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  • what time do you call this?

  • well? have you completely forgotten what

  • day it is?

  • it's our anniversary Mike. our

  • anniversary the one day this month that

  • I asked you to be home on time so that

  • we could go on a date but obviously I

  • was asking too much. is that booze that I

  • can smell on you? have you been drinking?

  • do you think I was born yesterday?

  • I'm not stupid/ you're stinking of booze

  • so don't try and tell me that you were

  • working late

  • you've obviously been out drinking

  • probably with those idiotic friends of

  • yours or maybe not, maybe you've been

  • drinking with somebody else maybe you've

  • been seeing someone behind my back.

  • well? have you got nothing to say for

  • yourself?

  • no explanation? not even an apology?

  • well if you can't even talk to me Mike

  • then...then you know what? I'm done! had

  • enough of this.

  • have a nice life. i'm not angry really

  • come back come back and hello everybody

  • my name is Anna from English like a native

  • and that was a dramatic monologue so I

  • was playing the angry girlfriend

  • imagining that the boyfriend had come

  • home very late stinking of booze when

  • they had arranged to go on a date for

  • their anniversary

  • so let's go back and look at some of

  • those sections again so she started off

  • saying what time do you call this? This

  • is the phrase we use regularly to mean

  • you're late

  • what time do you call this it will

  • either be said in anger

  • or sarcastically if you don't mind that

  • someone's late you might joke about and

  • say

  • she then says have you completely

  • forgotten what day it is? she doesn't mean

  • have you forgotten what day of the week

  • it is

  • I'm sure he knows whether it's monday

  • tuesday wednesday thursday friday

  • saturday or sunday but she's asking does

  • he not remember why today is special

  • because it's an anniversary

  • has he forgotten that today is an

  • anniversary. in relationships in the UK

  • we tend to celebrate anniversaries for

  • not only weddings but also for when we

  • got together with our boyfriends or

  • girlfriends so if you've been dating

  • somebody for one year you'll have a

  • one-year anniversary

  • she also said i was asking too much

  • we use this phrase a lot sometimes posed as

  • a question am I asking too much? is this

  • beyond what you are able to give me

  • we also heard the phrase i wasn't born

  • yesterday

  • this means I'm not naive or I'm not

  • stupid

  • if you are born yesterday of course you

  • would be very young and you wouldn't

  • understand what was going on so she's

  • saying look I'm not stupid i wasn't born

  • yesterday she also questioned whether

  • he's been seeing someone else behind her

  • back

  • now of course he is seeing people

  • everyday so of course he's seeing other

  • people but to be seeing someone else

  • means to be meeting up with someone or

  • dating someone outside of your committed

  • relationship

  • so if you're married you might be having

  • an affair which could also be referred

  • to as seeing someone else and we say

  • seeing someone else behind my back or

  • behind their back to be doing it

  • secretly without that person knowing i

  • hope that you aren't seeing someone else

  • behind my back she asked him do you have

  • nothing to say for yourself

  • we use this phrase a lot too. have you

  • anything to say for yourself it will

  • usually be said by someone angry

  • what have you got to say for yourself

  • this just means what is your explanation

  • or don't you have an explanation

  • don't you have anything to say for

  • yourself and then she says I'm done

  • she basically means i'm finished the

  • relationship is finished I don't want to

  • do this anymore i'm done it's over

  • good and with that I am done and it is

  • over and it's time to say goodbye i hope

  • you found that helpful

  • I thought it might be a little bit

  • different for you and if you did like it

  • then do give it a thumbs up so I know

  • you enjoyed this type of video and leave

  • your comments in the comments box below

  • tell me what scenario you would like me

  • to cover in the future and don't forget

  • to press the big red subscribe button

  • and share it with your friends if you

  • enjoy it otherwise take care and see you

  • soon...Bye!

what time do you call this?


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A2 初級

憤怒的女友--學習英國英語。 (The Angry Girlfriend -- LEARN BRITISH ENGLISH)

  • 153 22
    wendy 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日