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hello and welcome to English like a
my name is Anna and today is number
twelve of 25 bite-sized lessons which
I'm doing especially for you because
it's Christmas
so today's lesson is all about the word
floor now
very simply the floor is comforting you
are standing on its the lower level of a
room so today I'm on a hard floor not a
carpeted floor but we can also use floor
to refer to the level in a building so
at the moment i'm on the ground floor
I didn't have to walk any steps to be in
this room
this is the lower level if i go up one
set of stairs to the next level I'll be
on the first floor if i go up another
set i'll be on the second floor and so
on if I got into a fight and someone
punched me and I fell to the floor
probably unconscious then that person
floored me he floored me with his right
that's my left a flawed me with his left
we could also use the word floored to
mean completely baffled
so if I ask you a really random question
that confuses you and battles you then
we could say my question floored you if
you're in a public environment and
someone says please take the floor or
you have the floor
that means all eyes are on you and you
now have everybody's attention so you'll
hear dancers being told to take the
floor other rather than or a lawyer
might take the floor to deliver his
closing argument in a trial we can also
use the phrase wipe the floor with to
wipe the floor with someone means that
you've outperformed them you've done
better than may have it can be referring
to something physical or something
intellectual so if i was in a
competition for example and I was so
much better than everybody else you
could say I wiped the floor with my
competition if I was in a boxing match
and I literally knocked out my opponents
I wiped the floor with my opponent
because i was so good so there you go
another English lesson learned
so soon you'll be able to wipe the floor
with even the natives because you'll
know more english grammar and vocabulary
than anybody else you will floor me with
your knowledge i may have to have a lie
down on the floor right now
well I hope you found that helpful don't
forget we still have 13 more lessons to
go the last one will be on Christmas Day
now if you did enjoy this please do
press the big red subscribe button and
why not share it with your friends if
you have any comments or suggestions of
words you would like me to cover then do
put in the comments box below and I will
try my best to fit it all in before
christmas day
all right take care and goodbye