got it from Spencer's

  • i love Spencers

  • [alright]

  • Let's go back to the very beginning,shall we?

  • You see in the beginning everybody thought that the earth was flat

  • But who were the first people to actually suggest that the earth was round?

  • Ancient Greek Philosophers

  • and these philosophers have discovered a ton of things that we live by

  • Well why don't we ever question them?

  • They're ancient!

  • For example ancient Greek Philosophers are the same people who have discovered

  • constellation you know the idea of connecting stars to make pictures like the big dipper or zodiac signs.

  • I'm a Leo

  • I'm uninterested

  • but if you weren't taught about this as a kid

  • And you were just looking at these pictures

  • It looks nothing like what they claim it to be

  • I mean this looks like a child's

  • connected the dots or more from art class which by the way

  • Here he should probably get an F for

  • it's nothing like a fish

  • Sorry I'll work on that

  • Look, I agree

  • Constellations don't always look like what they're supposed to be

  • but what does that have to do with anything?

  • We're talking about planet, not stars

  • That's exactly it

  • What if it's both?

  • See our solar system is made up of one gigantic star and a bunch of planets orbiting around it

  • Kay?

  • What if each of these planets are actually just points in one big constellation

  • See there's always been rumors and questions by people including scientist that believe

  • that if at any point all the planets align the world will come to an end.

  • That's the constellation they're trying to hide from us

  • I call it


  • WHAT?!

  • Sun Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune

  • That's the new zodiac sign of Modern-day human

  • How is that supposed to be human being? it's a straight line

  • Looks like a somebody passed art class, right?

  • haha, i failed.

  • What does this have to do with proving that the Earth is flat, at all?

  • alright

  • Let me point out the obvious for you

  • What's the two most vital things that humans need to survive?

  • I don't know.. your brain?

  • yup

  • and?

  • your heart?

  • Exactly, you're brain and your heart are the two most important things you need to live.

  • Just like the two most important things that humans need to live in our solar system is the Earth and the Sun

  • located exactly where they should be in a constellation

  • The Sun powers everything in our solar system

  • Just like our brain does and yet we can't survive without the Earth

  • Which is literally an anagram for hard if you just move the h at the front

  • okay?

  • But what about the others? How to hell does Mercury represent the face?

  • actually it represents your mouth

  • What?

  • The Sun is the head as we all know the Sun gives an incredible amount of heat?

  • And we your head is feeling extremely hot,what does that mean?

  • you're sick?

  • precisely and when you're sick you go and get a thermometer

  • and put it where? in your mouth

  • thermometers are made of mercury

  • exactly remember this constellation wasn't created today

  • It was created a very long time ago and back in the day

  • you didn't just stick a thermometer in your mouth to check your temperature

  • really? where else would you stick it in?

  • In your anus! It couldn't be more obvious

  • Uranus is literally SMVEMJSUN's Anus which means that if mercury is the mouth and your anus is Uranus

  • then we can figure out everything in between by looking at a regular human body

  • What is below the mouth?

  • What about the heart? your throat or your neck? That's Venus!

  • and since saturn is right above your anus that must be your hips or your butt

  • which should explain why it has that big hulahop around it's body, right?

  • We go back up to mars which again is just another anagram for arms pretty self-explanatory

  • And neptune is just basically everything below Uranus

  • So it has to be your legs as for Jupiter I'm not quite sure I mean obviously

  • it's the stomach because it's between the heart and the hip area since Jupiter's the biggest of them all there's a little more to it

  • It's not just a normal stomach

  • they're saying that it's a huge stomach

  • What?

  • A huge stomach meaning that the SMVEMJSUN has something to do with the process of eating

  • Really?

  • I mean why else would they make the stomach that big?

  • and when you really look at it

  • It does just look like a digestive track

  • Alright so what about Pluto then hm?Pluto used to be considered a planet?

  • But now it isn't. So what is that like he's toe or something and it somehow

  • disappeared?

  • Wait a second.. it did disappear! Pluto wasn't actually attached to the body

  • But it represents the most human-like characteristics that leads us to our next step.

  • What are you talking about?

  • Yeah uhm i'm not too sure either

  • Pluto,is the fart!

  • ...

  • it went into Mercury down Venus passing Earth and Mars digesting Jupiter preparing for takeoff from Saturn

  • and BOOM right off your anus flying past neptune it off to the space for what?

  • Disappeared

  • Do you really expect anyone to believe this?

  • I believe it

  • I mean there's literally a picture right in front of you

  • Don't you see it?

  • It's a line.

  • Well like I said earlier. Did you get an F in art class?

  • NO

  • Well, then you don't have the eye of a Greek philosopher, so you can't see it

  • probably just like how you didn't see that having an F in art literally spells up fart

  • It does say fart

  • I can't believe you're resorting to fart jokes.

  • This isn't a joke.What don't you understand?

  • I understand a lot of things like facts and science..

  • Okay. You want facts and science. I'll prove it to you

  • You already know that a fart is simply gas that comes from your anus.

  • Uranus has 27 moons. The third most in our solar system

  • Why else do you think that when you expose your butt to someone

  • it's called mooning them?

  • See? you did it right there. Why are you talking about your anus when it has the third most moons.

  • Why don't you talk about Jupiter or Saturn?

  • Like you asked,there's a reason why Uranus is right number three for the most moons.

  • It all comes back to the biggest and gassiest thing in our solar system;

  • The Sun. you see the Sun is literally a gigantic ball of burning gas made

  • up of mostly Hydrogen,Helium and a bunch of other random elements

  • such as Carbon,Nitrogen and Oxygen.

  • When you add the atomic number of each of these elements

  • you end up with 24 3 sure the number of moons that Uranus has and what was Uranus ranked on the list of

  • planets with the most moons? That's right. 3

  • bringing us to 27, the exact number of moons that Uranus has

  • So we know that Uranus is connected to the sun. That's not the only one.

  • You see if you write all the planets backwards

  • There's only two planets that are connected to the sun Uranus as we already know and one more


  • But why Venus out of all the planets? Why not Mars? We all know the saying "men are from Mars and women are from Venus"

  • because mars or men have always been their way to distract us from the truth which lies with women or more specifically,Venus

  • Think about it. Why is the Sun called the Sun and not the daughter?

  • Yeah?

  • Why do we call the beginning of the week Sunday?

  • Oh! Why is it called son of a bitch, but not daughter of a bitc-

  • Oh you can be saying that on this channel?

  • This is the family channel.

  • Why not? They say it on TV all the time.

  • Yeah but they don't say on like Dora The Explorer.

  • son of a bitch

  • Wait wait. Are we allowed to say this now?

  • You see, "bitch" by definition actually means female dog

  • Actually no, I was thinking about--

  • Yes, you did. Because if not, we have to cut this part out.

  • But males are just called dogs

  • So doesn't that make you wonder why you would even call a female dog a bitch?

  • No

  • exactly

  • It's very intriguing.

  • You've heard of alpha male before right? You know, the one that leads the pack?

  • Yeah Beta is one that's followed

  • What about it?

  • That's just like everything else in our world. Betas gravitate towards Alphas. Not just with the dogs or with humans

  • but our planets. The Moon orbits the Earth and the Earth orbits the Sun. It's all about Alpha and Beta. A and B

  • before you go on. Please,

  • Can we at least take the sign down? It's a little offensive.

  • What? The bitch sign?

  • Can you not--

  • No, no it's not a bitch, remember?

  • Because the A is Alpha and the B is Beta so B gravitates towards the A and making


  • There's the proof.

  • What?

  • Abs are obviously referring to your stomach and an itch is just discomfort so its stomach discomfort

  • Oh-kaay?

  • But, remember. There's a reason why they're distinguishing between men and women which is the last step to proving my theory.

  • Thank God, get this over with.

  • I can't wait

  • Stomach discomfort -specifically for a woman and only a woman can only mean one thing;

  • Pregnancy! The creation of life!

  • However, because men can't get pregnant

  • The only thing that the stomach can suffer from men could possibly mean is

  • something we already know

  • Its a fart!

  • Farts are the babies of men!

  • Cuz women don't fart, right?

  • Not that i know of...

  • Again -for the millionth time, how does a fart

  • Prove [that] the Earth is flat?

  • look

  • It's simple. Giving birth is the creation of life to a human being.

  • But a fart is much much bigger than that.

  • Flat-eathers were right all along. The earth is flat

  • But that's not the only thing. The sun, of all the other planets everything in our entire solar system the entire universe is Alpha.

  • Because it's all FLATULENCE


  • Can you stop doing that?

  • What?

  • I'm not letting it end like this. You're not getting away with this one.

  • Getting away with it? I just proved it .The Earth is flat, it's flatulence.

  • Flatulence means farting. Don't worry

  • I had to look it up too on Google

  • I get it Sean!

  • Then what are you confused about? It all adds up.

  • The Big Bang

  • What is the fart made of? Gas

  • Just like the sun!

  • Yeah, but see that's the sun and we're talking about the earth

  • and the Earth isn't made of gas, it's a solid

  • which negates all of your logic and props to you for doing all of this,

  • but that does not prove that the earth is flat

  • it is true

  • I guess that means the earth isn't a fart.

  • Thank you

  • Cuz It's a solid form.

  • WHAT? A solid form?! What does that mean?

  • The Earth is shit.

RHPC HOUSE Wednesday 11am


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B1 中級 美國腔

證明地球是平的! (Proving The Earth Is Flat!)

  • 126 11
    Francisco 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日