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  • oh hello, welcome to English Like a

  • Native.

  • My name is Anna, and today we're talking

  • about transport etiquette.

  • Now before we start, if you prefer to

  • watch these videos with subtitles

  • then all you have to do is press the

  • little CC button which is down in the

  • right-hand corner of this video. I think.

  • Somewhere at the bottom a little CC

  • button, press that and the subtitles will

  • appear. So if you're using public

  • transport to get around in the UK then

  • there's a certain etiquette that you

  • should be following; a set of rules that

  • will ensure you don't get into any

  • trouble, or offend anybody, because let's

  • be honest

  • during rush hour we can all get a little

  • bit impatient. So before you even get on

  • a train or a bus there are a few things

  • you should be aware of.

  • Firstly, beware the rucksack. If you're

  • the kind of person to walk around with a

  • huge rucksack then have some spatial

  • awareness. Be aware of the people that

  • you're, potentially knocking out every

  • time you turn around.

  • it's probably best to take the rucksack

  • off if you're in a busy carriage on a

  • train, or if you're on a bus and there's

  • lots of other people. Now if you're

  • visiting London and you're planning on

  • using the underground we have a rule

  • about standing on the right of the

  • escalator. So as you're going up or down

  • the escalators if you're just going to

  • stand you must be on the right hand side;

  • and if you want to stand on the left

  • then you should use that to continue

  • walking, otherwise people will get quite

  • cross if they're in a hurry and they

  • want to get passed you.

  • Now once you reach the platform or bus

  • stop and your vehicle arrives the polite

  • thing to do is to stand aside, away from

  • the doors and allow those people who

  • want to get off to disembark. Then you're

  • free to get on without any troubles. So

  • remember when the vehicle arrives

  • stop-and-wait. Once it's clear then get

  • on, otherwise you might come across as

  • rude if you push on. If the train or bus

  • is really busy and you're struggling to

  • get on then you could ask everybody to

  • move down, but don't forget we're British.

  • We have to use manners.

  • It's always polite to say 'please', "Could

  • you move down please?"

  • Which is also something to bear in mind

  • if you are already on the train or bus

  • and you can see someone struggling to

  • get in then you should also move down.

  • Now you've boarded, you're walking down the

  • carriage, you spot a seat

  • that's free, you make a beeline, beeline

  • means a direct movement towards

  • something. So you make a beeline for that

  • seat and you have to check first that

  • nobody is sitting there. So if this seat

  • was free but someone's here

  • maybe they have their paper on the chair

  • or their bag then the best thing to do

  • is to ask them

  • excuse me do you mind if I sit there or

  • excuse me

  • is anybody sitting here and usually

  • they'll say no it's fine

  • they move their bag or their paper and

  • let you sit down. Now once you're on your

  • journey one thing to be very careful of

  • is eye contact. We do not like making eye

  • contact on public transport.

  • So you have to do everything you can to

  • avoid making eye contact with another

  • person and if you happen to make eye

  • contact then keep it brief.

  • Maybe a little smile and look away. Never

  • stare or hold someone's eye contact for

  • too long

  • it makes us very uncomfortable. Let's

  • talk about food. Now if you're planning

  • to eat on public transport then do avoid

  • really smelly and offensive food like

  • boiled eggs for example, or kippers. It's

  • really not pleasant

  • if someone opens up

  • their very smelly food in a packed

  • carriage of a train;

  • perhaps someone else isn't feeling very

  • well or they don't like the smell,

  • yeah so avoid smelly foods. Then of

  • course there's the obvious etiquette, if

  • you are eating and drinking don't do it

  • loudly, keep your mouth closed when

  • you're eating. You're not a camel. And now

  • you know the basic etiquette of using

  • public transport in the UK. Follow these

  • rules and you will be ok. if you enjoyed

  • this video then don't forget to give it

  • a thumbs up and do subscribe to this

  • channel if you haven't already. Now if

  • you are an English language learner then

  • why not join our community

  • and

  • if having a british accent is important

  • to you then why not check out our

  • courses at Finally all

  • that's left to say is do follow us on

  • social media where I do lots of Facebook

  • live videos, set quiz questions, and keep

  • you up-to-date with everything that's

  • going on. I hope to see you again here

oh hello, welcome to English Like a


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A2 初級

使用公共交通工具:英式禮儀 (Using PUBLIC TRANSPORT: British Etiquette)

  • 256 37
    wendy 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日